161 research outputs found

    Sound Source Separation

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    This is the author's accepted pre-print of the article, first published as G. Evangelista, S. Marchand, M. D. Plumbley and E. Vincent. Sound source separation. In U. Zölzer (ed.), DAFX: Digital Audio Effects, 2nd edition, Chapter 14, pp. 551-588. John Wiley & Sons, March 2011. ISBN 9781119991298. DOI: 10.1002/9781119991298.ch14file: Proof:e\EvangelistaMarchandPlumbleyV11-sound.pdf:PDF owner: markp timestamp: 2011.04.26file: Proof:e\EvangelistaMarchandPlumbleyV11-sound.pdf:PDF owner: markp timestamp: 2011.04.2

    An investigation of the utility of monaural sound source separation via nonnegative matrix factorization applied to acoustic echo and reverberation mitigation for hands-free telephony

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    In this thesis we investigate the applicability and utility of Monaural Sound Source Separation (MSSS) via Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) for various problems related to audio for hands-free telephony. We first investigate MSSS via NMF as an alternative acoustic echo reduction approach to existing approaches such as Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC). To this end, we present the single-channel acoustic echo problem as an MSSS problem, in which the objective is to extract the users signal from a mixture also containing acoustic echo and noise. To perform separation, NMF is used to decompose the near-end microphone signal onto the union of two nonnegative bases in the magnitude Short Time Fourier Transform domain. One of these bases is for the spectral energy of the acoustic echo signal, and is formed from the in- coming far-end user’s speech, while the other basis is for the spectral energy of the near-end speaker, and is trained with speech data a priori. In comparison to AEC, the speaker extraction approach obviates Double-Talk Detection (DTD), and is demonstrated to attain its maximal echo mitigation performance immediately upon initiation and to maintain that performance during and after room changes for similar computational requirements. Speaker extraction is also shown to introduce distortion of the near-end speech signal during double-talk, which is quantified by means of a speech distortion measure and compared to that of AEC. Subsequently, we address Double-Talk Detection (DTD) for block-based AEC algorithms. We propose a novel block-based DTD algorithm that uses the available signals and the estimate of the echo signal that is produced by NMF-based speaker extraction to compute a suitably normalized correlation-based decision variable, which is compared to a fixed threshold to decide on doubletalk. Using a standard evaluation technique, the proposed algorithm is shown to have comparable detection performance to an existing conventional block-based DTD algorithm. It is also demonstrated to inherit the room change insensitivity of speaker extraction, with the proposed DTD algorithm generating minimal false doubletalk indications upon initiation and in response to room changes in comparison to the existing conventional DTD. We also show that this property allows its paired AEC to converge at a rate close to the optimum. Another focus of this thesis is the problem of inverting a single measurement of a non- minimum phase Room Impulse Response (RIR). We describe the process by which percep- tually detrimental all-pass phase distortion arises in reverberant speech filtered by the inverse of the minimum phase component of the RIR; in short, such distortion arises from inverting the magnitude response of the high-Q maximum phase zeros of the RIR. We then propose two novel partial inversion schemes that precisely mitigate this distortion. One of these schemes employs NMF-based MSSS to separate the all-pass phase distortion from the target speech in the magnitude STFT domain, while the other approach modifies the inverse minimum phase filter such that the magnitude response of the maximum phase zeros of the RIR is not fully compensated. Subjective listening tests reveal that the proposed schemes generally produce better quality output speech than a comparable inversion technique

    An investigation of the utility of monaural sound source separation via nonnegative matrix factorization applied to acoustic echo and reverberation mitigation for hands-free telephony

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    In this thesis we investigate the applicability and utility of Monaural Sound Source Separation (MSSS) via Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) for various problems related to audio for hands-free telephony. We first investigate MSSS via NMF as an alternative acoustic echo reduction approach to existing approaches such as Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC). To this end, we present the single-channel acoustic echo problem as an MSSS problem, in which the objective is to extract the users signal from a mixture also containing acoustic echo and noise. To perform separation, NMF is used to decompose the near-end microphone signal onto the union of two nonnegative bases in the magnitude Short Time Fourier Transform domain. One of these bases is for the spectral energy of the acoustic echo signal, and is formed from the in- coming far-end user’s speech, while the other basis is for the spectral energy of the near-end speaker, and is trained with speech data a priori. In comparison to AEC, the speaker extraction approach obviates Double-Talk Detection (DTD), and is demonstrated to attain its maximal echo mitigation performance immediately upon initiation and to maintain that performance during and after room changes for similar computational requirements. Speaker extraction is also shown to introduce distortion of the near-end speech signal during double-talk, which is quantified by means of a speech distortion measure and compared to that of AEC. Subsequently, we address Double-Talk Detection (DTD) for block-based AEC algorithms. We propose a novel block-based DTD algorithm that uses the available signals and the estimate of the echo signal that is produced by NMF-based speaker extraction to compute a suitably normalized correlation-based decision variable, which is compared to a fixed threshold to decide on doubletalk. Using a standard evaluation technique, the proposed algorithm is shown to have comparable detection performance to an existing conventional block-based DTD algorithm. It is also demonstrated to inherit the room change insensitivity of speaker extraction, with the proposed DTD algorithm generating minimal false doubletalk indications upon initiation and in response to room changes in comparison to the existing conventional DTD. We also show that this property allows its paired AEC to converge at a rate close to the optimum. Another focus of this thesis is the problem of inverting a single measurement of a non- minimum phase Room Impulse Response (RIR). We describe the process by which percep- tually detrimental all-pass phase distortion arises in reverberant speech filtered by the inverse of the minimum phase component of the RIR; in short, such distortion arises from inverting the magnitude response of the high-Q maximum phase zeros of the RIR. We then propose two novel partial inversion schemes that precisely mitigate this distortion. One of these schemes employs NMF-based MSSS to separate the all-pass phase distortion from the target speech in the magnitude STFT domain, while the other approach modifies the inverse minimum phase filter such that the magnitude response of the maximum phase zeros of the RIR is not fully compensated. Subjective listening tests reveal that the proposed schemes generally produce better quality output speech than a comparable inversion technique

    Object-based Modeling of Audio for Coding and Source Separation

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    This thesis studies several data decomposition algorithms for obtaining an object-based representation of an audio signal. The estimation of the representation parameters are coupled with audio-specific criteria, such as the spectral redundancy, sparsity, perceptual relevance and spatial position of sounds. The objective is to obtain an audio signal representation that is composed of meaningful entities called audio objects that reflect the properties of real-world sound objects and events. The estimation of the object-based model is based on magnitude spectrogram redundancy using non-negative matrix factorization with extensions to multichannel and complex-valued data. The benefits of working with object-based audio representations over the conventional time-frequency bin-wise processing are studied. The two main applications of the object-based audio representations proposed in this thesis are spatial audio coding and sound source separation from multichannel microphone array recordings. In the proposed spatial audio coding algorithm, the audio objects are estimated from the multichannel magnitude spectrogram. The audio objects are used for recovering the content of each original channel from a single downmixed signal, using time-frequency filtering. The perceptual relevance of modeling the audio signal is considered in the estimation of the parameters of the object-based model, and the sparsity of the model is utilized in encoding its parameters. Additionally, a quantization of the model parameters is proposed that reflects the perceptual relevance of each quantized element. The proposed object-based spatial audio coding algorithm is evaluated via listening tests and comparing the overall perceptual quality to conventional time-frequency block-wise methods at the same bitrates. The proposed approach is found to produce comparable coding efficiency while providing additional functionality via the object-based coding domain representation, such as the blind separation of the mixture of sound sources in the encoded channels. For the sound source separation from multichannel audio recorded by a microphone array, a method combining an object-based magnitude model and spatial covariance matrix estimation is considered. A direction of arrival-based model for the spatial covariance matrices of the sound sources is proposed. Unlike the conventional approaches, the estimation of the parameters of the proposed spatial covariance matrix model ensures a spatially coherent solution for the spatial parameterization of the sound sources. The separation quality is measured with objective criteria and the proposed method is shown to improve over the state-of-the-art sound source separation methods, with recordings done using a small microphone array

    On the Informed Source Separation Approach for Interactive Remixing in Stereo

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    International audienceInformed source separation (ISS) has become a popular trend in the audio signal processing community over the past few years. Its purpose is to decompose a mixture signal into its constituent parts at the desired or the best possible quality level given some metadata. In this paper we present a comparison between two ISS systems and relate the ISS approach in various configurations with conventional coding of separate tracks for interactive remixing in stereo. The compared systems are Underdetermined Source Signal Recovery (USSR) and Enhanced Audio Object Separation (EAOS). The latter forms a part of MPEG's Spatial Audio Object Coding technology. The performance is evaluated using objective difference grades computed with PEMO-Q. The results suggest that USSR performs perceptually better than EOAS and has a lower computational complexity

    Statistical single channel source separation

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    PhD ThesisSingle channel source separation (SCSS) principally is one of the challenging fields in signal processing and has various significant applications. Unlike conventional SCSS methods which were based on linear instantaneous model, this research sets out to investigate the separation of single channel in two types of mixture which is nonlinear instantaneous mixture and linear convolutive mixture. For the nonlinear SCSS in instantaneous mixture, this research proposes a novel solution based on a two-stage process that consists of a Gaussianization transform which efficiently compensates for the nonlinear distortion follow by a maximum likelihood estimator to perform source separation. For linear SCSS in convolutive mixture, this research proposes new methods based on nonnegative matrix factorization which decomposes a mixture into two-dimensional convolution factor matrices that represent the spectral basis and temporal code. The proposed factorization considers the convolutive mixing in the decomposition by introducing frequency constrained parameters in the model. The method aims to separate the mixture into its constituent spectral-temporal source components while alleviating the effect of convolutive mixing. In addition, family of Itakura-Saito divergence has been developed as a cost function which brings the beneficial property of scale-invariant. Two new statistical techniques are proposed, namely, Expectation-Maximisation (EM) based algorithm framework which maximizes the log-likelihood of a mixed signals, and the maximum a posteriori approach which maximises the joint probability of a mixed signal using multiplicative update rules. To further improve this research work, a novel method that incorporates adaptive sparseness into the solution has been proposed to resolve the ambiguity and hence, improve the algorithm performance. The theoretical foundation of the proposed solutions has been rigorously developed and discussed in details. Results have concretely shown the effectiveness of all the proposed algorithms presented in this thesis in separating the mixed signals in single channel and have outperformed others available methods.Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka(UTeM), Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysi

    A Perceptual Evaluation of Short-Time Fourier Transform Window Duration and Divergence Cost Function on Audio Source Separation using Non-negative Matrix Factorization

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    Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) is an established method of performing audio source separation. Previous studies used NMF with supplementary systems to improve performance, but little has been done to investigate perceptual effects of NMF parameters. The present study aimed to evaluate two NMF parameters for speech enhancement: the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) window duration and divergence cost function. Two experiments were conducted: the first investigated the effect of STFT window duration on target speech intelligibility in a sentence keyword identification task. The second experiment had participants rate residual noise levels present in target speech using three different cost functions: the Euclidian Distance (EU), the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence, and the Itakura-Saito (IS) divergence. It was found that a 92.9 ms window duration produced the highest intelligibility scores, while the IS divergence produced significantly lower residual noise levels than the EU and KL divergences. Additionally, significant positive correlations were found between subjective residual noise scores and objective metrics from the Blind Source Separation (BSS_Eval) and Perceptual Evaluation method for Audio Source Separation (PEASS) toolboxes. Results suggest longer window durations, with increased frequency resolution, allow more accurate distinction between sources, improving intelligibility scores. Additionally, the IS divergence is able to more accurately approximate high frequency and transient components of audio, increasing separation of speech and noise. Correlation results suggest that using full bandwidth stimuli could increase reliability of objective measures

    PROJET - Spatial Audio Separation Using Projections

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    International audienceWe propose a projection-based method for the unmixing of multi-channel audio signals into their different constituent spatial objects. Here, spatial objects are modelled using a unified framework which handles both point sources and diffuse sources. We then propose a novel methodology to estimate and take advantage of the spatial dependencies of an object. Where previous research has processed the original multichannel mixtures directly and has been principally focused on the use of inter-channel covariance structures, here we instead process projections of the multichannel signal on many different spatial directions. These linear combinations consist of observations where some spatial objects are cancelled or enhanced. We then propose an algorithm which takes these projections as the observations, discarding dependencies between them. Since each one contains global information regarding all channels of the original multichannel mixture, this provides an effective means of learning the parameters of the original audio, while avoiding the need for joint-processing of all the channels. We further show how to recover the separated spatial objects and demonstrate the use of the technique on stereophonic music signals
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