137 research outputs found

    MissMax: Alignment-free sequence comparison with mismatches through filtering and heuristics

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    BACKGROUND: Measuring sequence similarity is central for many problems in bioinformatics. In several contexts alignment-free techniques based on exact occurrences of substrings are faster, but also less accurate, than alignment-based approaches. Recently, several studies attempted to bridge the accuracy gap with the introduction of approximate matches in the definition of composition-based similarity measures. RESULTS: In this work we present MissMax, an exact algorithm for the computation of the longest common substring with mismatches between each suffix of a sequence x and a sequence y. This collection of statistics is useful for the computation of two similarity measures: the longest and the average common substring with k mismatches. As a further contribution we provide a “relaxed” version of MissMax that does not guarantee the exact solution, but it is faster in practice and still very precise

    Pattern-based phylogenetic distance estimation and tree reconstruction

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    We have developed an alignment-free method that calculates phylogenetic distances using a maximum likelihood approach for a model of sequence change on patterns that are discovered in unaligned sequences. To evaluate the phylogenetic accuracy of our method, and to conduct a comprehensive comparison of existing alignment-free methods (freely available as Python package decaf+py at http://www.bioinformatics.org.au), we have created a dataset of reference trees covering a wide range of phylogenetic distances. Amino acid sequences were evolved along the trees and input to the tested methods; from their calculated distances we infered trees whose topologies we compared to the reference trees. We find our pattern-based method statistically superior to all other tested alignment-free methods on this dataset. We also demonstrate the general advantage of alignment-free methods over an approach based on automated alignments when sequences violate the assumption of collinearity. Similarly, we compare methods on empirical data from an existing alignment benchmark set that we used to derive reference distances and trees. Our pattern-based approach yields distances that show a linear relationship to reference distances over a substantially longer range than other alignment-free methods. The pattern-based approach outperforms alignment-free methods and its phylogenetic accuracy is statistically indistinguishable from alignment-based distances.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    RasBhari: optimizing spaced seeds for database searching, read mapping and alignment-free sequence comparison

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    Many algorithms for sequence analysis rely on word matching or word statistics. Often, these approaches can be improved if binary patterns representing match and don't-care positions are used as a filter, such that only those positions of words are considered that correspond to the match positions of the patterns. The performance of these approaches, however, depends on the underlying patterns. Herein, we show that the overlap complexity of a pattern set that was introduced by Ilie and Ilie is closely related to the variance of the number of matches between two evolutionarily related sequences with respect to this pattern set. We propose a modified hill-climbing algorithm to optimize pattern sets for database searching, read mapping and alignment-free sequence comparison of nucleic-acid sequences; our implementation of this algorithm is called rasbhari. Depending on the application at hand, rasbhari can either minimize the overlap complexity of pattern sets, maximize their sensitivity in database searching or minimize the variance of the number of pattern-based matches in alignment-free sequence comparison. We show that, for database searching, rasbhari generates pattern sets with slightly higher sensitivity than existing approaches. In our Spaced Words approach to alignment-free sequence comparison, pattern sets calculated with rasbhari led to more accurate estimates of phylogenetic distances than the randomly generated pattern sets that we previously used. Finally, we used rasbhari to generate patterns for short read classification with CLARK-S. Here too, the sensitivity of the results could be improved, compared to the default patterns of the program. We integrated rasbhari into Spaced Words; the source code of rasbhari is freely available at http://rasbhari.gobics.de

    Phylogenetic Tree Construction for Starfish and Primate Genomes via Alignment Free Methods

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    A phylogenetic tree is a tree like diagram showing the evolutionary relationship among various species based on their differences or similarity in their physical or genetic makeup.The similarity in their genetic makeup is traditionally measured based on pairwise distance between their gene sequences using sequence alignment methods. Due to the advancement in next generation sequencing technologies there is a huge amount of datasets available for partially or completely sequenced genomes. These massive datasets requires a faster comparison methods other than the traditional alignment-based approaches. Therefore, alignment free approaches are gaining popularity in recent years. In this thesis, we compare alignment-based and various alignment free methods for phylogenetic tree construction. The alignment free methods we study are based on k-mer frequency, Average Common Substring (ACS) and ACS with position restrictions and mismatches. The position restricted ACS is a novel contribution of this thesis. To evaluate performance of the alignment free approaches we applied it to phylogeny reconstruction using DNA ( 27 primate mitochondrial genomes) and protein (Starfish RNA-seq) sequence sets. The phylogenetic trees are constructed using Neighbor joining to the distance matrices obtained with the above mentioned alignment-free methods. The resulting phylogenetic trees are then compared with the reference tree using Branch Score Distance measure. Both the Neighbor joining and the Branch Score Distance Measure are calculated by using the programs neighbor and treedist from the PHYLIP package

    ‘Multi-SpaM’: a maximum-likelihood approach to phylogeny reconstruction using multiple spaced-word matches and quartet trees

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    Word-based or ‘alignment-free’ methods for phylogeny inference have become popular in recent years. These methods are much faster than traditional, alignment-based approaches, but they are generally less accurate. Most alignment-free methods calculate ‘pairwise’ distances between nucleicacid or protein sequences; these distance values can then be used as input for tree-reconstruction programs such as neighbor-joining. In this paper, we propose the first word-based phylogeny approach that is based on ‘multiple’ sequence comparison and ‘maximum likelihood’. Our algorithm first samples small, gap-free alignments involving four taxa each. For each of these alignments, it then calculates a quartet tree and, finally, the program ‘Quartet MaxCut’ is used to infer a super tree for the full set of input taxa from the calculated quartet trees. Experimental results show that trees produced with our approach are of high quality

    Algoritmi za učinkovitu usporedbu sekvenci bez koriơtenja sravnjivanja

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    Sequence comparison is an essential tool in modern biology. It is used to identify homologous regions between sequences, and to detect evolutionary relationships between organisms. Sequence comparison is usually based on alignments. However, aligning whole genomes is computationally difficult. As an alternative approach, alignment-free sequence comparison can be used. In my thesis, I concentrate on two problems that can be solved without alignment: (i) estimation of substitution rates between nucleotide sequences, and (ii) detection of local sequence homology. In the first part of my thesis, I developed and implemented a new algorithm for the efficient alignment-free computation of the number of nucleotide substitutions per site, and applied it to the analysis of large data sets of complete genomes. In the second part of my thesis, I developed and implemented a new algorithm for detecting matching regions between nucleotide sequences. I applied this solution to the classification of circulating recombinant forms of HIV, and to the analysis of bacterial genomes subject to horizontal gene transfer.Table of Contents 1. GENERAL INTRODUCTION.........................................................................1 1.1. Suffix trees and other index data structures used in biological sequence analysis.....................................................................................................................9 1.1.1. Suffix Tree..........................................................................................11 1.1.2. The space and the time complexity of the algorithms for the suffix tree construction.......................................................................................................13 1.1.3. Suffix Array........................................................................................14 1.1.4. The space and the time complexity of the algorithms for suffix array construction.......................................................................................................15 1.1.5. Enhanced Suffix Array.......................................................................17 1.1.6. The 64-bit implementation of the lightweight suffix array construction algorithm 21 1.1.7. Self-index...........................................................................................22 1.1.8. Burrows-Wheeler transform..............................................................23 1.1.9. The FM-Index and the backward search algorithm..........................25 1.1.10. The space and the time-complexity of the FM-index.........................29 2. EFFICIENT ESTIMATION OF PAIRWISE DISTANCES BETWEEN GENOMES...............................................................................................................31 2.1. Introduction................................................................................................31 2.2. Methods.....................................................................................................33 2.2.1. Definition of an alignment-free estimator of the rate of substitution, Kr 33 2.2.2. Problem statement.............................................................................35 2.2.3. Time complexity analysis of the previous approach (kr 1)................35 2.2.4. Time complexity analysis of the new approach (kr 2).......................37 2.2.5. Algorithm 1: Computation of all Kr values during the traversal of a generalized suffix tree of n sequences................................................................38 2.2.6. The implementation of kr version 2...................................................44 2.3. Analysis of Kr on simulated data sets........................................................45 2.3.1. Auxiliary programs............................................................................45 2.3.2. Consistency of Kr...............................................................................46 i 2.3.3. The affect of horizontal gene transfer on the accuracy of Kr............48 2.3.4. The effect of genome duplication on the accuracy of Kr....................49 2.3.5. Run time comparison of kr 1 and kr 2...............................................50 2.4. Application of kr version 2........................................................................53 2.4.1. Auxililary software used for the analysis of real data sets................56 2.4.2. The analysis of 12 Drosophila genomes............................................57 2.4.3. The analysis of 13 Escherichia coli and Shigella genomes...............58 2.4.4. The analysis of 825 HIV-1 pure subtype genomes.............................61 2.5. Discussion..................................................................................................62 3. EFFICIENT ALIGNMENT-FREE DETECTION OF LOCAL SEQUENCE HOMOLOGY....................................................................................66 3.1. Introduction................................................................................................66 3.2. Methods.....................................................................................................69 3.2.1. Problem statement – determining subtype(s) of a query sequence....69 3.2.2. Construction of locally homologous segments..................................71 3.2.3. Time complexity of computing a list of intervals Ii............................72 3.2.4. Algorithm 2: Construction of an interval tree...................................73 3.2.5. Computing a list of segements Gi.......................................................80 3.3. Analysis of st on simulated data sets.........................................................82 3.3.1. Run-time and memory usage analysis of st........................................82 3.3.2. Consistency of st................................................................................85 3.3.3. Comparison to SCUEAL on simulated data sets...............................92 3.4. Application of st.........................................................................................97 3.4.1. The analysis of Neisseria meningitidis..............................................98 3.4.2. The analysis of a recombinant form of HIV-1...................................99 3.4.3. The analysis of circulating recombinant forms of HIV-1................103 3.4.4. The analysis of an avian pathogenic Escherichia coli strain..........104 3.5. Discussion................................................................................................107 4. CONCLUSION..............................................................................................110 5. REFERENCES..............................................................................................112 6. ELECTRONIC SOURCES...........................................................................121 7. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS.........................................122 ii iii ABSTRACT............................................................................................................124 SAĆœETAK..............................................................................................................125 CURRICULUM VITAE........................................................................................126 ĆœIVOTOPIS...........................................................................................................12
