1,096 research outputs found

    Image Diversification via Deep Learning based Generative Models

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    Machine learning driven pattern recognition from imagery such as object detection has been prevalenting among society due to the high demand for autonomy and the recent remarkable advances in such technology. The machine learning technologies acquire the abstraction of the existing data and enable inference of the pattern of the future inputs. However, such technologies require a sheer amount of images as a training dataset which well covers the distribution of the future inputs in order to predict the proper patterns whereas it is impracticable to prepare enough variety of images in many cases. To address this problem, this thesis pursues to discover the method to diversify image datasets for fully enabling the capability of machine learning driven applications. Focusing on the plausible image synthesis ability of generative models, we investigate a number of approaches to expand the variety of the output images using image-to-image translation, mixup and diffusion models along with the technique to enable a computation and training dataset efficient diffusion approach. First, we propose the combined use of unpaired image-to-image translation and mixup for data augmentation on limited non-visible imagery. Second, we propose diffusion image-to-image translation that generates greater quality images than other previous adversarial training based translation methods. Third, we propose a patch-wise and discrete conditional training of diffusion method enabling the reduction of the computation and the robustness on small training datasets. Subsequently, we discuss a remaining open challenge about evaluation and the direction of future work. Lastly, we make an overall conclusion after stating social impact of this research field

    Image Simulation in Remote Sensing

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    Remote sensing is being actively researched in the fields of environment, military and urban planning through technologies such as monitoring of natural climate phenomena on the earth, land cover classification, and object detection. Recently, satellites equipped with observation cameras of various resolutions were launched, and remote sensing images are acquired by various observation methods including cluster satellites. However, the atmospheric and environmental conditions present in the observed scene degrade the quality of images or interrupt the capture of the Earth's surface information. One method to overcome this is by generating synthetic images through image simulation. Synthetic images can be generated by using statistical or knowledge-based models or by using spectral and optic-based models to create a simulated image in place of the unobtained image at a required time. Various proposed methodologies will provide economical utility in the generation of image learning materials and time series data through image simulation. The 6 published articles cover various topics and applications central to Remote sensing image simulation. Although submission to this Special Issue is now closed, the need for further in-depth research and development related to image simulation of High-spatial and spectral resolution, sensor fusion and colorization remains.I would like to take this opportunity to express my most profound appreciation to the MDPI Book staff, the editorial team of Applied Sciences journal, especially Ms. Nimo Lang, the assistant editor of this Special Issue, talented authors, and professional reviewers

    Aplicações de modelos de deep learning para monitoramento ambiental e agrícola no Brasil

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    Tese (doutorado) — Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia, 2022.Algoritmos do novo campo de aprendizado de máquina conhecido como Deep Learning têm se popularizado recentemente, mostrando resultados superiores a modelos tradicionais em métodos de classificação e regressão. O histórico de sua utilização no campo do sensoriamento remoto ainda é breve, porém eles têm mostrado resultados similarmente superiores em processos como a classificação de uso e cobertura da terra e detecção de mudança. Esta tese teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de metodologias utilizando estes algoritmos com um enfoque no monitoramento de alvos críticos no Brasil por via de imagens de satélite a fim de buscar modelos de alta precisão e acurácia para substituir metodologias utilizadas atualmente. Ao longo de seu desenvolvimento, foram produzidos três artigos onde foi avaliado o uso destes algoritmos para a detecção de três alvos distintos: (a) áreas queimadas no Cerrado brasileiro, (b) áreas desmatadas na região da Amazônia e (c) plantios de arroz no sul do Brasil. Apesar do objetivo similar na produção dos artigos, procurou-se distinguir suficientemente suas metodologias a fim de expandir o espaço metodológico conhecido para fornecer uma base teórica para facilitar e incentivar a adoção destes algoritmos em contexto nacional. O primeiro artigo avaliou diferentes dimensões de amostras para a classificação de áreas queimadas em imagens Landsat-8. O segundo artigo avaliou a utilização de séries temporais binárias de imagens Landsat para a detecção de novas áreas desmatadas entre os anos de 2017, 2018 e 2019. O último artigo utilizou imagens de radar Sentinel-1 (SAR) em uma série temporal contínua para a delimitação dos plantios de arroz no Rio Grande do Sul. Modelos similares foram utilizados em todos os artigos, porém certos modelos foram exclusivos a cada publicação, produzindo diferentes resultados. De maneira geral, os resultados encontrados mostram que algoritmos de Deep Learning são não só viáveis para detecção destes alvos mas também oferecem desempenho superior a métodos existentes na literatura, representando uma alternativa altamente eficiente para classificação e detecção de mudança dos alvos avaliados.Algorithms belonging to the new field of machine learning called Deep Learning have been gaining popularity recently, showing superior results when compared to traditional classification and regression methods. The history of their use in the field of remote sensing is not long, however they have been showing similarly superior results in processes such as land use classification and change detection. This thesis had as its objective the development of methodologies using these algorithms with a focus on monitoring critical targets in Brazil through satellite imagery in order to find high accuracy and precision models to substitute methods used currently. Through the development of this thesis, articles were produced evaluating their use for the detection of three distinct targets: (a) burnt areas in the Brazilian Cerrado, (b) deforested areas in the Amazon region and (c) rice fields in the south of Brazil. Despite the similar objective in the production of these articles, the methodologies in each of them was made sufficiently distinct in order to expand the methodological space known. The first article evaluated the use of differently sized samples to classify burnt areas in Landsat-8 imagery. The second article evaluated the use of binary Landsat time series to detect new deforested areas between the years of 2017, 2018 and 2019. The last article used continuous radar Sentinel-1 (SAR) time series to map rice fields in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Similar models were used in all articles, however certain models were exclusive to each one. In general, the results show that not only are the Deep Learning models viable but also offer better results in comparison to other existing methods, representing an efficient alternative when it comes to the classification and change detection of the targets evaluated

    On the Potential of Sequential and Nonsequential Regression Models for Sentinel-1-Based Biomass Prediction in Tanzanian Miombo Forests

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    This study derives regression models for aboveground biomass (AGB) estimation in miombo woodlands of Tanzania that utilize the high availability and low cost of Sentinel-1 data. The limited forest canopy penetration of C-band SAR sensors along with the sparseness of available ground truth restricts their usefulness in traditional AGB regression models. Therefore, we propose to use AGB predictions based on airborne laser scanning (ALS) data as a surrogate response variable for SAR data. This dramatically increases the available training data and opens for flexible regression models that capture fine-scale AGB dynamics. This becomes a sequential modeling approach, where the first regression stage has linked in situ data to ALS data and produced the AGB prediction map; we perform the subsequent stage, where this map is related to Sentinel-1 data.We develop a traditional, parametric regression model and alternative nonparametric models for this stage. The latter uses a conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN) to translate Sentinel-1 images into ALS-based AGB prediction maps. The convolution filters in the neural networks make them contextual. We compare the sequential models to traditional, nonsequential regression models, all trained on limited AGB ground reference data. Results show that our newly proposed nonsequential Sentinel-1-based regression model performs better quantitatively than the sequential models, but achieves less sensitivity to fine-scale AGB dynamics. The contextual cGAN-based sequential models best reproduce the distribution of ALS-based AGB predictions. They also reach a lower RMSE against in situ AGB data than the parametric sequential model, indicating a potential for further development

    A novel spectral-spatial singular spectrum analysis technique for near real-time in-situ feature extraction in hyperspectral imaging.

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    As a cutting-edge technique for denoising and feature extraction, singular spectrum analysis (SSA) has been applied successfully for feature mining in hyperspectral images (HSI). However, when applying SSA for in situ feature extraction in HSI, conventional pixel-based 1-D SSA fails to produce satisfactory results, while the band-image-based 2D-SSA is also infeasible especially for the popularly used line-scan mode. To tackle these challenges, in this article, a novel 1.5D-SSA approach is proposed for in situ spectral-spatial feature extraction in HSI, where pixels from a small window are used as spatial information. For each sequentially acquired pixel, similar pixels are located from a window centered at the pixel to form an extended trajectory matrix for feature extraction. Classification results on two well-known benchmark HSI datasets and an actual urban scene dataset have demonstrated that the proposed 1.5D-SSA achieves the superior performance compared with several state-of-the-art spectral and spatial methods. In addition, the near real-time implementation in aligning to the HSI acquisition process can meet the requirement of online image analysis for more efficient feature extraction than the conventional offline workflow

    Deep convolutional regression modelling for forest parameter retrieval

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    Accurate forest monitoring is crucial as forests are major global carbon sinks. Additionally, accurate prediction of forest parameters, such as forest biomass and stem volume (SV), has economic importance. Therefore, the development of regression models for forest parameter retrieval is essential. Existing forest parameter estimation methods use regression models that establish pixel-wise relationships between ground reference data and corresponding pixels in remote sensing (RS) images. However, these models often overlook spatial contextual relationships among neighbouring pixels, limiting the potential for improved forest monitoring. The emergence of deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) provides opportunities for enhanced forest parameter retrieval through their convolutional filters that allow for contextual modelling. However, utilising deep CNNs for regression presents its challenges. One significant challenge is that the training of CNNs typically requires continuous data layers for both predictor and response variables. While RS data is continuous, the ground reference data is sparse and scattered across large areas due to the challenges and costs associated with in situ data collection. This thesis tackles challenges related to using CNNs for regression by introducing novel deep learning-based solutions across diverse forest types and parameters. To address the sparsity of available reference data, RS-derived prediction maps can be used as auxiliary data to train the CNN-based regression models. This is addressed through two different approaches. Although these prediction maps offer greater spatial coverage than the original ground reference data, they do not ensure spatially continuous prediction target data. This work proposes a novel methodology that enables CNN-based regression models to handle this diversity. Efficient CNN architectures for the regression task are developed by investigating relevant learning objectives, including a new frequency-aware one. To enable large-scale and cost-effective regression modelling of forests, this thesis suggests utilising C-band synthetic aperture radar SAR data as regressor input. Results demonstrate the substantial potential of C-band SAR-based convolutional regression models for forest parameter retrieval

    Multi-Sensor Data Fusion for Cloud Removal in Global and All-Season Sentinel-2 Imagery

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    This work has been accepted by IEEE TGRS for publication. The majority of optical observations acquired via spaceborne earth imagery are affected by clouds. While there is numerous prior work on reconstructing cloud-covered information, previous studies are oftentimes confined to narrowly-defined regions of interest, raising the question of whether an approach can generalize to a diverse set of observations acquired at variable cloud coverage or in different regions and seasons. We target the challenge of generalization by curating a large novel data set for training new cloud removal approaches and evaluate on two recently proposed performance metrics of image quality and diversity. Our data set is the first publically available to contain a global sample of co-registered radar and optical observations, cloudy as well as cloud-free. Based on the observation that cloud coverage varies widely between clear skies and absolute coverage, we propose a novel model that can deal with either extremes and evaluate its performance on our proposed data set. Finally, we demonstrate the superiority of training models on real over synthetic data, underlining the need for a carefully curated data set of real observations. To facilitate future research, our data set is made available onlineComment: This work has been accepted by IEEE TGRS for publicatio