42 research outputs found


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    This dissertation presents the development of an integrated electromagnetic micro-turbo-generator supported on encapsulated microball bearings for electromechanical power conversion in MEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems) scale. The device is composed of a silicon turbine rotor with magnetic materials that is supported by microballs over a stator with planar, multi-turn, three-phase copper coils. The micro-turbo-generator design exhibits a novel integration of three key technologies and components, namely encapsulated microball bearings, incorporated thick magnetic materials, and wafer-thick stator coils. Encapsulated microball bearings provide a robust supporting mechanism that enables a simple operation and actuation scheme with high mechanical stability. The integration of thick magnetic materials allows for a high magnetic flux density within the stator. The wafer-thick coil design optimizes the flux linkage and decreases the internal impedance of the stator for a higher output power. Geometrical design and device parameters are optimized based on theoretical analysis and finite element simulations. A microfabrication process flow was designed using 15 optical masks and 110 process steps to fabricate the micro-turbo-generators, which demonstrates the complexity in device manufacturing. Two 10 pole devices with 2 and 3 turns per pole were fabricated. Single phase resistances of 46Ω and 220Ω were measured for the two stators, respectively. The device was actuated using pressurized nitrogen flowing through a silicon plumbing layer. A test setup was built to simultaneously measure the gas flow rate, pressure, rotor speed, and output voltage and power. Friction torques in the range of 5.5-33µNm were measured over a speed range of 0-16krpm (kilo rotations per minute) within the microball bearings using spin-down testing methodology. A maximum per-phase sinusoidal open circuit voltage of 0.1V was measured at 23krpm, and a maximum per-phase AC power of 10µW was delivered on a matched load at 10krpm, which are in full-agreement with the estimations based on theoretical analysis and simulations. The micro-turbo-generator presented in this work is capable of converting gas flow into electricity, and can potentially be coupled to a same-scale combustion engine to convert high-density hydrocarbon energy into electrical power to realize a high-density power source for portable electronic systems

    Planar-type silicon thermoelectric generator with phononic nanostructures for 100 {\mu}W energy harvesting

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    Energy harvesting is essential for the internet-of-things networks where a tremendous number of sensors require power. Thermoelectric generators (TEGs), especially those based on silicon (Si), are a promising source of clean and sustainable energy for these sensors. However, the reported performance of planar-type Si TEGs never exceeded power factors of 0.1 μWcm2K2{\mu} Wcm^{-2} K^{-2} due to the poor thermoelectric performance of Si and the suboptimal design of the devices. Here, we report a planar-type Si TEG with a power factor of 1.3 μWcm2K2{\mu} Wcm^{-2} K^{-2} around room temperature. The increase in thermoelectric performance of Si by nanostructuring based on the phonon-glass electron-crystal concept and optimized three-dimensional heat-guiding structures resulted in a significant power factor. In-field testing demonstrated that our Si TEG functions as a 100-μW{\mu}W-class harvester. This result is an essential step toward energy harvesting with a low-environmental load and cost-effective material with high throughput, a necessary condition for energy-autonomous sensor nodes for the trillion sensors universe

    Thermoelectric power generation enhancement of microfabricated metal-based planar thermopiles through geometrical and device structure optimizations

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    Thermoelectricity converts heat energy into electricity through a simple mechanism, in which a potential difference is generated due to the temperature difference between the hot and cold contact electrodes (AT) of coupled thermoelements. There are many types of thermoelements used in developing thermoelectric generators. However, metal thermoelements offer cheaper solutions, easier fabrication processes, and can produce substantial electricity at smaller AT. The strong correlations of electrical and thermal conductivities in metal thermoelements have resulted in lower Seebeck coefficients along with reduced thermoelectric power-generating performances. Alternatively, a thermoleg cross-sectional area (A ) optimization approach may optimize these disruptive correlations and improve their powergenerating effectiveness. A sandwiched planar structure can also allow more thermopiles to be integrated without affecting the generator’s size. In this study, thermoelectric devices based on a flexible copper (Cu)-clad polyimide substrate with simpler fabrications using Cu, nickel (Ni), and cobalt (Co) metal thermoelements were explored. Planar and lateral device structures may assist in generating larger A T and output power through their longer thermoleg length (l) and larger A . Thus, for the first time, Cu thermoleg-based generators were built on planar and lateral structures, and Co was introduced and implemented in this study too. This study also investigated the roles of previously unexplored geometrical structures such as the l and thermoleg width. Hereby, a sandwiched planar Cu/Co device was optimized by increasing the thermoleg thickness (t) of Co by 3.86 times the t of Cu, and this generator showed improvement factors of 23.5 and 40.2 times than the earlier-fabricated non-optimized Cu/Co and Cu/Ni generators, respectively. Promisingly, the A optimized sandwiched planar and lateral thick film device structures were found to be very compatible and favorable for metal-based thermoelectric generators

    Thick-Film and LTCC Passive Components for High-Temperature Electronics

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    At this very moment an increasing interest in the field of high-temperature electronics is observed. This is a result of development in the area of wide-band semiconductors’ engineering but this also generates needs for passives with appropriate characteristics. This paper presents fabrication as well as electrical and stability properties of passive components (resistors, capacitors, inductors) made in thick-film or Low-Temperature Co-fired Ceramics (LTCC) technologies fulfilling demands of high-temperature electronics. Passives with standard dimensions usually are prepared by screen-printing whereas combination of standard screen-printing with photolithography or laser shaping are recommenced for fabrication of micropassives. Attainment of proper characteristics versus temperature as well as satisfactory long-term high-temperature stability of micropassives is more difficult than for structures with typical dimensions for thick-film and LTCC technologies because of increase of interfacial processes’ importance. However it is shown that proper selection of thick-film inks together with proper deposition method permit to prepare thick-film micropassives (microresistors, air-cored microinductors and interdigital microcapacitors) suitable for the temperature range between 150°C and 400°C

    The Seebeck coefficient of sputter deposited metallic thin films : the role of process conditions

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    Because of their reduced dimensions and mass, thin film thermocouples are a promising candidate for embedded sensors in composite materials, especially for application in lightweight and smart structures. The sensitivity of the thin film thermocouple depends however on the process conditions during deposition. In this work, the influence of the discharge current and residual gas impurities on the Seebeck coefficient is experimentally investigated for sputter deposited copper and constantan thin films. The influence of the layer thickness on the film Seebeck coefficient is also discussed. Our observations indicate that both a decreasing discharge current or an increasing background pressure results in a growing deviation of the film Seebeck coefficient compared to its bulk value. Variations in discharge current or background pressure are linked as they both induce a variation in the ratio between the impurity flux to metal flux towards the growing film. This latter parameter is considered a quantitative measure for the background residual gas incorporation in the film and is known to act as a grain refiner. The observed results emphasize the importance of the domain size on the Seebeck coefficient of metallic thin films

    Electromagnetic micropower generation - system design and analyses

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    There has been a huge reduction in size and power consumption of MEMS devices like transducers and sensors. These devices are usually designed to run on batteries. The limited lifespan of batteries may induce costly maintenance, in the case of contaminated areas for instance. That led to a surge of research in the area of energy harvesting. Sustainable power generation may be achieved in converting ambient energy into electrical energy. Since mechanical vibrations exist in most systems, many works focused on vibration-driven generators. In this field, the electromagnetic induction is well suited for the mechanical to electrical energy conversion. The design of the mechanical system that transmits the surrounding vibratory energy to the electromagnetic generator is a critical importance. This thesis presents an optimization of an electromagnetic microgenerator. It describes the theory, design and simulation of an energy converter based on electromagnetic induction. The objectives of this research are designing, improving the performance and operational reliability of electromagnetic microgenerator. These have been achieved by identifying the desirable design features of the electromagnetic microgenerator. Extensive analytical investigation has been conducted to develop an efficient design of an electromagnetic microgenerator. An analytical model is developed. Numerical analyses using Mat Lab software investigate the optimum design parameters to get maximum power output. This thesis deals with the design and simulation of a number of flat springs to be used for supporting the moving magnet of an electromagnetic microgenerator. The flat spring and moving magnet are equivalent to a basic spring-mass system, in which the moving magnet is attached to a platform suspended by four beams. These flat springs were designed by modelling and finite element method simulation using ANSYS 5.7. A series of structural and vibration analyses were carried out using ANSYS to evaluate the flat spring characteristics and to choose the desirable mode of vibration. Finite element method is also used for the analysis, evaluation and optimization of the electromagnetic design of the electromagnetic microgenerator. The objectives behind this analysis are to characterize the permanent magnet and to investigate the optimum position of the coil relative to the magnet. Output power is estimated using the ANSYS simulation results of the magnetic field induced on the coil. It is also found that the magnetic field of the permanent magnet in the vertical direction is higher in magnitude than the magnetic field in the horizontal direction. Estimated power was calculated for different distance between the coil and the permanent magnet. The methodology and findings in this research provided a number of contributing elements to the field of MEMS power generation, and provided an insight into the development of an electromagnetic microgenerator. This thesis is concluded with a discussion on the performance of the proposed electromagnetic microgenerator and suggestions for further research

    Nanostructured nickel-zinc microbatteries using the Tobacco Mosaic Virus

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    The development of nanostructured nickel electrodes using the Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) for microbattery applications is presented in this Thesis. The TMV is a high aspect ratio cylindrical plant virus that can be used as a template to increase reactive surface area in MEMS-fabricated batteries. Genetically modifying the virus to display multiple binding sites allows for nickel metallization and self-assembly onto various substrates. In this work, the TMV biofabrication technique has been integrated into standard MEMS fabrication processes and novel nickel-zinc microbatteries have been developed using this technology. The nanostructured batteries exhibited appropriate charge-discharge response for up to thirty cycles of operation and demonstrated a six-fold increase in capacity compared to devices with planar electrode geometries. These results, combined with the simplicity and compatibility of the TMV assembly with various MEMS processes, make this approach promising for the development of compact, high-performance small-scale energy conversion devices

    Preparation and caracterization of thermoelectric materials

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    This work presents a complete study of thermoelectric materials. It starts with a study of a Solar Concentrator and the development of a Genetic Algorithm and Cross-Entropy for analyzing experimental data. Contains a study on thermoelectric devices, from a new experimental setup. It also counts on the development and manufacture of an entire equipment for measuring thermoelectric materials, both bulks and thin films. It ends with the preparation of a specific thermoelectric material, the MoS2, and the use of all the apparatus previously developed for its study

    Integration of Si/Si-Ge nanostructures in micro-thermoelectric generators

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    [eng] Silicon and silicon-germanium nanostructures were grown, integrated, optimized and characterized for their application in thermoelectric generation. Specifically two kinds of nanostructures were worked: silicon and silicon-germanium nanowire arrays (Si/Si-Ge NW) and polycrystalline silicon nanotube fabrics (pSi NT). The results are dived in four chapters. Chapters 3, 4 and 5 deal with Si/Si-Ge NWs, while chapter 6 presents the pSi NT fabrics. In Chapter 3 the growth and integration of Si/Si-Ge NWs was studied, in order to optimize their properties for thermoelectric application in micro-thermoelectric generators (µTEG). First, the methods for depositing gold nanoparticles prior to NW growth were studied. Second, the growth of NWs from the gold nanoparticles in a Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) process was comprehensively studied and optimized for subsequent integration of NWs in µTEGs, both of Si and Si-Ge. All important properties – NW length, diameter, density, doping and alignment – could be controlled by tuning the seeding gold nanoparticles and the process conditions, namely temperature, pressure, flows of reactants and growth time. Finally, integration was demonstrated in micro-structures for thermoelectric generation and characterization. The optimization process yielded to fully integrated thermoelectric Si/Si-Ge NW arrays with diameters and densities of ~100 nm and 5 NW/µm2 respectively. In Chapter 4 the Si NWs were thermoelectrically characterized. The Seebeck coefficient, electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity of arrays and single Si-NWs were measured in microstructures devoted to characterization comprising NWs integrated as in final µTEG application. Additionally a novel atomic force microscope based method for determination of thermal conductivity was explored. Then the results were discussed comparing them with existing literature. A ZT of 0.022 was found at room temperature, revealing an improvement of factor 2-3 with respect to bulk. In Chapter 5 The harvesting capabilities of µTEGs with integrated Si/Si-Ge NWs was assessed. The thermal gradient and the power of the µTEGs was assessed for two generation of devices and for two thermoelectric materials, namely Si and Si-Ge NWs, which were integrated for the first time in functional generators. Also a study on heat sinking and convection effects was conducted adding insight towards further device improvement. Finally, the results were discussed and compared with literature. The maximum power densities attained were 4.5 µW/cm2 for the Si NWs and 4.9 µW/cm2 for the Si-Ge NWs while harvesting over surfaces at 350 ºC. Chapter 6 deals with pSi NT fibers. First this new material concept and the growth route are presented, showing the fabrication steps and the control of the resulting properties by CVD method. Then the material is thermoelectrically characterized, by measuring its Seebeck coefficient and electrical and thermal conductivities up to 450 ºC. A ZT of 0.12 was found, doubling the optimally doped bulk at this temperature. Finally a proof of concept was demonstrated by assessing the thermal harvesting capabilities of the material on top of hot surfaces. A maximum of 3.5 mW/cm2 was attained at 650 ºC.[spa] Los materiales termoeléctricos permiten la conversión de calor a electricidad y viceversa. Esto permite explotar el efecto termoeléctrico en generadores termoeléctricos, capaces de extraer energía térmica de fuentes calientes y convertirla a electricidad útil. Estos generadores presentan grandes ventajas, como su falta de piezas móviles – y por ende necesidad de mantenimiento alguna – y su total escalabilidad, que permite cambiar su tamaño sin afectar su rendimiento. Esto los hace obvios candidatos para la alimentación y carga de dispositivos portátiles y situados lugares de difícil acceso. A pesar de ello, su uso no está muy extendido debido a que su relación eficiencia-coste es baja en comparación a otros métodos capaces de suplir las funciones de alimentación – como la sustitución periódica de baterías – o de conversión térmica-eléctrica – como las turbinas de vapor. Los materiales termoeléctricos suelen ser o eficientes y caros (como el Bi2Te3 usado en los módulos comerciales) o ineficientes y de bajo coste (como el silicio, barato por su abundancia ya que supone un 28% de la corteza terrestre). En este trabajo se han crecido nanostructuras de silicio y silicio-germano, con dimensiones en el orden de los 100 nm. Los nanomateriales presentan propiedades termoeléctricas mejoradas respecto a sus contrapartes macroscópicas. Gracias a la nanoestructuración pues, se ha abordado del problema de eficiencia-coste por dos vertientes: • En el caso del silicio – normalmente un mal termoeléctrico debido a su alta conductividad térmica – se ha habilitado su uso como termoeléctrico al crecerlo en forma de nanohilos cristalinos y nanotubos de silicio policristalino. • En el caso de silicio-germano – que ya es un buen termoeléctrico para uso en altas temperaturas – se ha aumentado su eficiencia aún más, creciéndolo en forma de nanohilos. Yendo más allá de la síntesis, los nanohilos de silicio/silicio-germano se han optimizado, caracterizado en integrado en gran número micro-generadores termoeléctricos de 1 mm2 de superficie, pensados para la alimentación de pequeños dispositivos y circuitos integrados. Respecto a los nanotubos de Si, estos se han obtenido en densas fibras macroscópicas aptas para su aplicación directa como generadores termoeléctricos de gran área. Cabe mencionar que ambos nanomateriales – así como los microgeneradores basados en nanohilos – fueron obtenidos mediante técnicas actualmente utilizadas para la fabricación de circuitos integrados, pensando en la escalabilidad del proceso para su aplicación. El trabajo presentado en esta tesis consiste en el crecimiento, optimización, estudio e integración de nanostructuras de Si/Si-Ge para su aplicación en generación termoeléctrica. En los Capítulos 1 y 2 se pone un marco a los materiales tratados y su aplicación y se describen los métodos utilizados, respectivamente. Los resultados se han dividido en cuatro capítulos. En los Capítulos 3, 4 y 5 se tratan los nanohilos abordando su crecimiento, caracterización y aplicación en microgeneradores, respectivamente. En el Capítulo 6 se tratan las fibras de nanotubos, integrando todo el estudio en el mismo capítulo. Finalmente en el Capítulo 7 se muestran las conclusiones, resumiendo los resultados e indicando la relevancia del trabajo

    Integrated Powder-Based Thick Films for Thermoelectric, Pyroelectric, and Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Devices

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