95 research outputs found

    Some methodological issues in the design of CIAO, a generic, parallel concurrent constraint system

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    We informally discuss several issues related to the parallel execution of logic programming systems and concurrent logic programming systems, and their generalization to constraint programming. We propose a new view of these systems, based on a particular definition of parallelism. We argüe that, under this view, a large number of the actual systems and models can be explained through the application, at different levéis of granularity, of only a few basic principies: determinism, non-failure, independence (also referred to as stability), granularity, etc. Also, and based on the convergence of concepts that this view brings, we sketch a model for the implementation of several parallel constraint logic programming source languages and models based on a common, generic abstract machine and an intermedíate kernel language

    Towards CIAO-Prolog - A parallel concurrent constraint system

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    Parallelizing irregular and pointer-based computations automatically: perspectives from logic and constraint programming

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    Irregular computations pose sorne of the most interesting and challenging problems in automatic parallelization. Irregularity appears in certain kinds of numerical problems and is pervasive in symbolic applications. Such computations often use dynamic data structures, which make heavy use of pointers. This complicates all the steps of a parallelizing compiler, from independence detection to task partitioning and placement. Starting in the mid 80s there has been significant progress in the development of parallelizing compilers for logic pro­gramming (and more recently, constraint programming) resulting in quite capable paralle­lizers. The typical applications of these paradigms frequently involve irregular computations, and make heavy use of dynamic data structures with pointers, since logical variables represent in practice a well-behaved form of pointers. This arguably makes the techniques used in these compilers potentially interesting. In this paper, we introduce in a tutoríal way, sorne of the problems faced by parallelizing compilers for logic and constraint programs and provide pointers to sorne of the significant progress made in the area. In particular, this work has resulted in a series of achievements in the areas of inter-procedural pointer aliasing analysis for independence detection, cost models and cost analysis, cactus-stack memory management, techniques for managing speculative and irregular computations through task granularity control and dynamic task allocation such as work-stealing schedulers), etc

    WWW Programming using computational logic systems (and the PiLLoW/Ciao library)

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    We discuss from a practical point of view a number of issues involved in writing Internet and WWW applications using LP/CLP systems. We describe Pd_l_oW, a public-domain Internet and WWW programming library for LP/CLP systems which we argĂĽe significantly simplifies the process of writing such applications. Pd_l_oW provides facilities for generating HTML structured documents, producing HTML forms, writing form handlers, accessing and parsing WWW documents, and accessing code posted at HTTP addresses. We also describe the architecture of some application classes, using a high-level model of client-server interaction, active modules. We then propose an architecture for automatic LP/CLP code downloading for local execution, using generic browsers. Finally, we also provide an overview of related work on the topic. The PiLLoW library has been developed in the context of the &- Prolog and CIAO systems, but it has been adapted to a number of popular LP/CLP systems, supporting most of its functionality

    Transforming floundering into success

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    We show how logic programs with "delays" can be transformed to programs without delays in a way which preserves information concerning floundering (also known as deadlock). This allows a declarative (model-theoretic), bottom-up or goal independent approach to be used for analysis and debugging of properties related to floundering. We rely on some previously introduced restrictions on delay primitives and a key observation which allows properties such as groundness to be analysed by approximating the (ground) success set. This paper is to appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP). Keywords: Floundering, delays, coroutining, program analysis, abstract interpretation, program transformation, declarative debuggingComment: Number of pages: 24 Number of figures: 9 Number of tables: non

    Divided we stand: Parallel distributed stack memory management

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    We present an overview of the stack-based memory management techniques that we used in our non-deterministic and-parallel Prolog systems: &-Prolog and DASWAM. We believe that the problems associated with non-deterministic and-parallel systems are more general than those encountered in or-parallel and deterministic and-parallel systems, which can be seen as subsets of this more general case. We develop on the previously proposed "marker scheme", lifting some of the restrictions associated with the selection of goals while keeping (virtual) memory consumption down. We also review some of the other problems associated with the stack-based management scheme, such as handling of forward and backward execution, cut, and roll-backs

    Relating data—parallelism and (and—) parallelism in logic programs

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    Much work has been done in the áreas of and-parallelism and data parallelism in Logic Programs. Such work has proceeded to a certain extent in an independent fashion. Both types of parallelism offer advantages and disadvantages. Traditional (and-) parallel models offer generality, being able to exploit parallelism in a large class of programs (including that exploited by data parallelism techniques). Data parallelism techniques on the other hand offer increased performance for a restricted class of programs. The thesis of this paper is that these two forms of parallelism are not fundamentally different and that relating them opens the possibility of obtaining the advantages of both within the same system. Some relevant issues are discussed and solutions proposed. The discussion is illustrated through visualizations of actual parallel executions implementing the ideas proposed

    Automatic compile-time parallelization of logic programs for restricted, goal-level, independent and-parallelism.

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    A framework for the automatic parallelization of (constraint) logic programs is proposed and proved correct. Intuitively, the parallelization process replaces conjunctions of literals with parallel expressions. Such expressions trigger at run-time the exploitation of restricted, goal-level, independent and-parallelism. The parallelization process performs two steps. The first one builds a conditional dependency graph (which can be implified using compile-time analysis information), while the second transforms the resulting graph into linear conditional expressions, the parallel expressions of the &-Prolog language. Several heuristic algorithms for the latter ("annotation") process are proposed and proved correct. Algorithms are also given which determine if there is any loss of parallelism in the linearization process with respect to a proposed notion of maximal parallelism. Finally, a system is presented which implements the proposed approach. The performance of the different annotation algorithms is compared experimentally in this system by studying the time spent in parallelization and the effectiveness of the results in terms of speedups
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