30 research outputs found

    Electronic Nanodevices

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    The start of high-volume production of field-effect transistors with a feature size below 100 nm at the end of the 20th century signaled the transition from microelectronics to nanoelectronics. Since then, downscaling in the semiconductor industry has continued until the recent development of sub-10 nm technologies. The new phenomena and issues as well as the technological challenges of the fabrication and manipulation at the nanoscale have spurred an intense theoretical and experimental research activity. New device structures, operating principles, materials, and measurement techniques have emerged, and new approaches to electronic transport and device modeling have become necessary. Examples are the introduction of vertical MOSFETs in addition to the planar ones to enable the multi-gate approach as well as the development of new tunneling, high-electron mobility, and single-electron devices. The search for new materials such as nanowires, nanotubes, and 2D materials for the transistor channel, dielectrics, and interconnects has been part of the process. New electronic devices, often consisting of nanoscale heterojunctions, have been developed for light emission, transmission, and detection in optoelectronic and photonic systems, as well for new chemical, biological, and environmental sensors. This Special Issue focuses on the design, fabrication, modeling, and demonstration of nanodevices for electronic, optoelectronic, and sensing applications

    Modeling & Simulation of High Performance Nanoscale MOSFETs

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    Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) has been the forerunner of the CMOS technology in the last few decades offering superior CMOS devices with higher speed, higher density and reduced second order effects for submicron VLSI applications.A new type of transistor without junctions and no doping concentration gradients is analysed and demonstrated. These device structures address the challenge of short channel effects (SCEs) resulting with scaling of transistor dimensions and higher performance for deep submicron VLSI integration. Recent experimental studies have invigorated interest in partially depleted (PD) SOI devices because of their potentially superior scalability relative to bulk silicon CMOS devices. SELBOX structure offer an alternative way of suppressing kink effect and self heating effects in PD-SOI devices with a proper selection of oxide gap length. Also in order to mitigate the difficulties in fabrication of ultra thin devices for the semiconductor industry, resulting from scaling of gate length in MOSFET, a new device structure called junctionless (JL) transistors have recently been reported as an alternative device. In conclusion, extensive numerical simulation studies were used to explore and compare the electrical characteristics of SELBOX SOI MOSFET with a conventional single-material gate (SMG) bulk MOSFET. The proposed work investigates the DC and AC characteristics of the junctionless transistors. Also the performance analysis of JL transistors is compared and presented with the conventional DG MOSFET structure. The results presented in this work are expected to provide incentive for further experimental exploration

    Modeling Of Two Dimensional Graphene And Non-graphene Material Based Tunnel Field Effect Transistors For Integrated Circuit Design

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    The Moore’s law of scaling of metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) had been a driving force toward the unprecedented advancement in development of integrated circuit over the last five decades. As the technology scales down to 7 nm node and below following the Moore’s law, conventional MOSFETs are becoming more vulnerable to extremely high off-state leakage current exhibiting a tremendous amount of standby power dissipation. Moreover, the fundamental physical limit of MOSFET of 60 mV/decade subthreshold slope exacerbates the situation further requiring current transport mechanism other than drift and diffusion for the operation of transistors. One way to limit such unrestrained amount of power dissipation is to explore novel materials with superior thermal and electrical properties compared to traditional bulk materials. On the other hand, energy efficient steep subthreshold slope devices are the other possible alternatives to conventional MOSFET based on emerging novel materials. This dissertation addresses the potential of both advanced materials and devices for development of next generation energy efficient integrated circuits. Among the different steep subthreshold slope devices, tunnel field effect transistor (TFET) has been considered as a promising candidate after MOSFET. A superior gate control on source-channel band-to-band tunneling providing subthreshold slopes well below than 60 mV/decade. With the emergence of atomically thin two-dimensional (2D) materials, interest in the design of TFET based on such novel 2D materials has also grown significantly. Graphene being the first and the most studied among 2D materials with exotic electronic and thermal properties. This dissertation primarily considers current transport modeling of graphene based tunnel devices from transport phenomena to energy efficient integrated circuit design. Three current transport models: semi-classical, semi-quantum and numerical simulations are described for the modeling of graphene nanoribbon tunnel field effect transistor (GNR TFET) where the semi-classical model is in close agreement with the quantum transport simulation. Moreover, the models produced are also extended for integrated circuit design using Verilog-A hardware description language for logic design. In order to overcome the challenges associated with the band gap engineering for making graphene transistor for logic operation, the promise of graphene based interlayer tunneling transistors are discussed along with their existing fundamental physical limitation of subthreshold slope. It has been found that such interlayer tunnel transistor has very poor electrostatic gate control on drain current. It gives subthreshold slope greater than the thermionic limit of 60 mV/decade at room temperature. In order to resolve such limitation of interlayer tunneling transistors, a new type of transistor named “junctionless tunnel effect transistor (JTET)” has been invented and modeled for the first time considering graphene-boron nitride (BN)-graphene and molybdenum disulfide (MoS2)-boron nitride (BN) heterostructures, where the interlayer tunneling mechanism controls the source-drain ballistic transport instead of depleting carriers in the channel. Steep subthreshold slope, low power and high frequency THz operation are few of the promising features studied for such graphene and MoS2 JTETs. From current transport modeling to energy efficient integrated circuit design using Verilog-A has been carried out for these new devices as well. Thus, findings in this dissertation would suggest the exciting opportunity of a new class of next generation energy efficient material based transistors as switches

    Multigate MOSFETs for digital performance and high linearity, and their fabrication techniques

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    The aggressive downscaling of complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) technology is facing great challenges to overcome severe short-channel effects. Multigate MOSFETs are one of the most promising candidates for scaling beyond Si CMOS, due to better electrostatic control as compared to conventional planar MOSFETs. Conventional dry etching-induced surface damage is one of the main sources of performance degradation for multigate transistors, especially for III-V high mobility materials. It is also challenging to increase the fin aspect ratio by dry etching because of the non-ideal anisotropic etching profile. Here, we report a novel method, inverse metal-assisted chemical etching (i-MacEtch), in lieu of conventional RIE etching, for 3D fin channel formation. InP junctionless FinFETs with record high-aspect-ratio (~ 50:1) fins are demonstrated by this method for the first time. The i-MacEtch process flow eliminates dry-etching-induced plasma damage, high energy ion implantation damage, and high temperature annealing, allowing for the fabrication of InP fin channels with atomically smooth sidewalls. The sidewall features resulting from this unique and simplified process ensure high interface quality between high-k dielectric layer and InP fin channel. Experimental and theoretical analyses show that high-aspect-ratio FinFETs, which could deliver more current per area under much relaxed horizontal geometry requirements, are promising in pushing the technology node ahead where conventional scaling has met its physical limits. The performance of the FinFET was further investigated through numerical simulation. A new kind of FinFET with asymmetric gate and source/drain contacts has been proposed and simulated. By benchmarking with conventional symmetric FinFET, better short-channel behavior with much higher current density is confirmed. The design guidelines are provided. The overall circuit delay can be minimized by optimizing gate lengths according to different local parasites among circuits in interconnection-delay-dominated SoC applications. Continued transistor scaling requires even stronger gate electrostatic control over the channel. The ultimate scaling structure would be gate-all-around nanowire MOSFETs. We demonstrate III-V junctionless gate-all-around (GAA) nanowire (NW) MOSFETs for the first time. For the first time, source/drain (S/D) resistance and thermal budget are minimized by regrowth using metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) in III-V MOSFETs. The fabricated short-channel (Lg=80 nm) GaAs GAA NWFETs with extremely narrow nanowire width (WNW= 9 nm) show excellent transconductance (gm) linearity at biases (300 mV), characterized by the high third intercept point (2.6 dBm). The high linearity is especially important for low power applications because it is insensitive to bias conditions

    III-V and 2D Devices: from MOSFETs to Steep-Slope Transistors

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    With silicon CMOS technology approaching the scaling limit, alternating channel materials and novel device structures have been extensively studied and attracted a lot of attention in solid-state device research. In this dissertation, solid-state electron devices for post-Si CMOS applications are explored including both new materials such as III-V and 2D materials and new device structures such as tunneling field-effect transistors and negative capacitance field-effect transistors. Multiple critical challenges in applying such new materials and new device structures are addressed and the key achievements in this dissertation are summarized as follows: 1) Development of fabrication process technology for ultra-scaled planar and 3D InGaAs MOSFETs. 2) Interface passivation by forming gas anneal on InGaAs gate-all-around MOSFETs. 3) Characterization methods for ultra-scaled MOSFETs, including a correction to subthreshold method and low frequency noise characterization in short channel devices. 4) Development of short channel InGaAs planar and 3D gate-allaround tunneling field-effect transistors. 5) Negative capacitance field-effect transistors with hysteresis-free and bi-directional sub-thermionic subthreshold slope and the integration with various channel materials such as InGaAs and MoS2

    GeSn semiconductor for micro-nanoelectronic applications

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    Within the last few years the steady electronic evolution lead the semiconductor world to study innovative device architectures and new materials able to replace Si platforms. In this scenario Ge1-xSnx alloy attracts the interest of the scientific community due to its ability to tune the material bandgap as a function of Sn content and its extreme compatibility with Si processing. Although the enhanced optical properties of Ge1-xSnx are evident, the augmented electrical properties such as the higher electron and holes mobility are also beneficial for metal oxide semiconductor. Therefore the alloy is expected to be a potential solution to integrate both electrical and optical devices. On one hand, several theoretical and experimental works depict the Ge1-xSnx alloy as a novel and fascinating solution to replace Si; on the other hand the material novelty forces us to enhance the knowledge of its fundamental physical and chemical properties, re-adapting the processing steps necessary to develop electronic and optical devices. In this dissertation a comprehensive study on Ge1-xSnx has been undertaken and discussed analysing a wide range of topics. The first chapter provides a detailed theoretical study on the electronic properties of the GeSn performed using first principle methods; subsequently the data obtained have been inserted into a TCAD software in order to create and calibrate a library used to simulate electrical devices. It is important to note, that at the beginning of this PhD GeSn was not an available material in the Synopsys device software, and thus it had to be defined from scratch As a next point, since the ever decreasing device size push toward the definition of Ohmic contacts, different stanogermanide films have been thoroughly analysed using various metals (Ni, Pt and Ti) annealed with two distinct methodologies (Rapid Thermal Annealing and Laser Thermal Annealing). Subsequently, considering the material limitation such as the limited thermal budget and the Sn segregation, an exhaustive study on the material doping has been firstly discussed theoretically and after experimentally characterized using both classical ion implantation and layer deposition techniques. The different building blocks of Field Effect Transistors have been investigated and tuned individually with the aim to develop FET devices with bottom up approach. Then, Field Effect Transistor devices using GeSn NWs grown by a VLS methodology with Sn composition ranging from (0.03-0.09 at.%) have been developed and extensively characterized with the state of the art present in literature. Finally the analysis of highly selective etch recipes lead to the development of sub-nm device configuration such as Gate-All-Around (GAA) structure obtained using classical top down lithography approach. The innovative structure was electrically characterized highlighting the possibility to obtain decananometer device architecture with this innovative alloy. Lastly thesis summary and final outlooks were reported with the aim to outline the thesis contribution and the future material investigations

    Vertical Heterostructure III-V MOSFETs for CMOS, RF and Memory Applications

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    This thesis focuses mainly on the co-integration of vertical nanowiren-type InAs and p-type GaSb MOSFETs on Si (Paper I & II), whereMOVPE grown vertical InAs-GaSb heterostructure nanowires areused for realizing monolithically integrated and co-processed all-III-V CMOS.Utilizing a bottom-up approach based on MOVPE grown nanowires enablesdesign flexibilities, such as in-situ doping and heterostructure formation,which serves to reduce the amount of mask steps during fabrication. By refiningthe fabrication techniques, using a self-aligned gate-last process, scaled10-20 nm diameters are achieved for balanced drive currents at Ion ∼ 100μA/μm, considering Ioff at 100 nA/μm (VDD = 0.5 V). This is enabledby greatly improved p-type MOSFET performance reaching a maximumtransconductance of 260 μA/μm at VDS = 0.5 V. Lowered power dissipationfor CMOS circuits requires good threshold voltage VT matching of the n- andp-type device, which is also demonstrated for basic inverter circuits. Thevarious effects contributing to VT-shifts are also studied in detail focusing onthe InAs channel devices (with highest transconductance of 2.6 mA/μm), byusing Electron Holography and a novel gate position variation method (PaperV).The advancements in all-III-V CMOS integration spawned individual studiesinto the strengths of the n- and p-type III-V devices, respectively. Traditionallymaterials such as InAs and InGaAs provide excellent electrontransport properties, therefore they are frequently used in devices for highfrequency RF applications. In contrast, the III-V p-type alternatives have beenlacking performance mostly due to the difficult oxidation properties of Sb-based materials. Therefore, a study of the GaSb properties, in a MOSFETchannel, was designed and enabled by new manufacturing techniques, whichallowed gate-length scaling from 40 to 140 nm for p-type Sb-based MOSFETs(Paper III). The new fabrication method allowed for integration of deviceswith symmetrical contacts as compared to previous work which relied on atunnel-contact at the source-side. By modelling based on measured data fieldeffecthole mobility of 70 cm2/Vs was calculated, well in line with previouslyreported studies on GaSb nanowires. The oxidation properties of the GaSbgate-stack was further characterized by XPS, where high intensities of xraysare achieved using a synchrotron source allowed for characterization ofnanowires (Paper VI). Here, in-situ H2-plasma treatment, in parallel with XPSmeasurements, enabled a study of the time-dependence during full removalof GaSb native oxides.The last focus of the thesis was building on the existing strengths of verticalheterostructure III-V n-type (InAs-InGaAs graded channel) devices. Typically,these devices demonstrate high-current densities (gm >3 mS/μm) and excellentmodulation properties (off-state current down to 1 nA/μm). However,minimizing the parasitic capacitances, due to various overlaps originatingfrom a low access-resistance design, has proven difficult. Therefore, newmethods for spacers in both the vertical and planar directions was developedand studied in detail. The new fabrication methods including sidewall spacersachieved gate-drain capacitance CGD levels close to 0.2 fF/μm, which isthe established limit by optimized high-speed devices. The vertical spacertechnology, using SiO2 on the nanowire sidewalls, is further improved inthis thesis which enables new co-integration schemes for memory arrays.Namely, the refined sidewall spacer method is used to realize selective recessetching of the channel and reduced capacitance for large array memoryselector devices (InAs channel) vertically integrated with Resistive RandomAccess Memory (RRAM) memristors. (Paper IV) The fabricated 1-transistor-1-memristor (1T1R) demonstrator cell shows excellent endurance and retentionfor the RRAM by maintaining constant ratio of the high and low resistive state(HRS/LRS) after 106 switching cycles

    Miniaturized Transistors

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    What is the future of CMOS? Sustaining increased transistor densities along the path of Moore's Law has become increasingly challenging with limited power budgets, interconnect bandwidths, and fabrication capabilities. In the last decade alone, transistors have undergone significant design makeovers; from planar transistors of ten years ago, technological advancements have accelerated to today's FinFETs, which hardly resemble their bulky ancestors. FinFETs could potentially take us to the 5-nm node, but what comes after it? From gate-all-around devices to single electron transistors and two-dimensional semiconductors, a torrent of research is being carried out in order to design the next transistor generation, engineer the optimal materials, improve the fabrication technology, and properly model future devices. We invite insight from investigators and scientists in the field to showcase their work in this Special Issue with research papers, short communications, and review articles that focus on trends in micro- and nanotechnology from fundamental research to applications

    Miniaturized Transistors, Volume II

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    In this book, we aim to address the ever-advancing progress in microelectronic device scaling. Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) devices continue to endure miniaturization, irrespective of the seeming physical limitations, helped by advancing fabrication techniques. We observe that miniaturization does not always refer to the latest technology node for digital transistors. Rather, by applying novel materials and device geometries, a significant reduction in the size of microelectronic devices for a broad set of applications can be achieved. The achievements made in the scaling of devices for applications beyond digital logic (e.g., high power, optoelectronics, and sensors) are taking the forefront in microelectronic miniaturization. Furthermore, all these achievements are assisted by improvements in the simulation and modeling of the involved materials and device structures. In particular, process and device technology computer-aided design (TCAD) has become indispensable in the design cycle of novel devices and technologies. It is our sincere hope that the results provided in this Special Issue prove useful to scientists and engineers who find themselves at the forefront of this rapidly evolving and broadening field. Now, more than ever, it is essential to look for solutions to find the next disrupting technologies which will allow for transistor miniaturization well beyond silicon’s physical limits and the current state-of-the-art. This requires a broad attack, including studies of novel and innovative designs as well as emerging materials which are becoming more application-specific than ever before