401 research outputs found

    Partial county development plans as a means for preserving wild reindeer habitats in Norway

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    Norwegian wild reindeer habitats are threatened by human intervention. Wild reindeer habitats are joint region wide common pool resources (CPR). Municipalities may be free-riders to that resource if they prefer investments boosting municipal economy despite negative consequences for wild reindeer as a regional resource. Partial county development plans, following the rules of the Planning and Building Act (PBA), are a means that may combine preservation of habitats and development. In order to analyze such plans, theory on CPR management is applied to spatial development planning in the Rondane and Hardangervidda wild reindeer areas. It is shown that the nested system is in accordance with most of Ostrom’s principles. Still, a joint Planning Board ought to be established at Hardangervidda and a partial county plan for the whole wild reindeer area there ought to be established. It is recommended that regular monitoring of interventions and planning is established. Finally, a system or mechanism for low cost conflict resolution is needed; but is not easily included into a system based on official actors at different levels, the planning and building act and public anticipation on equal management. The last point is important for mutual acceptance of restrictions on own activity. Abstract in Norwegian / Sammendrag:Kunnskap om forvaltning av fellesressurer øker forståelsen av regionale planer for villreinområderNorske villreinområder er truet av menneskelige inngrep. Villreinområdene er en regional fellesressurs, men kommunene kan bli gratispassasjerer i forhold til utnytting av denne ressursen ettersom de kan bli fristet til å vektlegge utbygging som gir lokaløkonomiske effekter, på tross av negative konsekvenser for villreinen som en regional ressurs. Fylkesdelplaner, som er basert på plan- og bygningsloven, er et virkemiddel som kan kombinere bevaring og utvikling. For å forstå slike planers muligheter og begrensninger analyses her fylkesdelplanene for Rondane og Hardangervidda øst i forhold til teorier om forvaltning av fellesressurser. Analysen viser at planleggingen og det offentlige systemet som er bygget opp omkring planene, er i tråd med de fleste av Ostrom sine prinsipper. Det bør imidlertid etableres et planråd for Hardangervidda og fylkesdelplanen der bør utvides slik at den omfatter hele villreinområdet. Det bør etableres et system med regelmessig kartlegging av planleggingen og effektene av det. Det bør også etableres et system som gir grunnlag for å løse konflikter på en enkel måte, men dette er ikke enkelt fordi planleggingen er basert på det offentlige planleggingssystemet og forventninger om like behandling av saker. Lik og rettferdig behandling av saker er viktig for at aktører skal kunne godta restriksjoner på egen aktivitet

    Random regression models for detection of gene by environment interaction

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    Two random regression models, where the effect of a putative QTL was regressed on an environmental gradient, are described. The first model estimates the correlation between intercept and slope of the random regression, while the other model restricts this correlation to 1 or -1, which is expected under a bi-allelic QTL model. The random regression models were compared to a model assuming no gene by environment interactions. The comparison was done with regards to the models ability to detect QTL, to position them accurately and to detect possible QTL by environment interactions. A simulation study based on a granddaughter design was conducted, and QTL were assumed, either by assigning an effect independent of the environment or as a linear function of a simulated environmental gradient. It was concluded that the random regression models were suitable for detection of QTL effects, in the presence and absence of interactions with environmental gradients. Fixing the correlation between intercept and slope of the random regression had a positive effect on power when the QTL effects re-ranked between environments

    Risk programming analysis with imperfect information

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    A Monte Carlo procedure is used to demonstrate the dangers of basing (farm) risk programming on only a few states of nature and to study the impact of applying alternative risk programming methods. Two risk programming formulations are considered, namely mean-variance (E,V) programming and utility efficient (UE) programming. For the particular example of a Norwegian mixed livestock and crop farm, the programming solution is unstable with few states, although the cost of picking a sub-optimal plan declines with increases in number of states. Comparing the E,V results with the UE results shows that there were few discrepancies between the two and the differences which do occur are mainly trivial, thus both methods gave unreliable results in cases with small samples

    Naturbasert Reiseliv og estetikkdimensjoners rolle

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    The overall goal of the thesis is twofold. First, it aims to increase knowledge of aesthetics in nature-based tourism and to develop certain aesthetic dimensions in such a context. Second, it aims to increase knowledge of how these aesthetic dimensions influence the variables satisfaction, positive emotions, and customer loyalty. To achieve this, aesthetics in general and aesthetic dimensions in particular in nature-based tourism are explored in four papers. The methods used for data collection are qualitative interviews and a survey. The dissertation opens up the research area with regard to nature-based tourism and the influence of aesthetic dimensions. This is one of the first systematic studies, which contributes to developing research-based knowledge of the role aesthetic dimensions play in nature-based tourists’ behaviour. Specifically, the dissertation offers three main contributions to nature-based tourism research. First, the thesis presents the concept of aesthetics from different theoretical perspectives, and empirical data from key informants’ and tourists’ understandings of central aesthetic dimensions. One of the main findings is that aesthetic qualities of nature-based destinations go beyond the visual aspects and engage all the senses. Tourists are actively sensing the overall environment, including the man-made and natural environment. Furthermore, both key informants and tourists mentioned the four aesthetic dimensions “harmony”, “variation/contrast”, “scenery/viewing”, and “genuineness”. In addition, key informants emphasized “art/architecture” and tourists emphasized “cleanliness”. The findings reveal that the dimensions “harmony” and “genuineness” are especially important for the man-made environment in nature, while the dimensions “variation/contrast” and “scenery/viewing” are important for the natural environment. The findings confirm universal patterns of aesthetics from theoretical perspectives on how “scenery” contributes to understanding the environment, and how “variation” relates to the degree of complexity (e.g., boring or chaotic). The findings also confirm previous empirical studies in tourism that emphasize “harmony”, “scenery”, and “cleanliness”. “Genuineness” is an interesting finding with regard to the man-made environment in nature. Second, the thesis contributes to furthering our understanding of the effects of aesthetic dimensions on tourists’ satisfaction with and loyalty to nature-based experiences. The findings demonstrate that tourists’ evaluations of the dimensions “scenery/viewing”, “harmony”, and “genuineness” affect their satisfaction with the scenic road positively, and that satisfaction has a direct influence on both the intention to recommend, the intention to revisit the scenic road and to visit similar roads. However, only the aesthetic dimensions “genuineness” and “cleanliness” have a direct effect on the intention to revisit the scenic road, and indicate at more complex explanatory pattern for the intention to recommend. Finally, the thesis also contributes to expanding our understanding of the relationship between aesthetic dimensions, positive emotions, and loyalty. The findings reveal that tourists’ evaluations of the aesthetic dimensions “scenery/viewing”, “cleanliness”, and “genuineness” have significant effects on positive emotions towards the scenic road. Positive emotions have direct effects on both the intention to recommend, the intention to revisit the scenic road and to visit similar roads. Moreover, the aesthetic dimension “scenery/viewing” has a direct effect on the intention to recommend, and “cleanliness” has a direct effect on the intention to visit similar roads. The main contribution of the thesis is thus not to the depth of the century-long aesthetic discussion and research in general, nor is it to aesthetic notions regarding landscape preferences, where a substantial body of literature exists. Rather, it is first of all about the role different aesthetic dimensions play in tourists’ satisfaction, positive emotions, and loyalty intentions with regard to the overall environment at a nature-based destination. The findings have practical implications for nature-based destination management, and marketing and development processes. One example is the importance for managers to develop attractive value propositions (in networks with other providers at the destination) by emphasizing the six aesthetic qualities that go beyond the visual aspect and engage all the senses, and thus adding customer value. This can maximize the tourists’ opportunities to enjoy pleasurable experiences within the overall environment at a nature-based destination, e.g., a scenic road. Furthermore, new market knowledge about aesthetic qualities must continuously be structured, and interpreted into shared understandings among tourist providers and nature-based tourist organizations. This is especially important in development and innovation processes, thus leading to a competitive advantage for nature-based destinations. The thesis also opens up some of the areas for future research on the role of aesthetics in man-made environments (in addition to the natural environment) in nature-based tourism. When most of the other variables are similar, aesthetic dimensions or qualities may make a difference to a nature-based tourist product’s performance, and thus provide that competitive edge

    Social inequalities in the provision of obstetric services in Norway 1967-2009: A population-based cohort study

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    Background: Socioeconomic (SE) inequalities have been observed in a number of adverse outcomes of pregnancy and many of the risk factors for such outcomes are associated with a low SE level. However, SE inequalities persist even after adjustment for these risk factors. Less well-off women are more vulnerable, but may also get less adequate health services. The objective of the present study was to assess possible associations between SE conditions in terms of maternal education as well as ethnic background and obstetric care. Methods: A population-based national cohort study from the Medical Birth Registry of Norway. The study population comprised 2 305 780 births from the observation period 1967–2009. Multilevel analysis was used because of the hierarchical structure of the data. Outcome variables included induction of labour, epidural analgesia, caesarean section, neonatal intensive care and perinatal death. Results: While medical interventions in the 1970s were employed less frequently in women of short education and non-western immigrants, this difference was eliminated or even reversed towards the end of the observation period. However, an excess perinatal mortality in both the short-educated [adjusted relative risk (aRR) ¼ 2.49] and the non-western immigrant groups (aRR ¼ 1.75) remained and may indicate increasing health problems in these groups. Conclusion: Even though our study suggests a fair and favourable development during the last decades in the distribution across SE groups of obstetric health services, the results suggest that the needs for obstetric care have increased in vulnerable groups, requiring a closer follow-up.publishedVersio

    Counsellors perceptions of the phenomenon of concentration difficulties

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    publishedVersionPaid Open Acces

    Adult and continuing education in Norway

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    The European arena of lifelong learning offers rich country-specific portfolios of historical trajectories, policy frameworks and practical evidence of adult and continuing education. This book provides an introduction to the case of Norway and outlines the key features of the Norwegian system alongside issues such as political and legal agendas, schemes of participation, provision and financing or trends in professionalization, research areas and transnational linkages. Through the lens of adult and continuing education, the author invites researchers, practitioners, students and persons interested in international-comparative perspectives to a tour d'horizon of the Norwegian lifelong learning landscape.Der englischsprachige Text beschreibt den Status quo der norwegischen Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung. Autor Sturla Bjaerkaker ist ein ausgewiesener Kenner des norwegischen Erwachsenenbildungssystems. Auf die kurze Einführung in die historische Entwicklung folgt der Blick auf alle relevanten Aspekte der norwegischen Weiterbildung. Dazu gehören die aktuelle Struktur des Bildungssystems, Akteure, Programmstrukturen sowie rechtliche und finanzielle Bedingungen. Der Schlussteil enthält Definitionen der norwegischen Terminologie sowie einen ausführlichen Adressteil. Das Länderporträt bietet Wissenschaftlern, Bildungsplanern, Studierenden und Praktikern fundiertes Wissen und Orientierung im System der Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung Norwegens

    Aquaculture-Fisheries Interactions

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    In this paper, I investigate aquaculture externalities on fisheries, affecting either habitat, wild fish stock genetics, or fishing efficiency under open-access and rent-maximising fisheries. This is done with a Verhulst-Schaefer model of fish population-dynamics and production, coupled with a simple aquaculture production model. Externalities are modelled by letting carrying capacity, the stock’s intrinsic growth rate, or catchability coefficient in the fishery depend on aquaculture production. The different externalities can give totally opposite results on steady-state fishing effort, yield, and stock, even for only negative externalities. With a catchability externality, increased unit cost of fishing effort implies reduced aquaculture production to maximise benefits to society under reasonable assumptions. Resource allocation between the industries is analysed under three different coastal management regimes: 1) aquaculture has a primary right of use; 2) joint management of aquaculture and fishery; 3) fishers have a primary right of use, including the right to sell marine farming rights.Aquaculture, fisheries, externality, interactions, carrying capacity, intrinsic growth rate, catchability coefficient, habitat, genetics., Environmental Economics and Policy, International Relations/Trade, Public Economics, Q22, R52,

    Career and cultural context: collective individualism, egalitarianism and work-centrality in the career thinking of Norwegian teenagers

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    Career guidance in Norway has seen major developments over the past two decades. Secondary schools have integrated career education and guidance into an education system which socialises young people to develop citizenship and take part in society. In this article, I explore how Norwegian teenagers’ career thinking is influenced by Norwegian cultural values which are strongly associated with the Nordic model of welfare: collective individualism, egalitarianism, and work-centrality. Teenagers’ and counsellors’ thoughts about career are explored through qualitative interviews and analysed using thematic analysis. The analysis shows that in conversations about career choices, teenagers and counsellors refer to these concepts, but in ways varying most notably along the urban-rural, academic-VET, and adult-teenager dimensions. Implications for career guidance are discussed.publishedVersio