8 research outputs found

    Potentzia-bihurgailu matriziala: teknologia eraginkor eta konpaktua

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    Gaur egun potentzia-elektronikaren erabilera oso hedatuta dago. Teknologia mota hau nonahi aurki daiteke: ibilgailu elektrikoetan, ur-ponpaketako sistemetan, hegazkinetan, haize-errotetan, etab. Potentzia-bihurgailuen artean, bihurgailu matriziala (MC, matrix converter) nabarmentzen da, honek azaltzen dituen ezaugarriak direla-bide. Bihurgailu horrek AC/AC bihurketa era zuzenean egiten du, eta hainbat aplikaziotan erabil daiteke, oso konpaktua eta eraginkorra baita. Gainera, bihurgailu horren bidez sintetizatutako seinaleen kalitatea oso ona da. Lan honetan, MCaren ezaugarriak, aplikazioak, erronkak, arkitektura eta modulazio-printzipioak azaltzen dira. Ondoren, adibide modura, bihurgailu hau haize-errota txikietan ezartzean lortzen diren emaitzak erakutsiko dira. Azkenik, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatean eraikitako MC prototipo batean lortutako zenbait emaitza esperimentalen berri emango dugu, bihurgailuaren funtzionamendu erreala azaltzeko

    High-Efficiency Three-Phase Current Source Rectifier Using SiC Devices and Delta-Type Topology

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    In this dissertation, the benefits of the three-phase current source rectifier (CSR) in high power rectifier, data center power supply and dc fast charger for electric vehicles (EV) will be evaluated, and new techniques will be proposed to increase the power efficiency of CSRs. A new topology, referred as Delta-type Current Source Rectifier (DCSR), is proposed and implemented to reduce the conduction loss by up to 20%. By connecting the three legs in a delta type on ac input side, the dc-link current in DCSR can be shared by two legs at the same time. To increase the switching speed and power density, all-SiC power modules are built and implemented for CSRs. The switching waveforms in the commutation are measured and studied based on double pulse test. Four different modulation schemes are compared for high efficiency CSR considering the switching characteristics of different device combinations. The most advantageous modulation scheme is then identified for each of the device combinations investigated. A compensation method is proposed to reduce the input current distortion caused by overlap time and slow transition in CSRs. The proposed method first minimizes the overlap time and then compensates the charge gain/loss according to the sampled voltage and current. It is verified that the proposed method can reduce the input current distortion especially when the line-to-line voltage is close to zero. The dc-link current will become discontinuous under light load in CSRs, when the traditional control algorithm may not work consistently well. To operate CSR in discontinuous current mode (DCM), the CSR is modeled in DCM and a new control algorithm with feedforward compensation is proposed and verified through experiments. A protection scheme with fast response time is proposed, analyzed and verified to protect SiC devices from overvoltage caused by current interruption in CSRs. To deal with the harmonics and voltage sag in the input ac voltage, a new control algorithm is proposed. By adding ac current feedback control and proportional-resonant (PR) control, the proposed control algorithm can reduce the input current distortion and dc output voltage ripple under input voltage disturbance

    Conversor matricial com comutação suave

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    This paper discusses the application of a switching cell to a soft switching converter matrix. At the beginning of the work are presented the characteristics of the converter, pointing out their advantages and disadvantages. In the sequence, is performed the study on the soft switching technique, known as ZVT, which is characterized by not present the elements in series with the circuit matrix. This technique allows the converter switching matrix occur at zero voltage (ZVS). In order to make this possible is used an auxiliary switching circuit (cac). This circuit has the purpose to divert part of the ow of power, enabling switching between the phases of the matrix converter and, following return this energy to the load. Also, this same circuit performs its switching also with null conditions, i.e. at zero current (ZCS). All steps required during the commutations are analyzed; through phase circuits plans and expressions that determine the duration of each stage. Some changes in the performance of the auxiliary circuit are proposed in order to reduce the energy required in the process of switching. Finally, to validate the study was implemented a platform for studies. On this platform, we chose to implement a converter matrix with three-phase input and single phase output and a switching auxiliary circuit. The results show that the auxiliary circuit allowed to occur semiconductor switches of the switching matrix circuit at zero voltage. The proposed modifications have enabled the commutations occur in safe form, besides ensuring null condition in the semiconductor by reducing the amount of energy involved in the switching process.CAPESEste trabalho aborda a aplicação de uma célula de comutação suave para um conversor matricial. No início do trabalho são apresentadas as características do conversor, apontando suas vantagens e desvantagens. Na sequência, é realizado o estudo da técnica de comutação suave, conhecida como ZVT, que caracteriza-se por não apresentar elementos em série com o circuito matricial. Essa técnica permite que as comutações do conversor matricial ocorram em zero de tensão (ZVS). Para que isso seja possível é utilizado um circuito auxiliar de comutação (CAC). Este circuito tem por finalidade desviar parte do fluxo de potência, permitir a comutação entre as fases do conversor matricial e, na sequência devolver essa energia para a carga. Ainda, esse mesmo circuito realiza as suas comutações, também com condições nulas, isto é, em zero de corrente (ZCS). Todas as etapas necessárias durante as comutações são analisadas; através dos planos de fase, circuitos e das expressões que determinam o tempo de duração de cada etapa. Algumas modificações na atuação do circuito auxiliar são propostas, com a finalidade de reduzir a energia necessária envolvida no processo de comutação. Por fim, para validar o estudo realizado foi implementada uma plataforma de estudos. Nessa plataforma, optou-se pela implementação de um conversor matricial com entrada trifásica e saída monofásica e um circuito auxiliar de comutação. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o circuito auxiliar permitiu que ocorressem as comutações das chaves semicondutoras do circuito matricial em zero de tensão. As modificações propostas possibilitaram que as comutações ocorressem de forma segura, além de garantir a condição nula nos semicondutores, com a redução da quantidade de energia envolvida no processo de comutação

    Study and implementation of a current control for matrix converter and voltage source inverters without capacitor in DC link

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    Orientador: Ernesto Ruppert FilhoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: A presente tese refere-se a um modelo de controle de corrente para conversores em matriz trifásico para trifásico e inversores fonte de tensão trifásica sem capacitor no elo de corrente continua com o objetivo minimizar e compensar as distorções presentes nas tensões de saída dos conversores de modo a obter correntes elétricas senoidais na carga. Nesses conversores, por não possuírem elementos armazenadores de energia de grandes valores, os desequilíbrios e/ou distorções presentes nas tensões de entrada irão se refletir nas tensões de saída. O modelo de controle de corrente proposto consiste em manter constante o módulo do vetor espacial das correntes de saída do conversor em matriz por meio de um regulador PI que altera dinamicamente a razão cíclica de acionamento das chaves de potência compensando os desequilíbrios e distorções das tensões trifásicas de entrada. O desempenho do controle proposto é validado por meio de simulações executadas no Matlab e em resultados experimentais obtidos no protótipo de um inversor fonte de tensão sem capacitor no elo de corrente continua alimentando uma carga RL trifásicaAbstract: This thesis concern a current control method for three-phase matrix converter and three-phase voltage source inverter without a dc link capacitor in order to mitigate and compensate the distortions present in the output voltages so that the output currents are sinosoidal. In these converters, because of lack of large storage elements, imbalances and/or distortions present in the input voltage will be immediately reflected to the converter output voltages. The proposed current control model forces the magnitude of the output space vector current to be constant through a PI controller that dynamically alters the duty cycle of the power converter switching for compensating the imbalances and distortions from input voltages. The performance of this current control is validated by simulations implemented in Matlab and experimental results on the prototype of a voltage source inverter without a DC link capacitor feeding a three-phase RL loadDoutoradoEnergia EletricaDoutor em Engenharia Elétric

    Steuerverfahren für Matrixumrichter unter der besonderen Betrachtung der Eingangsblindleistung

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    Design control and implementation of a four-leg matrix converter for ground power supply application

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    The technology of direct AC/AC power conversion (Matrix Converters) is gaining increasing interest in the scientific community, particularly for aerospace applications. The aim of this research project is to investigate the use of direct AC/AC three phase four-leg Matrix Converter as ground power unit to supply aircraft with power during stopover or maintenance in airports. The converter fourth leg is used to provide a path for the zero sequence components when feeding unbalanced or non-linear loads. A high bandwidth controller is required to regulate the output voltage of Matrix Converter with a 400Hz output frequency. However, the controller bandwidth is limited due to the reduced ratio between the converter switching frequency and the fundamental frequency. In this case undesirable, periodic errors and distortion will exist in the output voltage above all in the presence of a non-linear or unbalanced load. Digital repetitive control system is proposed to regulate the output voltage of a four-leg Matrix Converter in an ABC reference frame. The proposed control structure introduces a high gain at the fundamental and its integer multiple frequencies. Using the proposed repetitive controller will reduce the tracking error between the output and the reference voltage, as well as increasing the stability of the converter under balanced and unbalanced load conditions. Simulation studies using SABER and MATLAB software packages show that the proposed controller is able to regulate the output voltage during balanced and unbalanced load conditions and during the presence of non-linear load. In order to validate the effectiveness of the proposed controller, an experimental prototype of a 7.5KW has been implemented in PEMC laboratory using DSP/FPGA platform to control the converter prototype. The steady state and the dynamic performance of the proposed control strategy are investigated in details, and extensive experimental tests have showed that the proposed controller was able to offer high tracking accuracy, fast transient response and able to regulate the output voltage during balanced, unbalanced and non-linear loading

    Design control and implementation of a four-leg matrix converter for ground power supply application

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    The technology of direct AC/AC power conversion (Matrix Converters) is gaining increasing interest in the scientific community, particularly for aerospace applications. The aim of this research project is to investigate the use of direct AC/AC three phase four-leg Matrix Converter as ground power unit to supply aircraft with power during stopover or maintenance in airports. The converter fourth leg is used to provide a path for the zero sequence components when feeding unbalanced or non-linear loads. A high bandwidth controller is required to regulate the output voltage of Matrix Converter with a 400Hz output frequency. However, the controller bandwidth is limited due to the reduced ratio between the converter switching frequency and the fundamental frequency. In this case undesirable, periodic errors and distortion will exist in the output voltage above all in the presence of a non-linear or unbalanced load. Digital repetitive control system is proposed to regulate the output voltage of a four-leg Matrix Converter in an ABC reference frame. The proposed control structure introduces a high gain at the fundamental and its integer multiple frequencies. Using the proposed repetitive controller will reduce the tracking error between the output and the reference voltage, as well as increasing the stability of the converter under balanced and unbalanced load conditions. Simulation studies using SABER and MATLAB software packages show that the proposed controller is able to regulate the output voltage during balanced and unbalanced load conditions and during the presence of non-linear load. In order to validate the effectiveness of the proposed controller, an experimental prototype of a 7.5KW has been implemented in PEMC laboratory using DSP/FPGA platform to control the converter prototype. The steady state and the dynamic performance of the proposed control strategy are investigated in details, and extensive experimental tests have showed that the proposed controller was able to offer high tracking accuracy, fast transient response and able to regulate the output voltage during balanced, unbalanced and non-linear loading

    Contribution to the Active Generator Principle:the Gate-commutated Polyphased Matrix Converter

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    This work is part of the innovative "Active Generator" (AG) project. AG is a concept that suggests a new arrangement of the turbine-generator line of a high power utility (a few hundred of MW) in order to de-synchronize the rotation speed of the turbine-generator group from the fixed grid frequency (50 Hz or 60 Hz). This de-synchronization has essentially two advantages. First, the variable speed of the group enables the operation of the turbine at its best available efficiency in function of the delivered power. Second, the de-synchronization allows to eliminate the gearbox between the turbine and the generator without losing the important degree of freedom in the choice of optimal nominal rotation speed of the turbine. The latter advantage is particularly interesting for high power utilities, whose prime mover is a gas turbine, because for this power range the gearbox constitutes a heavy burden. The de-synchronization is realized with a static frequency converter which is a power electronics circuit composed of silicon power devices. The converter must ensure the same nominal frequency ratio than the gearbox it replaces, which can go above 50%. For such ratio the converter must be inserted between the stator windings of the generator and the grid. There are numerous different frequency converters. Some of them are available as industrial products and others are still in a development state. Not all of these different frequency converters are well adapted to high power applications. In the AG literature, a few recommendations suggest to use a low frequency commutation sequence, combined with a high number of input phases. The high number of input phases ensures a sufficient resolution of the converter's output voltage. Compared to others, this sequence is supposed to decrease the commutation losses of the converter, avoid the usual overdesign of the nominal power of the generator, and, finally, does not require the converter to include bulky intermediary DC storage components (capacitor or inductor). This sequence is a variant of the "Cosine Waveform Crossing" (CWC) method used for Naturally Commutated Cyclo-converters (NCC) and is named slowCWC. However, up till now, there is no converter that is able to run properly with this sequence. Thus a new converter is needed. This PhD work introduces a new converter that is able to fulfill the slowCWC sequence. It is derived from a slight modification of an existing topology (NCC) and is called "gate-commutated Polyphased Matrix Converter" (PPMC). It is a direct frequency converter with a high number of input phases, generally greater than twenty, and a matrix structure of the valves that allows to connect each of the three output phases to each of the generator (input) phases. The valves are bi-directional in voltage and current and are transistor-based to achieve the turn-off capability required by the commutation sequence. The PPMC requires to add protection circuits across each generator stator winding. These circuits protect the stator windings from overvoltages which appear during some forced commutations. In its first part this PhD work uses an analytical approach and the results are expressed in a per unit system that is also adequate to describe the electrical machines. In this first part, it is about the development of design rules for the components of the protection circuits. In addition the energy losses linked to these circuits are evaluated. Those losses strongly depend on the commutation type, which is itself influenced by the presence of the protection circuits. The expression of the duration of natural commutations in the per unit system is also developed in this first part and it constitutes a key parameter in the determination of the commutation type. These theoretical developments are illustrated with numerical simulations. In its second part this PhD work presents the realization of a small-scale experimental set-up with reduced power (1 kW) but a high input phase number (27). The aim of the experimental set-up is to implement and experiment in real-time the command and control algorithm of the PPMC as well as to verify the theoretical predictions developed in the first part. The results of those developments lead to the quantitative assessment of the efficiency of the PPMC. Besides the key parameters that can help to improve this efficiency are pointed out. In certain cases the efficiency of the PPMC is acceptable under the condition that a generator parameter (its leakage reactance) remains under a given limit. This work ends with a list of suggestions for future works related to the improvement of the PPMC and related to the AG project