241,353 research outputs found

    О новом роде верхнепалеозойских растений Brovuchkia Parfenova gen. nov. из Кемеровского района Кузбасса

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    Multimedia information systems have been developed into service-ware. With the paradigms of web services, service oriented architectures (SOA), and Web 2.0 widgets, multimedia has become truly ubiquitous. However, interoperability, scalability, reliability and security are arising challenges at mobile multimedia service development. This paper focuses on the analysis, design, development and evaluation of a middleware that allows access from mobile devices to a bundle of multimedia services. The services are based on the international multimedia metadata description standard MPEG-7. The implementation is based on new generation of service-oriented application servers called Lightweight Application Server (LAS). Mobile web services refer to the fact that mobile servers host web services. A prototype was developed as a proof of concept, showing how to access MPEG-7 based multimedia services from a Mobile Host and the analysis results of providing MPEG-7 based multimedia services in the form of web services from the Mobile Host to other mobile devices. An alternative solution is to apply enterprise service bus technology as the middleware. The performance evaluation results of both approaches show the reliable accessibility of MPEG-7 based multimedia services via the enterprise service bus solution

    Combining caching with a cloud hosted proxy to support mobile consumers of RESTful services

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    There are numerous problems to be addressed when connecting mobile clients (e.g. smartphones and tablet devices) with Web services. These devices consume Web services via wireless channels; and as a result, developers and researchers are investigating different approaches to address challenges related to network fluctuation, latency, and low bandwidth. In addition, most of these devices have limited capabilities in terms of information processing and resource storage. This research focuses on enabling mobile devices for consuming RESTful Web services efficiently. The aforementioned problems of network instability are addressed in this research by proposing and implementing a cloud centric proxy server architecture; which is based on mirroring resources. The mirroring of the Web server’s resources on the mobile device and the proposed proxy server is achieved by exploring caching techniques. Furthermore, an evaluation is done to determine what kind of components and architecture is required for supporting resource constraint mobile devices like smartphones and tablets while connecting them with RESTful systems. By linking the caching components of the mobile devices with a cloud-hosted proxy server, it becomes possible to share caches and achieve significant performance boost for mobile consumers of the RESTful Web services

    A performance evaluation of mobile web services security

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    Abstract: It is now feasible to host basic web services on a smart phone due to the advances in wireless devices and mobile communication technologies. The market capture of mobile web services also has increased significantly, in the past years. While the applications are quite welcoming, the ability to provide secure and reliable communication in the vulnerable and volatile mobile ad-hoc topologies is vastly becoming necessary. Even though a lot of standardized security specifications like WS-Security, SAML exist for web services in the wired networks, not much has been analyzed and standardized in the wireless environments. In this paper we give our analysis of adapting some of the security standards, especially WS-Security to the cellular domain, with performance statistics. The performance latencies are obtained and analyzed while observing the performance and quality of service of our Mobile Host

    Comparison of web service architecture based on architecture quality properties

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    Web service research has been focused on the issues of automatic binding, performance, scalability, and security, however, little research has been done in evaluation of web service architectures, namely Broker based. Examples of these are Matchmaker Broker, Layered Matchmaker, Facilitator, Layered facilitator, and Peer to peer (P2P) based, such as P2P Discovery, Match Maker and P2P, Split Code and P2P execution, Mobile Code with P2P etc. Another consideration is its impact on the adoption in distributed Internet environment. In this paper we introduce a methodology for measuring and evaluating web service architecture style, and we present our development of a set of architectural quality properties, and use these quality properties to carry out comparison and contract of current web services architectures. We provide a detailed analysis and critique of these, and these could be served as a guidelines for the next generation of web services development, which could adopted into the distributed environment

    Sharing Human-Generated Observations by Integrating HMI and the Semantic Sensor Web

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    Current “Internet of Things” concepts point to a future where connected objects gather meaningful information about their environment and share it with other objects and people. In particular, objects embedding Human Machine Interaction (HMI), such as mobile devices and, increasingly, connected vehicles, home appliances, urban interactive infrastructures, etc., may not only be conceived as sources of sensor information, but, through interaction with their users, they can also produce highly valuable context-aware human-generated observations. We believe that the great promise offered by combining and sharing all of the different sources of information available can be realized through the integration of HMI and Semantic Sensor Web technologies. This paper presents a technological framework that harmonizes two of the most influential HMI and Sensor Web initiatives: the W3C’s Multimodal Architecture and Interfaces (MMI) and the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) with its semantic extension, respectively. Although the proposed framework is general enough to be applied in a variety of connected objects integrating HMI, a particular development is presented for a connected car scenario where drivers’ observations about the traffic or their environment are shared across the Semantic Sensor Web. For implementation and evaluation purposes an on-board OSGi (Open Services Gateway Initiative) architecture was built, integrating several available HMI, Sensor Web and Semantic Web technologies. A technical performance test and a conceptual validation of the scenario with potential users are reported, with results suggesting the approach is soun

    Dependability where the mobile world meets the enterprise world

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    As we move toward increasingly larger scales of computing, complexity of systems and networks has increased manifold leading to massive failures of cloud providers (Amazon Cloudfront, November 2014) and geographically localized outages of cellular services (T-Mobile, June 2014). In this dissertation, we investigate the dependability aspects of two of the most prevalent computing platforms today, namely, smartphones and cloud computing. These two seemingly disparate platforms are part of a cohesive story—they interact to provide end-to-end services which are increasingly being delivered over mobile platforms, examples being iCloud, Google Drive and their smartphone counterparts iPhone and Android. ^ In one of the early work on characterizing failures in dominant mobile OSes, we analyzed bug repositories of Android and Symbian and found similarities in their failure modes [ISSRE2010]. We also presented a classification of root causes and quantified the impact of ease of customizing the smartphones on system reliability. Our evaluation of Inter-Component Communication in Android [DSN2012] show an alarming number of exception handling errors where a phone may be crashed by passing it malformed component invocation messages, even from unprivileged applications. In this work, we also suggest language extensions that can mitigate these problems. ^ Mobile applications today are increasingly being used to interact with enterprise-class web services commonly hosted in virtualized environments. Virutalization suffers from the problem of imperfect performance isolation where contention for low-level hardware resources can impact application performance. Through a set of rigorous experiments in a private cloud testbed and in EC2, we show that interference induced performance degradation is a reality. Our experiments have also shown that optimal configuration settings for web servers change during such phases of interference. Based on this observation, we design and implement the IC 2engine which can mitigate effects of interference by reconfiguring web server parameters [MW2014]. We further improve IC 2 by incorporating it into a two-level configuration engine, named ICE, for managing web server clusters [ICAC2015]. Our evaluations show that, compared to an interference agnostic configuration, IC 2 can improve response time of web servers by upto 40%, while ICE can improve response time by up to 94% during phases of interference

    Web services approach for ambient assisted living in mobile environments

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    Web services appeared as a promising technology for Web environments independent of technologies, services, and applications. First, a performance comparison study between the two most used Web service architectures, SOAP and REST, is presented, considering messages exchange between clients and a server. Based on this study, the REST architecture was chosen to deploy the system because it gets better results compared to SOAP architecture. Currently, there are some issues related with this approach that should be studied. For instance, if massive quantities of data are sent to databases it can influence significantly the performance of the whole system. The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMPQ) appears as a promising solution to address this problem. Then, in order to evaluate the performance of this approach, this work presents a performance evaluation and a comparison study of RESTful Web services and the AMQP Protocol considering exchanging messages between clients and a server. The study is based on the averaged exchanged messages for a certain period of time. It was observed and concluded that, for large quantities of messages exchange, the best results comes from the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol. Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) was addressed in this work because it is a similar protocol to AMQP but it can be used by mobile devices with a processing capacity smallest unlike the AMQP that needs greater processing capacity. These studies are performed in the context of Ambient Assisted Living environments, since the work was applied to this topic in order to experiment the effectiveness and evaluate the performance of these protocols in this scenario