966 research outputs found

    Intersession Variability Compensation in Language and Speaker Identification

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    Variabilita kanálu a hovoru je velmi důležitým problémem v úloze rozpoznávání mluvčího. V současné době je ve velkém množství vědeckých článků uvedeno několik technik pro kompenzaci vlivu kanálu. Kompenzace vlivu kanálu může být implementována jak v doméně modelu, tak i v doménách příznaků i skóre. Relativně nová výkoná technika je takzvaná eigenchannel adaptace pro GMM (Gaussian Mixture Models). Mevýhodou této metody je nemožnost její aplikace na jiné klasifikátory, jako napřílad takzvané SVM (Support Vector Machines), GMM s různým počtem Gausových komponent nebo v rozpoznávání řeči s použitím skrytých markovových modelů (HMM). Řešením může být aproximace této metody, eigenchannel adaptace v doméně příznaků. Obě tyto techniky, eigenchannel adaptace v doméně modelu a doméně příznaků v systémech rozpoznávání mluvčího, jsou uvedeny v této práci. Po dosažení dobrých výsledků v rozpoznávání mluvčího, byl přínos těchto technik zkoumán pro akustický systém rozpoznávání jazyka zahrnující 14 jazyků. V této úloze má nežádoucí vliv nejen variabilita kanálu, ale i variabilita mluvčího. Výsledky jsou prezentovány na datech definovaných pro evaluaci rozpoznávání mluvčího z roku 2006 a evaluaci rozpoznávání jazyka v roce 2007, obě organizované Amerických Národním Institutem pro Standard a Technologie (NIST)Varibiality in the channel and session is an important issue in the text-independent speaker recognition task. To date, several techniques providing channel and session variability compensation were introduced in a number of scientic papers. Such implementation can be done in feature, model and score domain. Relatively new and powerful approach to remove channel distortion is so-called eigenchannel adaptation for Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM). The drawback of the technique is that it is not applicable in its original implementation to different types of classifiers, eg. Support Vector Machines (SVM), GMM with different number of Gaussians or in speech recognition task using Hidden Markov Models (HMM). The solution can be the approximation of the technique, eigenchannel adaptation in feature domain. Both, the original eigenchannel adaptation and eigenchannel adaptation on features in task of speaker recognition are presented. After achieving good results in speaker recognition, contribution of the same techniques was examined in acoustic language identification system with 1414 languages. In this task undesired factors are channel and speaker variability. Presented results are presented on the NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation 2006 data and NIST Language Recognition Evaluation 2007 data.

    Acoustic Approaches to Gender and Accent Identification

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    There has been considerable research on the problems of speaker and language recognition from samples of speech. A less researched problem is that of accent recognition. Although this is a similar problem to language identification, di�erent accents of a language exhibit more fine-grained di�erences between classes than languages. This presents a tougher problem for traditional classification techniques. In this thesis, we propose and evaluate a number of techniques for gender and accent classification. These techniques are novel modifications and extensions to state of the art algorithms, and they result in enhanced performance on gender and accent recognition. The first part of the thesis focuses on the problem of gender identification, and presents a technique that gives improved performance in situations where training and test conditions are mismatched. The bulk of this thesis is concerned with the application of the i-Vector technique to accent identification, which is the most successful approach to acoustic classification to have emerged in recent years. We show that it is possible to achieve high accuracy accent identification without reliance on transcriptions and without utilising phoneme recognition algorithms. The thesis describes various stages in the development of i-Vector based accent classification that improve the standard approaches usually applied for speaker or language identification, which are insu�cient. We demonstrate that very good accent identification performance is possible with acoustic methods by considering di�erent i-Vector projections, frontend parameters, i-Vector configuration parameters, and an optimised fusion of the resulting i-Vector classifiers we can obtain from the same data. We claim to have achieved the best accent identification performance on the test corpus for acoustic methods, with up to 90% identification rate. This performance is even better than previously reported acoustic-phonotactic based systems on the same corpus, and is very close to performance obtained via transcription based accent identification. Finally, we demonstrate that the utilization of our techniques for speech recognition purposes leads to considerably lower word error rates. Keywords: Accent Identification, Gender Identification, Speaker Identification, Gaussian Mixture Model, Support Vector Machine, i-Vector, Factor Analysis, Feature Extraction, British English, Prosody, Speech Recognition


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    Práce pojednává o fonotaktickém a akustickém přístupu pro automatické rozpoznávání jazyka. První část práce pojednává o fonotaktickém přístupu založeném na výskytu fonémových sekvenci v řeči. Nejdříve je prezentován popis vývoje fonémového rozpoznávače jako techniky pro přepis řeči do sekvence smysluplných symbolů. Hlavní důraz je kladen na dobré natrénování fonémového rozpoznávače a kombinaci výsledků z několika fonémových rozpoznávačů trénovaných na různých jazycích (Paralelní fonémové rozpoznávání následované jazykovými modely (PPRLM)). Práce také pojednává o nové technice anti-modely v PPRLM a studuje použití fonémových grafů místo nejlepšího přepisu. Na závěr práce jsou porovnány dva přístupy modelování výstupu fonémového rozpoznávače -- standardní n-gramové jazykové modely a binární rozhodovací stromy. Hlavní přínos v akustickém přístupu je diskriminativní modelování cílových modelů jazyků a první experimenty s kombinací diskriminativního trénování a na příznacích, kde byl odstraněn vliv kanálu. Práce dále zkoumá různé druhy technik fúzi akustického a fonotaktického přístupu. Všechny experimenty jsou provedeny na standardních datech z NIST evaluaci konané v letech 2003, 2005 a 2007, takže jsou přímo porovnatelné s výsledky ostatních skupin zabývajících se automatickým rozpoznáváním jazyka. S fúzí uvedených technik jsme posunuli state-of-the-art výsledky a dosáhli vynikajících výsledků ve dvou NIST evaluacích.This thesis deals with phonotactic and acoustic techniques for automatic language recognition (LRE). The first part of the thesis deals with the phonotactic language recognition based on co-occurrences of phone sequences in speech. A thorough study of phone recognition as tokenization technique for LRE is done, with focus on the amounts of training data for phone recognizer and on the combination of phone recognizers trained on several language (Parallel Phone Recognition followed by Language Model - PPRLM). The thesis also deals with novel technique of anti-models in PPRLM and investigates into using phone lattices instead of strings. The work on phonotactic approach is concluded by a comparison of classical n-gram modeling techniques and binary decision trees. The acoustic LRE was addressed too, with the main focus on discriminative techniques for training target language acoustic models and on initial (but successful) experiments with removing channel dependencies. We have also investigated into the fusion of phonotactic and acoustic approaches. All experiments were performed on standard data from NIST 2003, 2005 and 2007 evaluations so that the results are directly comparable to other laboratories in the LRE community. With the above mentioned techniques, the fused systems defined the state-of-the-art in the LRE field and reached excellent results in NIST evaluations.

    Generalized Hidden Filter Markov Models Applied to Speaker Recognition

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    Classification of time series has wide Air Force, DoD and commercial interest, from automatic target recognition systems on munitions to recognition of speakers in diverse environments. The ability to effectively model the temporal information contained in a sequence is of paramount importance. Toward this goal, this research develops theoretical extensions to a class of stochastic models and demonstrates their effectiveness on the problem of text-independent (language constrained) speaker recognition. Specifically within the hidden Markov model architecture, additional constraints are implemented which better incorporate observation correlations and context, where standard approaches fail. Two methods of modeling correlations are developed, and their mathematical properties of convergence and reestimation are analyzed. These differ in modeling correlation present in the time samples and those present in the processed features, such as Mel frequency cepstral coefficients. The system models speaker dependent phonemes, making use of word dictionary grammars, and recognition is based on normalized log-likelihood Viterbi decoding. Both closed set identification and speaker verification using cohorts are performed on the YOHO database. YOHO is the only large scale, multiple-session, high-quality speech database for speaker authentication and contains over one hundred speakers stating combination locks. Equal error rates of 0.21% for males and 0.31% for females are demonstrated. A critical error analysis using a hypothesis test formulation provides the maximum number of errors observable while still meeting the goal error rates of 1% False Reject and 0.1% False Accept. Our system achieves this goal

    Compensation of Nuisance Factors for Speaker and Language Recognition

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    The variability of the channel and environment is one of the most important factors affecting the performance of text-independent speaker verification systems. The best techniques for channel compensation are model based. Most of them have been proposed for Gaussian mixture models, while in the feature domain blind channel compensation is usually performed. The aim of this work is to explore techniques that allow more accurate intersession compensation in the feature domain. Compensating the features rather than the models has the advantage that the transformed parameters can be used with models of a different nature and complexity and for different tasks. In this paper, we evaluate the effects of the compensation of the intersession variability obtained by means of the channel factors approach. In particular, we compare channel variability modeling in the usual Gaussian mixture model domain, and our proposed feature domain compensation technique. We show that the two approaches lead to similar results on the NIST 2005 Speaker Recognition Evaluation data with a reduced computation cost. We also report the results of a system, based on the intersession compensation technique in the feature space that was among the best participants in the NIST 2006 Speaker Recognition Evaluation. Moreover, we show how we obtained significant performance improvement in language recognition by estimating and compensating, in the feature domain, the distortions due to interspeaker variability within the same language. Index Terms—Factor anal

    Evaluation of preprocessors for neural network speaker verification

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