55 research outputs found

    Měření Triple play služeb v hybridní síti

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    The master's thesis deals with a project regarding the implementation, design and the quality of IPTV, VoIP and Data services within the Triple Play services. In heterostructural networks made up of GEPON and xDSL technologies. Different lengths of the optical and metallic paths were used for the measurements. The first part of the thesis is theoretically analyzed the development and trend of optical and metallic networks. The second part deals with the measurement of typical optical and metallic parameters on the constructed experimental network, where its integrity was tested. Another part of the thesis is the evaluation of Triple play results, regarding the test where the network was variously tasked/burdened with data traffic and evaluated according to defined standards. The last part is concerned with the Optiwave Software simulation environment.Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem, realizací a kvalitou služeb IPTV, VoIP a Data v rámci Triple play služeb v heterostrukturní sítí tvořené GEPON a xDSL technologiemi. Pro měření byli využity různé délky optické a metalické trasy. První části diplomové práce je teoreticky rozebrán vývoj a trend optických a metalických sítí. Druhá část se zaměřuje na měření typických optických a metalických parametrů na vybudované experimentální síti, kde byla následně testována její integrita. Dalším bodem práce je vyhodnocení výsledků Triple play, kde síť je různě zatěžována datovým provozem a následně vyhodnocována podle definovaných norem. Závěr práce je věnovaný simulačnímu prostředí Optiwave.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvýborn

    Estudo e implementação de soluções de comunicação IP/GPON

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    Este trabalho visa abordar as temáticas essenciais ao projeto e implementação de redes de acesso Gigabit Passive Optical Networks (GPON), assim como os “tradicionais” serviços disponibilizados por este tipo de solução de comunicação, em aldeamentos turísticos e instalações empresariais. Os serviços que podem funcionar sobre uma rede GPON são variados, sendo que, qualquer tecnologia Internet Protocol (IP), pode ser colocada a funcionar sobre esta solução. De entre os vários serviços, o sistema de Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) é o que apresenta maiores desafios de implementação em redes GPON. O IPTV consiste na transmissão de sinais de televisão sobre o IP. Utiliza o conceito de IP Multicast para enviar os pacotes de informação dos canais de televisão pela rede, até as Set Up Boxes (STB), que são responsáveis pela receção do sinal e transmissão dos canais para as televisões. O facto de requerer uma largura de banda mínima, torna o IPTV suscetível a degradação, quando há alterações significativas nos débitos de transmissão da rede. Garantir a largura de banda mínima, adequada ao funcionamento do sistema, requer a utilização de técnicas de Quality of Service (QoS). No trabalho será abordado o estudo de dois projetos GPON distintos, cuja realização resultou da aplicação dos conhecimentos técnicos adquiridos, durante o estágio

    40 Gbps Access for Metro networks: Implications in terms of Sustainability and Innovation from an LCA Perspective

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    In this work, the implications of new technologies, more specifically the new optical FTTH technologies, are studied both from the functional and non-functional perspectives. In particular, some direct impacts are listed in the form of abandoning non-functional technologies, such as micro-registration, which would be implicitly required for having a functioning operation before arrival the new high-bandwidth access technologies. It is shown that such abandonment of non-functional best practices, which are mainly at the management level of ICT, immediately results in additional consumption and environmental footprint, and also there is a chance that some other new innovations might be 'missed.' Therefore, unconstrained deployment of these access technologies is not aligned with a possible sustainable ICT picture, except if they are regulated. An approach to pricing the best practices, including both functional and non-functional technologies, is proposed in order to develop a regulation and policy framework for a sustainable broadband access.Comment: 10 pages, 6 Tables, 1 Figure. Accepted to be presented at the ICT4S'15 Conferenc

    Dynamic bandwidth allocation with SLA awareness for QoS in ethernet passive optical networks

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    Quality-of-service (QoS) support in Ethernet passive optical networks is a crucial concern. We propose a new dynamic bandwidth allocation (DBA) algorithm for service differentiation that meets the service-level agreements (SLAs) of the users. The proposed delay-aware (DA) online DBA algorithm provides constant and predictable average packet delay and reduced delay variation for the high-and medium-priority traffic while keeping the packet loss rate under check. We prove the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm by exhaustive simulations

    Interoperability of GPON and WiMAX for network capacity enhancement and resilience

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    This paper was published in Journal of Optical Networking and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of OSA. The paper can be found at the following URL on the OSA website: http://www.opticsinfobase.org/JON/Issue.cfm. Systematic or multiple reproduction or distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means is prohibited and is subject to penalties under law. Copyright Optical Society of America.The interoperability of standard WiMAX and GPON is shown to overcome the wireless spectrum congestion and provide resilience for GPON through the use of overlapping radio cells. The application of centralised control in the optical line terminal (OLT) and time division multiplexing for upstream transmission enables efficient dynamic bandwidth allocation for wireless users on a single wavelength as well as minimised optical beat interference at the optical receiver. The viability of bidirectional transmission of multiple un-coded IEEE802.16d channels by means of a single radio frequency (RF) subcarrier at transmission rates of 50 Mbits/s and 15 Mbits/s downstream and upstream respectively for distances of up to 21 km of integrated GPON and WiMAX micro-cell links is demonstrated.Peer reviewe

    The Performance Testing of EPON Optical Network

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    Import 05/08/2014Diplomová práca sa zaoberá problematikou pasívnych optických prístupových sietí, konkrétne výkonnostným testovaním štandardu EPON. V prvom rade sú rozobrané optické prístupové siete, ich rozdelenie, technológie a popis jednotlivých súčastí. Ďalšia časť popisuje služby Triple Play a spôsoby, ktorými sú tieto služby hodnotené, teda objektívne a subjektívne hodnotiace metódy. Práca pokračuje praktickou časťou, ktorá je tvorená súborom meraní na zostavenej topológií. Overuje sa integrita siete a nasadenie Triple Play služieb na základe štandardov RFC 2544 a ITU Y.1564 EtherSAM. Súčasťou praktickej časti je tiež reálne nasadenie Triple Play služieb a ich objektívne hodnotenie prostredníctvom dostupných prístrojov a príslušného softvéru (MSU Video Quality Measurement Tool, IxChariot, BWMeter, EXFO AXS-200-625). Namerané výsledky sú následne uvedené do tabuliek a zobrazené v grafoch.This diploma thesis addresses the issue of passive optical access networks, especially performance testing of EPON standard. In the first case are discussed optical access networks, their division, technologies and description of corresponding components. Next part describes Triple Play services and ways, which this services are rated with. That means objective and subjective valuation methods. Thesis continues with practical part, which contains of measurements provided on compiled topology. Integrity of the network and deployment of the Triple Play services are verified by RFC 2544 and ITU Y.1564 EtherSAM testing standards. The component of practical part is also real application of Triple Play services and their objective evaluation by available devices and facility software (MSU Video Quality Measurement Tool, IxChariot, BWMeter, EXFO AXS-200/650). The measured results are subsequently stated to charts and reflected in diagrams.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvýborn

    Redes ópticas passivas de próxima geração (NG-PON)

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesAs redes ópticas passivas (PONs) prometem satisfazer os requisitos dos utilizadores e provedores de serviços de forma a obter débitos mais elevados, quando comparados com as tecnologias baseadas em cobre. Com este trabalho pretende-se estudar e apresentar as tecnologias PON correntes actualmente, as suas características principais e alguma interpretação de como estas conseguem satisfazer os requisitos impostos. Vários standards para PON têm vindo a ser desenvolvidos ao longo dos anos e, considerando que a necessidade de melhores características de serviço é contínua, surgiram as redes ópticas passivas de próxima geração. As NG-PONs prometem satisfazer as exigências dos novos serviços, garantindo melhor qualidade de serviço global que os seus antecessores. Neste trabalho as recomendações do ITU-T e do IEEE são estudadas e apresentadas em detalhe e, como corolário, são comparadas por forma a identificar as suas diferenças e semelhanças. Com base nos conhecimentos obtidos, e com o intuito de validar por simulação alguns dos limites impostos pelas normas são feitas várias simulações de uma rede PON, seguindo a norma 10G-EPON. São variados parâmetros como distância da fibra, número máximo de utilizadores e perdas máximas por inserção de forma a poder avaliar o seu efeito e enquadrar com a norma obtida.Passive Optical networks (PONs) promise to overcome the requirements of users and service providers to achieve higher data rates than conventional cooper Technologies. This work study and present the actual PON technologies, their main features and how they can successfully fulfill the imposed requirements. Several PON recommendations have appeared all over the years and due to ever increasing demand of improved services, PON networks evolved to Next Generation Passive Optical Networks. NG-PONs come to respond to the new quality and demanding services, ensuring better global performance than their antecessors. The ITU-T and IEEE recommendations are studied and presented in detail, and by corollary are compared in order to easily comprehend the differences and similarities between them. Based on the knowledge obtained and with the aim of validate by simulation some of the boundaries imposed by the recommendations, several simulations of a PON network are performed, following the 10G-EPON standard. Parameters like, fiber distance, number of users and maximum insertion loss are changed to evaluate their impact in the PON performance and to frame them in the recommendation

    Redes de acesso avançadas

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesAtualmente, existe a perceção de que as redes de acesso de nova geração em fibra ótica conseguem fornecer capacidades ilimitadas. A elevada procura por largura de banda pelos utilizadores acompanhada das preocupações económicas tornam as Redes Passivas Óticas o foco das operadoras de telecomunicações na atualidade. A intensificação dos trabalhos nesta área levou à criação de vários standards e, à continua e intensa investigação na área à procura de novas soluções que permitam superar alguns das limitações existentes. Nesta dissertação é realizado um estudo sobre as alternativas para redes de nova geração atuais bem como das tendências para os próximos anos, com o objetivo de se cumprirem os requisitos de NG-PON2.Currently, there is a perception that the access networks of next generation fiber optics can provide unlimited capabilities. High demand for bandwidth by users accompanied by economic concerns to the focus of telecom operators on Passive Optical Networks. The intensification of work in this area led to the creation of many standards and continuous and intense research in seeking new solutions to overcome some of the limitations. In this dissertation, a study of next generation networks as well as current trends for the coming years is performed, in order to meet the requirements of NG-PON2

    Design and Performance Analysis of Functional Split in Virtualized Access Networks

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    abstract: Emerging modular cable network architectures distribute some cable headend functions to remote nodes that are located close to the broadcast cable links reaching the cable modems (CMs) in the subscriber homes and businesses. In the Remote- PHY (R-PHY) architecture, a Remote PHY Device (RPD) conducts the physical layer processing for the analog cable transmissions, while the headend runs the DOCSIS medium access control (MAC) for the upstream transmissions of the distributed CMs over the shared cable link. In contrast, in the Remote MACPHY (R-MACPHY) ar- chitecture, a Remote MACPHY Device (RMD) conducts both the physical and MAC layer processing. The dissertation objective is to conduct a comprehensive perfor- mance comparison of the R-PHY and R-MACPHY architectures. Also, development of analytical delay models for the polling-based MAC with Gated bandwidth alloca- tion of Poisson traffic in the R-PHY and R-MACPHY architectures and conducting extensive simulations to assess the accuracy of the analytical model and to evaluate the delay-throughput performance of the R-PHY and R-MACPHY architectures for a wide range of deployment and operating scenarios. Performance evaluations ex- tend to the use of Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON) as transport network between remote nodes and headend. The results show that for long CIN distances above 100 miles, the R-MACPHY architecture achieves significantly shorter mean up- stream packet delays than the R-PHY architecture, especially for bursty traffic. The extensive comparative R-PHY and R-MACPHY comparative evaluation can serve as a basis for the planning of modular broadcast cable based access networks.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Allocation des ressources et des solutions pour économiser de l'énergie dans les réseaux optiques d'accès

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    In this thesis, general overview about PON systems is presented and existing PON mechanisms and classification are investigated. After, a novel dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithm for EPON is introduced. This proposed algorithm is named as “Half Cycling Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation-hcDBA” by the inspiration of its half cycling processing mode. Later, an improvement of hcDBA algorithm with early prediction mechanism is presented. As a result statement of the study, hcDBA algorithm performs better than existing mechanism in terms of packet loss ratio and access delays. Beside, simulation traffic behavior of EPON’s upstream channel has been investigated in order to support the decision of selecting suitable traffic generator in further studies. Energy conversation is one of the hot topics in telecommunication networks. Access networks constitute remarkable portion of the total energy consumption in telecommunication networks. ITU-T and IEEE organizations published recommendation for energy conversation in PONs. While, total energy consumption of ONUs is more than other equipment in fix access network the standards and most of the researches focused on saving energy at ONU side. In this thesis I focused on an energy efficiency method based on energy conversation on OLT side. The proposed method save energy by dynamically moving OLT cards to deep sleep mode according to the incoming and outgoing traffic loadsDans ce travail de thèse, un aperçu général sur les systèmes PON est présenté et sont étudiés les mécanismes et classification PON existants. Après, nous introduisons notre première contribution qui est un algorithme d'allocation dynamique de bande passante pour EPON. Cet algorithme proposé est désigné comme «hcDBA». Par la suite, une amélioration de l'algorithme de hcDBA avec mécanisme de prédiction précoce est présentée. Notre simulation montre bien que notre algorithme hcDBA est performant comparé aux mécanismes existants en termes de taux de perte de paquets et de délai d’accès. Dans notre seconde contribution, nous sommes intéressés au problème de consommation d’énergie qui est un sujet d’actualité dans les réseaux de télécommunication. Les études montrent aujourd’hui que les réseaux d'accès constituent une partie remarquable de la consommation totale d'énergie dans les réseaux de télécommunication. Les organisations ITU-T et IEEE ont publié la recommandation pour la conversation de l'énergie pour les réseaux PONs. Bien que, la consommation totale d'énergie des nœuds ONU est plus importantes que d'autres équipements dans le réseau d'accès fixe, les normes et la plupart des travaux de recherches ont porté sur les économies d'énergie du côté de ONU. Dans cette thèse, nous sommes concentrés sur une méthode d'efficacité énergétique basée sur la conservation de l'énergie du côté de l’OLT. La méthode proposée permet d’économiser de l'énergie en déplaçant dynamiquement des cartes d’OLT en mode de sommeil profond en fonction des charges de trafic entrant et sortan