1,327 research outputs found

    Personalizing Interactions with Information Systems

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    Personalization constitutes the mechanisms and technologies necessary to customize information access to the end-user. It can be defined as the automatic adjustment of information content, structure, and presentation tailored to the individual. In this chapter, we study personalization from the viewpoint of personalizing interaction. The survey covers mechanisms for information-finding on the web, advanced information retrieval systems, dialog-based applications, and mobile access paradigms. Specific emphasis is placed on studying how users interact with an information system and how the system can encourage and foster interaction. This helps bring out the role of the personalization system as a facilitator which reconciles the user’s mental model with the underlying information system’s organization. Three tiers of personalization systems are presented, paying careful attention to interaction considerations. These tiers show how progressive levels of sophistication in interaction can be achieved. The chapter also surveys systems support technologies and niche application domains

    Personalized information systems : enabling technologies and architecture

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    Personalized Information Systems are ICT applications that exhibit personalized behaviour, adjusted to the preferences or needs of their users. Personalized Information Systems can bring up business benefits related to customer relationship or to increased efficiency of organizational work. This work characterizes the Personalized Information Systems in what concerns types of personalized features, presents the enabling technologies, and suggests a general architecture for Personalized Information Systems.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Privacy Protection in Web Search

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    This paper presents web search has demonstrated in improving the quality of various search services on the internet, user reluctance to disclose the private information during search has become major barrier for the wide proliferation of password. Protection in password authentication model user preferences as hierarchical user profiles, a password framework know as user profile search that can adaptively generalize profile by search query while respecting user specified privacy requirements. Our work provides utility of personalization and the privacy risk of exposing the generalized profile using Greedy algorithm is a method for deciding whether personalizing a query is efficient


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    All businesses have recognized the importance and significance of creating, maintaining and using databases of their guests, clients, customers and other consumers of their products or services. The methodology used in collecting data has changed and developed parallel with the development and application of information and communication technologies. The transformation of data collection from the manual method to the use of technology and the Web has helped to facilitate the collection of large quantities of personal data concerning the consumers of products or services. As a result, hoteliers and other actors on the supply side are faced with an enormous quantity of unstructured, mostly transactional, data collected via the Web. A methodology known as data mining has emerged in response to this problem. Data mining refers to a process of searching for and using valuable data which hoteliers can take advantage of in their one-to-one marketing strategy. Recent studies show that future service consumers rely more on the personal experiences of current consumers than on conventional advertising methods. The reason for this lies in the emotional experiences of individuals in a hospitality facility or tourist destination. While, on the one hand, the daily comments of past service consumers posted on social networks may provide hoteliers with a promotional opportunity to attract future service consumers, on the other hand, they can represent a real threat by dissuading future service consumers. Today’s blogs represent an enormous source of highly valued data with a relatively high dose of credibility. When writing blogs, people reveal themselves and their experiences which are in most cases imbued with personal feelings, giving them a higher level of persuasiveness. Based on the research problem, the basic hypothesis of this paper can be formulated, which reads: Web data mining provides a better approach to using guest databases and enables more-effective personalization in identifying the needs, wants and habits of guests as future service consumers.Važnost i značaj kreiranja, održavanja i korištenja baza podataka o svojim gostima, klijentima, kupcima i svim ostalim potrošačima proizvoda ili usluga, prepoznale su sve gospodarske djelatnosti. Metodologija prikupljanja tih podataka, mijenjala se i razvijala usporedno sa razvojem i primjenom informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija. Transformacija prikupljanja podataka od manualnog načina do korištenja tehnologije i web-a, doprinijela je povećanju mogućnosti za prikupljanje velikog broja osobnih podataka o korisnicima proizvoda ili usluga. Istovremeno, te mogućnosti dovele su do pojave da se hotelijeri i ostali subjekti na strani ponude susreću sa velikom količinom nestrukturiranih i većinom transakcijskih podataka prikupljenih putem web-a. Kao odgovor na takve probleme, pojavila se metodologija pod nazivom rudarenje podataka. Ona upućuje na proces traženja i korištenja visokovrijednih podataka, koje hotelijeri mogu iskoristiti u svojoj strategiji marketinga „jedan prema jednome“. Recentna istraživanja pokazuju da budući korisnici usluga imaju više povjerenja u osobna iskustva dosadašnjih korisnika usluga nego u tradicionalne metode oglašavanja i reklamiranja. Razlog tome leži u doživljajnim emocijama pojedinaca u nekom ugostiteljskom objektu ili turističkoj destinaciji. Dok svakodnevni komentari prijašnjih korisnika usluga na društvenim mrežama, s jedne strane hotelijerima omogućuju promotivnu šansu za buduće korisnike usluga, dotle s druge strane, to može predstavljati realnu opasnost za odbijanje budućih korisnika usluga. Današnji blogovi predstavljaju ogroman izvor visoko vrijednih podataka, sa relativnom visokom dozom vjerodostojnosti. Ljudi u takvim tekstovima otkrivaju sebe, svoje doživljaje koja su u većini slučajeva prožeta osobnim iskustvima, što za posljedicu ima i veći stupanj uvjerljivosti. Na temelju ovako determiniranog problema istraživanja, moguće je postaviti temeljnu hipotezu u ovom radu, koja glasi: rudarenje web podacima omogućuje kvalitetniji pristup korištenja baze podataka o gostima i efikasniju individualizaciju u prepoznavanju njihovih potreba, želja i navika kao budućih korisnika usluga

    Messenger Visual, a pictogram-based instant messaging service for individuals with cognitive disability

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    Along history disabled individuals have suffered from social exclusion due to the limitations posed by their condition. For instance, deaf people are not able to watch television programs because of their sensory limitation. Despite this situation has improved thanks to the efforts in adapting the different services —today the majority of television programs offer subtitles or simultaneous translation to sign language—, the arrival of the Internet, as well as the rest of the information and communication technologies, poses new risks to the inclusion of disabled individuals. Taking into account the present digital exclusion situation of disabled individuals this project presents Messenger Visual, an Instant Messaging service based on pictograms for individuals with cognitive disability. Messenger Visual is composed of two different parts. On the one hand, the Instant Messaging service has been designed considering the requirements of communication based on pictograms. On the other hand, the Instant Messaging client has been designed taking into account the user interface usability requirements of individuals with cognitive disability. Finally, the project presents the methodology that we have used to evaluate Messenger Visual with a group of individuals with cognitive disability, as well as the results we have obtained. The evaluation process has lasted for six months and one-hour fortnightly sessions have been held with two groups of individuals from Fundació El Maresme with different cognitive disability profiles. These sessions have allowed us to gain better understanding of the user interface accessibility requirements, as well as to know how individuals with cognitive disability communicate using pictograms

    Redescribing Health Privacy: The Importance of Health Policy

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    Current conversations about health information policy often tend to be based on three broad assumptions. First, many perceive a tension between regulation and innovation. We often hear that privacy regulations are keeping researchers, companies, and providers from aggregating the data they need to promote innovation. Second, aggregation of fragmented data is seen as a threat to its proper regulation, creating the risk of breaches and other misuse. Third, a prime directive for technicians and policymakers is to give patients ever more granular methods of control over data. This article questions and complicates those assumptions, which I deem (respectively) the Privacy Threat to Research, the Aggregation Threat to Privacy, and the Control Solution. This article is also intended to enrich our concepts of “fragmentation” and “integration” in health care. There is a good deal of sloganeering around “firewalls” and “vertical integration” as idealized implementations of “fragmentation” and “integration” (respective). The problem, though, is that terms like these (as well as “disruption”) are insufficiently normative to guide large-scale health system change. They describe, but they do not adequately prescribe. By examining those instances where: a) regulation promotes innovation, and b) increasing (some kinds of) availability of data actually enhances security, confidentiality, and privacy protections, this article attempts to give a richer account of the ethics of fragmentation and integration in the U.S. health care system. But, it also has a darker side, highlighting the inevitable conflicts of values created in a “reputation society” driven by stigmatizing social sorting systems. Personal data control may exacerbate social inequalities. Data aggregation may increase both our powers of research and our vulnerability to breach. The health data policymaking landscape of the next decade will feature a series of intractable conflicts between these important social values

    The future of industries : how personalization of insurance policies using artificial intelligence will disrupt the insurance status-quo

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    In the future, the concept of insurance will change and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already disrupting the state of this industry. Insurers worldwide are using AI to automatize processes and tasks, such as fraud detention, underwriting and claims processing. Additionally, there has been a rise of new competitors in the market, such as InsurTechs, that are bringing innovative solutions for insurance, responding to the new trends in customers’ lifestyles and behaviours, that are more demanding for services directed for their needs. This study aims to understand how personalization of insurance policies, created with Artificial Intelligence, will disrupt this industry in the future and what will be the impact in the European market. Personalization of an insurance policy with AI would encompass the definition of the coverages and premiums more appropriate for an individual customer and do the risk evaluation, in a market of one strategy. This innovation would take advantage of the accrual of Big Data from customers, as people are each time more connected and information about them is constantly being shared, allowing companies to use it to know consumers better. Some limitations that might arise are related to the regulation applied to the insurance industry in Europe regarding customer’s data privacy, with the GDPR and regulation against discrimination in insurance.No futuro, o conceito dos seguros irá alterar-se e a Inteligência Artificial (IA) já está a causar disrupção no estado desta indústria. Seguradoras por todo o mundo já utilizam IA para automatizar processos e tarefas, como detetar fraudes, na subscrição de seguros ou no processamento de sinistros. Adicionalmente, tem-se assistido a um aumento de concorrentes no mercado, como as InsurTechs, que trazem soluções de seguro inovadoras como resposta às novas tendências nos estilos de vida e comportamentos dos consumidores, que são cada vez mais exigentes e procuram serviços mais direcionados às suas necessidades. A presente dissertação visa estudar como a personalização de apólices de seguro, criadas a partir de Inteligência Artificial, irá disruptar a indústria no futuro, e qual será o impacto no mercado europeu. A personalização de apólices inclui a definição das coberturas e prémio mais apropriados para o consumidor individual, assim como a avaliação do risco, numa estratégia de market of one. Esta inovação tiraria partido da acumulação de Big Data dos clientes, uma vez que os consumidores estão cada vez mais conectados e informação acerca deles está constantemente a ser partilhada, permitindo às empresas conhecê-los melhor. Algumas limitações que poderão surgir estão relacionadas à regulamentação da indústria dos seguros na Europa, relativa à proteção de dados, com o RGPD e com a regulamentação contra a discriminação nos seguros

    Integrated and Personalized Digital Information Services

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    Digital information services are gradually becoming integrated with other systems and services such as library automation systems, student information services, and electronic learning systems. Users demand seamless access to a multitude of digital information services without leaving their desktop computers. They prefer using systems that recognize them when they log on, acknowledge their rights and privileges, and thus provide personalized information services. This paper summarizes the recent developments concerning integrated and personalized digital information services. It first emphasizes the role of the Internet in providing information services and then goes on to discuss the integration and personalization issues by emphasizing their importance for digital information services