65 research outputs found

    Optical MIMO-OFDM with Generalized LED Index Modulation

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    Due to copyright restrictions, the access to the full text of this article is only available via subscription.Visible light communications (VLC) is a promising and uncharted new technology for the next generation of wireless communication systems. This paper proposes a novel generalized light emitting diode (LED) index modulation method for multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)-based VLC systems. The proposed scheme avoids the typical spectrum efficiency losses incurred by time- and frequency-domain shaping in OFDM signals. This is achieved by exploiting spatial multiplexing along with LED index modulation. Accordingly, real and imaginary components of the complex time-domain OFDM signals are separated first, then resulting bipolar signals are transmitted over a VLC channel by encoding sign information in LED indexes. As a benchmark, we demonstrate the performance analysis of our proposed system for both analytical and physical channel models. Furthermore, two novel receiver designs are proposed. Each one is suitable for frequency-flat or selective channel scenarios. It has been shown via extensive computer simulations that the proposed scheme achieves considerably better bit error ratio versus signal-to-noise-ratio performance than the existing VLC-MIMO-OFDM systems that use the same number of transmit and receive units [LEDs and photo diodes (PDs)]. Compared with the single-input single-output (SISO) DC biased optical (DCO)-OFDM system, both spectral efficiency and DC bias can be doubled and removed respectively simply by exploiting a MIMO configuration.European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST); The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) Research; EPSRC under Established Career Fellowshi

    Vector Coding Optical Wireless Links

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    The quasi-static nature of the optical wireless channel means that the channel state information (CSI) can be readily available at the transmitter and receiver prior to data transmission. This implies that electrically band-limited optical wireless communication (OWC) systems can make use of optimal channel partitioning or vector coding based multi-channel modulation (MCM) to achieve high throughput by mitigating the non-linearities arising from the optical and electrical channel. This paper proposes a pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) based DC-biased optical vector coding (DCO-VC) MCM scheme for OWC. The throughput performance of DCO-VC is evaluated and compared to the well known DC-biased optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (DCO-OFDM) over hybrid (line-of-sight and diffuse) and diffuse (non line-of-sight only) visible light communication (VLC) channels with additive white Gaussian noise. For the completeness of the VLC physical layer, the performance comparison is based on an uncoded and a forward error correction transmission mode using well-known convolutional codes with Viterbi decoder. The results show that the coded DCO-VC outperforms DCO-OFDM system by achieving up to 2 and 3 dB signal to noise ratio gains over hybrid and diffuse VLC channels, respectively

    Indoor Visible Light Communication:A Tutorial and Survey

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    Abstract With the advancement of solid-state devices for lighting, illumination is on the verge of being completely restructured. This revolution comes with numerous advantages and viable opportunities that can transform the world of wireless communications for the better. Solid-state LEDs are rapidly replacing the contemporary incandescent and fluorescent lamps. In addition to their high energy efficiency, LEDs are desirable for their low heat generation, long lifespan, and their capability to switch on and off at an extremely high rate. The ability of switching between different levels of luminous intensity at such a rate has enabled the inception of a new communication technology referred to as visible light communication (VLC). With this technology, the LED lamps are additionally being used for data transmission. This paper provides a tutorial and a survey of VLC in terms of the design, development, and evaluation techniques as well as current challenges and their envisioned solutions. The focus of this paper is mainly directed towards an indoor setup. An overview of VLC, theory of illumination, system receivers, system architecture, and ongoing developments are provided. We further provide some baseline simulation results to give a technical background on the performance of VLC systems. Moreover, we provide the potential of incorporating VLC techniques in the current and upcoming technologies such as fifth-generation (5G), beyond fifth-generation (B5G) wireless communication trends including sixth-generation (6G), and intelligent reflective surfaces (IRSs) among others

    Employing VLC technology for transmitting data in biological tissue

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    Abstract. With the development in wireless communication methods, visible light communication (VLC), a subset of Optical Wireless Communication (OWC) has garnered much attention to employ the technology for a secure short-range wireless communication. We present a feasibility study to determine the performance of VLC in short range wireless transmission of data through biological tissue. VLC is a cost efficient and secure means of transmitting high volume of data wirelessly which can considerably reduce the interference issues caused by electromagnetic pulses and external electric fields. We present a simple measurement approach based on Monte Carlo simulation of photon propagation in tissue to estimate the strength of wireless communication with body implant devices. Using light for communication brings inherent security against unauthorized access of digital data which could be acquired from the low energy body implant devices used for medical diagnosis and other studies. This thesis discusses the typical components required to establish VLC such as, transmitter, receiver and the channel mediums. Furthermore, two cases of Monte Carlo simulation of photon-tissue interaction are studied to determine a possibility if VLC is a suitable substitute to radio frequency (RF) for a more wireless communication with the body implants. The process of theoretical measurement begins with conversion of light intensity into an electrical signal and an estimation of achievable data rate through a complex heterogeneous biological tissue model. The theoretically achieved data rates of the communication were found to be in the order of megabits per second (Mbps), ensuring a possibility to utilize this technology for short range reliable wireless communication with a wider range and application of implant medical devices. Biophotonics.fi presents a computational simulation of light propagation in different types of computational tissue models comprehensively validated by comparison with the team’s practical implementation of the same setup. This simulation is also used in this thesis (5.2.2) to approximate more accurate data rates of communication in case of a practical implementation

    High speed energy efficient incoherent optical wireless communications

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    The growing demand for wireless communication capacity and the overutilisation of the conventional radio frequency (RF) spectrum have inspired research into using alternative spectrum regions for communication. Using optical wireless communications (OWC), for example, offers significant advantages over RF communication in terms of higher bandwidth, lower implementation costs and energy savings. In OWC systems, the information signal has to be real and non-negative. Therefore, modifications to the conventional communication algorithms are required. Multicarrier modulation schemes like orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) promise to deliver a more efficient use of the communication capacity through adaptive bit and energy loading techniques. Three OFDM-based schemes – direct-current-biased OFDM (DCO-OFDM), asymmetrically clipped optical OFDM(ACO-OFDM), and pulse-amplitude modulated discrete multitone (PAM-DMT) – have been introduced in the literature. The current work investigates the recently introduced scheme subcarrier-index modulation OFDM as a potential energy-efficient modulation technique with reduced peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) suitable for applications in OWC. A theoretical model for the analysis of SIM-OFDMin a linear additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel is provided. A closed-form solution for the PAPR in SIM-OFDM is also proposed. Following the work on SIM-OFDM, a novel inherently unipolar modulation scheme, unipolar orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (U-OFDM), is proposed as an alternative to the existing similar schemes: ACO-OFDMand PAM-DMT. Furthermore, an enhanced U-OFDMsignal generation algorithm is introduced which allows the spectral efficiency gap between the inherently unipolar modulation schemes – U-OFDM, ACO-OFDM, PAM-DMT – and the conventionally used DCO-OFDM to be closed. This results in an OFDM-based modulation approach which is electrically and optically more efficient than any other OFDM-based technique proposed so far for intensity modulation and direct detection (IM/DD) communication systems. Non-linear distortion in the optical front-end elements is one of the major limitations for high-speed communication in OWC. This work presents a generalised approach for analysing nonlinear distortion in OFDM-based modulation schemes. The presented technique leads to a closed-form analytical solution for an arbitrary memoryless distortion of the information signal and has been proven to work for the majority of the known unipolar OFDM-based modulation techniques - DCO-OFDM, ACO-OFDM, PAM-DMT and U-OFDM. The high-speed communication capabilities of novel Gallium Nitride based μm-sized light emitting diodes (μLEDs) are investigated, and a record-setting result of 3.5Gb/s using a single 50-μm device is demonstrated. The capabilities of using such devices at practical transmission distances are also investigated, and a 1 Gb/s link using a single device is demonstrated at a distance of up to 10m. Furthermore, a proof-of-concept experiment is realised where a 50-μm LED is successfully modulated using U-OFDM and enhanced U-OFDM to achieve notable energy savings in comparison to DCO-OFDM

    Physical Layer Techniques for Indoor Wireless Visible Light Communications

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    The growing demand for bandwidth-hungry applications and increasing number of smart interconnected devices has increased the data traffic on radio access networks. Subsequently, the saturating spectral efficiencies in crowded radio frequency spectrum has impelled the researchers to exploit the optical spectrum for communications. In particular, many developments in the visible light communication (VLC) as a combined lighting and communications system have taken place. Despite abundant optical bandwidth, the data transmission rates and power efficiencies in VLC are partly limited by the electrical channel bandwidth and the type of signalling sets which can be used in this intensity modulated, direct detected system. In order to improve the power and spectral efficiencies, this thesis focuses on physical layer (PHY) techniques. The state-of-the-art single channel modulations (SCM) based on M-PAM, multi-channel modulations (MCM) based on OFDM, and IEEE standardised multi-colour modulations are investigated comprehensively through simulations and theoretical analysis, over representative VLC channels considering the optical properties of front-end devices. The bit error performances and spectral efficiencies of DC-biased and non DC-biased MCM systems are compared. A new vector coding based MCM is proposed to optimally utilise the channel state information at the transmitter as an alternative to optical OFDM. The throughputs, peak-to-average power ratios and DC-bias requirements of SCM and MCM systems are investigated which show that the lower DC-bias requirements reduce power consumed for the same throughput in SCM systems when compared to MCM systems. A new quad-chromatic colour shift keying (CSK) system is proposed which reduces power requirements and complexity, enhances throughput and realises a four-dimensional signalling to outperform the IEEE standardised tri-chromatic CSK system. For improved power efficiency and throughput of VLC PHY, use of rate-adaptive binary convolutional coding and Viterbi decoding is proposed along with frequency domain channel equalisation to mitigate temporal dispersion over representative VLC channels

    Design and implementation of an uplink connection for a light-based IoT node

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    Abstract. In the wake of soaring demand for shrinking radio frequency (RF) spectrum, light-fidelity (LiFi) has been heralded as a solution to accommodate resources for future communication networks. Infrared (IR) and visible light communication (VLC) are meant to be used within LiFi because of numerous advantages. By combining the paradigm of internet of things (IoT) along with LiFi, light-based IoT (LIoT) emerges as a potential enabler of future 6G networks. With tremendous number of interconnected devices, LIoT nodes need to be able to receive and transmit data while being energy autonomous. One of the most promising clean energy sources comes from both natural and artificial light. In addition to providing illumination and energy, light can also be utilized as a robust information carrier. In order to provide bidirectional connectivity to LIoT node, both downlink and uplink have to be taken into consideration. Whereas downlink relies on visible light as a carrier, uplink approach can be engineered freely within specific requirements. With this in mind, this master’s thesis explores possible solutions for providing uplink connectivity. After analysis of possible solutions, the LIoT proof-of-concept was designed, implemented and validated. By incorporating printed solar cell, dedicated energy harvesting unit, power-optimised microcontroller unit (MCU) and light intensity sensor the LIoT node is able to autonomously transmit data using IR

    Evaluation of spectrally efficient indoor optical wireless transmission techniques

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    Optical wireless communications (OWC) has the potential to become a remedy for the shortage of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum. Especially in indoor environments, OWC could enable wireless home networking systems which offload data traffic from existing RF systems. In OWC, data is transmitted by modulating the intensity of light sources, typically incoherent light emitting diodes (LEDs). Thus, OWC systems employ intensity modulation (IM) and direct detection (DD) of the optical carrier. Since off-the-shelf LEDs have a limited modulation capability, the transmission bandwidth of practical OWC systems is restricted. Consequently, the available bandwidth has to be used efficiently. In this thesis, spectrally efficient optical wireless transmission techniques are evaluated. Firstly, multiple transmitter-receiver techniques are investigated. These multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) techniques provide high spectral efficiency, and therefore high data rates. Specifically, the MIMO techniques repetition coding (RC), spatial multiplexing (SMP) and spatial modulation (SM) are analysed for indoor OWC. The performance of these techniques is evaluated analytically and by means of computer simulations. It is shown that inducing power imbalance between the multiple optical transmitters can substantially improve the performance of optical MIMO techniques as the power imbalance improves the differentiability of the multiple channels. In addition, it is found that link blockage and the utilisation of transmitters having different optical wavelengths enhance channel differentiability as well. These methods enable the utilisation of optical MIMO techniques under conditions which typically disallow the application of MIMO schemes due to little differences between the multiple links. Secondly, a novel optical wireless transmitter concept is developed. This concept uses discrete power level stepping to generate intensity modulated optical signals, such as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) waveforms. The transmitter consists of several on-off-switchable LED groups which are individually controlled to emit scaled optical intensities. As a result, the digital-to-analogue conversion of the signals to be sent is done in the optical domain. This method enables the implementation of low-complex and power-efficient optical transmitter front-ends – the major shortcoming of conventional optical OFDM transmitters. Thirdly, a novel approach for wireless data transmission within an aircraft cabin is presented. The data is transferred by 2-dimensional visual code sequences. These sequences are displayed on the in-flight entertainment (IFE) screen and are captured by the built-in camera of a user device which acts as receiver. Transmission experiments within an aircraft cabin mock-up demonstrate the functionality of the implemented system under realistic conditions, such as ambient illumination and geometric configuration. Altogether, this thesis has analysed the potential of spectrally efficient optical wireless transmission techniques. It is shown that OWC systems can greatly benefit from these techniques
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