9 research outputs found

    Système coopératif de perception et de communication pour la protection des usagers vulnérables

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    Cooperative intelligent transportation systems (C-ITS) have the opportunity to enhance road safety, especially the safety of vulnerable road users (VRU), e.g., pedestrians and cyclists. Road accidents are mainly due to vehicles' and VRUs' inability to detect the danger before a collision cannot be avoided.We introduce a perception system based on laser and camera sensors to estimate the state of VRUs located around the vehicle. A multi-class classification of road obstacles based on laser data has been developed using statistical machine learning and Bayesian estimation.We propose an architecture for vehicles-to-pedestrians (V2P) communication which considers the weak energy resources of the devices carried by pedestrians such as smartphones. Our solution is relying on the standards defined by ETSI ITS architecture for vehicular communication and proposes geographical dissemination for V2P communication.A cooperative perception/communication system can deal with scenarios which are becoming more and more complex by combining the ability of perception to estimate the dynamic state of detected obstacles and the ability of communication to exchange a rich content between distant users. We introduce a multi-hypotheses fusion between perception and communication information and a smartphone application dedicated to protect VRUs from road danger.The solutions proposed during this thesis are evaluated on real data. We carried out real experiments on INRIA campus demonstrating the assets of a cooperative system for the protection of vulnerable road users.Les systèmes de transports intelligents coopératifs (C-ITS) offrent des opportunités pour améliorer la sécurité routière et particulièrement la sécurité des usagers vulnérables (VRU), e.g., piétons et cyclistes. La principale source d'accidents provient de l'incapacité des usagers, véhicules et VRUs, à détecter le danger avant qu'une collision soit inévitable. Nous introduisons un système de perception qui s'appuie sur les données des capteurs laser et caméra pour estimer l'état des VRUs entourant le véhicule. Une technique de classification multi-classes des obstacles routiers à partir de données laser a été développée en utilisant une méthode d'apprentissage statistique et une estimation bayésienne. Nous proposons une architecture de communication véhicules-piétons (V2P) qui prend en compte les faibles ressources énergétiques des smartphones transportés par les piétons. Notre solution s'appuie sur les standards définis dans l'architecture de communication véhiculaire ETSI ITS et propose une dissémination géographique pour la communication V2P. Un système coopératif perception/communication a le potentiel de gérer des scénarios de plus en plus complexes en combinant la capacité de la perception à estimer l'état dynamique des obstacles détectés et la capacité de la communication à échanger un contenu riche entre des usagers éloignés. Nous introduisons une fusion multi-hypothèses entre les informations de perception et de communication et une application pour smartphone destinée à protéger les VRUs des dangers de la route. Les solutions proposées au cours de la thèse sont évaluées sur des données réelles. Nous avons mené des expérimentations sur le campus d'INRIA démontrant les atouts d'un système coopératif de protection des usagers vulnérables

    Formation control of autonomous vehicles with emotion assessment

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    Autonomous driving is a major state-of-the-art step that has the potential to transform the mobility of individuals and goods fundamentally. Most developed autonomous ground vehicles (AGVs) aim to sense the surroundings and control the vehicle autonomously with limited or no driver intervention. However, humans are a vital part of such vehicle operations. Therefore, an approach to understanding human emotions and creating trust between humans and machines is necessary. This thesis proposes a novel approach for multiple AGVs, consisting of a formation controller and human emotion assessment for autonomous driving and collaboration. As the interaction between multiple AGVs is essential, the performance of two multi-robot control algorithms is analysed, and a platoon formation controller is proposed. On the other hand, as the interaction between AGVs and humans is equally essential to create trust between humans and AGVs, the human emotion assessment method is proposed and used as feedback to make autonomous decisions for AGVs. A novel simulation platform is developed for navigating multiple AGVs and testing controllers to realise this concept. Further to this simulation tool, a method is proposed to assess human emotion using the affective dimension model and physiological signals such as an electrocardiogram (ECG) and photoplethysmography (PPG). The experiments are carried out to verify that humans' felt arousal and valence levels could be measured and translated to different emotions for autonomous driving operations. A per-subject-based classification accuracy is statistically significant and validates the proposed emotion assessment method. Also, a simulation is conducted to verify AGVs' velocity control effect of different emotions on driving tasks

    Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Management of Future Motorway and Urban Traffic Systems 2022

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    The 4th Symposium on Management of Future Motorway and Urban Traffic Systems (MFTS) was held in Dresden, Germany, from November 30th to December 2nd, 2022. Organized by the Chair of Traffic Process Automation (VPA) at the “Friedrich List” Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences of the TU Dresden, the proceedings of this conference are published as volume 9 in the Chair’s publication series “Verkehrstelematik” and contain a large part of the presented conference extended abstracts. The focus of the MFTS conference 2022 was cooperative management of multimodal transport and reflected the vision of the professorship to be an internationally recognized group in ITS research and education with the goal of optimizing the operation of multimodal transport systems. In 14 MFTS sessions, current topics in demand and traffic management, traffic control in conventional, connected and automated transport, connected and autonomous vehicles, traffic flow modeling and simulation, new and shared mobility systems, digitization, and user behavior and safety were discussed. In addition, special sessions were organized, for example on “Human aspects in traffic modeling and simulation” and “Lesson learned from Covid19 pandemic”, whose descriptions and analyses are also included in these proceedings.:1 Connected and Automated Vehicles 1.1 Traffic-based Control of Truck Platoons on Freeways 1.2 A Lateral Positioning Strategy for Connected and Automated Vehicles in Lane-free Traffic 1.3 Simulation Methods for Mixed Legacy-Autonomous Mainline Train Operations 1.4 Can Dedicated Lanes for Automated Vehicles on Urban Roads Improve Traffic Efficiency? 1.5 GLOSA System with Uncertain Green and Red Signal Phases 2 New Mobility Systems 2.1 A New Model for Electric Vehicle Mobility and Energy Consumption in Urban Traffic Networks 2.2 Shared Autonomous Vehicles Implementation for a Disrupted Public Transport Network 3 Traffic Flow and Simulation 3.1 Multi-vehicle Stochastic Fundamental Diagram Consistent with Transportations Systems Theory 3.2 A RoundD-like Roundabout Scenario in CARLA Simulator 3.3 Multimodal Performance Evaluation of Urban Traffic Control: A Microscopic Simulation Study 3.4 A MILP Framework to Solve the Sustainable System Optimum with Link MFD Functions 3.5 On How Traffic Signals Impact the Fundamental Diagrams of Urban Roads 4 Traffic Control in Conventional Traffic 4.1 Data-driven Methods for Identifying Travel Conditions Based on Traffic and Weather Characteristics 4.2 AI-based Multi-class Traffic Model Oriented to Freeway Traffic Control 4.3 Exploiting Deep Learning and Traffic Models for Freeway Traffic Estimation 4.4 Automatic Design of Optimal Actuated Traffic Signal Control with Transit Signal Priority 4.5 A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Dynamic Traffic Light Control with Transit Signal Priority 4.6 Towards Efficient Incident Detection in Real-time Traffic Management 4.7 Dynamic Cycle Time in Traffic Signal of Cyclic Max-Pressure Control 5 Traffic Control with Autonomous Vehicles 5.1 Distributed Ordering and Optimization for Intersection Management with Connected and Automated Vehicles 5.2 Prioritization of an Automated Shuttle for V2X Public Transport at a Signalized Intersection – a Real-life Demonstration 6 User Behaviour and Safety 6.1 Local Traffic Safety Analyzer (LTSA) - Improved Road Safety and Optimized Signal Control for Future Urban Intersections 7 Demand and Traffic Management 7.1 A Stochastic Programming Method for OD Estimation Using LBSN Check-in Data 7.2 Delineation of Traffic Analysis Zone for Public Transportation OD Matrix Estimation Based on Socio-spatial Practices 8 Workshops 8.1 How to Integrate Human Aspects Into Engineering Science of Transport and Traffic? - a Workshop Report about Discussions on Social Contextualization of Mobility 8.2 Learning from Covid: How Can we Predict Mobility Behaviour in the Face of Disruptive Events? – How to Investigate the Mobility of the FutureDas 4. Symposium zum Management zukünftiger Autobahn- und Stadtverkehrssysteme (MFTS) fand vom 30. November bis 2. Dezember 2022 in Dresden statt und wurde vom Lehrstuhl für Verkehrsprozessautomatisierung (VPA) an der Fakultät Verkehrswissenschaften„Friedrich List“ der TU Dresden organisiert. Der Tagungsband erscheint als Band 9 in der Schriftenreihe „Verkehrstelematik“ des Lehrstuhls und enthält einen Großteil der vorgestellten Extended-Abstracts des Symposiums. Der Schwerpunkt des MFTS-Symposiums 2022 lag auf dem kooperativen Management multimodalen Verkehrs und spiegelte die Vision der Professur wider, eine international anerkannte Gruppe in der ITS-Forschung und -Ausbildung mit dem Ziel der Optimierung des Betriebs multimodaler Transportsysteme zu sein. In 14 MFTS-Sitzungen wurden aktuelle Themen aus den Bereichen Nachfrage- und Verkehrsmanagement, Verkehrssteuerung im konventionellen, vernetzten und automatisierten Verkehr, vernetzte und autonome Fahrzeuge, Verkehrsflussmodellierung und -simulation, neue und geteilte Mobilitätssysteme, Digitalisierung sowie Nutzerverhalten und Sicherheit diskutiert. Darüber hinaus wurden Sondersitzungen organisiert, beispielsweise zu „Menschlichen Aspekten bei der Verkehrsmodellierung und -simulation“ und „Lektionen aus der Covid-19-Pandemie“, deren Beschreibungen und Analysen ebenfalls in diesen Tagungsband einfließen.:1 Connected and Automated Vehicles 1.1 Traffic-based Control of Truck Platoons on Freeways 1.2 A Lateral Positioning Strategy for Connected and Automated Vehicles in Lane-free Traffic 1.3 Simulation Methods for Mixed Legacy-Autonomous Mainline Train Operations 1.4 Can Dedicated Lanes for Automated Vehicles on Urban Roads Improve Traffic Efficiency? 1.5 GLOSA System with Uncertain Green and Red Signal Phases 2 New Mobility Systems 2.1 A New Model for Electric Vehicle Mobility and Energy Consumption in Urban Traffic Networks 2.2 Shared Autonomous Vehicles Implementation for a Disrupted Public Transport Network 3 Traffic Flow and Simulation 3.1 Multi-vehicle Stochastic Fundamental Diagram Consistent with Transportations Systems Theory 3.2 A RoundD-like Roundabout Scenario in CARLA Simulator 3.3 Multimodal Performance Evaluation of Urban Traffic Control: A Microscopic Simulation Study 3.4 A MILP Framework to Solve the Sustainable System Optimum with Link MFD Functions 3.5 On How Traffic Signals Impact the Fundamental Diagrams of Urban Roads 4 Traffic Control in Conventional Traffic 4.1 Data-driven Methods for Identifying Travel Conditions Based on Traffic and Weather Characteristics 4.2 AI-based Multi-class Traffic Model Oriented to Freeway Traffic Control 4.3 Exploiting Deep Learning and Traffic Models for Freeway Traffic Estimation 4.4 Automatic Design of Optimal Actuated Traffic Signal Control with Transit Signal Priority 4.5 A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Dynamic Traffic Light Control with Transit Signal Priority 4.6 Towards Efficient Incident Detection in Real-time Traffic Management 4.7 Dynamic Cycle Time in Traffic Signal of Cyclic Max-Pressure Control 5 Traffic Control with Autonomous Vehicles 5.1 Distributed Ordering and Optimization for Intersection Management with Connected and Automated Vehicles 5.2 Prioritization of an Automated Shuttle for V2X Public Transport at a Signalized Intersection – a Real-life Demonstration 6 User Behaviour and Safety 6.1 Local Traffic Safety Analyzer (LTSA) - Improved Road Safety and Optimized Signal Control for Future Urban Intersections 7 Demand and Traffic Management 7.1 A Stochastic Programming Method for OD Estimation Using LBSN Check-in Data 7.2 Delineation of Traffic Analysis Zone for Public Transportation OD Matrix Estimation Based on Socio-spatial Practices 8 Workshops 8.1 How to Integrate Human Aspects Into Engineering Science of Transport and Traffic? - a Workshop Report about Discussions on Social Contextualization of Mobility 8.2 Learning from Covid: How Can we Predict Mobility Behaviour in the Face of Disruptive Events? – How to Investigate the Mobility of the Futur

    Social work with airports passengers

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    Social work at the airport is in to offer to passengers social services. The main methodological position is that people are under stress, which characterized by a particular set of characteristics in appearance and behavior. In such circumstances passenger attracts in his actions some attention. Only person whom he trusts can help him with the documents or psychologically

    Blood type examination of Cigentur community as efforts to realize community care for health

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    Counseling and early examination of blood type to the community at Cigentur village has not been done before. Blood transfusion from incompatible types can cause immunological transfusion reactions and clinical aspects such as the incompatibility of the blood type systems ABO. The community engagement method consists of direct information to the community by visiting every communities house (door to door). Besides, the engagement was also carried out quietly, namely, the residents came to the post directly located at the Wiswa Anak Yatim Piatu, At-Taqwa. After conducting a health test, people who provide personal information from the results of their blood tests. In addition to identifying blood types, this activity provides more knowledge about the health of each that is related to the utilization that has been identified by the group. The results of this activity can be in the form of initial information to determine the policies of each community in carrying out social activities such as blood transfusion. The types of rhesus tests from the communityof Cigentur must be done for information about blood type identification are complete

    Communication Trends in the Post-Literacy Era: Polylingualism, Multimodality and Multiculturalism As Preconditions for New Creativity : monograph

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    The monograph presents the research results of the discussion held at the Fifth International Research Conference “Communication trends in the post-literacy era: polylingualism, multimodality and multiculturalism as prerequisites for new creativity” (Ekaterinburg, UrFU, November 26–28, 2020). The book is a result of joint efforts by the research group “Multilingualism and Interculturalism in the Post-Literacy Era”. The research results are presented in the form of sections that consistently reveal the features of modern media culture; its contradictory manifestations associated with both positive and negative consequences of mass media use; the positive role of new media in education during the COVID‑19 pandemic; creative potential of contemporary art and mediation, contemporary art and media environment. The collective monograph will be of interest to researchers in media culture, media education, media art and tools of social networks and new media in modern education, primarily in teaching foreign languages and Russian as a foreign language, in the professional education of journalists and specialists in the field of media communications.Published with the support of RFBR grant 20‑011‑22081 “The Fifth International Research Conference “Communication trends in the post-literacy era: polylingualism, multimodality and multiculturalism as prerequisites for new creativity”

    Research Participatory Action On Management Of Child Friendly Mosque In North Sumatera

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    The issue of child-friendly mosques is crucial when the phenomenon of the problem of violence against children emerges. Violence against children not only occurs in the household, school, but also various places, in cities, and villages, even in the mosques. The concept program of child-friendly mosque capacity building for BKM in Perumnas Simalingkar Village, Pancurbatu sub-district, carried out with Participatory Action Research approach. The mentoring strategies used in this study are three strategies, are, raising awareness, building commitment and capacity as well as participating groups and stakeholders. The findings of this study indicate that the critical thing to note in the problem identification process is the tendency to look at the socio-religious issues that exist at the site. From extracting the information facilitated by the Research Team, almost all participants directed the problem that was not directly related to the management of child-friendly mosques. In the activity of extracting opinions on actions and important steps carried out in the framework of managing child-friendly mosques in Simalingkar Housing, there seems to be a strong tendency to answer religious issues which emphasize increasing education and spiritual knowledge among the community, especially children and adolescent

    Proceeding International Conference on University-Community Engagement

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    The 3rd International Conference on University-Community Engagement 2018 is administered by Ministry of Religious Affairs in cooperation with UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang as this year’s host institution. This conference may provide more opportunities not only related to the submissions of academic papers or articles, but also related to various activities in creating partnership involving the elements of academicians, researchers, social activists, policy makers, CSR mangers and others. ICONUCE conference includes numbers of advanced activities: 1) Community Service Expo which is a place to promote the community service activities conducted by LP2M/P3M PTKIN throughout Indonesia. Various facilitates are provided by the committee including the exhibition stands, 2) Community Service Clinic which is fully supported by KOMPAK, a non-profit organization focusing on mentoring field. The realization of this clinic thanks to Universitas Membangun Desa (Universities in developing the villages). The participants are heads of LP2M/P3M, 3) Community Service Journal Clinic which aims at strengthening and developing the ability to write articles and then submit them to various reputable journals. The materials ICONUCE conference is a significant step, which will, in the long run, contribute towards social changes. It is expected to facilitate the necessary changes to University-Community Engagement, to diminish the gaps between university and community