13,230 research outputs found

    How robust is the UTAUT theory in explaining the usage intention of e-government services in an unstable security context?: A study in Iraq

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    This study aimed to examine the robustness of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) theory in explaining the usage of electronic government services in an unstable security context. In addition, it attempts to investigate the extent to which usage behaviour could create continued usage intention among the citizen's. The data were collected from employees in public universities in Iraq employing a survey questionnaire. Out of 700 questionnaires distributed, 436 usable questionnaires were returned. The partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was employed to test the validity and reliability of the model and to examine the hypothesised relationships. The findings of the study confirmed the robustness of UTAUT theory and its validity in explaining behaviour in an unstable security context. In addition to examine how robust is the UTAUT theory in examining the behaviour in using electronic government eG services, it also extends the UTAUT model to examine future continued usage of the eG services and how UTAUT variables could shape this behavioural intention. - 2019 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Scopu

    Factors affecting continued usage intention of electronic government among public servants in Iraq

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    Electronic government (eG) system has become an important component of Information and Communication Technology provided by governments to facilitate all the transactions. This system has gained the popularity in developed and developing countries alike. Due to the inconsistency of the findings regarding the antecedents and consequences of usage behaviour of eG services, this study attempted to further explain this phenomenon in an unstable environment. Specifically, this study attempted to investigate the mediating role of Usage Behaviour on the relationships between the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use Technology (UTAUT) antecedents and Continued Usage Intention. Additionally, this study attempted to investigate the moderating effect of Perceived Intensity of Civil Conflict (PICC) on the relationship between Usage Behaviour and Continued Usage Intention. In the relevant past literature, many theories have emphasized the necessity to establish the fit between various factors and Usage issues as the key success factor. However, this study integrated many theories such as the Expectation-Confirmation Theory, Conflict Theory, and UTAUT to examine the effect of various factors on Usage Behaviour and Continued Usage Intention of eG. To examine the hypothesized model, the data for this study were collected from the employees in the public universities. Out of 700 questionnaires distributed, 436 usable questionnaires were returned. This study employed the partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) to confirm the validity and reliability of the measurement model and to examine the structural relationships. The findings of the study confirmed the positive influence of Effort Expectancy, Performance Expectancy and Facilitating Conditions on the Usage Behaviour. In addition, the results supported the strong positive influence of usage behaviour on continued usage intention. While the moderating effect of PICC was not supported, usage behaviour was found to have a significant power to explain the effect of UTAUT variables on continued usage intention

    Understanding internet banking services and customer's adoption in Iraqi public universities

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    There is no doubt that internet banking services adoption represents a good opportunity for developing nations to attain greater economic development and growth, where the creation of added value is driven by information, knowledge and the adoption of information and communications technology. Although a lot of researches provide evidence on the wide adoption of internet banking in developed nations, there are only limited researches in developing nations in the Middle East, specifically in Iraq. There is definitely a need in this country to identify the factors that could encourage and improve the understanding of internet banking services adoption. There is also a paucity of empirical researches on internet banking services adoption from the perspective of customers. Taking these into cognizance, this quantitative research aims to understand internet banking services adoption, by investigating the key factors that encourage customers to adopt internet banking in the Iraqi context, using the decomposed theory of planned behavior. The research framework consists of eighteen latent variables, fourteen exogenous variables (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, compatibility, trust, social recommendation, prestigious media, self-efficacy, government support, technology support, internet technology literacy, resistance to technology, perceived risk of technology, anxiety about technology and information on technology); and four endogenous variables (internet banking adoption, attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control). In order to test the framework, a quantitative approach using the survey method is employed consisting of eighty two items with a seven-point Likert scale. Based on proportionate stratified random sampling, 535 out of 800 employees submitted completed questionnaires suitable for analysis (a 66.8% response rate). Findings of this study reveal that all the research hypotheses are supported except three, namely subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and information on technology towards internet banking services adoption, implying that the decomposed theory of planned behavior is an applicable underpinning theory for clarifying the important antecedents of internet banking services adoption in the Iraqi context

    A Review of Literature on the Evaluation of Customer Satisfaction Patterns in Mobile Banking Services

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    Purpose: Providing high-quality e-banking services and trust is considered a basic strategy for attracting and retaining customers with mobile banking that is less investigated particularly in Iraq. A review of the literature was conducted to achieve these goals.   Theoretical framework: The scarcity of literature in terms of mobile banking in Iraqi setting was the theoretical basis of the current study. Previous related research was collected and reviewed thematically to understand the trends of the latest literature in mobile banking and customer satisfaction.    Design/methodology/approach:  A narrative approach was utilized in the context of this study.  Several studies published between 2016 and 2022 were reviewed. Through this semi systematic literature review different key words were keyed in numerous e-journal database.   Findings: the review revealed that most of the studies in this article utilized qualitative approach as an appropriate method to elicit data. The participants were from ordinary people one study investigated the variables of mobile banking and customer satisfaction among bank staff. Service quality was the highest variable compare with security and ease of use. The review indicated also there a limitation in the previous studies in the Iraqi mobile banking setting.      Research, Practical & Social implications: Mobile banking as an emerging research area specially in Iraqi environment needs more investigation since such kind of research could increase people awareness about the advantage of such technology in the banking industry.   Originality/value: Even though mobile banking is not a novel concept in Iraq, there is no literature that discusses the use of service quality modal to evaluate a user's level of satisfaction in the mobile banking research area. As a result, the purpose of this paper is to make up for this void

    A prototype mobile money implementation in Nigeria

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    Researchers have shown that majority of the populace in the developing nations are rural dwellers that do not have access to basic financial services and are poor. This class of people are peasant farmers and petty traders who rely mostly on remittances from their wards and relations in major cities and abroad to meet their financial obligations at home. The methods of remittances are encumbered with challenges. Mobile money is a tool that allows individuals to make financial transactions using mobile cell phones. Nigeria is one of the fastest growing telecoms nations of the world and the adoption of mobile money will help a great deal to solve the problems associated with remittances. In this paper, we present a short messages services (SMS) and unstructured supplementary service data (USSD) implementation of mobile money implementation in Nigeria modelled using Django and Python as the programming language, MySQL as the data store and Apache hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) as the Web server. The system made comparative analysis with M-PESA implementation in Kenya: the first mobile money implantation in Africa. Furthermore, the system was tested among a selected few of the populace to evaluate the usability of the design. Findings revealed that the prototype implementation is user-friendly and can be used by all without many problems except for the illiterate populace; hence, the need to have a combined bank and agent-based implementation. This approach will help with time to reduce the number of unbanked populace, which is currently at 80%

    Determinants of customer acceptance of e-banking in Iraq using technology acceptance model

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    Electronic banking (e-banking) is a form of banking in which funds are transferred through an exchange of electronic signals along to the traditional banking process as the exchange of cash, checks, or other types of paper documents. Moreover, the general tendencies of the Iraqi government in line with other countries to adopt e-banking and provide e-services to customers. However, the determinants of e-banking services need to investigate to determine the variables affecting the rate of such adoption. Thus, the main aim of this study is to identify the determinants of e-banking services in Iraq. Hence, this study gives an investigation using the technology acceptance model (TAM) by selecting a sample for many Iraqi banks' customers and staff to determine the determinants of user acceptance of e-banking. A preliminary study was conducted to empirically determine the user acceptance determinants of e-banking. For data collection, a quantitative method was used represented by the questionnaire. The selected sample for the investigation is 200 (customers and staff). Several methods have used for data analysis such as hierarchical regression, one-way ANOVA, descriptive statistics, t-test as well as structural equation modeling (SEM). The obtained outcomes show there are several determinants of e-banking services in Iraq that have determined in this study. Moreover, this study confirms the overcoming of those determinants will give a highly positive impact on e-banking services

    E-Government in Amarah: Challenges and Recommendations for Future Implementation

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    The growth and changes in the 21st century in the sectors of economics, politics, and technology mean that governments must provide all the services that can serve the demands of their citizens. One way for governments to facilitate this is by implementing e-government. E-government migrates services previously implemented by government employees to internet connected systems accessible by citizens from wherever they are at whatever time they are needed. This system can connect citizens to the government ministries via rule-based systems. Amarah, a city in the south of Iraq, started to integrate electronic systems into the facilities of the city in 2005. In 2012, the Amarah Provisional Council began the first step to build the e-government for the city by working with the UN, but the e-government systems still have not been built because the Council of Amarah is trying not to fall into the same mistakes of other e-government projects in the country. The purpose of this study is to cover some of the challenges that face governments in implementing e-government in developing countries. Another goal is to provide a comparative study to analyze the successful implementations of e-government in such places as South Korea, Bahrain, and Australia. Moreover, this thesis presents a workable framework to implement an e-government system which is suitable to the current situation of the city of Amarah, Iraq because existing successful e-government models or frameworks cannot be adopted as is and be expected to work successfully because of financial, cultural, political, educational, and other differences that exist between the locations
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