10 research outputs found

    A quicker way to discover nearby peers

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    International audienceThe match between a peer-to-peer overlay and the physical Internet infrastructure is a constant issue. Time-constrained peer-to-peer applications such as live streaming systems are even more challenging because participating peers have to discover their closest neighbors as quickly as possible. We propose in this paper an approach based on landmarks and a management server in order to discover, as quickly as possible, its closest neighbors among a large population of peers

    GLive: The Gradient overlay as a market maker for mesh-based P2P live streaming

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    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) live video streaming over the Internet is becoming increasingly popular, but it is still plagued by problems of high playback latency and intermittent playback streams. This paper presents GLive, a distributed market-based solution that builds a mesh overlay for P2P live streaming. The mesh overlay is constructed such that (i) nodes with increasing upload bandwidth are located closer to the media source, and (ii) nodes with similar upload bandwidth become neighbours. We introduce a market-based approach that matches nodes willing and able to share the stream with one another. However, market-based approaches converge slowly on random overlay networks, and we improve the rate of convergence by adapting our market-based algorithm to exploit the clustering of nodes with similar upload bandwidths in our mesh overlay. We address the problem of free-riding through nodes preferentially uploading more of the stream to the best uploaders. We compare GLive with our previous tree-based streaming protocol, Sepidar, and NewCoolstreaming in simulation, and our results show significantly improved playback continuity and playback latency

    Design space analysis for modeling incentives in distributed systems

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    Distributed systems without a central authority, such as peer-to-peer (P2P) systems, employ incentives to encourage nodes to follow the prescribed protocol. Game theoretic analysis is often used to evaluate incentives in such systems. However, most game-theoretic analyses of distributed systems do not adequately model the repeated interactions of nodes inherent in such systems. We present a game-theoretic analysis of a popular P2P protocol, Bit-Torrent, that models the repeated interactions in such protocols. We also note that an analytical approach for modeling incentives is often infeasible given the complicated nature of most deployed protocols. In order to comprehensively model incentives in complex protocols, we propose a simulation-based method, which we call Design Space Analysis (DSA). DSA provides a tractable analysis of competing protocol variants within a detailed design space. We apply DSA to P2P file swarming systems. With extensive simulations we analyze a wide-range of protocol variants and gain insights into their robustness and performance. To validate these results and to demonstrate the efficacy of DSA, we modify an instrumented BitTorrent client and evaluate protocols discovered using DSA. We show that they yield higher system performance and robustness relative to the reference implementation

    Distributed Optimization of P2P Media Delivery Overlays

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    Media streaming over the Internet is becoming increasingly popular. Currently, most media is delivered using global content-delivery networks, providing a scalable and robust client-server model. However, content delivery infrastructures are expensive. One approach to reduce the cost of media delivery is to use peer-to-peer (P2P) overlay networks, where nodes share responsibility for delivering the media to one another. The main challenges in P2P media streaming using overlay networks include: (i) nodes should receive the stream with respect to certain timing constraints, (ii) the overlay should adapt to the changes in the network, e.g., varying bandwidth capacity and join/failure of nodes, (iii) nodes should be intentivized to contribute and share their resources, and (iv) nodes should be able to establish connectivity to the other nodes behind NATs. In this work, we meet these requirements by presenting P2P solutions for live media streaming, as well as proposing a distributed NAT traversal solution. First of all, we introduce a distributed market model to construct an approximately minimal height multiple-tree streaming overlay for content delivery, in gradienTv. In this system, we assume all the nodes are cooperative and execute the protocol. However, in reality, there may exist some opportunistic nodes, free-riders, that take advantage of the system, without contributing to content distribution. To overcome this problem, we extend our market model in Sepidar to be effective in deterring free-riders. However, gradienTv and Sepidar are tree-based solutions, which are fragile in high churn and failure scenarios. We present a solution to this problem in GLive that provides a more robust overlay by replacing the tree structure with a mesh. We show in simulation, that the mesh-based overlay outperforms the multiple-tree overlay. Moreover, we compare the performance of all our systems with the state-of-the-art NewCoolstreaming, and observe that they provide better playback continuity and lower playback latency than that of NewCoolstreaming under a variety of experimental scenarios. Although our distributed market model can be run against a random sample of nodes, we improve its convergence time by executing it against a sample of nodes taken from the Gradient overlay. The Gradient overlay organizes nodes in a topology using a local utility value at each node, such that nodes are ordered in descending utility values away from a core of the highest utility nodes. The evaluations show that the streaming overlays converge faster when our market model works on top of the Gradient overlay. We use a gossip-based peer sampling service in our streaming systems to provide each node with a small list of live nodes. However, in the Internet, where a high percentage of nodes are behind NATs, existing gossiping protocols break down. To solve this problem, we present Gozar, a NAT-friendly gossip-based peer sampling service that: (i) provides uniform random samples in the presence of NATs, and (ii) enables direct connectivity to sampled nodes using a fully distributed NAT traversal service. We compare Gozar with the state-of-the-art NAT-friendly gossip-based peer sampling service, Nylon, and show that only Gozar supports one-hop NAT traversal, and its overhead is roughly half of Nylon’s

    PULSE, a Flexible P2P Live Streaming System

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    PULSE, a flexible P2P live streaming system

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    PULSE, a Flexible P2P Live Streaming System

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    Abstract — With the widespread availability of inexpensive broadband Internet connections for home-users, a large number of bandwidth-intensive applications previously not feasible have now become practical. This is the case for multimedia live streaming, for which end-user’s dial-up/ISDN modem connections once were the bottleneck. The bottleneck is now mostly found on the server side: the bandwidth required for serving many clients at once is large and thus very costly to the broadcasting entity. Peer-to-peer systems for on-demand and live streaming have proved to be an encouraging solution, since they can shift the burden of content distribution from the server to the users of the network. In this work we introduce PULSE, a P2P system for live streaming whose main goals are flexibility, scalability, and robustness. We present the fundamental concepts of PULSE along with its intended global behavior and describe in detail the main algorithms running on its nodes. I