3,759 research outputs found

    Stable Electromyographic Sequence Prediction During Movement Transitions using Temporal Convolutional Networks

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    Transient muscle movements influence the temporal structure of myoelectric signal patterns, often leading to unstable prediction behavior from movement-pattern classification methods. We show that temporal convolutional network sequential models leverage the myoelectric signal's history to discover contextual temporal features that aid in correctly predicting movement intentions, especially during interclass transitions. We demonstrate myoelectric classification using temporal convolutional networks to effect 3 simultaneous hand and wrist degrees-of-freedom in an experiment involving nine human-subjects. Temporal convolutional networks yield significant (p<0.001)(p<0.001) performance improvements over other state-of-the-art methods in terms of both classification accuracy and stability.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, accepted for Neural Engineering (NER) 2019 Conferenc

    DeepASL: Enabling Ubiquitous and Non-Intrusive Word and Sentence-Level Sign Language Translation

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    There is an undeniable communication barrier between deaf people and people with normal hearing ability. Although innovations in sign language translation technology aim to tear down this communication barrier, the majority of existing sign language translation systems are either intrusive or constrained by resolution or ambient lighting conditions. Moreover, these existing systems can only perform single-sign ASL translation rather than sentence-level translation, making them much less useful in daily-life communication scenarios. In this work, we fill this critical gap by presenting DeepASL, a transformative deep learning-based sign language translation technology that enables ubiquitous and non-intrusive American Sign Language (ASL) translation at both word and sentence levels. DeepASL uses infrared light as its sensing mechanism to non-intrusively capture the ASL signs. It incorporates a novel hierarchical bidirectional deep recurrent neural network (HB-RNN) and a probabilistic framework based on Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) for word-level and sentence-level ASL translation respectively. To evaluate its performance, we have collected 7,306 samples from 11 participants, covering 56 commonly used ASL words and 100 ASL sentences. DeepASL achieves an average 94.5% word-level translation accuracy and an average 8.2% word error rate on translating unseen ASL sentences. Given its promising performance, we believe DeepASL represents a significant step towards breaking the communication barrier between deaf people and hearing majority, and thus has the significant potential to fundamentally change deaf people's lives

    Deep Learning for Processing Electromyographic Signals: a Taxonomy-based Survey

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    Deep Learning (DL) has been recently employed to build smart systems that perform incredibly well in a wide range of tasks, such as image recognition, machine translation, and self-driving cars. In several fields the considerable improvement in the computing hardware and the increasing need for big data analytics has boosted DL work. In recent years physiological signal processing has strongly benefited from deep learning. In general, there is an exponential increase in the number of studies concerning the processing of electromyographic (EMG) signals using DL methods. This phenomenon is mostly explained by the current limitation of myoelectric controlled prostheses as well as the recent release of large EMG recording datasets, e.g. Ninapro. Such a growing trend has inspired us to seek and review recent papers focusing on processing EMG signals using DL methods. Referring to the Scopus database, a systematic literature search of papers published between January 2014 and March 2019 was carried out, and sixty-five papers were chosen for review after a full text analysis. The bibliometric research revealed that the reviewed papers can be grouped in four main categories according to the final application of the EMG signal analysis: Hand Gesture Classification, Speech and Emotion Classification, Sleep Stage Classification and Other Applications. The review process also confirmed the increasing trend in terms of published papers, the number of papers published in 2018 is indeed four times the amount of papers published the year before. As expected, most of the analyzed papers (≈60 %) concern the identification of hand gestures, thus supporting our hypothesis. Finally, it is worth reporting that the convolutional neural network (CNN) is the most used topology among the several involved DL architectures, in fact, the sixty percent approximately of the reviewed articles consider a CNN

    Lipreading with Long Short-Term Memory

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    Lipreading, i.e. speech recognition from visual-only recordings of a speaker's face, can be achieved with a processing pipeline based solely on neural networks, yielding significantly better accuracy than conventional methods. Feed-forward and recurrent neural network layers (namely Long Short-Term Memory; LSTM) are stacked to form a single structure which is trained by back-propagating error gradients through all the layers. The performance of such a stacked network was experimentally evaluated and compared to a standard Support Vector Machine classifier using conventional computer vision features (Eigenlips and Histograms of Oriented Gradients). The evaluation was performed on data from 19 speakers of the publicly available GRID corpus. With 51 different words to classify, we report a best word accuracy on held-out evaluation speakers of 79.6% using the end-to-end neural network-based solution (11.6% improvement over the best feature-based solution evaluated).Comment: Accepted for publication at ICASSP 201

    Deep learning for healthcare applications based on physiological signals: A review

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    Background and objective: We have cast the net into the ocean of knowledge to retrieve the latest scientific research on deep learning methods for physiological signals. We found 53 research papers on this topic, published from 01.01.2008 to 31.12.2017. Methods: An initial bibliometric analysis shows that the reviewed papers focused on Electromyogram(EMG), Electroencephalogram(EEG), Electrocardiogram(ECG), and Electrooculogram(EOG). These four categories were used to structure the subsequent content review. Results: During the content review, we understood that deep learning performs better for big and varied datasets than classic analysis and machine classification methods. Deep learning algorithms try to develop the model by using all the available input. Conclusions: This review paper depicts the application of various deep learning algorithms used till recently, but in future it will be used for more healthcare areas to improve the quality of diagnosi

    Deep learning approach to control of prosthetic hands with electromyography signals

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    Natural muscles provide mobility in response to nerve impulses. Electromyography (EMG) measures the electrical activity of muscles in response to a nerve's stimulation. In the past few decades, EMG signals have been used extensively in the identification of user intention to potentially control assistive devices such as smart wheelchairs, exoskeletons, and prosthetic devices. In the design of conventional assistive devices, developers optimize multiple subsystems independently. Feature extraction and feature description are essential subsystems of this approach. Therefore, researchers proposed various hand-crafted features to interpret EMG signals. However, the performance of conventional assistive devices is still unsatisfactory. In this paper, we propose a deep learning approach to control prosthetic hands with raw EMG signals. We use a novel deep convolutional neural network to eschew the feature-engineering step. Removing the feature extraction and feature description is an important step toward the paradigm of end-to-end optimization. Fine-tuning and personalization are additional advantages of our approach. The proposed approach is implemented in Python with TensorFlow deep learning library, and it runs in real-time in general-purpose graphics processing units of NVIDIA Jetson TX2 developer kit. Our results demonstrate the ability of our system to predict fingers position from raw EMG signals. We anticipate our EMG-based control system to be a starting point to design more sophisticated prosthetic hands. For example, a pressure measurement unit can be added to transfer the perception of the environment to the user. Furthermore, our system can be modified for other prosthetic devices.Comment: Conference. Houston, Texas, USA. September, 201