219 research outputs found

    Real-Time Ethernet Networks: a practical approach to cycle time influence in control applications

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    Vivemos num mundo cada vez mais digital e informatizado onde existe uma constante necessidade de interligação entre tudo e todos. Os sistemas robóticos modernos não escapam a esta necessidade e, por isso, é preciso adaptá-los. Existem no mercado várias soluções de redes de comunicação de tempo real, já bem estabelecidas, mas em todas se encontra a mesma lacuna: a escassez de material educativo acerca delas. Este documento pretende apresentar as duas soluções propostas para colmatar um pouco esta lacuna na rede EtherCAT e demonstrar o trabalho de pesquisa e estudo preliminar efetuado para suportar e servir de ponto de partida para o desenvolvimento aprofundado de uma das soluções. Nos capítulos seguintes será explicitado o contexto e motivação para a realização deste projeto, os objetivos que propomos alcaçar, uma descrição do problema incluindo a sua caraterização, uma apresentação não exaustiva da tecnologia por detrás da rede EtherCAT, a explicação das soluções propostas e, por fim, um planeamento de tarefas e objetivos com calendarização dos mesmos

    Controllo di robot omnidirezionale tramite Ethercat

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    La tesi tratta lo sviluppo del software di controllo della piattaforma omnidirezionale del Barcellona Mobile Manipulator. Lo sviluppo del progetto ha richiesto: a) lo studio della comunicazione EtherCAT tra il PC di controllo e i driver dei motori; b) lo sviluppo di un opportuno master EtherCAT; c ) lo sviluppo di software sia per il controllo in tempo reale mediante un joystick che per il tracking di una traiettoria pianificat

    Real-Time Jerk Limited Feedrate Profiling and Interpolation for Linear Motor Multiaxis Machines Using NURBS Toolpaths

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    In this article, a NURBS toolpath feedrate profile generation algorithm for a biaxial linear motor control system is presented. High achievable velocities and accelerations of linear motor machines present new computational challenges in implementing feedrate generation and toolpath interpolation algorithms in real-time controllers. The proposed algorithm is capable of online generation of the feedrate profile with axial acceleration and jerk constraints. Each stage of the feedrate profiling algorithm is described with attention being given to both performance and implementation aspects. Furthermore, an alternative to the commonly used Taylor series interpolation method is also tested to ensure minimal interpolation errors. The feedrate profiling and interpolation algorithms’ implementation in a PC-based controller with real-time Linux kernel is described. Experimental results are presented that confirm that the algorithm is capable of limiting acceleration and jerk in the machine’s axes and it is low computation time enables real-time on-line operation in a PC-based CNC controller

    Stiffness Compensation and External Control of Gantry-Tau Robots

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    This master thesis describes how to compensate for the compliance of the Gantry-Tau robot. The main reason for this is to improve the performance of the robot. The compliance is modeled as nine springs, one for each cart and each link. The model seems promising but has only been tested in homing position of the robot but shows a positive result in decreasing the compliance. External control of the CNC software ISG and its drivers for a Gantry-Tau robot F1 is also investigated. A way to add external measurement equipment and adding external position references was implemented

    A Scalable, High-Performance, Real-Time Control Architecture with Application to Semi-Autonomous Teleoperation

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    A scalable and real-time capable infrastructure is required to enable high-performance control and haptic rendering of systems with many degrees-of-freedom. The specific platform that motivates this thesis work is the open research platform da Vinci ReResearch Kit (dVRK). For the system architecture, we propose a specialized IEEE-1394 (FireWire) broadcast protocol that takes advantage of broadcast and peer-to-peer transfers to minimize the number of transactions, and thus the software overhead, on the control PC, thereby enabling fast real-time control. It has also been extended to Ethernet via a novel Ethernet-to-FireWire bridge protocol. The software architecture consists of a distributed hardware interface layer, a real-time component-based software framework, and integration with the Robot Operating System (ROS). The architecture is scalable to support multiple active manipulators, reconfigurable to enable researchers to partition a full system into multiple independent subsystems, and extensible at all levels of control. This architecture has been applied to two semi-autonomous teleoperation applications. The first application is a suturing task in Robotic Minimally Invasive Surgery (RMIS), that includes the development of virtual fixtures for the needle passing and knot tying sub-tasks, with a multi-user study to verify their effectiveness. The second application concerns time-delayed teleoperation of a robotic arm for satellite servicing. The research contribution includes the development of a line virtual fixture with augmented reality, a test for different time delay configurations and a multi-user study that evaluates the effectiveness of the system

    Toward a Holistic Delay Analysis of EtherCAT Synchronized Control Processes

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    This paper analyzes the end-to-end delay of EtherCAT-based control processes that use the events of message frames and global clock for synchronized operation. With the end-to-end delay defined as the time interval between the start of a process cycle and the actual input or output, we develop a holistic delay model for control processes in EtherCAT, by taking into account the time for in-controller processing, message delivery, and slave-local handling. Based on the measurements from a real EtherCAT control system, we discuss the average and deviation of the process delay as we vary the number of slaves and process cycle time. The experiment results show that the output delays are mainly increased by the average controller delay, whereas the input delays are more affected by the deviation rather than the average of the controller delay. Our in-depth analysis on the controller reveals that DMA time chiefly enlarges the controller delay for increasing number of slaves, while task release jitter is the main cause of the increased delay for longer cycle time. The presented delay model and evaluation results can be essentially used for the design of EtherCAT-based automation that requires highly synchronized operations, such as for coordinated motion and high-precision data sensing