653 research outputs found

    Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Groundwater Recharge in the West Bank Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques

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    Estimating groundwater recharge to aquifer systems is a very important element in assessing the water resources of the West Bank. Of particular interest is the sustainable yield of the aquifers. Previous studies have developed analytical recharge models that are based on the long-term annual rainfall data. These models have been shown to be inadequate and changes over shorter periods, e.g. monthly estimates, must be known in order to study the temporal distribution of recharge. The approach used in this research integrates data derived from satellite images (e.g. land cover, evapotranspiration, rainfall, and digital elevation model) with hydrogeological data in a Geographic Information System (GIS) model to identify and map the surface recharge areas. The Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) is applied to time series of remote sensing MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) level 3 data of reflectance and surface temperature measurements to estimate monthly evapotranspiration; precipitation is derived from the monthly data sets of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM); runoff is given assumed values of 0.75 mm month-1 and 0.4 mm month-1 for the months of January and February, respectively. Recharge is quantified from November until March by applying the water balance method where evapotranspiration estimates and runoff are subtracted from precipitation. Results show good agreement between data reported in the literature and remote sensing-based analysis. Empirical models that are based on long term rainfall measurements suggest recharge values between 800 and 836 MCM yr-1 while the remote sensing based model results estimate recharge to be 700 MCM yr-1. The Western, North-Eastern, and Eastern Aquifer Basins receive 30%, 23%, and 47% of the total calculated recharge while percentages available in the literature provide 49%, 22%, and 29%, respectively. Discrepancies are mainly due to lack of field data, the overestimation of actual evapotranspiration, and underestimation of TRMM precipitation values. The recharge map indicates that the most effective groundwater recharge zones are located in the north and west of the area that is characterised by thick and well developed soil deposits, heavy vegetation, and a sub-humid climate with the potential of significant recharge occurring during the wet season. Some areas in the east include concentration of drainage and stream flows which increase the ability of to recharge the groundwater system. The least effective areas are in the south and south-west region that is more arid with much less recharge, mainly due to its isolated thin soil deposits. A sensitivity analysis was carried out to demonstrate the impact of land cover change on groundwater and natural recharge. The assessment involved the use of land covers of 1994 and 2004 with the same fixed parameters of evapotranspiration, precipitation, drainage, slope, soil, and geology. Results show a decrease in high and intermediate high recharge areas from 40.25 km2 and 2462.25 km2 in year 1994 to 15.5 km2 and 1994 km2 in 2004, respectively. This illustrates the extent of land cover/land use change influence on recharge and calls for integrated plans and strategies to preserve recharge at least at its current rates

    Soil moisture analysis using remotely sensed data in the agricultural region of Mongolia

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    Object-Based Image Classification of Summer Crop with Machine Learning Methods

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    The strategic management of agricultural lands involves crop field monitoring each year. Crop discrimination via remote sensing is a complex task, especially if different crops have a similar spectral response and cropping pattern. In such cases, crop identification could be improved by combining object-based image analysis and advanced machine learning methods. In this investigation, we evaluated the C4.5 decision tree, logistic regression (LR), support vector machine (SVM) and multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network methods, both as single classifiers and combined in a hierarchical classification, for the mapping of nine major summer crops (both woody and herbaceous) from ASTER satellite images captured in two different dates. Each method was built with different combinations of spectral and textural features obtained after the segmentation of the remote images in an object-based framework. As single classifiers, MLP and SVM obtained maximum overall accuracy of 88%, slightly higher than LR (86%) and notably higher than C4.5 (79%). The SVM+SVM classifier (best method) improved these results to 89%. In most cases, the hierarchical classifiers considerably increased the accuracy of the most poorly classified class (minimum sensitivity). The SVM+SVM method offered a significant improvement in classification accuracy for all of the studied crops compared to the conventional decision tree classifier, ranging between 4% for safflower and 29% for corn, which suggests the application of object-based image analysis and advanced machine learning methods in complex crop classification tasks.This research was partly financed by the TIN2011-22794 project of the Spanish Ministerial Commission of Science and Technology (MICYT), FEDER funds, the P2011-TIC-7508 project of the “Junta de Andalucía” (Spain) and the Kearney Foundation of Soil Science (USA). The research of Peña was co-financed by the Fulbright-MEC postdoctoral program, financed by the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation, and by the JAEDoc Program, supported by CSIC and FEDER funds. ASTER data were available to us through a NASA EOS scientific investigator affiliation.We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI).Peer Reviewe

    Historical Land use/Land cover classification and its change detection mapping using Different Remotely Sensed Data from LANDSAT (MSS, TM and ETM+) and Terra (ASTER) sensors: a case study of the Euphrates River Basin in Syria with focus on agricultural irrigation projects

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    This thesis deals spatially and regionally with the natural boundaries of the Euphrates River Basin (ERB) in Syria. Scientifically, the research covers the application of remote sensing science (optical remote sensing: LANDSAT-MSS, TM, and ETM+; and TERRA: ASTER); and methodologically, in Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) classification and mapping, automatically and/or semi-automatically; in LULC-change detection; and finally in the mapping of historical irrigation and agricultural projects for the extraction of differing crop types and the estimation of their areas. With regard to time, the work is based on the years 1975, 1987, 2005 and 2007. Initially, preprocessing of the satellite data (geometric- and radiometric- processing, image enhancement, best bands composite selection, transformation, mosaicing and finally subsetting) was carried out. Then, the Land Use/Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) was chosen. The following steps were followed in LULC- classification and change detection mapping: visual interpretation in addition to digital image processing techniques; pixel-based classification methods; unsupervised classification: ISODATA-method; and supervised classification and multistage supervised approaches using the algorithms: Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC), Neural Network classifier (NN) and Support Vector Machines (SVM). These were trialed on a test area to determine the optimized classification approach/algorithm for application on the whole study area (ERB) based on the available imagery. Pre- and post- classification change detection methods (comparison approaches) were used to detect changes in land use/land cover-classes (for the years 1975, 1987 and 2007) in the study area. The remote sensing methods show a high potential in mapping historical and present land use/land cover classes and its changes over time. Significant results are also possible for agricultural crop classification in relatively large regional areas (the ERB in Syria is almost 50,335 km²). Change trends in the study area and period was characterized by land-intensive agricultural expansion. The rapid, more labor- and capital- intensive growth in the agricultural sector was enabled by the introduction of fertilizer, improved access to rural roads and markets, and the expansion of the government irrigation projects. Irrigated areas increased 148 % in the past 32 years from 249,681 ha in 1975 to 596,612 ha in 2007

    Object-Based Image Classification of Summer Crops with Machine Learning Methods

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    The strategic management of agricultural lands involves crop field monitoring each year. Crop discrimination via remote sensing is a complex task, especially if different crops have a similar spectral response and cropping pattern. In such cases, crop identification could be improved by combining object-based image analysis and advanced machine learning methods. In this investigation, we evaluated the C4.5 decision tree, logistic regression (LR), support vector machine (SVM) and multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network methods, both as single classifiers and combined in a hierarchical classification, for the mapping of nine major summer crops (both woody and herbaceous) from ASTER satellite images captured in two different dates. Each method was built with different combinations of spectral and textural features obtained after the segmentation of the remote images in an object-based framework. As single classifiers, MLP and SVM obtained maximum overall accuracy of 88%, slightly higher than LR (86%) and notably higher than C4.5 (79%). The SVM+SVM classifier (best method) improved these results to 89%. In most cases, the hierarchical classifiers considerably increased the accuracy of the most poorly classified class (minimum sensitivity). The SVM+SVM method offered a significant improvement in classification accuracy for all of the studied crops compared to the conventional decision tree classifier, ranging between 4% for safflower and 29% for corn, which suggests the application of object-based image analysis and advanced machine learning methods in complex crop classification task

    Mapping and Assessing Impacts of Land Use and Land Cover Change by Means of Advanced Remote Sensing Approach:: Mapping and Assessing Impacts of Land Use and Land Cover Change by Means of Advanced Remote Sensing Approach:: A case Study of Gash Agricultural Scheme, Eastern Sudan

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    Risks and uncertainties are unavoidable in agriculture in Sudan, due to its dependence on climatic factors and to the imperfect nature of the agricultural decisions and policies attributed to land cover and land use changes that occur. The current study was conducted in the Gash Agricultural Scheme (GAS) - Kassala State, as a semi-arid land in eastern Sudan. The scheme has been established to contribute to the rural development, to help stability of the nomadic population in eastern Sudan, particularly the local population around the Gash river areas, and to facilitate utilizing the river flood in growing cotton and other cash crops. In the last decade, the scheme production has declined, because of drought periods, which hit the region, sand invasion and the spread of invasive mesquite trees, in addition to administrative negligence. These have resulted also in poor agricultural productivity and the displacement of farmers away from the scheme area. Recently, the scheme is heavily disturbed by human intervention in many aspects. Consequently, resources of cultivated land have shrunk and declined during the period of the study, which in turn have led to dissatisfaction and increasing failure of satisfying increasing farmer’s income and demand for local consumption. Remote sensing applications and geospatial techniques have played a key role in studying different types of hazards whether they are natural or manmade. Multi-temporal satellite data combined with ancillary data were used to monitor, analyze and to assess land use and land cover (LULC) changes and the impact of land degradation on the scheme production, which provides the managers and decision makers with current and improved data for the purposes of proper administration of natural resources in the GAS. Information about patterns of LULC changes through time in the GAS is not only important for the management and planning, but also for a better understanding of human dimensions of environmental changes at regional scale. This study attempts to map and assess the impacts of LULC change and land degradation in GAS during a period of 38 years from 1972-2010. Dry season multi-temporal satellite imagery collected by different sensor systems was selected such as three cloud-free Landsat (MSS 1972, TM 1987 and ETM+ 1999) and ASTER (2010) satellite imagery. This imagery was geo-referenced and radiometrically and atmospherically calibrated using dark object subtraction (DOS). Two approaches of classification (object-oriented and pixel-based) were applied for classification and comparison of LULC. In addition, the study compares between the two approaches to determine which one is more compatible for classification of LULC of the GAS. The pixel-based approach performed slightly better than the object-oriented approach in the classification of LULC in the study area. Application of multi-temporal remote sensing data proved to be successful for the identification and mapping of LULC into five main classes as follows: woodland dominated by dense mesquite trees, grass and shrubs dominated by less dense mesquite trees, bare and cultivated land, stabilized fine sand and mobile sand. After image enhancement successful classification of imagery was achieved using pixel and object based approaches as well as subsequent change detection (image differencing and change matrix), supported by classification accuracy assessments and post-classification. Comparison of LULC changes shows that the land cover of GAS has changed dramatically during the investigated period. It has been discovered that more significant of LULC change processes occurred during the second studied period (1987 to 1999) than during the first period (1972-1987). In the second period nearly half of bare and cultivated lands was changed from 41372.74 ha (20.22 %) in 1987 to 28020.80 ha (13.60 %) in 1999, which was mainly due to the drought that hit the region during the mentioned period. However, the results revealed a drastic loss of bare and cultivated land, equivalent to more than 40% during the entire period (1972-2010). Throughout the whole period of study, drought and invasion of both mesquite trees and sand were responsible for the loss of more than 40% of the total productive lands. Change vector analysis (CVA) as a useful approach was applied for estimating change detection in both magnitude and direction of change. The promising approach of multivariate alteration detection (MAD) and subsequent maximum autocorrelation factor (MAD/MAF) transformation was used to support change detection via assessment of maximum correlation between the transformed variates and the specific original image bands related to specific land cover classes. However, both CVA and MAD/MAD strongly prove the fact that bare and cultivated land have dramatically changed and decreased continuously during the studied period. Both CVA and MAD/MAD demonstrate adequate potentials for monitoring, detecting, identifying and mapping the changes. Moreover, this research demonstrated that CVA and MAD/MAF are superior in providing qualitative details about the nature of all kinds of change. Vegetation indices (VI) such as normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), soil-adjusted vegetation index (SAVI), modified adjusted vegetation index (MSAVI) and grain soil index (GSI) were applied to measure the quantitative characterization of temporal and spatial vegetation cover patterns and change. All indices remain very sensitive to structure variation of LULC. The results reveal that the NDVI is more effective for detecting the amount and status of the vegetation cover in the study area than SAVI, MSAVI and GSI. Therefore, it can be stated that NDVI can be used as a response variable to identify drought disturbance and land degradation in semi-arid land such as the GAS area. Results of detecting vegetation cover observed by using SAVI were found to be more reasonable than using MSAVI, although MSAVI reduces the background of bare soil better than SAVI. GSI proves high efficiency in determining the different types of surface soils, and producing a change map of top soil grain size, which is useful in assessment of land degradation in the study area. The linkage between socio-economic data and remotely sensed data was applied to determine the relationships between the different factors derived and to analyze the reasons for change in LULC and land degradation and its effects in the study area. The results indicate a strong relationship between LULC derived from remotely sensed data and the influencing socioeconomic variables. The results obtained from analyzing socioeconomic data confirm the findings of remote sensing data analysis, which assure that the decline and degradation of agricultural land is a result of further spread of mesquite trees and of increased invasion of sand during the study period. High livestock density and overgrazing, drought, invasion of sand, spread of invasive mesquite trees, overexploitation of land, improper management, and population growth were considered as the main direct factors responsible for degradation in the study area

    Multi-scale targeting of land degradation in northern Uzbekistan using satellite remote sensing

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    Advancing land degradation (LD) in the irrigated agro-ecosystems of Uzbekistan hinders sustainable development of this predominantly agricultural country. Until now, only sparse and out-of-date information on current land conditions of the irrigated cropland has been available. An improved understanding of this phenomenon as well as operational tools for LD monitoring is therefore a pre-requisite for multi-scale targeting of land rehabilitation practices and sustainable land management. This research aimed to enhance spatial knowledge on the cropland degradation in the irrigated agro-ecosystems in northern Uzbekistan to support policy interventions on land rehabilitation measures. At the regional level, the study combines linear trend analysis, spatial relational analysis, and logistic regression modeling to expose the LD trend and to analyze the causes. Time series of 250-m Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), summed over the growing seasons of 2000-2010, were used to determine areas with an apparent negative vegetation trend; this was interpreted as an indicator of LD. The assessment revealed a significant decline in cropland productivity across 23% (94,835 ha) of the arable area. The results of the logistic modeling indicate that the spatial pattern of the observed trend is mainly associated with the level of the groundwater table, land-use intensity, low soil quality, slope, and salinity of the groundwater. To quantify the extent of the cropland degradation at the local level, this research combines object-based change detection and spectral mixture analysis for vegetation cover decline mapping based on multitemporal Landsat TM images from 1998 and 2009. Spatial distribution of fields with decreased vegetation cover is mainly associated with abandoned cropland and land with inherently low-fertility soils located on the outreaches of the irrigation system and bordering natural sandy deserts. The comparison of the Landsat-based map with the LD trend map yielded an overall agreement of 93%. The proposed methodological approach is a useful supplement to the commonly applied trend analysis for detecting LD in cases when plot-specific data are needed but satellite time series of high spatial resolution are not available. To contribute to land rehabilitation options, a GIS-based multi-criteria decision-making approach is elaborated for assessing suitability of degraded irrigated cropland for establishing Elaeagnus angustifolia L. plantations while considering the specific environmental setting of the irrigated agro-ecosystems. The approach utilizes expert knowledge, fuzzy logic, and weighted linear combination to produce a suitability map for the degraded irrigated land. The results reveal that degraded cropland has higher than average suitability potential for afforestation with E. angustifolia. The assessment allows improved understanding of the spatial variability of suitability of degraded irrigated cropland for E. angustifolia and, subsequently, for better-informed spatial planning decisions on land restoration. The results of this research can serve as decision-making support for agricultural planners and policy makers, and can also be used for operational monitoring of cropland degradation in irrigated lowlands in northern Uzbekistan. The elaborated approach can also serve as a basis for LD assessments in similar irrigated agro-ecosystems in Central Asia and elsewhere.Multisclare Bewertung der Landdegradation in Nord-Uzbekistan unter der Verwendung von Satellitenfernerkundung Die zunehmende Landdegradation (LD) in den bewässerten Agrarökosystemen in Usbekistan behindert die nachhaltige Entwicklung dieses vorwiegend landwirtschaftlich geprägten Landes. Bis heute sind nur wenige und veraltete Informationen über die aktuellen Bodenbedingungen der bewässerten Anbauflächen verfügbar. Ein besseres Verständnis dieses Phänomens sowie operationelle Werkzeuge für LD-Monitoring sind daher Voraussetzung für ein nachhaltiges Landmanagement sowie für Landrehabilitationsmaßnahmen. Ziel dieser Studie war es, das räumliche Verständnis der Degradierung von Anbaugebieten in den bewässerten Agrarökosystemsn des nördlichen Usbekistans zu verbessern, um staatliche Interventionen in Bezug auf Landrehabilitationsmaßnahmen zu unterstützen Auf der regionalen Ebene kombiniert die Studie lineare Trendanalyse, räumliche relationale Analyse sowie logistischer Regressionsmodellierung, um den LD-Trend darzustellen und Gründe zu analysieren. Zeitreihen von 250-m Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) Bildern wurden für den Zeitraum der Anbauperioden zwischen 2000-2010 untersucht, um Bereiche mit einem offensichtlich negativen Vegetationstrend zu ermitteln. Dieser negative Trend kann als Indikator für LD interpretiert werden. Die Untersuchung ergab eine signifikante Abnahme der Bodenproduktivität auf 23% (94,835 ha) der Anbaufläche. Zudem deuten die Ergebnisse der logistischen Modellierung darauf hin, dass das räumliche Muster des beobachteten Trends überwiegend mit der Höhe des Grundwasserspiegels, der Landnutzungsintensität, der geringen Bodenqualität, der Hangneigung sowie der Grundwasserversalzung zusammenhängt. Um das Ausmaß der Degradation der Anbauflächen auf der lokalen Ebene zu quantifizieren, kombiniert diese Studie objektbasierte Erkennung von Veränderungen und spektrale Mischungsanalyse für die Abnahme der Vegetationsbedeckung auf der Grundlage von multitemporalen Landsat-TM-Bildern im Zeitraum von 1998 bis 2009. Die räumliche Verteilung der Felder mit abnehmender Vegetationsbedeckung hängt überwiegend mit verlassenen Anbauflächen sowie mit nährstoffarmen Böden in den Randbereichen des Bewässerungssystems und an den Grenzen zu natürlichen Sandwüsten zusammen. Ein Vergleich mit der Karte des LD-Trends ergab insgesamt eine Übereinstimmung von 93%. Der vorgeschlagene Ansatz ist eine nützliche Ergänzung zu der häufig angewendeten Trendanalyse für die Ermittlung von LD in Regionen, für die keine Satellitenbildzeitreihen mit hoher Auflösung verfügbar sind. Als Beitrag zu Landrehabilitationsmöglichkeiten, wird ein GIS-basierter Multi-Kriterien-Ansatz zur Einschätzung der Eignung von degradierten bewässerten Anbauflächen für Elaeagnus angustifolia L. Plantagen beschrieben, der gleichzeitig die spezifischen Umweltbedingungen der bewässerten Agrarökosysteme berücksichtigt. Dieser Ansatz beinhaltet Expertenwissen, Fuzzy-Logik und gewichtete lineare Kombination, um eine Eignungskarte für die bewässerten degradierten Anbauflächen herzustellen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass diese Flächen ein überdurchschnittliches Eignungspotenzial für die Aufforstung mit E. angustifolia aufweisen. Diese Studie trägt zu einem verbesserten Verständnis der räumlichen Variabilität der Eignung von solchen Flächen für E. angustifolia bei. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie können als Entscheidungshilfe für landwirtschaftliche Planer und politische Entscheidungsträger sowie für verbesserte Landrehabilitationsmaßnahmen und operationelles Monitoring der Degradation von Anbauflächen im nördlichen Usbekistan eingesetzt werden. Zudem kann der beschriebene Ansatz als Grundlage für LD-Untersuchungen in ähnlichen bewässerten Agrarökosystemen in Zentralasien und anderswo dienen

    Earth observation for water resource management in Africa

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    A global approach to estimate irrigated areas - a comparison between different data and statistics

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    Agriculture is the largest global consumer of water. Irrigated areas constitute 40% of the total area used for agricultural production (FAO, 2014a) Information on their spatial distribution is highly relevant for regional water management and food security. Spatial information on irrigation is highly important for policy and decision makers, who are facing the transition towards more efficient sustainable agriculture. However, the mapping of irrigated areas still represents a challenge for land use classifications, and existing global data sets differ strongly in their results. The following study tests an existing irrigation map based on statistics and extends the irrigated area using ancillary data. The approach processes and analyzes multi-temporal normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) SPOT-VGT data and agricultural suitability data - both at a spatial resolution of 30 arcsec - incrementally in a multiple decision tree. It covers the period from 1999 to 2012. The results globally show a 18% larger irrigated area than existing approaches based on statistical data. The largest differences compared to the official national statistics are found in Asia and particularly in China and India. The additional areas are mainly identified within already known irrigated regions where irrigation is more dense than previously estimated. The validation with global and regional products shows the large divergence of existing data sets with respect to size and distribution of irrigated areas caused by spatial resolution, the considered time period and the input data and assumption made
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