19 research outputs found

    From MANET to people-centric networking: Milestones and open research challenges

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    In this paper, we discuss the state of the art of (mobile) multi-hop ad hoc networking with the aim to present the current status of the research activities and identify the consolidated research areas, with limited research opportunities, and the hot and emerging research areas for which further research is required. We start by briefly discussing the MANET paradigm, and why the research on MANET protocols is now a cold research topic. Then we analyze the active research areas. Specifically, after discussing the wireless-network technologies, we analyze four successful ad hoc networking paradigms, mesh networks, opportunistic networks, vehicular networks, and sensor networks that emerged from the MANET world. We also present an emerging research direction in the multi-hop ad hoc networking field: people centric networking, triggered by the increasing penetration of the smartphones in everyday life, which is generating a people-centric revolution in computing and communications

    Temperature prediction model in the main ventilation system of an underground mine

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    A model to forecast the underground temperature in a mine ventilation circuit was developed on the basis of a case study and actual data describing temperature, airflow, and drift length collected over several years. A mathematical model featuring seven variables with interactions provided reliable predicted temperatures, achieving a correlation of R2 = 0.933 with an estimation error of ±2 °C. Its soundness was proven using both the node-to-node analysis and the multi-node approach. The multi-node approach was shown to be an interesting option to model underground mining environments. This model can be very useful to predict the temperature evolution along the main ventilation system, determine the best workplace conditions in terms of temperature, and analyze different planning scenarios of the mine. Moreover, some recommendations are presented for obtaining reliable data when using temperature sensors and the model in a U-shaped ventilation system.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Fully flexible textile antenna-backed sensor node for body-worn UWB localization

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    A mechanically flexible textile antenna-backed sensor node is designed and manufactured, providing accurate personal localization functionality by application of Decawave's DW1000 Impulse Radio Ultra-Wideband (IR-UWB) Integrated Circuit (IC). All components are mounted on a flexible polyimide foil, which is integrated on the backplane of a wearable cavity-backed slot antenna designed for IR-UWB localization in Channels 2 and 3 of the IEEE 802.15.4-2011 standard (3744 MHz-4742.4 MHz). The textile antenna's radiation pattern is optimized to mitigate body effects and to minimize absorption by body tissues. Furthermore, its time-domain characteristics are measured to be adequate for localization. By combining the antenna and the bendable Printed Circuit Board (PCB), a mechanically supple sensor system is realized, for which the performance is validated by examining it as a node used in a complete localization system. This shows that six nodes around the body must be deployed to provide system coverage in all directions around the wearer. Even without using sleep mode functionalities, the measurements indicate that the system's autonomy is 13.3 h on a 5 V 200 mAh battery. Hence, this system acts as a proof of concept for the joining of localization electronics and other sensors with a full-textile antenna into a mechanically flexible sensor system

    Towards reliable communication in low-power wireless body area networks

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    Es wird zunehmend die Ansicht vertreten, dass tragbare Computer und Sensoren neue Anwendungen in den Bereichen Gesundheitswesen, personalisierte Fitness oder erweiterte Realität ermöglichen werden. Die am Körper getragenen Geräte sind dabei mithilfe eines Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) verbunden, d.h. es wird drahtlose Kommunikation statt eines drahtgebundenen Kanals eingesetzt. Der drahtlose Kanal ist jedoch typischerweise ein eher instabiles Kommunikationsmedium und die Einsatzbedingungen von WBANs sind besonders schwierig: Einerseits wird die Kanalqualität stark von den physischen Bewegungen der Person beeinflusst, andererseits werden WBANs häufig in lizenzfreien Funkbändern eingesetzt und sind daher Störungen von anderen drahtlosen Geräten ausgesetzt. Oft benötigen WBAN Anwendungen aber eine zuverlässige Datenübertragung. Das erste Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, ein besseres Verständnis dafür zu schaffen, wie sich die spezifischen Einsatzbedingungen von WBANs auf die intra-WBAN Kommunikation auswirken. So wird zum Beispiel analysiert, welchen Einfluss die Platzierung der Geräte auf der Oberfläche des menschlichen Körpers und die Mobilität des Benutzers haben. Es wird nachgewiesen, dass während regelmäßiger Aktivitäten wie Laufen die empfangene Signalstärke stark schwankt, gleichzeitig aber Signalstärke-Spitzen oft einem regulären Muster folgen. Außerdem wird gezeigt, dass in urbanen Umgebungen die Effekte von 2.4 GHz Radio Frequency (RF) Interferenz im Vergleich zu den Auswirkungen von fading (Schwankungen der empfangenen Signalstärke) eher gering sind. Allerdings führt RF Interferenz dazu, dass häufiger Bündelfehler auftreten, d.h. Fehler zeitlich korrelieren. Dies kann insbesondere in Anwendungen, die eine geringe Übertragungslatenz benötigen, problematisch sein. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Analyse von Verfahren, die potentiell die Zuverlässigkeit der Kommunikation in WBANs erhöhen, ohne dass wesentlich mehr Energie verbraucht wird. Zunächst wird der Trade-off zwischen Übertragungslatenz und der Zuverlässigkeit der Kommunikation analysiert. Diese Analyse basiert auf einem neuen Paket-Scheduling Algorithmus, der einen Beschleunigungssensor nutzt, um die WBAN Kommunikation auf die physischen Bewegungen der Person abzustimmen. Die Analyse zeigt, dass unzuverlässige Kommunikationsverbindungen oft zuverlässig werden, wenn Pakete während vorhergesagter Signalstärke-Spitzen gesendet werden. Ferner wird analysiert, inwiefern die Robustheit gegen 2.4 GHz RF Interferenz verbessert werden kann. Dazu werden zwei Verfahren betrachtet: Ein bereits existierendes Verfahren, das periodisch einen Wechsel der Übertragungsfrequenz durchführt (channel hopping) und ein neues Verfahren, das durch RF Interferenz entstandene Bitfehler reparieren kann, indem der Inhalt mehrerer fehlerhafter Pakete kombiniert wird (packet combining). Eine Schlussfolgerung ist, dass Frequenzdiversität zwar das Auftreten von Bündelfehlern reduzieren kann, dass jedoch die statische Auswahl eines Kanals am oberen Ende des 2.4 GHz Bandes häufig schon eine akzeptable Abhilfe gegen RF Interferenz darstellt.There is a growing belief that wearable computers and sensors will enable new applications in areas such as healthcare, personal fitness or augmented reality. The devices are attached to a person and connected through a Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN), which replaces the wires of traditional monitoring systems by wireless communication. This comes, however, at the cost of turning a reliable communication channel into an unreliable one. The wireless channel is typically a rather unstable medium for communication and the conditions under which WBANs have to operate are particularly harsh: not only is the channel strongly influenced by the movements of the person, but WBANs also often operate in unlicensed frequency bands and may therefore be exposed to a significant amount of interference from other wireless devices. Yet, many envisioned WBAN applications require reliable data transmission. The goals of this thesis are twofold: first, we aim at establishing a better understanding of how the specific WBAN operating conditions, such as node placement on the human body surface and user mobility, impact intra-WBAN communication. We show that during periodic activities like walking the received signal strength on an on-body communication link fluctuates strongly, but signal strength peaks often follow a regular pattern. Furthermore, we find that in comparison to the effects of fading 2.4 GHz Radio Frequency (RF) interference causes relatively little packet loss - however, urban 2.4 GHz RF noise is bursty (correlated in time), which may be problematic for applications with low latency bounds. The second goal of this thesis is to analyze how communication reliability in WBANs can be improved without sacrificing a significant amount of additional energy. To this end, we first explore the trade-off between communication latency and communication reliability. This analysis is based on a novel packet scheduling algorithm, which makes use of an accelerometer to couple WBAN communication with the movement patterns of the user. The analysis shows that unreliable links can often be made reliable if packets are transmitted at predicted signal strength peaks. In addition, we analyze to what extent two mechanisms can improve robustness against 2.4 GHz RF interference when adopted in a WBAN context: we analyze the benefits of channel hopping, and we examine how the packet retransmission process can be made more efficient by using a novel packet combining algorithm that allows to repair packets corrupted by RF interference. One of the conclusions is that while frequency agility may decrease "burstiness" of errors the static selection of a channel at the upper end of the 2.4 GHz band often already represents a good remedy against RF interference

    Multi-constrained mechanism for intra-body area network quality-of-service aware routing in wireless body sensor networks

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    Wireless Body Sensor Networks (WBSNs) have witnessed tremendous research interests in a wide range of medical and non-medical fields. In the delaysensitive application scenarios, the critical data packets are highly delay-sensitive which require some Quality-of-Service (QoS) to reach the intended destinations. The categorization of data packets and selection of poor links may have detrimental impacts on overall performance of the network. In WBSN, various biosensors transmit the sensed data towards a destination for further analysis. However, for an efficient data transmission, it is very important to transmit the sensed data towards the base station by satisfying the QoS multi-constrained requirements of the healthcare applications in terms of least end-to-end delay and high reliability, throughput, Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), and route stability performance. Most of the existing WBSN routing schemes consider traffic prioritization to solve the slot allocation problem. Consequently, the data transmission may face high delays, packet losses, retransmissions, lack of bandwidth, and insufficient buffer space. On the other hand, an end-to-end route is discovered either using a single or composite metric for the data transmission. Thus, it affects the delivery of the critical data through a less privileged manner. Furthermore, a conventional route repair method is considered for the reporting of broken links which does not include surrounding interference. As such, this thesis presents the Multi-constrained mechanism for Intra- Body Area Network QoS aware routing (MIQoS) with Low Latency Traffic Prioritization (LLTP), Optimized Route Discovery (ORD), and Interference Adaptive Route Repair (IARR) schemes for the healthcare application of WBSN with an objective of improving performance in terms of end-to-end delay, route stability, and throughput. The proposed LLTP scheme considers various priority queues with an optimized scheduling mechanism that dynamically identifies and prioritizes the critical data traffic in an emergency situation to enhance the critical data transmission. Consequently, this will avoid unnecessary queuing delay. The ORD scheme incorporates an improved and multi-facet routing metric, Link Quality Metric (LQM) optimizes the route selection by considering link delay, link delivery ratio, and link interference ratio. The IARR scheme identifies the links experiencing transmission issues due to channel interference and makes a coherent decision about route breakage based on the long term link performance to avoid unnecessary route discovery notifications. The simulation results verified the improved performance in terms of reducing the end-to-end delay by 29%, increasing the throughput by 22% and route stability by 26% as compared to the existing routing schemes such as TTRP, PA-AODV and standard AODV. In conclusion, MIQoS proves to be a suitable routing mechanism for a wide range of interesting applications of WBSN that require fast, reliable and multi-hop communication in heavily loaded network traffic scenarios

    Human exposure to electromagnetic fields from WLANs and WBANs in the 2.4 GHz band

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    226 p.En los últimos años, el masivo crecimiento de las comunicaciones inalámbricas ha incrementado la preocupación acerca de la exposición humana a los campos electromagnéticos debido a los posibles efectos sobre la salud. Esta tesis surge de la necesidad de proporcionar información acerca de este tipo de exposición desde un punto de vista técnico. Por una parte, se han estudiado los niveles de exposición causados por señales WiFi, para lo cual ha sido necesario establecer un procedimiento de medida adecuado para tomar muestras de estas emisiones. Además, se han llevado a cabo campañas de medida para evaluar la exposición a señales WiFi y su variabilidad en el interior de un entorno público. Por otra parte, se ha analizado la potencia absorbida por el cuerpo humano a causa de los novedosos dispositivos wearables. Se han implementado dos antenas de este tipo, apropiadas para dispositivos wearables, se ha analizado detalladamente la exposición debida a estos aparatos y finalmente se han comparado los niveles de exposición producidos por estas antenas y por las señales WiFi

    Facilitating Internet of Things on the Edge

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    The evolution of electronics and wireless technologies has entered a new era, the Internet of Things (IoT). Presently, IoT technologies influence the global market, bringing benefits in many areas, including healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, and entertainment. Modern IoT devices serve as a thin client with data processing performed in a remote computing node, such as a cloud server or a mobile edge compute unit. These computing units own significant resources that allow prompt data processing. The user experience for such an approach relies drastically on the availability and quality of the internet connection. In this case, if the internet connection is unavailable, the resulting operations of IoT applications can be completely disrupted. It is worth noting that emerging IoT applications are even more throughput demanding and latency-sensitive which makes communication networks a practical bottleneck for the service provisioning. This thesis aims to eliminate the limitations of wireless access, via the improvement of connectivity and throughput between the devices on the edge, as well as their network identification, which is fundamentally important for IoT service management. The introduction begins with a discussion on the emerging IoT applications and their demands. Subsequent chapters introduce scenarios of interest, describe the proposed solutions and provide selected performance evaluation results. Specifically, we start with research on the use of degraded memory chips for network identification of IoT devices as an alternative to conventional methods, such as IMEI; these methods are not vulnerable to tampering and cloning. Further, we introduce our contributions for improving connectivity and throughput among IoT devices on the edge in a case where the mobile network infrastructure is limited or totally unavailable. Finally, we conclude the introduction with a summary of the results achieved

    Dosimetric study of the radiolectric influence of humans into complex environments through determistic simulations and the implementation of a simplified model

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    The research presented in this thesis falls under the framework of dosimetry and deterministic estimations. A dosimetric study is carried out with the aid of a 3D Ray Launching simulation technique, by means of an in-house developed code at UPNA. Dosimetry is defined as the calculation of the absorbed dose when a tissue is exposed to electromagnetic radiation, in this case, non-ionizing radiation. It has reached a great importance since a part of the society starts to show concern about the exposure of people to artificial exposures caused by mobile phones or Wi-Fi networks. In fact, some entities (administrations and health bodies) are involved in the regulation and the release of guidelines about this subject. The objective of this thesis is to study dosimetry through 3D Ray Launching simulation technique, calibrating it by the implementation of several scenarios where the simulation tool is tested throughout the comparison of theoretical and measurement results. A simplified human body has been also developed with the aim of employing it in different scenarios, performing dosimetric estimations and providing insight on its influence in the electromagnetic power distribution inside an indoor scenario. Finally, obtained results are compared with different guideline thresholds giving an idea of the compliance of the law when usual wireless communication systems are emitting.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Tecnologías de las Comunicaciones (RD 1393/2007)Komunikazioen Teknologietako Doktoretza Programa Ofiziala (ED 1393/2007

    Human exposure to electromagnetic fields from WLANs and WBANs in the 2.4 GHz band

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    226 p.En los últimos años, el masivo crecimiento de las comunicaciones inalámbricas ha incrementado la preocupación acerca de la exposición humana a los campos electromagnéticos debido a los posibles efectos sobre la salud. Esta tesis surge de la necesidad de proporcionar información acerca de este tipo de exposición desde un punto de vista técnico. Por una parte, se han estudiado los niveles de exposición causados por señales WiFi, para lo cual ha sido necesario establecer un procedimiento de medida adecuado para tomar muestras de estas emisiones. Además, se han llevado a cabo campañas de medida para evaluar la exposición a señales WiFi y su variabilidad en el interior de un entorno público. Por otra parte, se ha analizado la potencia absorbida por el cuerpo humano a causa de los novedosos dispositivos wearables. Se han implementado dos antenas de este tipo, apropiadas para dispositivos wearables, se ha analizado detalladamente la exposición debida a estos aparatos y finalmente se han comparado los niveles de exposición producidos por estas antenas y por las señales WiFi