17 research outputs found

    Зарубежные судебно-экспертные технологии: концепция релевантности

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    The article addresses the concept of relevance concerning foreign criminal proceedings, in particular those applying forensic technologies. The author emphasizes that the variety of parties involved in the trial leads to the anticipated pluralism of relevance evaluation. For forensic experts, the relevance assessment is determined by data describing the cognitive object, perceived by the cognizing subject in different object’s reflections.Foreign criminal systems take great interest in recognizing the importance of the concept of relevance. From examining the crime scene to a court ruling, the understanding of the argumentation process in assessing the relevance of the evidence is a part of the information control procedure that will be used to justify court decisions.Рассмотрена концепция релевантности применительно к зарубежным уголовным процессам, в частности к используемым в них судебно-экспертным технологиям. Подчеркивается, что разнообразие заинтересованных сторон в рамках судопроизводства приводит к вполне ожидаемой множественности оценки релевантности. Для судебных экспертов оценка релевантности определяется данными, характеризующими объект познания, воспринимаемые познающим субъектом при различных отражениях познаваемого объекта.В уголовной системе зарубежных стран проявляется большой интерес к признанию важности концепции релевантности. От осмотра места происшествия до вынесения судебного решения понимание процесса аргументации при оценке релевантности доказательств является частью процедуры контроля информации, которая будет использоваться для обоснования судебных решений

    RELIEFS : un système d'inspiration cognitive pour le filtrage adaptatif de documents textuels

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    International audienceL'objet de cet article est la présentation d'un nouveau système nommé RELIEFS (pour RELevance Information Extraction Fuzzy System) pour le filtrage adaptatif de documents textuels. Les grands principes de fonctionnement de ce système s'inspirent de mécanismes cognitifs intervenant dans les processus de sélection de l'information. Plus précisément, notre recherche part de l'analyse de modèles de la mémoire sémantique (accès et organisation des connaissances en mémoire) et de modèles qui rendent compte de phénomènes attentionnels (sélection des informations provenant de l'environnement). Des liens forts sont tissés entre ces modèles et des modèles traditionnellement utilisés en RI. Une nouvelle interprétation de la notion de pertinence est proposée. L'analyse nous conduit à extraire un ensemble de mécanismes de base renvoyant aux notions d'activation et de propagation d'activation pour la sélection d'information " pertinentes ". Ces mécanismes sont implémentés et testés avec succès dans la tâche de filtrage adaptatif de TREC9

    The use of relevance criteria in partially relevant documents

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    This study investigates the use of relevance criteria in partially relevant documents by comparing it to the use of relevance criteria in relevant and not relevant documents. Participants, 12 social science graduate students, selected relevant and not relevant passages within 20 document representations and judged each document representation as a whole to be: relevant, partially relevant or non-relevant to their information need. Content analysis revealed 31 criteria, discussed positively and negatively, used by the participants when selecting passages and determining the document's relevance. Results indicate that partially relevant documents are selected based on the same criteria as relevant documents; they just do not meet as many criteria or do not satisfy the criteria to the same degree. Additionally, fewer than 50% of the documents judged relevant or not relevant were totally relevant or totally not relevant. These findings suggest possible solutions to problems with relevance feedback in information retrieval systems

    A model of argument quality for information adoption in e-commerce review platform

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    The viral nature the content of the Web has transformed the landscape of e-Commerce review platforms to be in a state of constant growth. Similarly, the prominent features of these platforms have been recognized to be among the dominant factors in shaping online consumer behavior. Nonetheless, in this regard, if the review platform returns too many reviews, and the reviews are presented in non-relevant manner, in which this may be cumbersome and time-consuming for consumers. Therefore, identifying credible reviews that contain valuable information has becomes increasingly important for online businesses. The main research question to be addressed in this study is to determine on how can a model be developed to improve the argument quality perceptions in the adoption of online reviews across e-Commerce review platform. Subsequently, the main objective to be achieved is to develop a model of argument quality for review‘s adoption in the e-Commerce review platform. The potential effects of consumer relevance judgment from information retrieval perspective have been considered, which include perceived informative and affective relevance in developing the research model by using Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM). A quantitative research method has been applied to test and validate the propose research model. The response data from 238 valid respondents was analyzed using the Partial Least Square Structural Modelling (PLS-SEM) technique. The findings from the results indicate that content novelty, content topicality, content similarity, content tangibility and content sentimentality could positively influence the perception of argument quality which lead to information adoption behavior. Finally, the importance of information relevancy was also highlighted in this study, which reveals some appropriate features that can be utilized by e-Commerce practitioners to better refine their information search criteria in the online review platforms

    Relevance and how it was studied

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    Relevantnost je jedan od pojmova u informacijskoj znanosti općenito, može se čak reći i najvažniji, a u pretraživanju informacija, posebno. Ovaj kritički pregled prati razvoj i daje sintezu istraživanja relevantnosti tijekom proteklih trideset godina s naglaskom na podacima eksperimentalnih istraživanja i istraživanja metodama promatranja. U svrhu logičke povezanosti, povijesne napomene sažimaju zanimanje za relevantnost u informacijskoj znanosti, a potom slijedi rasprava o intuitivnom značenju relevantnosti i o njenom značenju u informacijskoj znanosti. U glavnom dijelu daje se sinteza eksperimenata o ponašanju relevantnosti. Taj dio završava zaključcima koji ustvari daju pojašnjenje i sintezu suvremenih promišljanja o relevantnosti kao i hipoteze za buduća istraživanja. Analize nekih glavnih smjerova koji definiraju relevantnost iznesene su u epilogu.Relevance is a, if not even the, key notion in information science in general and information retrieval in particular. This critical review traces and synthesizes the scholarship on relevance over the past 30 years with the concentration on experimental and observational studies that report data. For context, a historical note summarizes relevance concerns in information science, followed by discussion of the meaning of relevance intuitively and in information science. In the major section, the experiments related to relevance behavior are synthesized. The section concludes with summaries that in effect provide an interpretation and synthesis of contemporary thinking on the topic treated or suggests hypotheses for future research. Analyses of some of the major trends that shape relevance work are offered in the epilogue