407 research outputs found

    Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease : Detecting Asymmetries with a Return Random Walk Link Predictor

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    Alzheimer’s disease has been extensively studied using undirected graphs to represent the correlations of BOLD signals in different anatomical regions through functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). However, there has been relatively little analysis of this kind of data using directed graphs, which potentially offer the potential to capture asymmetries in the interactions between different anatomical brain regions. The detection of these asymmetries is relevant to detect the disease in an early stage. For this reason, in this paper, we analyze data extracted from fMRI images using the net4Lap algorithm to infer a directed graph from the available BOLD signals, and then seek to determine asymmetries between the left and right hemispheres of the brain using a directed version of the Return Random Walk (RRW). Experimental evaluation of this method reveals that it leads to the identification of anatomical brain regions known to be implicated in the early development of Alzheimer’s disease in clinical studies

    Age differences in fMRI adaptation for sound identity and location

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    We explored age differences in auditory perception by measuring fMRI adaptation of brain activity to repetitions of sound identity (what) and location (where), using meaningful environmental sounds. In one condition, both sound identity and location were repeated allowing us to assess non-specific adaptation. In other conditions, only one feature was repeated (identity or location) to assess domain-specific adaptation. Both young and older adults showed comparable non-specific adaptation (identity and location) in bilateral temporal lobes, medial parietal cortex, and subcortical regions. However, older adults showed reduced domain-specific adaptation to location repetitions in a distributed set of regions, including frontal and parietal areas, and to identity repetition in anterior temporal cortex. We also re-analyzed data from a previously published 1-back fMRI study, in which participants responded to infrequent repetition of the identity or location of meaningful sounds. This analysis revealed age differences in domain-specific adaptation in a set of brain regions that overlapped substantially with those identified in the adaptation experiment. This converging evidence of reductions in the degree of auditory fMRI adaptation in older adults suggests that the processing of specific auditory “what” and “where” information is altered with age, which may influence cognitive functions that depend on this processing

    Task-evoked functional connectivity does not explain functional connectivity differences between rest and task conditions

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    During complex tasks, patterns of functional connectivity differ from those in the resting state. However, what accounts for such differences remains unclear. Brain activity during a task reflects an unknown mixture of spontaneous and task-evoked activities. The difference in functional connectivity between a task state and the resting state may reflect not only task-evoked functional connectivity, but also changes in spontaneously emerging networks. Here, we characterized the differences in apparent functional connectivity between the resting state and when human subjects were watching a naturalistic movie. Such differences were marginally explained by the task-evoked functional connectivity involved in processing the movie content. Instead, they were mostly attributable to changes in spontaneous networks driven by ongoing activity during the task. The execution of the task reduced the correlations in ongoing activity among different cortical networks, especially between the visual and non-visual sensory or motor cortices. Our results suggest that task-evoked activity is not independent from spontaneous activity, and that engaging in a task may suppress spontaneous activity and its inter-regional correlation

    Phase fMRI Reveals More Sparseness and Balance of Rest Brain Functional Connectivity Than Magnitude fMRI

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    Conventionally, brain function is inferred from the magnitude data of the complex-valued fMRI output. Since the fMRI phase image (unwrapped) provides a representation of brain internal magnetic fieldmap (by a constant scale difference), it can also be used to study brain function while providing a more direct representation of the brain's magnetic state. In this study, we collected a cohort of resting-state fMRI magnitude and phase data pairs from 600 subjects (age from 10 to 76, 346 males), decomposed the phase data by group independent component analysis (pICA), calculated the functional network connectivity (pFNC). In comparison with the magnitude-based brain function analysis (mICA and mFNC), we find that the pFNC matrix contains fewer significant functional connections (with p-value thresholding) than the mFNC matrix, which are sparsely distributed across the whole brain with near/far interconnections and positive/negative correlations in rough balance. We also find a few of brain rest sub-networks within the phase data, primarily in subcortical, cerebellar, and visual regions. Overall, our findings offer new insights into brain function connectivity in the context of a focus on the brain's internal magnetic state

    Multimodal population brain imaging in the UK Biobank prospective epidemiological study

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    Medical imaging has enormous potential for early disease prediction, but is impeded by the difficulty and expense of acquiring data sets before symptom onset. UK Biobank aims to address this problem directly by acquiring high-quality, consistently acquired imaging data from 100,000 predominantly healthy participants, with health outcomes being tracked over the coming decades. The brain imaging includes structural, diffusion and functional modalities. Along with body and cardiac imaging, genetics, lifestyle measures, biological phenotyping and health records, this imaging is expected to enable discovery of imaging markers of a broad range of diseases at their earliest stages, as well as provide unique insight into disease mechanisms. We describe UK Biobank brain imaging and present results derived from the first 5,000 participants' data release. Although this covers just 5% of the ultimate cohort, it has already yielded a rich range of associations between brain imaging and other measures collected by UK Biobank

    Inference of Language Functional Network in Healthy, Cancerous and Bilingual Brains by fMRI and Network Modeling

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    We study the underlying mechanism by which language processing occurs in the human brain using inference methods on functional magnetic resonance imaging data. The data analyzed stems from several cohorts of subjects; a monolingual group, a bilingual group, a healthy control group and one diseased case. We applied a complex statistical inference pipeline to determine the network structure of brain components involved with language. This healthy network reveals a fully connected triangular relationship between the pre-Supplementary Motor Area (pre-SMA), the Broca\u27s Area (BA), and the ventral Pre-Motor Area (PreMA) in the left hemisphere. This triangle\u27\u27 shows consistently in all the healthy subjects (100%) we analyzed regardless of their mono- or multi-lingual status. In addition, we found that Wernicke\u27s Area (WA) on the left hemisphere connects with BA and PreMA to form a V\u27\u27 shape connectivity across 75% of the monolinguals, 50% of the bilinguals speaking a second language and 100% of the bilinguals speaking their native language. By comparing the quantified link weights, we found that the strongest link is between BA and PreMA, followed by pre-SMA and PreMA, and then pre-SMA and BA. This is consistent for all healthy subjects (p \u3c 0.05). Furthermore, we conducted a k-core analysis testing the resiliency of subnetworks in the three groups. Our results show that nodes in the three triangle areas belong mostly to the maximum shell, whereas WA populates mostly in the lower shell, consistently across the data. In a separate study, we describe frontal language reorganization in a 57-year-old right-handed patient with a low-grade left frontotemporal insular glioma. Pre-operative fMRI revealed robust activation in left WA and in the right BA. Intra-operative cortical stimulation of the left inferior frontal gyrus and adjacent cortices elicited no speech deficits, and gross total resection including the expected location of BA resulted in no speech impairment. Our network model found that the right homologue of the BA in this patient functionally connected to the same areas as the left BA in a typical healthy control. As opposed to the functional connection of the left BA in a healthy brain, the right BA did not connect directly with the left WA, but connected indirectly, mediated by the pre-SMA and preMA. In addition, the trans-located BA and WA moves from the lower k shell to the maximum shell during the recovery of the surgery. This case illustrates that pre-surgical fMRI can be used to identify atypical hemispheric language reorganization in the presence of a brain tumor and that network theory can help understand the underlying structure behind functional reorganization

    Portable, field-based neuroimaging using high-density diffuse optical tomography

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    Behavioral and cognitive tests in individuals who were malnourished as children have revealed malnutrition-related deficits that persist throughout the lifespan. These findings have motivated recent neuroimaging investigations that use highly portable functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) instruments to meet the demands of brain imaging experiments in low-resource environments and enable longitudinal investigations of brain function in the context of long-term malnutrition. However, recent studies in healthy subjects have demonstrated that high-density diffuse optical tomography (HD-DOT) can significantly improve image quality over that obtained with sparse fNIRS imaging arrays. In studies of both task activations and resting state functional connectivity, HD-DOT is beginning to approach the data quality of fMRI for superficial cortical regions. In this work, we developed a customized HD-DOT system for use in malnutrition studies in Cali, Colombia. Our results evaluate the performance of the HD-DOT instrument for assessing brain function in a cohort of malnourished children. In addition to demonstrating portability and wearability, we show the HD-DOT instrument\u27s sensitivity to distributed brain responses using a sensory processing task and measurements of homotopic functional connectivity. Task-evoked responses to the passive word listening task produce activations localized to bilateral superior temporal gyrus, replicating previously published work using this paradigm. Evaluating this localization performance across sparse and dense reconstruction schemes indicates that greater localization consistency is associated with a dense array of overlapping optical measurements. These results provide a foundation for additional avenues of investigation, including identifying and characterizing a child\u27s individual malnutrition burden and eventually contributing to intervention development

    Organization and hierarchy of the human functional brain network lead to a chain-like core

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    The brain is a paradigmatic example of a complex system: its functionality emerges as a global property of local mesoscopic and microscopic interactions. Complex network theory allows to elicit the functional architecture of the brain in terms of links (correlations) between nodes (grey matter regions) and to extract information out of the noise. Here we present the analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging data from forty healthy humans at rest for the investigation of the basal scaffold of the functional brain network organization. We show how brain regions tend to coordinate by forming ahighly hierarchical chain-like structure of homogeneously clustered anatomical areas. A maximum spanning tree approach revealed the centrality of the occipital cortex and the peculiar aggregation of cerebellar regions to form a closed core. We also report the hierarchy of network segregation and the level of clusters integration as a function of the connectivity strength between brain regions
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