16 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Coherent and Noncoherent Modulation under I/Q Imbalance

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    In-phase/quadrature-phase Imbalance (IQI) is considered a major performance-limiting impairment in direct-conversion transceivers. Its effects become even more pronounced at higher carrier frequencies such as the millimeter-wave frequency bands being considered for 5G systems. In this paper, we quantify the effects of IQI on the performance of different modulation schemes under multipath fading channels. This is realized by developing a general framework for the symbol error rate (SER) analysis of coherent phase shift keying, noncoherent differential phase shift keying and noncoherent frequency shift keying under IQI effects. In this context, the moment generating function of the signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio is first derived for both single-carrier and multi-carrier systems suffering from transmitter (TX) IQI only, receiver (RX) IQI only and joint TX/RX IQI. Capitalizing on this, we derive analytic expressions for the SER of the different modulation schemes. These expressions are corroborated by comparisons with corresponding results from computer simulations and they provide insights into the dependence of IQI on the system parameters. We demonstrate that the effects of IQI differ considerably depending on the considered system as some cases of single-carrier transmission appear robust to IQI, whereas multi-carrier systems experiencing IQI at the RX require compensation in order to achieve a reliable communication link

    Quadrature demultiplexing using a degenerate vector parametric amplifier

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    We report on quadrature demultiplexing of a quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK) signal into two cross-polarized binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) signals with negligible penalty at bit-error rate (BER) equal to 10−9. The all-optical quadrature demultiplexing is achieved using a degenerate vector parametric amplifier operating in phase-insensitive mode. We also propose and demonstrate the use of a novel and simple phase-locked loop (PLL) scheme based on detecting the envelope of one of the signals after demultiplexing in order to achieve stable quadrature decomposition

    Subcarrier Multiplexing Based Transponder Design

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    This thesis presents the design and demonstration of high-speed transponders using analogue implemented subcarrier multiplexing (SCM) technique to simplify digital signal processing (DSP) for different applications. A 144-Gb/s filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) transceiver is numerically demonstrated for 2-km standard single mode fibre (SSMF) transmission. Without nonlinear or chromatic dispersion (CD) compensation nor channel equalization, the FBMC system outperforms the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) counterpart, and the transmission penalty for the 8-subcarrier FBMC system is 2.4 dB. For amplifier-free 80-km transmission, a 134-Gb/s coherent transceiver utilizing heterodyne detection and doubly differential (DD) quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) is numerically demonstrated. Without CD compensation nor carrier recovery, transmission penalty and performance degradation for frequency offsets within ±2 GHz is negligible. To further improve interface rate, a 200-Gb/s DD QPSK transceiver using hybrid-assisted tandem single sideband (TSSB) modulation and digital coherent detection is numerically verified. However, guard bands and QPSK used in both transponders result in low spectral density, and conventional DD decoding degrades receiver sensitivity by 7 dB. To overcome these problems, a 209-Gb/s coherent transponder utilizing DD two amplitude/eight-phase shift keying (2ASK-8PSK) and 11-tap multi-symbol DD decoding is experimentally demonstrated, with an implementation penalty of 5.9 dB and a performance penalty of 1 dB for 100-km transmission. For long-haul application, a 62-GBaud SCM 16-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (16QAM) transceiver employing a single in-phase quadrature (IQ) mixer, simple transmitter-side DSP, and sub-band detection is demonstrated, giving spectral efficiency of ~2.7 b/s/Hz/polarization and OSNR penalty of 6.6 dB. By resorting to hybrid-assisted TSSB modulation, the aggregate symbol rate of the SCM transmitter is improved to 86 GBaud. With sub-band coherent detection and a 31-tap multi-input multi-output (MIMO) equalizer, an implementation penalty of 2 dB and spectral efficiency of ~3.6 b/s/Hz/polarization are achieved

    Ultra-High speed signal generation combining OTDM and high-order modulation formats

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    This thesis is focused on high-order modulation formats as a means to increase spectral efficiency and in turn reduce the cost per bit of an optical transmission system. Special attention is devoted to DQPSK and 16QAM, together with optical time-division multiplexing, with the aim of maximizing the exploitation of a single wavelength on a single fiber. A numerical model for simulating an optical communication system is described, and most of the effort is spent on transmitter and fiber link. By means of the mentioned model, we develop a study of the IQ modulator non-idealities, amongst which the limitedness of the phase modulators bandwidth. On top of this, we analyze the behavior and the applicability of a pulse source based on the phase modulation of a CW source and on the following propagation of the light through a dispersive element. The simulation and comparison of NRZ-DQPSK, NRZ-16QAM, 4-channel OTDM DQPSK, and 4-channel OTDM 16QAM are carried out basing on a number of typical impairments like laser linewidth, chromatic dispersion, and fiber nonlinearities. Minor attention is also devoted to different techniques to numerically simulate light propagation over nonlinear fiber. The results of an extensive laboratory experience are reported. An 8-channel OTDM QPSK system with clock recovery, coherent receiver and DSP is realized at a symbol rate of 10 GBd/s, corresponding to 160 Gb/s on a single wavelength and on a single fiber. The demodulation is shown successful and paths for improvement are depicte

    Development of an integrated silicon photonic transceiver for access networks

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    Debido a la imparable aparición de dispositivos móviles multifunción junto con aplicaciones que requieren cada vez más un mayor ancho de banda en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar, las futuras redes de acceso deberán ser capaces de proporcionar servicios tanto inalámbricos como cableados. Es por ello que una solución a seguir es el uso de sistemas de comunicaciones ópticas como medio de transporte de señales inalámbricas en enlaces de radio sobre fibra. Con ello, se converge a un dominio óptico reduciendo y aliviando el cuello de botella entre los estándares de acceso inalámbrico y cableado. En esta tesis, como parte de los objetivos establecidos en el proyecto europeo HELIOS en el que está enmarcada, se han investigado y desarrollado los bloques funcionales básicos necesarios para realizar un transceptor fotónico integrado trabajando en el rango de longitudes de onda milimétricas, y haciendo uso de los formatos de modulación más robustos y que mejor se adaptan al ámbito de aplicación considerado. El trabajo que se presenta en esta tesis se puede dividir básicamente en tres partes. La primera de ellas ofrece una descripción general de los beneficios del uso de la fotónica en silicio para el desarrollo de enlaces inalámbricos a velocidades de Gbps, así como el estado del arte de los transceptores desarrollados por los grupos de investigación más activos y punteros para satisfacer las necesidades de mercado, cada vez más exigentes. La segunda parte se centra en el estudio y desarrollo del transmisor integrado de onda milimétrica. Primero realizamos una breve introducción teórica tanto del funcionamiento de los dispositivos que forman parte del transmisor, como a los formatos de modulación existentes, centrando la atención en la modulación por desplazamiento de fase (PSK) que es la que se va a utilizar en el desarrollo de los dispositivos implicados, y más concretamente en la modulación (diferencial) de fase en cuadratura ((D)QPSK). También se presentan los bloques básicos que integran nuestro transmisor y se fijan las especificaciones que deben cumplir dichos bloques para conseguir una transmisión libre de errores. El transmisor está compuesto por un filtro/demultiplexor encargado de separar dos portadoras ópticas separadas una frecuencia de 60 GHz. Una de estas portadoras es modulada al pasar por un modulador DQPSK basado en una estructura de dos MachZehnders (MZs) anidados, para ser nuevamente combinada con la otra portadora óptica que se ha mantenido intacta. Una vez combinadas, éstas son fotodetectadas para ser transmitidas inalámbricamente. En la tercera parte de esta tesis, se investiga el uso de un esquema de diversidad en polarización junto a un receptor DQPSK integrado para la demodulación de la señal recibida. El esquema de diversidad en polarización está formado básicamente por dos bloques: un separador de polarización con el objetivo de separar la luz a la entrada del chip en sus dos componentes ortogonales; y un rotador de polarización. En lo que se refiere al receptor DQPSK propiamente dicho, se ha investigado y optimizado cada uno de los bloques funcionales que lo componen. Éstos son básicamente un divisor de potencia termo-ópticamente sintonizable basado en un interferómetro MZ, en serie con un interferómetro MZ que introduce un retardo de duración de un bit en uno de sus brazos, para obtener una correcta demodulación diferencial. El siguiente bloque que forma parte de nuestro receptor DQPSK es un 2x4 acoplador de interferencia multimodal actuando como un híbrido de 90 grados, cuyas salidas van a parar a dos fotodetectores balanceados de germanio. Las contribuciones principales de esta tesis han sido: ¿ Demostración de un filtro/demultiplexor con tres grados de sintonización con una relación de extinción superior a 25dB. ¿ Demostración de un rotador con una longitud de tan sólo 25µm y CMOS compatible. ¿ Demostración de un modulador DPSK a una velocidad máxima de 20 Gbit/s. ¿ Demostración de un demodulador DQPSK a una velocidad máxima de 20 Gbit/s.Due to the relentless emergence of multifunction mobile devices with applications that require increasingly greater bandwidth at anytime and anywhere, future access networks must be capable of providing both wireless and wired services. The use of optical communications systems as transport medium of wireless signals over fiber radio links is a steady solution to be taken into account. This will make possible a convergence to an optical domain reducing and alleviating the bottleneck between wireless access standards and current wired access. In this thesis, as part of the objectives of the European project HELIOS in which it is framed, we have investigated and developed the basic functional blocks needed to achieve an integrated photonic transceiver working in the range of millimetre wavelengths, and using robust modulation formats that best fit the scope considered. The work presented in this thesis can be basically divided into three parts. The first one provides an overview of the benefits of using silicon photonics for the development of wireless links at rates of Gbps, and the state of the art of the transceivers reported by the most important research groups in order to meet the increasingly demanding needs¿ market. The second part focuses on the study and development of millimetre-wave integrated transmitter. First we provide a brief theoretical introduction of the operation principles of the devices involved in the transmitter such as a modulation formats, focusing on the phase shift keying (PSK) which is the one that will be used, particularly the (differential) quadrature phase shift keying ((D) QPSK). We also present the building blocks involved in our transmitter and we set the specifications that must be met by these devices in order to achieve an error-free transmission. The transmitter includes a filter/demultiplexer which must separate two optical carriers 60 GHz separated. One of these optical carriers is modulated by passing through a DQPSK Mach-Zehnder-based modulator (MZM) by arranging two MZMs in a nested configuration. Using a combiner, the modulated optical signal and the un-modulated carrier are combined and photodetected to be transmitted wirelessly. In the third part of this thesis, we investigate the use of a polarization diversity scheme with an integrated DQPSK receiver for demodulating of the wireless signal. The polarization diversity scheme basically consists of two blocks: a polarization splitter in order to separate the random polarization state of the incoming light into its two orthogonal components, and a polarization rotator. Regarding the DQPSK receiver itself, all the functional blocks that comprise it have been investigated and optimized. It basically includes a thermo-optically tunable MZ interferometer power splitter, in series with a MZ interferometer that introduces, in one of its arms, a delay of one bit length in order to obtain a correct differential demodulation. The next building block of our DQPSK receiver is a 2x4 multimode interference coupler acting as a 90 degree hybrid, whose outputs are connected to two balanced germanium photodetectors. The main contributions of this thesis are: ¿ Demonstration of a filter/demultiplexer with three degrees of tuning and an extinction ratio greater than 25dB. ¿ Demonstration of a polarization rotator with a length of only 25¿m and CMOS compatible. ¿ Demonstration of a DPSK modulator at a maximum rate of 20 Gbit/s. ¿ Demonstration of a DQPSK demodulator to a maximum rate of 20 Gbit/s.Aamer, M. (2013). Development of an integrated silicon photonic transceiver for access networks [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/31649TESI

    Characterization and design of coherent optical OFDM transmission systems based on Hartley Transform

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    Nowadays, due to huge deployment of optical transport networks, a continuous increase towards higher data rates up to 100 Gb/s and beyond is observed. Furthermore, an evolution of the current optical networks is forecasted, acquiring new functionalities, e.g. elastic spectrum assignment for the optical signals. The target for these new challenges in transmission is to find techniques ready to deal with a growth of demand for bandwidth continuously asked by network operators, for whom the standard systems do not meet the new functionalities while higher rates are being set up. A solution for covering all of those needs is to adapt techniques capable to deal with such enormous data rates, and ensuring the same high efficiency for long distances and mitigate the optical impairments accumulated along the transmission path. Additionally, these transmission techniques are expected to provide some degree of flexibility, in order to enhance the network flexibility. A promising technology that can fully cope with those requires is the coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM). CO-OFDM provides several advantages, namely high sensitivity and spectral efficiency, simple integration and possibility to fully recover a signal in phase, amplitude and polarization. These systems are composed by digital signal processing (DSP) blocks that easily process data and can equalize and compensate the main impairments, providing high tolerance for dispersion effects. However, CO-OFDM systems are not free from drawbacks. Their high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduce their tolerance to nonlinearities. Furthermore, CO-OFDM systems are sensitive to any frequency shift and phase offset. Hence, a constant envelope optical OFDM (CE-OFDM) is proposed for significantly reducing the PAPR and solving high sensitivity to nonlinear impairments. It consists in a phase modulated discrete multi-tone signal, which is coherently detected at the receiver side. An alternative transform, the discrete Hartley transform, is proposed to speed up calculations in the DSP and eliminate the need to have a Hermitian symmetry. The optical CE-OFDM by its unique flexibility and rate scalability turns out as a great technology applicable to different configurations, ranging from access to core networks. In case of access solutions, several cases are investigated. First, the optical CE-OFDM is applied for radio access network signals delivery by means of a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) overlay in deployed access architecture. A decomposed radio access network is deployed over an existing standard passive optical network (PON), capable to avoid interference and cross talks with access signals between network clients. The system exhibited narrow channel spacing, while reducing losses fed into the access equipment path. Next, a full duplex 10 Gb/s bidirectional PON transmission over a single wavelength with RSOA based ONU is investigated. The key point of that system is the upstream transmission, which is achieved re-modulating the phase of a downstream intensity modulated signal after proper saturation. The reported sensitivity performances show a power budget matching the PON standards and an OSNR easy to reach on non-amplified PON. Next, a flexible metropolitan area network of up to 100km with traffic add/drop using WDM is investigated. There the narrowing effect of the optical filters is studied. Finally, an elastic upgrade of the existing Telefonica model of the Spanish national core network is proposed. For that, the transceiver architecture is proposed to be operated featuring polarization multiplexing. Respect to the existing fixed grid, the flexible approach (enabled by the CE-OFDM transceiver) results into reduced bandwidth occupancy and low OSNR requirement.Hoy en día, debido al gran despliegue de las redes de ópticas de transporte, se espera un aumento continuado hacia mayores velocidades de datos, hasta 100 Gb/s y más allá. Por otra parte, la evolución que se prevé para las redes ópticas actuales, incluye la adquisición de nuevas funcionalidades, por ejemplo, la asignación del espectro de forma elástica para las señales ópticas. Por tanto, el claro desafío en cuanto a las tecnologías de transmisión es encontrar técnicas preparadas para hacer frente a un crecimiento de la demanda de ancho de banda; demanda que continuamente se incrementa por parte de los operadores de red, para quienes los sistemas estándar no se acaban de ajustar a las nuevas funcionalidades que esperan para la red. Una solución para cubrir todas estas necesidades es la adaptación de técnicas capaces de hacer frente a estas velocidades de datos enormes, y garantizar el mismo nivel de eficiencia para las largas distancias y mitigar las deficiencias ópticas acumuladas a lo largo de la ruta de transmisión. Además, se espera que estas técnicas de transmisión puedan proporcionar cierto grado de flexibilidad, a fin de mejorar y hacer más eficiente la gestión de la red. Una tecnología prometedora que puede hacer frente a estos requisitos es lo que se llama multiplexación por división de frecuencias ortogonales, combinado con la detección óptica coherente (CO-OFDM). CO-OFDM ofrece varias ventajas, entre otras: alta sensibilidad y eficiencia espectral y, sobre todo, la posibilidad de recuperar por completo de una señal en fase, la amplitud y la polarización. Estos sistemas están compuestos por bloques de procesado de señales digitales (DSP) que permiten detectar los datos fácilmente así como también compensar las principales degradaciones, proporcionando alta tolerancia a los efectos de dispersión. Sin embargo, los sistemas CO-OFDM no están exentos de inconvenientes. Su alta relación de potencia de pico a potencia media (PAPR) reduce sensiblemente la tolerancia no linealidades. Por otra parte, los sistemas CO-OFDM son sensibles a cualquier cambio de frecuencia y desplazamiento de fase. Por tanto, se propone un sistema OFDM de envolvente constante (CE-OFDM) para reducir significativamente la PAPR y solucionar la alta sensibilidad a las degradaciones no lineales. Consiste en una señal OFDM modulada en fase, que se detecta coherentemente en el receptor. Una transformada alternativa, la transformada discreta de Hartley, se propone para acelerar los cálculos en el DSP. El sistema CE-OFDM por su flexibilidad y escalabilidad única, resulta una tecnología aplicable a diferentes escenarios, que van desde las redes de acceso hasta las redes troncales. En el caso de las soluciones de acceso, se investigan varios casos. En primer lugar, el CE-OFDM aplica para el desarrollo y soporte de datos de una red radio, reutilizando una red óptica de acceso ya desplegada. A continuación, se investiga la transmisión bidireccional dúplex a 10 Gb / s sobre una sola longitud de onda empleando un RSOA a las unidades de usuario. El punto clave de este sistema es la transmisión en sentido ascendente, que se consigue re-modulando la fase de una señal de intensidad modulada después de saturar de forma adecuada. A continuación, se estudia una red de área metropolitana flexible de hasta 100 km. Concretamente el efecto de concatenación de filtros ópticos es el objetivo de este estudio. Finalmente, se propone una actualización elástica del modelo de Telefónica I+D para la red troncal española. Por ello, se propone operar el CE-OFDM en multiplexación de polarización. Los resultados muestran que esta combinación reduce sensiblemente el empleo de ancho de banda esto como los requisitos de los enlaces transmisión, reduciendo también los costes tanto de desarrollo como de operación y mantenimiento de la red.Avui dia, a causa del gran desplegament de les xarxes de òptiques de transport, s'espera un augment continuat cap a majors velocitats de dades, fins a 100 Gb/s i més enllà. D'altra banda, l'evolució que es preveu per a les xarxes òptiques actuals, inclou l'adquisició de noves funcionalitats, per exemple, assignació de l'espectre de forma elàstica per als senyals òptics. Per tant, el clar desafiament pel que fa a les tecnologies de transmissió és trobar tècniques preparades per fer front a un creixement de la demanda d'ample de banda; demanda que contínuament es fa per part dels operadors de xarxa, per als qui els sistemes estàndard no s'acaben d'ajustar a les noves funcionalitats que esperen per a la xarxa. Una solució per a cobrir totes aquestes necessitats és l'adaptació de tècniques capaces de fer front a aquestes velocitats de dades enormes, i garantir el mateix nivell d'eficiència per a les llargues distàncies i mitigar les deficiències òptiques acumulades al llarg de la ruta de transmissió. A més, s'espera que aquestes tècniques de transmissió puguin proporcionar cert grau de flexibilitat, per tal de millorar i tornar més eficient la gestió de la xarxa. Una tecnologia prometedora que pot fer front a aquests requisits és el que s'anomena multiplexació per divisió de freqüències ortogonals, combinat amb la detecció òptica coherent (CO-OFDM). CO-OFDM ofereix diversos avantatges, entre altres: alta sensibilitat i eficiència espectral i, sobretot, la possibilitat de recuperar per complet d'una senyal en fase, l'amplitud i la polarització. Aquests sistemes estan compostos per blocs de processament de senyals digitals (DSP) que permeten detectar les dades fàcilment així com també compensar les principals degradacions, proporcionant alta tolerància pels efectes de dispersió. No obstant això, els sistemes CO-OFDM no estan exempts d'inconvenients. La seva alta relació de potència de pic a potència mitjana (PAPR) redueix sensiblement la tolerància a no linealitats. D'altra banda, els sistemes de CO-OFDM són sensibles a qualsevol canvi de freqüència i desplaçament de fase. Per tant, es proposa un sistema OFDM d'envolvent constant (CE-OFDM) per a reduir significativament la PAPR i solucionar l'alta sensibilitat a les degradacions no lineals. Consisteix en un senyal OFDM modulat en fase, que es detecta coherentment en el receptor. Una transformada alternativa, la transformada discreta d'Hartley, es proposa accelerar els càlculs en el DSP. El sistema CE-OFDM per la seva flexibilitat i escalabilitat única, resulta una tecnologia aplicable a diferents escenaris, que van des de les xarxes d'accés fins a les xarxes troncals. En el cas de les solucions d'accés, s'investiguen diversos casos. En primer lloc, el CE-OFDM s'aplica per al desplegament i suport de dades d'una xarxa radio, reutilitzant una xarxa òptica d'accés ja desplegada. A continuació, s'investiga la transmissió bidireccional dúplex a 10 Gb/s sobre una sola longitud d'ona emprant un RSOA a les unitats d'usuari. El punt clau d'aquest sistema és la transmissió en sentit ascendent, que s'aconsegueix re-modulant la fase d'un senyal d'intensitat modulada després de saturar-la de forma adequada. A continuació, s'estudia una xarxa d'àrea metropolitana flexible de fins a 100 km. Concretament l'efecte de concatenació de filtres òptics és l'objectiu d'aquest estudi. Finalment, es proposa una actualització elàstica del model de Telefónica I+D per a la xarxa troncal espanyola. Per això, es proposa operar el CE-OFDM en multiplexació de polarització. Els resultats mostren que aquesta combinació redueix sensiblement l'ocupació d'ample de banda això com també els requisits dels enllaços transmissió, reduint també els costos tant de desplegament com d'operació i manteniment de la xarxa

    Coherent Phase-Modulated Optical Fiber Communications with Linear and Nonlinear Phase Noise

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    Classification and modeling of power line noise using machine learning techniques

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    A thesis submitted in ful lment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Electrical and Information Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment June 2017The realization of robust, reliable and e cient data transmission have been the theme of recent research, most importantly in real channel such as the noisy, fading prone power line communication (PLC) channel. The focus is to exploit old techniques or create new techniques capable of improving the transmission reliability and also increasing the transmission capacity of the real communication channels. Multi-carrier modulation scheme such as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) utilizing conventional single-carrier modulation is developed to facilitate a robust data transmission, increasing transmission capacity (e cient bandwidth usage) and further reducing design complexity in PLC systems. On the contrary, the reliability of data transmission is subjected to several inhibiting factors as a result of the varying nature of the PLC channel. These inhibiting factors include noise, perturbation and disturbances. Contrary to the Additive White Gaussian noise (AWGN) model often assumed in several communication systems, this noise model fails to capture the attributes of noise encountered on the PLC channel. This is because periodic noise or random noise pulses injected by power electronic appliances on the network is a deviation from the AWGN. The nature of the noise is categorized as non-white non-Gaussian and unstable due to its impulsive attributes, thus, it is labeled as Non-additive White Gaussian Noise (NAWGN). These noise and disturbances results into long burst errors that corrupts signals being transmitted, thus, the PLC is labeled as a horrible or burst error channel. The e cient and optimal performance of a conventional linear receiver in the white Gaussian noise environment can therefore be made to drastically degrade in this NAWGN environment. Therefore, transmission reliability in such environment can be greatly enhanced if we know and exploit the knowledge of the channel's statistical attributes, thus, the need for developing statistical channel model based on empirical data. In this thesis, attention is focused on developing a recon gurable software de ned un-coded single-carrier and multicarrier PLC transceiver as a tool for realizing an optimized channel model for the narrowband PLC (NB-PLC) channel. First, a novel recon gurable software de ned un-coded single-carrier and multi-carrier PLC transceiver is developed for real-time NB-PLC transmission. The transceivers can be adapted to implement di erent waveforms for several real-time scenarios and performance evaluation. Due to the varying noise parameters obtained from country to country as a result of the dependence of noise impairment on mains voltages, topology of power line, place and time, the developed transceivers is capable of facilitating constant measurement campaigns to capture these varying noise parameters before statistical and mathematically inclined channel models are derived. Furthermore, the single-carrier (Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK), Di erential BPSK (DBPSK), Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) and Di erential QPSK (DQPSK)) PLC transceiver system developed is used to facilitate a First-Order semi-hidden Fritchman Markov modeling (SHFMM) of the NB-PLC channel utilizing the e cient iterative Baum- Welch algorithm (BWA) for parameter estimation. The performance of each modulation scheme is evaluated in a mildly and heavily disturbed scenarios for both residential and laboratory site considered. The First-Order estimated error statistics of the realized First- Order SHFMM have been analytically validated in terms of performance metrics such as: log-likelihood ratio (LLR), error-free run distribution (EFRD), error probabilities, mean square error (MSE) and Chi-square ( 2) test. The reliability of the model results is also con rmed by an excellent match between the empirically obtained error sequence and the SHFMM regenerated error sequence as shown by the error-free run distribution plot. This thesis also reports a novel development of a low cost, low complexity Frequency-shift keying (FSK) - On-o keying (OOK) in-house hybrid PLC and VLC system. The functionality of this hybrid PLC-VLC transceiver system was ascertained at both residential and laboratory site at three di erent times of the day: morning, afternoon and evening. A First and Second-Order SHFMM of the hybrid system is realized. The error statistics of the realized First and Second-Order SHFMMs have been analytically validated in terms of LLR, EFRD, error probabilities, MSE and Chi-square ( 2). The Second-Order SHFMMs have also been analytically validated to be superior to the First-Order SHFMMs although at the expense of added computational complexity. The reliability of both First and Second-Order SHFMM results is con rmed by an excellent match between the empirical error sequences and SHFMM re-generated error sequences as shown by the EFRD plot. In addition, the multi-carrier (QPSK-OFDM, Di erential QPSK (DQPSK)-OFDM) and Di erential 8-PSK (D8PSK)-OFDM) PLC transceiver system developed is used to facilitate a First and Second-Order modeling of the NB-PLC system using the SHFMM and BWA for parameter estimation. The performance of each OFDM modulation scheme in evaluated and compared taking into consideration the mildly and heavily disturbed noise scenarios for the two measurement sites considered. The estimated error statistics of the realized SHFMMs have been analytically validated in terms of LLR, EFRD, error probabilities, MSE and Chi-square ( 2) test. The estimated Second-Order SHFMMs have been analytically validated to be outperform the First-Order SHFMMs although with added computational complexity. The reliability of the models is con rmed by an excellent match between the empirical data and SHFMM generated data as shown by the EFRD plot. The statistical models obtained using Baum-Welch to adjust the parameters of the adopted SHFMM are often locally maximized. To solve this problem, a novel Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, a Bayesian inference approach based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is developed to optimize the parameters of the adopted SHFMM. The algorithm is used to optimize the model results obtained from the single-carrier and multi-carrier PLC systems as well as that of the hybrid PLC-VLC system. Consequently, as deduced from the results, the models obtained utilizing the novel Metropolis-Hastings algorithm are more precise, near optimal model with parameter sets that are closer to the global maxima. Generally, the model results obtained in this thesis are relevant in enhancing transmission reliability on the PLC channel through the use of the models to improve the adopted modulation schemes, create adaptive modulation techniques, develop and evaluate forward error correction (FEC) codes such as a concatenation of Reed-Solomon and Permutation codes and other robust codes suitable for exploiting and mitigating noise impairments encountered on the low voltage NB-PLC channel. Furthermore, the recon gurable software de ned NB-PLC transceiver test-bed developed can be utilized for future measurement campaign as well as adapted for multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) PLC applications.MT201

    Classification and modeling of power line noise using machine learning techniques

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    A thesis submitted in ful lment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Electrical and Information Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment June 2017The realization of robust, reliable and e cient data transmission have been the theme of recent research, most importantly in real channel such as the noisy, fading prone power line communication (PLC) channel. The focus is to exploit old techniques or create new techniques capable of improving the transmission reliability and also increasing the transmission capacity of the real communication channels. Multi-carrier modulation scheme such as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) utilizing conventional single-carrier modulation is developed to facilitate a robust data transmission, increasing transmission capacity (e cient bandwidth usage) and further reducing design complexity in PLC systems. On the contrary, the reliability of data transmission is subjected to several inhibiting factors as a result of the varying nature of the PLC channel. These inhibiting factors include noise, perturbation and disturbances. Contrary to the Additive White Gaussian noise (AWGN) model often assumed in several communication systems, this noise model fails to capture the attributes of noise encountered on the PLC channel. This is because periodic noise or random noise pulses injected by power electronic appliances on the network is a deviation from the AWGN. The nature of the noise is categorized as non-white non-Gaussian and unstable due to its impulsive attributes, thus, it is labeled as Non-additive White Gaussian Noise (NAWGN). These noise and disturbances results into long burst errors that corrupts signals being transmitted, thus, the PLC is labeled as a horrible or burst error channel. The e cient and optimal performance of a conventional linear receiver in the white Gaussian noise environment can therefore be made to drastically degrade in this NAWGN environment. Therefore, transmission reliability in such environment can be greatly enhanced if we know and exploit the knowledge of the channel's statistical attributes, thus, the need for developing statistical channel model based on empirical data. In this thesis, attention is focused on developing a recon gurable software de ned un-coded single-carrier and multicarrier PLC transceiver as a tool for realizing an optimized channel model for the narrowband PLC (NB-PLC) channel. First, a novel recon gurable software de ned un-coded single-carrier and multi-carrier PLC transceiver is developed for real-time NB-PLC transmission. The transceivers can be adapted to implement di erent waveforms for several real-time scenarios and performance evaluation. Due to the varying noise parameters obtained from country to country as a result of the dependence of noise impairment on mains voltages, topology of power line, place and time, the developed transceivers is capable of facilitating constant measurement campaigns to capture these varying noise parameters before statistical and mathematically inclined channel models are derived. Furthermore, the single-carrier (Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK), Di erential BPSK (DBPSK), Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) and Di erential QPSK (DQPSK)) PLC transceiver system developed is used to facilitate a First-Order semi-hidden Fritchman Markov modeling (SHFMM) of the NB-PLC channel utilizing the e cient iterative Baum- Welch algorithm (BWA) for parameter estimation. The performance of each modulation scheme is evaluated in a mildly and heavily disturbed scenarios for both residential and laboratory site considered. The First-Order estimated error statistics of the realized First- Order SHFMM have been analytically validated in terms of performance metrics such as: log-likelihood ratio (LLR), error-free run distribution (EFRD), error probabilities, mean square error (MSE) and Chi-square ( 2) test. The reliability of the model results is also con rmed by an excellent match between the empirically obtained error sequence and the SHFMM regenerated error sequence as shown by the error-free run distribution plot. This thesis also reports a novel development of a low cost, low complexity Frequency-shift keying (FSK) - On-o keying (OOK) in-house hybrid PLC and VLC system. The functionality of this hybrid PLC-VLC transceiver system was ascertained at both residential and laboratory site at three di erent times of the day: morning, afternoon and evening. A First and Second-Order SHFMM of the hybrid system is realized. The error statistics of the realized First and Second-Order SHFMMs have been analytically validated in terms of LLR, EFRD, error probabilities, MSE and Chi-square ( 2). The Second-Order SHFMMs have also been analytically validated to be superior to the First-Order SHFMMs although at the expense of added computational complexity. The reliability of both First and Second-Order SHFMM results is con rmed by an excellent match between the empirical error sequences and SHFMM re-generated error sequences as shown by the EFRD plot. In addition, the multi-carrier (QPSK-OFDM, Di erential QPSK (DQPSK)-OFDM) and Di erential 8-PSK (D8PSK)-OFDM) PLC transceiver system developed is used to facilitate a First and Second-Order modeling of the NB-PLC system using the SHFMM and BWA for parameter estimation. The performance of each OFDM modulation scheme in evaluated and compared taking into consideration the mildly and heavily disturbed noise scenarios for the two measurement sites considered. The estimated error statistics of the realized SHFMMs have been analytically validated in terms of LLR, EFRD, error probabilities, MSE and Chi-square ( 2) test. The estimated Second-Order SHFMMs have been analytically validated to be outperform the First-Order SHFMMs although with added computational complexity. The reliability of the models is con rmed by an excellent match between the empirical data and SHFMM generated data as shown by the EFRD plot. The statistical models obtained using Baum-Welch to adjust the parameters of the adopted SHFMM are often locally maximized. To solve this problem, a novel Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, a Bayesian inference approach based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is developed to optimize the parameters of the adopted SHFMM. The algorithm is used to optimize the model results obtained from the single-carrier and multi-carrier PLC systems as well as that of the hybrid PLC-VLC system. Consequently, as deduced from the results, the models obtained utilizing the novel Metropolis-Hastings algorithm are more precise, near optimal model with parameter sets that are closer to the global maxima. Generally, the model results obtained in this thesis are relevant in enhancing transmission reliability on the PLC channel through the use of the models to improve the adopted modulation schemes, create adaptive modulation techniques, develop and evaluate forward error correction (FEC) codes such as a concatenation of Reed-Solomon and Permutation codes and other robust codes suitable for exploiting and mitigating noise impairments encountered on the low voltage NB-PLC channel. Furthermore, the recon gurable software de ned NB-PLC transceiver test-bed developed can be utilized for future measurement campaign as well as adapted for multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) PLC applications.MT201

    Design and characterization of downconversion mixers and the on-chip calibration techniques for monolithic direct conversion radio receivers

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    This thesis consists of eight publications and an overview of the research topic, which is also a summary of the work. The research described in this thesis is focused on the design of downconversion mixers and direct conversion radio receivers for UTRA/FDD WCDMA and GSM standards. The main interest of the work is in the 1-3 GHz frequency range and in the Silicon and Silicon-Germanium BiCMOS technologies. The RF front-end, and especially the mixer, limits the performance of direct conversion architecture. The most stringent problems are involved in the second-order distortion in mixers to which special attention has been given. The work introduces calibration techniques to overcome these problems. Some design considerations for front-end radio receivers are also given through a mixer-centric approach. The work summarizes the design of several downconversion mixers. Three of the implemented mixers are integrated as the downconversion stages of larger direct conversion receiver chips. One is realized together with the LNA as an RF front-end. Also, some stand-alone structures have been characterized. Two of the mixers that are integrated together with whole analog receivers include calibration structures to improve the second-order intermodulation rejection. A theoretical mismatch analysis of the second-order distortion in the mixers is also presented in this thesis. It gives a comprehensive illustration of the second-order distortion in mixers. It also gives the relationships between the dc-offsets and high IIP2. In addition, circuit and layout techniques to improve the LO-to-RF isolation are discussed. The presented work provides insight into how the mixer immunity against the second-order distortion can be improved. The implemented calibration structures show promising performance. On the basis of these results, several methods of detecting the distortion on-chip and the possibilities of integrating the automatic on-chip calibration procedures to produce a repeatable and well-predictable receiver IIP2 are presented.reviewe