612 research outputs found

    Bit-error-rate Optimization for CDMA Ultra-wideband System Using Generalized Gaussian Approach

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    Ultra-wideband is a wireless technology arisen for future high speed multimedia applications. It can provide data rate in excess of Gigabits per second by transmitting impulse signal through the free space. However, the ultra-wideband indoor channel models proposed by the IEEE P802.15.3a suffer long multipath propagation. Due to this multipath effect, several studies have been done to improve the bit-error-rate performance of the ultra-wideband system in the existence of severe interference. Yet, most of the proposed algorithms were formulated based on the Gaussian distribution, which is not true in ultra-wideband. In this paper, we first analyze the statistical behavior of the CDMA-UWB signal by applying the Kullback-Leibler divergence index. Based on the analysis, a non-Gaussian equalizer is developed by deriving an enhanced bit-error-rate optimization algorithm using the Generalized Gaussian approach. The proposed equalizer has been shown to achieve a performance gain of at least 1.5dB to 2dB over the other equalizers simulated under IEEE P802.15.3a channel models

    CIR Parametric Rules Precocity For Ranging Error Mitigation In IR-UWB

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    The cutting-edge technology to support high ranging accuracy within the indoor environment is Impulse Radio Ultra Wide Band (IR-UWB) standard. Besides accuracy, IR-UWB’s low-complex architecture and low power consumption align well with mobile devices. A prime challenge in indoor IR-UWB based localization is to achieve a position accuracy under non-line-of-sight (NLOS) and multipath propagation (MPP) conditions. Another challenge is to achieve acceptable accuracy in the conditions mentioned above without any significant increase in latency and computational burden. This dissertation proposes a solution for addressing the accuracy and reliability problem of indoor localization system satisfying acceptable delay or computational complexity overhead. The proposed methodology is based on rules for identification of line-of-sight (LOS) and NLOS and the range error bias estimation and correction due to NLOS and MPP conditions. The proposed methodology provides accuracy for two major application domains, namely, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and indoor tracking and navigation (ITN). This dissertation offers two different solutions for the localization problem. The first solution is a rules-based classification of LOS / NLOS and geometric-based range correction for WSN. In the first solution, the Boolean logic based classification is designed for identification of LOS/NLOS. The logic is based on channel impulse response (CIR) parameters. The second solution is based on fuzzy logic. The fuzzy based solution is appealing well for the stringent precision requirements in ITN. In this solution, the parametric Boolean logic from the first solution is converted and expanded into rules. These rules are implemented into a fuzzy logic based mechanism for designing a fuzzy inference system. The system estimates the ranging errors and correcting unmitigated ranges. The expanded rules and designed methodology are based on theoretical analysis and empirical observations of the parameters. The rules accommodate the parameters uncertainties for estimating the ranging error through the relationship between the input parameters uncertainties and ranging error using fuzzy inference mechanism. The proposed solutions are evaluated using real-world measurements in different indoor environments. The performance of the proposed solutions is also evaluated in terms of true classification rate, residual ranging errors’ cumulative distributions and probability density distributions, as well as outage probabilities. Evaluation results show that the true classification rate is more than 95%. Moreover, using the proposed fuzzy logic based solution, the residual errors convergence of 90% is attained for error threshold of 10 cm, and the reliability of the localization system is also more than 90% for error threshold of 15 cm

    A joint multi user detection scheme for UWB sensor networks using waveform division multiple access

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    A joint multiuser detection (MUD) scheme for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is proposed to suppress multiple access interference (MAI) caused by a large number of sensor nodes. In WSNs, waveform division multiple access ultra-wideband (WDMA-UWB) technology is well-suited for robust communications. Multiple sensor nodes are allowed to transmit modulated signals by sharing the same time periods and frequency bands using orthogonal pulse waveforms. This paper employs a mapping function based on the optimal multiuser detection (OMD) to map the received bits into the mapping space where error bits can be distinguished. In order to revise error bits caused by MAI, the proposed joint MUD scheme combines the mapping function with suboptimal algorithms. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed MUD scheme provides good performances in terms of suppressing MAI and resisting near-far effect with low computational complexity

    Non-Intrusive Gait Recognition Employing Ultra Wideband Signal Detection

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    A self-regulating and non-contact impulse radio ultra wideband (IR-UWB) based 3D human gait analysis prototype has been modeled and developed with the help of supervised machine learning (SML) for this application for the first time. The work intends to provide a rewarding assistive biomedical application which would help doctors and clinicians monitor human gait trait and abnormalities with less human intervention in the fields of physiological examinations, physiotherapy, home assistance, rehabilitation success determination and health diagnostics, etc. The research comprises IR-UWB data gathered from a number of male and female participants in both anechoic chamber and multi-path environments. In total twenty four individuals have been recruited, where twenty individuals were said to have normal gait and four persons complained of knee pain that resulted in compensated spastic walking patterns. A 3D postural model of human movements has been created from the backscattering property of the radar pulses employing understanding of spherical trigonometry and vector fields. This subjective data (height of the body areas from the ground) of an individual have been recorded and implemented to extract the gait trait from associated biomechanical activity and differentiates the lower limb movement patterns from other body areas. Initially, a 2D postural model of human gait is presented from IR-UWB sensing phenomena employing spherical co-ordinate and trigonometry where only two dimensions such as, distance from radar and height of reflection have been determined. There are five pivotal gait parameters; step frequency, cadence, step length, walking speed, total covered distance, and body orientation which have all been measured employing radar principles and short term Fourier transformation (STFT). Subsequently, the proposed gait identification and parameter characterization has been analysed, tested and validated against popularly accepted smartphone applications with resulting variations of less than 5%. Subsequently, the spherical trigonometric model has been elevated to a 3D postural model where the prototype can determine width of motion, distance from radar, and height of reflection. Vector algebra has been incorporated with this 3D model to measure knee angles and hip angles from the extension and flexion of lower limbs to understand the gait behavior throughout the entire range of bipedal locomotion. Simultaneously, the Microsoft Kinect Xbox One has been employed during the experiment to assist in the validation process. The same vector mathematics have been implemented to the skeleton data obtained from Kinect to determine both the hip and knee angles. The outcomes have been compared by statistical graphical approach Bland and Altman (B&A) analysis. Further, the changes of knee angles obtained from the normal gaits have been used to train popular SMLs such as, k-nearest neighbour (kNN) and support vector machines (SVM). The trained model has subsequently been tested with the new data (knee angles extracted from both normal and abnormal gait) to assess the prediction ability of gait abnormality recognition. The outcomes have been validated through standard and wellknown statistical performance metrics with promising results found. The outcomes prove the acceptability of the proposed non-contact IR-UWB gait recognition to detect gait

    Performance Comparison of TR and FSRUWB System Using Particle Filter: Effects of Frequency, Data Rate, Multi-Path and Multi-Channel Communication

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    In this study, we introduced a novel scheme based on Transmitted References (TR) and Frequency Shifted Reference (FSR) for ultra-wideband (UWB) system. By taking into account tracking loop-based particle filtering together with a data collecting approach for single and multi-path channel situations, the suggested method is an enhanced model. Each particle's location is determined using this filtering technique, which is then utilised to calculate the timing inaccuracy and regulate the UWB system's timing pulse. Also, it can tackle the multimodal distribution of errors then effectively approximate the optimal solution. The data distribution is discretised via a number of particles that are weighted samples evolving concerning time duration. The simulation results show that, in terms of error rate, number of particles, and delay response, the recommended model of FSR-UWB with particle filter performs better than the TR-UWB with and without considering particle filter

    Contribution to the Rapid Acquisition of Signals for UWB Communication Systems

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    Ultra Wide-band is a promising technology for future short-range wireless communications with high data rate. In generally, one of the biggest difficult tasks for researchers today is the acquisition task of signals, where they are looking through different tools for getting a good quality of transmission; the phenomenon of multipath always stands up in the front as the first problem to be faced. When we talk about the Ultra Wide Band (UWB) signals, the problem becomes more complicated due to ultrashort impulses duration used by this kind of signals that causes the generation of paths by huge numbers. In this thesis, to address the task mentioned above, the study is subdivided into two aspects. The first one is the UWB channel estimation that we have done to have information about the amplitudes and the delays of the paths. For this purpose, a maximum likelihood method is used to find the amplitudes and the delays estimate using two estimation contexts: Data Aided (DA) and Non-Data-Aided (NDA). In the second aspect, various parameters affecting the acquisition of signals are evaluated. Furthermore, several contributions in the framework of a new strategy based on an Intelligent Controlling System (ICS) are done and detailed in this thesis for the first once. This system is characterised by its flexibility through two techniques, one that allows to users to communicate even with different M-ary PPM levels at the same time. Another technique that gives the flexibility for dealing with the phenomenon of multipath, where this latter is combated through manipulating the modulation’s levels via the ICS to achieve a rapid acquisition of UWB signals

    Modulation and Multiple Access Techniques for Ultra-Wideband Communication Systems

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    Two new energy detection (ED) Ultra-Wideband (UWB) systems are proposed in this dissertation. The first one is an ED UWB system based on pulse width modulation (PWM). The bit error rate (BER) performance of this ED PWM system is slightly worse than ED pulse position modulation (PPM) system in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels. However, the BER performance of this ED PWM system surpasses that of a PPM system in multipath channels since a PWM system does not suffer cross-modulation interference (CMI) as a PPM system. In the presence of synchronization errors, the BER performance of a PWM system also surpasses that of a PPM system. The second proposed ED UWB system is based on using two pulses, which are the different-order derivatives of the Gaussian pulse, to transmitted bit 0 or 1. These pulses are appropriately chosen to separate their spectra in frequency domain.The receiver is composed of two energy detection branches and each branch has a filter which captures the signal energy of either bit 0 or 1. The outputs of two branches are subtracted from each other to generate the decision statistic and the value of this statistic is compared to a threshold to determine the transmitted bits. This system is named as acf{GFSK} system in this dissertation and it exhibits the same BER performance as a PPM system in AWGN channels. In multipath channels, a GFSK system surpasses a PPM system because it does not suffer CMI. And the BER performance of a GFSK system is better than a PPM system in the presence of synchronization errors. When a GFSK system is compared to a PWM system, it will always achieve approximately 2 dB improvement in AWGN channels, multipath channels, and in the presence synchronization errors. However, a PWM system uses lower-order derivatives of the Gaussian pulse to transmit signal, and this leads to a simple pulse generator. In this dissertation, an optimal threshold is applied to improve PPM system performance. The research results show that the application of an optimal threshold can e

    Modulation and Multiple Access Techniques for Ultra-Wideband Communication Systems

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    Two new energy detection (ED) Ultra-Wideband (UWB) systems are proposed in this dissertation. The first one is an ED UWB system based on pulse width modulation (PWM). The bit error rate (BER) performance of this ED PWM system is slightly worse than ED pulse position modulation (PPM) system in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels. However, the BER performance of this ED PWM system surpasses that of a PPM system in multipath channels since a PWM system does not suffer cross-modulation interference (CMI) as a PPM system. In the presence of synchronization errors, the BER performance of a PWM system also surpasses that of a PPM system. The second proposed ED UWB system is based on using two pulses, which are the different-order derivatives of the Gaussian pulse, to transmitted bit 0 or 1. These pulses are appropriately chosen to separate their spectra in frequency domain.The receiver is composed of two energy detection branches and each branch has a filter which captures the signal energy of either bit 0 or 1. The outputs of two branches are subtracted from each other to generate the decision statistic and the value of this statistic is compared to a threshold to determine the transmitted bits. This system is named as acf{GFSK} system in this dissertation and it exhibits the same BER performance as a PPM system in AWGN channels. In multipath channels, a GFSK system surpasses a PPM system because it does not suffer CMI. And the BER performance of a GFSK system is better than a PPM system in the presence of synchronization errors. When a GFSK system is compared to a PWM system, it will always achieve approximately 2 dB improvement in AWGN channels, multipath channels, and in the presence synchronization errors. However, a PWM system uses lower-order derivatives of the Gaussian pulse to transmit signal, and this leads to a simple pulse generator. In this dissertation, an optimal threshold is applied to improve PPM system performance. The research results show that the application of an optimal threshold can e

    Research on port AGV composite positioning based on UWB/RFID

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    In recent years, ports in various countries have successively carried out research and application of fully automated terminal. The terminal adopts the "Double car shore bridge + AGV + ARMG" automation process, which is the most widely used and relatively mature fully automated solution. At present, the AGV navigation of the terminal is based on RFID magnetic nail positioning and the accuracy is good. However, nowadays UWB technology has become the most popular technology in ranging and positioning. The research in this work is based on UWB/RFID composite positioning, which is mainly used for the specific localization tasks in the port and it can accurately locate the position of the AGV. This MSc work studies the UWB positioning system first and then researches the traditional 3D positioning algorithm. Importance contribution expressed by 3D TOA localization algorithm. For RFID system, this connection between the reader and the carrier is designed, and the reference tag is buried. At last, data-based on RFID localization algorithm in scene analysis method is adopted for positioning. Secondly, the basis of the composite positioning system is data fusion technology. The most widely used and mature fusion algorithm is the Kalman filter algorithm and Particle filter. Finally, the experimental analysis of UWB and RFID composite positioning system is implemented. The results indicate that UWB and RFID composite positioning system can reduce the cost of the positioning system. Higher positioning accuracy and robustness are characterizing the developed system.Nos últimos anos, portos de vários países realizaram sucessivamente pesquisas e aplicações de terminais totalmente automatizados. O terminal adota o processo de automação "Double car shore bridge + AGV + ARMG", que é a solução totalmente automatizada mais amplamente utilizada e relativamente madura. Atualmente, a navegação AGV do terminal é baseada no posicionamento da etiqueta RFID e a precisão é boa. No entanto, hoje em dia, a tecnologia UWB tornou-se na tecnologia mais popular relativamente ao alcance e posicionamento. A pesquisa neste trabalho é baseada no posicionamento composto por UWB / RFID, usado principalmente para tarefas de localização específicas nos portos, podendo desta forma localizar-se com precisão a posição do AGV. Este projeto de mestrado estuda em primeiro lugar o sistema de posicionamento UWB, e depois um algoritmo tradicional de posicionamento 3D. A contribuição da importância expressa pelo algoritmo de posicionamento “time of arrival” (TOA) 3D foi proposta. Para o sistema de posicionamento RFID, a conexão entre o leitor e a transportadora é projetada e a etiqueta de referência é ocultada. Por fim, o algoritmo de “k-nearest neighbor” baseado numa base de dados e no método de análise de cena é adotado para realizar o posicionamento. Em segundo lugar, a base do sistema de posicionamento composto é a tecnologia de fusão de dados. O algoritmo de fusão mais amplamente utilizado e maduro é o algoritmo de filtro Kalman e o filtro de partículas. Finalmente, é realizada a análise experimental do sistema de posicionamento composto UWB e RFID. Os resultados experimentais mostram que o sistema de posicionamento composto UWB e RFID pode reduzir o custo do sistema de posicionamento. O sistema desenvolvido é caracterizado por uma maior precisão de posicionamento e robustez