72 research outputs found

    Model Predictive Control as a Function for Trajectory Control during High Dynamic Vehicle Maneuvers considering Actuator Constraints

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    Autonomous driving is a rapidly growing field and can bring significant transition in mobility and transportation. In order to cater a safe and reliable autonomous driving operation, all the systems concerning with perception, planning and control has to be highly efficient. MPC is a control technique used to control vehicle motion by controlling actuators based on vehicle model and its constraints. The uniqueness of MPC compared to other controllers is its ability to predict future states of the vehicle using the derived vehicle model. Due to the technological development & increase in computational capacity of processors and optimization algorithms MPC is adopted for real-time application in dynamic environments. This research focuses on using Model predictive Control (MPC) to control the trajectory of an autonomous vehicle controlling the vehicle actuators for high dynamic maneuvers. Vehicle Models considering kinematics and vehicle dynamics is developed. These models are used for MPC as prediction models and the performance of MPC is evaluated. MPC trajectory control is performed with the minimization of cost function and limiting constraints. MATLAB/Simulink is used for designing trajectory control system and interfaced with CarMaker for evaluating controller performance in a realistic simulation environment. Performance of MPC with kinematic and dynamic vehicle models for high dynamic maneuvers is evaluated with different speed profiles

    Robust navigation control and headland turning optimization of agricultural vehicles

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    Autonomous agricultural robots have experienced rapid development during the last decade. They are capable of automating numerous field operations such as data collection, spraying, weeding, and harvesting. Because of the increasing demand of field work load and the diminishing labor force on the contrary, it is expected that more and more autonomous agricultural robots will be utilized in future farming systems. The development of a four-wheel-steering (4WS) and four-wheel-driving (4WD) robotic vehicle, AgRover, was carried out at Agricultural Automation and Robotics Lab at Iowa State University. As a 4WS/4WD robotic vehicle, AgRover was able to work under four steering modes, including crabbing, front steering, rear steering, and coordinated steering. These steering modes provided extraordinary flexibilities to cope with off-road path tracking and turning situations. AgRover could be manually controlled by a remote joystick to perform activities under individual PID controller of each motor. Socket based software, written in Visual C#, was developed at both AgRover side and remote PC side to manage bi-directional data communication. Safety redundancy was also considered and implemented during the software development. One of the prominent challenges in automated navigation control for off-road vehicles is to overcome the inaccuracy of vehicle modeling and the complexity of soil-tire interactions. Further, the robotic vehicle is a multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) high-dimensional nonlinear system, which is hard to be controlled or incorporated by conventional linearization methods. To this end, a robust nonlinear navigation controller was developed based on the Sliding Mode Control (SMC) theory and AgRover was used as the test platform to validate the controller performance. Based on the theoretical framework of such robust controller development, a series of field experiments on robust trajectory tracking control were carried out and promising results were achieved. Another vitally important component in automated agricultural field equipment navigation is automatic headland turning. Until now automated headland turning still remains as a challenging task for most auto-steer agricultural vehicles. This is particularly true after planting where precise alignment between crop row and tractor or tractor-implement is critical when equipment entering the next path. Given the motion constraints originated from nonholonomic agricultural vehicles and allowable headland turning space, to realize automated headland turning, an optimized headland turning trajectory planner is highly desirable. In this dissertation research, an optimization scheme was developed to incorporate vehicle system models, a minimum turning-time objective, and a set of associated motion constraints through a direct collocation nonlinear programming (DCNLP) optimization approach. The optimization algorithms were implemented using Matlab scripts and TOMLAB/SNOPT tool boxes. Various case studies including tractor and tractor-trailer combinations under different headland constraints were conducted. To validate the soundness of the developed optimization algorithm, the planner generated turning trajectory was compared with the hand-calculated trajectory when analytical approach was possible. The overall trajectory planning results clearly demonstrated the great potential of utilizing DCNLP methods for headland turning trajectory optimization for a tractor with or without towed implements

    Development of a Model-based Control Strategy for Autonomous Vehicle Collision Avoidance

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    Human inattention is the leading cause of traffic accidents in many regions around the world. Autonomous vehicle technologies are rapidly emerging with the aim to remove the human factor in key driving procedures, such as perception, decision-making, path planning, and control. These technologies are subject to technological, ethical, and social scrutiny; therefore, extensive work is required to instill confidence in the reliability of these automated driving features. One key responsibility of automated driving is in planning and tracking a trajectory to avoid collisions with obstacles, such as other vehicles. One of the foremost challenges in the formulation of a feasible path is considering the dynamics and constraints of the vehicle and the environment. Model predictive control (MPC) is one of the most common control techniques for its ability to handle constraints. For this reason, MPC has been widely studied for path planning and tracking for autonomous vehicles and mobile robots. MPC relies upon an accurate vehicle dynamics model which enables accurate state predictions, thereby resulting in effective control actions to achieve the desired objective. It is challenging, however, to capture all of the details and uncertainties of the dynamics associated with a vehicle. In particular, modeling tire dynamics requires detailed nonlinear models to fully reflect the vehicle behavior. One common technique for motion planning using MPC is to employ artificial potential fields (PFs) which generate an artificial repulsive force from obstacles or road boundaries to influence the controller to track the vehicle along a safe trajectory. Some state-of-the-art PF-based techniques include the PF intensity directly in the MPC objective function, thereby considering the vehicle constraints and dynamics as part of the path planning. In this thesis, an enhanced PF-based motion controller is presented. The control design uses MPC with a detailed dynamics model; the model considers the combined-slip effect on tire forces, nonlinearities, and actuator dynamics. Therefore, it offers an improvement upon prior studies which rely upon simplified dynamics models. Moreover, the PF intensity is included in the objective function, like prior studies, although the PF approximation is further simplified by only considering the lateral component of the repulsive force as part of the latera controller. A separate, novel longitudinal control policy uses the longitudinal component of the PF gradient to regulate the speed setpoint when approaching an obstacle in the same lane; subsequently, proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers command axle torque and brake pressure to track the reference speed. The developed controller and dynamics model are validated in both simulation and physical vehicle tests. To emulate the various driving scenarios where avoidance or stopping is required, a virtual driving environment is employed: simulated obstacles are placed in the roadway, the detections of which are sent to the controller. The controller performance is demonstrated in various evasive maneuvers, and in different road conditions

    Auto-correction of 3D-orientation of IMUs on electric bicycles

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    The application of inertial measurement units (IMU) in electronically power-assisted cycles (EPACs) has become increasingly important for improving their functionalities. One central issue of such an application is to calibrate the orientation of the IMU on the EPAC. The approach presented in this paper utilizes common bicycling motions to calibrate the 2D- and 3D-mounting orientation of a micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) IMU on an electric bicycle. The method is independent of sensor biases and requires only a very low computation expense and, thus, the estimation can be realized in real-time. In addition, the acceleration biases are estimated using a barometric pressure sensor. The experimental results show high accuracy of the calibrated orientation and estimated sensor biases

    Sliding mode control of robotics systems actuated by pneumatic muscles.

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    This dissertation is concerned with investigating robust approaches for the control of pneumatic muscle systems. Pneumatic muscle is a novel type of actuator. Besides having a high ratio of power to weight and flexible control of movement, it also exhibits many analogical behaviors to natural skeletal muscle, which makes them the ideal candidate for applications of anthropomorphic robotic systems. In this dissertation, a new phenomenological model of pneumatic muscle developed in the Human Sensory Feedback Laboratory at Wright Patterson Air Force Base is investigated. The closed loop stability of a one-link planar arm actuated by two pneumatic muscles using linear state feedback is proved. Robotic systems actuated by pneumatic muscles are time-varying and nonlinear due to load variations and uncertainties of system parameters caused by the effects of heat. Sliding mode control has the advantage that it can provide robust control performance in the presence of model uncertainties. Therefore, it is mainly utilized and further complemented with other control methods in this dissertation to design the appropriate controller to perform the tasks commanded by system operation. First, a sliding mode controller is successfully proposed to track the elbow angle with bounded error in a one-Joint limb system with pneumatic muscles in bicep/tricep configuration. Secondly, fuzzy control, which aims to dynamically adjust the sliding surface, is used along with sliding mode control. The so-called fuzzy sliding mode control method is applied to control the motion of the end-effector in a two-Joint planar arm actuated by four groups of pneumatic muscles. Through computer simulation, the fuzzy sliding mode control shows very good tracking accuracy superior to nonfuzzy sliding mode control. Finally, a two-joint planar arm actuated by four groups of pneumatic muscles operated in an assumed industrial environment is presented. Based on the model, an integral sliding mode control scheme is proposed as an ultimate solution to the control of systems actuated by pneumatic muscles. As the theoretical proof and computer simulations show, the integral sliding mode controller, with strong robustness to model uncertainties and external perturbations, is superior for performing the commanded control assignment. Based on the investigation in this dissertation, integral sliding mode control proposed here is a very promising robust control approach to handle systems actuated by pneumatic muscles

    Probabilistic Localization of a Soccer Robot

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    Mobiilsed autonoomsed robotid vajavad iseseisvaks navigeerimiseks teadmist oma umbkaudse asukoha kohta. Tihtipeale pole see otseselt tuvastatav, vaid roboti positsioon tuleb järeldada mitmete müraste sensorite mõõtmistest. Antud tees tegeleb probleemiga, kuidas lokaliseerida iseseisvat jalgpallirobotit videopildi alusel. Kasutatakse statistilisi Bayesi filtreerimise meetodeid nagu Kalmani- ja osakeste filter, mis arvestavad sellistele süsteemidele omase müra ja ebakindlusega. Implementeeritakse ja võrreldakse mitmeid erinevaid lokalisatsioonialgoritme ja testitakse neid ka lisaks simulaatorile ka füüsilise roboti peal. Töötatakse välja toimiv praktiline lahendus mobiilse jalgpalliroboti lokaliseerimiseks.The thesis deals with the problem of localizing a mobile soccer-playing robot using Bayes filtering methods. For navigating natural environments, autonomous robots need to know where they are located even if the position of the robot is not directly observable, but rather needs to be inferred from indirect measurements of several noisy sensors. The algorithms need to account for the inherent uncertainty of such systems. Several algorithms of robot positioning including Kalman filter and particle filter are investigated, implemented and compared. The algorithms are also tested on a real robot. A working solution for practical robot localization is developed

    Artificial co-drivers as a universal enabling technology for future intelligent vehicles and transportation systems

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    This position paper introduces the concept of artificial “co-drivers” as an enabling technology for future intelligent transportation systems. In Sections I and II, the design principles of co-drivers are introduced and framed within general human–robot interactions. Several contributing theories and technologies are reviewed, specifically those relating to relevant cognitive architectures, human-like sensory-motor strategies, and the emulation theory of cognition. In Sections III and IV, we present the co-driver developed for the EU project interactIVe as an example instantiation of this notion, demonstrating how it conforms to the given guidelines. We also present substantive experimental results and clarify the limitations and performance of the current implementation. In Sections IV and V, we analyze the impact of the co-driver technology. In particular, we identify a range of application fields, showing how it constitutes a universal enabling technology for both smart vehicles and cooperative systems, and naturally sets out a program for future research

    Optimization based solutions for control and state estimation in non-holonomic mobile robots: stability, distributed control, and relative localization

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    Interest in designing, manufacturing, and using autonomous robots has been rapidly growing during the most recent decade. The main motivation for this interest is the wide range of potential applications these autonomous systems can serve in. The applications include, but are not limited to, area coverage, patrolling missions, perimeter surveillance, search and rescue missions, and situational awareness. In this thesis, the area of control and state estimation in non-holonomic mobile robots is tackled. Herein, optimization based solutions for control and state estimation are designed, analyzed, and implemented to such systems. One of the main motivations for considering such solutions is their ability of handling constrained and nonlinear systems such as non-holonomic mobile robots. Moreover, the recent developments in dynamic optimization algorithms as well as in computer processing facilitated the real-time implementation of such optimization based methods in embedded computer systems. Two control problems of a single non-holonomic mobile robot are considered first; these control problems are point stabilization (regulation) and path-following. Here, a model predictive control (MPC) scheme is used to fulfill these control tasks. More precisely, a special class of MPC is considered in which terminal constraints and costs are avoided. Such constraints and costs are traditionally used in the literature to guarantee the asymptotic stability of the closed loop system. In contrast, we use a recently developed stability criterion in which the closed loop asymptotic stability can be guaranteed by appropriately choosing the prediction horizon length of the MPC controller. This method is based on finite time controllability as well as bounds on the MPC value function. Afterwards, a regulation control of a multi-robot system (MRS) is considered. In this control problem, the objective is to stabilize a group of mobile robots to form a pattern. We achieve this task using a distributed model predictive control (DMPC) scheme based on a novel communication approach between the subsystems. This newly introduced method is based on the quantization of the robots’ operating region. Therefore, the proposed communication technique allows for exchanging data in the form of integers instead of floating-point numbers. Additionally, we introduce a differential communication scheme to achieve a further reduction in the communication load. Finally, a moving horizon estimation (MHE) design for the relative state estimation (relative localization) in an MRS is developed in this thesis. In this framework, robots with less payload/computational capacity, in a given MRS, are localized and tracked using robots fitted with high-accuracy sensory/computational means. More precisely, relative measurements between these two classes of robots are used to localize the less (computationally) powerful robotic members. As a complementary part of this study, the MHE localization scheme is combined with a centralized MPC controller to provide an algorithm capable of localizing and controlling an MRS based only on relative sensory measurements. The validity and the practicality of this algorithm are assessed by realtime laboratory experiments. The conducted study fills important gaps in the application area of autonomous navigation especially those associated with optimization based solutions. Both theoretical as well as practical contributions have been introduced in this research work. Moreover, this thesis constructs a foundation for using MPC without stabilizing constraints or costs in the area of non-holonomic mobile robots