111 research outputs found

    Software Coherence in Multiprocessor Memory Systems

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    Processors are becoming faster and multiprocessor memory interconnection systems are not keeping up. Therefore, it is necessary to have threads and the memory they access as near one another as possible. Typically, this involves putting memory or caches with the processors, which gives rise to the problem of coherence: if one processor writes an address, any other processor reading that address must see the new value. This coherence can be maintained by the hardware or with software intervention. Systems of both types have been built in the past; the hardware-based systems tended to outperform the software ones. However, the ratio of processor to interconnect speed is now so high that the extra overhead of the software systems may no longer be significant. This issue is explored both by implementing a software maintained system and by introducing and using the technique of offline optimal analysis of memory reference traces. It finds that in properly built systems, software maintained coherence can perform comparably to or even better than hardware maintained coherence. The architectural features necessary for efficient software coherence to be profitable include a small page size, a fast trap mechanism, and the ability to execute instructions while remote memory references are outstanding

    Inter-motherboard Memory Scheduling

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    Exploring the performance benefits of applying memory scheduling beyond the motherboardSerrano Gómez, M. (2009). Inter-motherboard Memory Scheduling. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/14163Archivo delegad

    Memory sharing for interactive ray tracing on clusters

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    ManuscriptWe present recent results in the application of distributed shared memory to image parallel ray tracing on clusters. Image parallel rendering is traditionally limited to scenes that are small enough to be replicated in the memory of each node, because any processor may require access to any piece of the scene. We solve this problem by making all of a cluster's memory available through software distributed shared memory layers. With gigabit ethernet connections, this mechanism is sufficiently fast for interactive rendering of multi-gigabyte datasets. Object- and page-based distributed shared memories are compared, and optimizations for efficient memory use are discussed

    Scalable Parallel Computers for Real-Time Signal Processing

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    We assess the state-of-the-art technology in massively parallel processors (MPPs) and their variations in different architectural platforms. Architectural and programming issues are identified in using MPPs for time-critical applications such as adaptive radar signal processing. We review the enabling technologies. These include high-performance CPU chips and system interconnects, distributed memory architectures, and various latency hiding mechanisms. We characterize the concept of scalability in three areas: resources, applications, and technology. Scalable performance attributes are analytically defined. Then we compare MPPs with symmetric multiprocessors (SMPs) and clusters of workstations (COWs). The purpose is to reveal their capabilities, limits, and effectiveness in signal processing. We evaluate the IBM SP2 at MHPCC, the Intel Paragon at SDSC, the Gray T3D at Gray Eagan Center, and the Gray T3E and ASCI TeraFLOP system proposed by Intel. On the software and programming side, we evaluate existing parallel programming environments, including the models, languages, compilers, software tools, and operating systems. Some guidelines for program parallelization are provided. We examine data-parallel, shared-variable, message-passing, and implicit programming models. Communication functions and their performance overhead are discussed. Available software tools and communication libraries are also introducedpublished_or_final_versio

    Asynchronous Validity Resolution in Sequentially Consistent Shared Virtual Memory

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    Shared Virtual Memory (SVM) is an effort to provide a mechanism for a distributed system, such as a cluster, to execute shared memory parallel programs. Unfortunately, SVM has performance problems due to its underlying distributed architecture. Recent developments have increased performance of SVM by reducing communication. Unfortunately this performance gain was only possible by increasing programming complexity and by restricting the types of programs allowed to execute in the system. Validity resolution is the process of resolving the validity of a memory object such as a page. Current SVM systems use synchronous or deferred validity resolution techniques in which user processing is blocked during the validity resolution process. This is the case even when resolving validity of false shared variables. False-sharing occurs when two or more processes access unrelated variables stored within the same shared block of memory and at least one of the processes is writing. False sharing unnecessarily reduces overall performance of SVM systems?because user processing is blocked during validity resolution although no actual data dependencies exist. This thesis presents Asynchronous Validity Resolution (AVR), a new approach to SVM which reduces the performance losses associated with false sharing while maintaining the ease of programming found with regular shared memory parallel programming methodology. Asynchronous validity resolution allows concurrent user process execution and data validity resolution. AVR is evaluated by com-paring performance of an application suite using both an AVR sequentially con-sistent SVM system and a traditional sequentially consistent (SC) SVM system. The results show that AVR can increase performance over traditional sequentially consistent SVM for programs which exhibit false sharing. Although AVR outperforms regular SC by as much as 26%, performance of AVR is dependent on the number of false-sharing vs. true-sharing accesses, the number of pages in the program’s working set, the amount of user computation that completes per page request, and the internodal round-trip message time in the system. Overall, the results show that AVR could be an important member of the arsenal of tools available to parallel programmers

    Cluster Computing in the Classroom: Topics, Guidelines, and Experiences

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    With the progress of research on cluster computing, more and more universities have begun to offer various courses covering cluster computing. A wide variety of content can be taught in these courses. Because of this, a difficulty that arises is the selection of appropriate course material. The selection is complicated by the fact that some content in cluster computing is also covered by other courses such as operating systems, networking, or computer architecture. In addition, the background of students enrolled in cluster computing courses varies. These aspects of cluster computing make the development of good course material difficult. Combining our experiences in teaching cluster computing in several universities in the USA and Australia and conducting tutorials at many international conferences all over the world, we present prospective topics in cluster computing along with a wide variety of information sources (books, software, and materials on the web) from which instructors can choose. The course material described includes system architecture, parallel programming, algorithms, and applications. Instructors are advised to choose selected units in each of the topical areas and develop their own syllabus to meet course objectives. For example, a full course can be taught on system architecture for core computer science students. Or, a course on parallel programming could contain a brief coverage of system architecture and then devote the majority of time to programming methods. Other combinations are also possible. We share our experiences in teaching cluster computing and the topics we have chosen depending on course objectives

    Multigrain shared memory

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (p. 197-203).by Donald Yeung.Ph.D

    Improving Fine-Grained Irregular Shared-Memory Benchmarks by Data Reordering

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    We demonstrate that data reordering can substantially improve the performance of fine-grained irregular sharedmemory benchmarks, on both hardware and software shared-memory systems. In particular, we evaluate two distinct data reordering techniques that seek to co-locate in memory objects that are in close proximity in the physical system modeled by the computation. The effects of these techniques are increased spatial locality and reduced false sharing. We evaluate the effectiveness of the data reordering techniques on a set of five irregular applications from SPLASH-2 and Chaos. We implement both techniques in a small library, allowing us to enable them in an application by adding less than 10 lines of code. Our results on one hardware and two software shared-memory systems show that, with data reordering during initialization, the performance of these applications is improved by 12%–99% on the Origin 2000, 30%–366% on TreadMarks, and 14%–269% on HLRC