728 research outputs found

    Tensions and resistance to the agricultural model to the agricultural model of the "humid pampa" in Pergamino, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    En el presente artículo se analizan las tensiones existentes en torno al modelo agrícola industrial de la Argentina. Para ello se aborda desde un enfoque interdisciplinario, la gestación y desarrollo de dicho modelo, sus características y sus consecuencias socioambientales. En particular, nos centramos en el conflicto por la reglamentación de agrotóxicos desarrollado en el partido de Pergamino (Buenos Aires, Argentina) a partir del año 2013, identificando los actores que se enfrentaron, sus argumentos y las acciones que llevaron a cabo.In this article, we analyze the social tensions in relation to the industrial agriculture model. To this end, the gestation and development of this model, its characteristics and socio-environmental consequences, are contemplated through an interdisciplinary approach. In particular, we focused on the conflict over the regulation of agrochemicals developed in Pergamino (Buenos Aires, Argentina) in 2013 and beyond; identifying the actors that faced each other, their arguments and the actions they carried out.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Tensions and resistance to the agricultural model to the agricultural model of the "humid pampa" in Pergamino, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    En el presente artículo se analizan las tensiones existentes en torno al modelo agrícola industrial de la Argentina. Para ello se aborda desde un enfoque interdisciplinario, la gestación y desarrollo de dicho modelo, sus características y sus consecuencias socioambientales. En particular, nos centramos en el conflicto por la reglamentación de agrotóxicos desarrollado en el partido de Pergamino (Buenos Aires, Argentina) a partir del año 2013, identificando los actores que se enfrentaron, sus argumentos y las acciones que llevaron a cabo.In this article, we analyze the social tensions in relation to the industrial agriculture model. To this end, the gestation and development of this model, its characteristics and socio-environmental consequences, are contemplated through an interdisciplinary approach. In particular, we focused on the conflict over the regulation of agrochemicals developed in Pergamino (Buenos Aires, Argentina) in 2013 and beyond; identifying the actors that faced each other, their arguments and the actions they carried out.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Tensions and resistance to the agricultural model to the agricultural model of the "humid pampa" in Pergamino, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    En el presente artículo se analizan las tensiones existentes en torno al modelo agrícola industrial de la Argentina. Para ello se aborda desde un enfoque interdisciplinario, la gestación y desarrollo de dicho modelo, sus características y sus consecuencias socioambientales. En particular, nos centramos en el conflicto por la reglamentación de agrotóxicos desarrollado en el partido de Pergamino (Buenos Aires, Argentina) a partir del año 2013, identificando los actores que se enfrentaron, sus argumentos y las acciones que llevaron a cabo.In this article, we analyze the social tensions in relation to the industrial agriculture model. To this end, the gestation and development of this model, its characteristics and socio-environmental consequences, are contemplated through an interdisciplinary approach. In particular, we focused on the conflict over the regulation of agrochemicals developed in Pergamino (Buenos Aires, Argentina) in 2013 and beyond; identifying the actors that faced each other, their arguments and the actions they carried out.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Tensions and resistance to the agricultural model to the agricultural model of the "humid pampa" in Pergamino, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    En el presente artículo se analizan las tensiones existentes en torno al modelo agrícola industrial de la Argentina. Para ello se aborda desde un enfoque interdisciplinario, la gestación y desarrollo de dicho modelo, sus características y sus consecuencias socioambientales. En particular, nos centramos en el conflicto por la reglamentación de agrotóxicos desarrollado en el partido de Pergamino (Buenos Aires, Argentina) a partir del año 2013, identificando los actores que se enfrentaron, sus argumentos y las acciones que llevaron a cabo.In this article, we analyze the social tensions in relation to the industrial agriculture model. To this end, the gestation and development of this model, its characteristics and socio-environmental consequences, are contemplated through an interdisciplinary approach. In particular, we focused on the conflict over the regulation of agrochemicals developed in Pergamino (Buenos Aires, Argentina) in 2013 and beyond; identifying the actors that faced each other, their arguments and the actions they carried out.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Assessment of phenotypic variability among EEA INTA Pergamino sunflower lines: Its relationship with the grain yield and oil content

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    The aims of the present study were to assess the phenotypic diversity among 221 sunflower accessions of INTA Pergamino Sunflower Breeding Program, to obtain discriminant functions that allow the classification of new accessions in similar groups and to evaluate the relationship between genetic distance pairwise accessions and hybrid performance for grain yield and oil content. We used 19 quantitative descriptors to evaluate phenotypic and morphological variability. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) were used to evaluate simultaneously all the variables and to describe phenotypic variation patterns of the germplasm. The distribution of germplasm in the dendrogram did not follow a clear pattern with regard to the predefined groups. This study revealed the variability observed among the lines that form the INTA Pergamino breeding program despite the highly selective forces applied to obtain inbred lines that produce superior hybrids for the Argentinean sunflower area. This work demonstrates the need for more in-depth study of genetic variability to be used as a predictor of heterosis in sunflower.EEA PergaminoFil: Dominguez, Matías. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Pergamino. Sección Girasol; ArgentinaFil: Dominguez, Matías. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnicas; ArgentinaFil: Herrera, Stefanía. Universidad Nacional del Noroeste de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez, Julio Horacio. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Pergamino. Sección Girasol; Argentin

    Metatranscriptomic analysis of larvae guts from field-collected and laboratory-reared Spodoptera frugiperda from the South American subtropical region

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    This is the first study to report a high-throughput approach integrating gene expression data from Spodoptera frugiperda guts and their associated metatranscriptomes. Our datasets provide information on the potential effects of environmental conditions on the expression profile of S. frugiperda larval guts, their associated metatranscriptome, and putative interactions between them.Fil: Mccarthy, Cristina Beryl. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Centro Regional de Estudios Genómicos; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Noroeste de la Provincia de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Cabrera, Natalia Alina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Centro Regional de Estudios Genómicos; ArgentinaFil: Virla, Eduardo Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucuman. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiologicos; Argentin

    Genetic Variability Between Adapted Populations of Annual Ryegrass (\u3cem\u3eLolium Multiflorum\u3c/em\u3e Lam) In Argentina

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    Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) is one of the most important annual grasses used in Argentina because it adapts better to the intensive animal system of the Humid Pampas than other annual forage grass. Although much research has been done to study its productive potential and management technologies, little work has focused on breeding and selection. There is ample evidence that genetic variability occurs within grass species (Snaydon, 1987; Andrés and Barufaldi, 1997) both in morphology and physiology. As a result the variation of attributes related with yield potential, quality and adaptation to different management systems, is often used in plant breeding to develop new varieties. The objective of this work was to evaluate the genetic variability between 32 populations of annual ryegrass adapted to different grassland environments in the Humid Pampas Region of Argentina as an introductory part of a breeding programme at INTA. The final aim of this programme is to provide new varieties of annual ryegrass adapted to different management systems

    Catabolic response profiles, catabolic uniformity and richness as microbiological indicators in a soil of Pergamino, Buenos Aires Province, with and without previous application of glyphosate

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    85-91Incubation assay in trays was performed with two soils with different application histories of glyphosate: no application, and previous application. The soils used were Typic Argiudolls of Pergamino, province of Buenos Aires, and the treatments were: control (no application), and 20, 200 and 2000 mg of active ingredient per kg of soil. Sampling was performed at the beginning (T0) and 45 days after (T45). Catabolic response profiles (CRP), catabolic richness and catabolic uniformity were determined according to the methodology based on measuring the differences in respiration induced by substrate in a short time (4 hours). The substrates used in this study were 20, namely, two amines, 5 aminoacids, two carbohydrates, and 11 carboxylic acids. The objective of this work was to compare soils with different histories of application of glyphosate, measuring its effect on catabolic response profiles, catabolic uniformity and catabolic richness. In this study, no differences were observed between catabolic richness among the different sampling times and doses of glyphosate applied. Glyphosate application affected the structure of the soil microbial communities. At the end of the test, soils with all doses of previous herbicide application showed greater catabolic uniformity than soils without previous application

    Virulencia de aislamientos de <i>Phakopsora pachyrhizi</i> Sydow & Sydow en soja (<i>Glycine max</i> L. Merr.) en Argentina

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    La soja (Glycine max L. Merr.) es actualmente, el principal cultivo agrícola de la zona pampeana y el más importante rubro de exportación en Argentina. La soja es afectada por diversas enfermedades, las cuales pueden reducir el rendimiento entre un 8 a un 10% con un máximo del 30%. Dentro de las diversas enfermedades que afectan al cultivo de soja se encuentran las denominadas Enfermedades de Fin de Ciclo (EFC) que aumentan su intensidad después del estado de desarrollo R3-4. En marzo de 2002, la roya asiática de la soja (RAS) causada por el patógeno biotrófico Phakopsora pachyrhizi, fue detectada por primera vez en la provincia de Misiones, incorporándose al complejo de EFC en Argentina, que por sus características distintivas de fácil propagación y de alta esporulación, en menos de 21 días llega a afectar el 90% del cultivo y puede reducir el rendimiento significativamente, convirtiéndola en la enfermedad más temidas por los productores de soja en el mundo. Esta tesis hace referencia sobre la virulencia de P. pachyrhizi en Argentina, mediante la recolección de poblaciones de uredinios y urediniosporas de roya en diferentes regiones del país, Cerro Azul (Misiones), Ledesma (Jujuy), Rosario (Santa Fe) y Pergamino (Buenos Aires) durante el ciclo 2011/2012. Para determinar la virulencia patogénica se utilizaron 16 variedades diferenciales (V.D.) de soja que presentan distintos genes de resistencia, ayudando a identificar la presencia de virulencia de P. pachyrhizi en Argentina. Los resultados de este trabajo han demostrado diferente virulencia de P. pachyrhizi en Argentina entre los cuatro aislamientos de P. pachyrhizi analizados. Diversos trabajos sugieren que el locus Rpp5 que se encuentra en la V.D. Shiranui (PI 200526) es el que más contribuyó para todos los caracteres de resistencia y que puede ser considerado como el principal factor para la resistencia a P. pachyrhizi. En esta experiencia se ha encontrado diferencia en la virulencia de los aislamientos en P. pachyrhizi, entre las diferentes provincias de Argentina, durante el año 2012. Ninguna de las Variedades Diferenciales (V.D.) fueron resistentes a los cuatro aislamientos analizados. La V.D. Shiranui (PI 200526) que contiene el gen Rpp5 presentó reacción de susceptibilidad frente al aislamiento de Pergamino (Buenos Aires). Las variedades PI 594767 A y PI 587855 de genes desconocidos, resistente a todos los aislamientos anteriores analizados en el país, resultaron ser susceptible al aislamiento de Cerro Azul (Misiones) y la V.D. PI 587855 también susceptible al aislamiento de Pergamino (Buenos Aires) en el año 2012.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Genetic Variability within Two Adapted Populations of Tall Wheatgrass (\u3ci\u3eThynopyrum ponticum\u3c/i\u3e) in Argentina

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    The genetic variability within two adapted populations of tall wheatgrass (Thinopyrum ponticum) was evaluated in Argentina, as an introductory part of a breeding programme in progress at our Institute. The final aim of this programme is to provide new cultivars of tall wheatgrass, adapted to different management systems. Two hundred fifty plants per population were grown from seeds, clonally propagated and transplanted as a spaced-plant trial in a randomized design with three replicates. The results indicated large differences between genotypes within the two populations for most attributes measured, though there were no significant differences between populations. Attributes related with forage yield, forage quality and seed production had high to medium broad-sense heritability values, suggesting the importance of including the adapted germoplasm in the breeding programme in progress at INTA