53 research outputs found

    Annotated Type Systems for Program Analysis

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    In this Ph.D. thesis, we study four program analyses. Three of them are specified by annotated type systems and the last one by abstract interpretation.We present a combined strictness and totality analysis. We are specifying the analysis as an annotated type system. The type system allows conjunctions of annotated types, but only at the top-level. The analysis is somewhat more powerful than the strictness analysis by Kuo and Mishra due to the conjunctions and in that we also consider totality. The analysis is shown sound with respect to a natural-style operational semantics. The analysis is not immediately extendable to full conjunction.The second analysis is also a combined strictness and totality analysis, however with ``full´´ conjunction. Soundness of the analysis is shown with respect to a denotational semantics. The analysis is more powerful than the strictness analyses by Jensen and Benton in that it in addition to strictness considers totality. So far we have only specified the analyses, however in order for the analyses to be practically useful we need an algorithm for inferring the annotated types. We construct an algorithm for the second analysis using the lazy type approach by Hankin and Le Métayer. The reason for choosing the second analysis from the thesis is that the approach is not applicable to the first analysis.The third analysis we study is a binding time analysis. We take the analysis specified by Nielson and Nielson and we construct a more efficient algorithm than the one proposed by Nielson and Nielson. The algorithm collects constraints in a structural manner like the type inference algorithm by Damas. Afterwards the minimal solution to the set of constraints is found.The last analysis in the thesis is specified by abstract interpretation. Hunt shows that projection based analyses are subsumed by PER (partial equivalence relation) based analyses using abstract interpretation. The PERs used by Hunt are strict, i.e. bottom is related to bottom. Here we lift this restriction by requiring the PERs to be uniform, in the sense that they treat all the integers equally. By allowing non-strict PERs we get three properties on the integers, corresponding to the three annotations used in the first and second analysis in the thesis

    The PER model of abstract non-interference

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    Abstract. In this paper, we study the relationship between two models of secure information flow: the PER model (which uses equivalence relations) and the abstract non-interference model (which uses upper closure operators). We embed the lattice of equivalence relations into the lattice of closures, re-interpreting abstract non-interference over the lattice of equivalence relations. For narrow abstract non-interference, we show non-interference it is strictly less general. The relational presentation of abstract non-interference leads to a simplified construction of the most concrete harmless attacker. Moreover, the PER model of abstract noninterference allows us to derive unconstrained attacker models, which do not necessarily either observe all public information or ignore all private information. Finally, we show how abstract domain completeness can be used for enforcing the PER model of abstract non-interference

    Projection-Based Program Analysis

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    Projection-based program analysis techniques are remarkable for their ability to give highly detailed and useful information not obtainable by other methods. The first proposed projection-based analysis techniques were those of Wadler and Hughes for strictness analysis, and Launchbury for binding-time analysis; both techniques are restricted to analysis of first-order monomorphic languages. Hughes and Launchbury generalised the strictness analysis technique, and Launchbury the binding-time analysis technique, to handle polymorphic languages, again restricted to first order. Other than a general approach to higher-order analysis suggested by Hughes, and an ad hoc implementation of higher-order binding-time analysis by Mogensen, neither of which had any formal notion of correctness, there has been no successful generalisation to higher-order analysis. We present a complete redevelopment of monomorphic projection-based program analysis from first principles, starting by considering the analysis of functions (rather than programs) to establish bounds on the intrinsic power of projection-based analysis, showing also that projection-based analysis can capture interesting termination properties. The development of program analysis proceeds in two distinct steps: first for first-order, then higher order. Throughout we maintain a rigorous notion of correctness and prove that our techniques satisfy their correctness conditions. Our higher-order strictness analysis technique is able to capture various so-called data-structure-strictness properties such as head strictness-the fact that a function may be safely assumed to evaluate the head of every cons cell in a list for which it evaluates the cons cell. Our technique, and Hunt's PER-based technique (originally proposed at about the same time as ours), are the first techniques of any kind to capture such properties at higher order. Both the first-order and higher-order techniques are the first projection-based techniques to capture joint strictness properties-for example, the fact that a function may be safely assumed to evaluate at least one of several arguments. The first-order binding-time analysis technique is essentially the same as Launchbury's; the higher-order technique is the first such formally-based higher-order generalisation. Ours are the first projection-based termination analysis techniques, and are the first techniques of any kind that are able to detect termination properties such as head termination-the fact that termination of a cons cell implies termination of the head. A notable feature of the development is the method by which the first-order analysis semantics are generalised to higher-order: except for the fixed-point constant the higher-order semantics are all instances of a higher-order semantics parameterised by the constants defining the various first-order semantics

    Static analysis of Martin-Löf's intuitionistic type theory

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    Martin-Löf's intuitionistic type theory has been under investigation in recent years as a potential source for future functional programming languages. This is due to its properties which greatly aid the derivation of provably correct programs. These include the Curry-Howard correspondence (whereby logical formulas may be seen as specifications and proofs of logical formulas as programs) and strong normalisation (i.e. evaluation of every proof/program must terminate). Unfortunately, a corollary of these properties is that the programs may contain computationally irrelevant proof objects: proofs which are not to be printed as part of the result of a program. We show how a series of static analyses may be used to improve the efficiency of type theory as a lazy functional programming language. In particular we show how variants of abstract interpretation may be used to eliminate unnecessary computations in the object code that results from a type theoretic program. After an informal treatment of the application of abstract interpretation to type theory (where we discuss the features of type theory which make it particularly amenable to such an approach), we give formal proofs of correctness of our abstract interpretation techniques, with regard to the semantics of type theory. We subsequently describe how we have implemented abstract interpretation techniques within the Ferdinand functional language compiler. Ferdinand was developed as a lazy functional programming system by Andrew Douglas at the University of Kent at Canterbury. Finally, we show how other static analysis techniques may be applied to type theory. Some of these techniques use the abstract interpretation mechanisms previously discussed

    Parallel programming using functional languages

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    It has been argued for many years that functional programs are well suited to parallel evaluation. This thesis investigates this claim from a programming perspective; that is, it investigates parallel programming using functional languages. The approach taken has been to determine the minimum programming which is necessary in order to write efficient parallel programs. This has been attempted without the aid of clever compile-time analyses. It is argued that parallel evaluation should be explicitly expressed, by the programmer, in programs. To do achieve this a lazy functional language is extended with parallel and sequential combinators. The mathematical nature of functional languages means that programs can be formally derived by program transformation. To date, most work on program derivation has concerned sequential programs. In this thesis Squigol has been used to derive three parallel algorithms. Squigol is a functional calculus from program derivation, which is becoming increasingly popular. It is shown that some aspects of Squigol are suitable for parallel program derivation, while others aspects are specifically orientated towards sequential algorithm derivation. In order to write efficient parallel programs, parallelism must be controlled. Parallelism must be controlled in order to limit storage usage, the number of tasks and the minimum size of tasks. In particular over-eager evaluation or generating excessive numbers of tasks can consume too much storage. Also, tasks can be too small to be worth evaluating in parallel. Several program techniques for parallelism control were tried. These were compared with a run-time system heuristic for parallelism control. It was discovered that the best control was effected by a combination of run-time system and programmer control of parallelism. One of the problems with parallel programming using functional languages is that non-deterministic algorithms cannot be expressed. A bag (multiset) data type is proposed to allow a limited form of non-determinism to be expressed. Bags can be given a non-deterministic parallel implementation. However, providing the operations used to combine bag elements are associative and commutative, the result of bag operations will be deterministic. The onus is on the programmer to prove this, but usually this is not difficult. Also bags' insensitivity to ordering means that more transformations are directly applicable than if, say, lists were used instead. It is necessary to be able to reason about and measure the performance of parallel programs. For example, sometimes algorithms which seem intuitively to be good parallel ones, are not. For some higher order functions it is posible to devise parameterised formulae describing their performance. This is done for divide and conquer functions, which enables constraints to be formulated which guarantee that they have a good performance. Pipelined parallelism is difficult to analyse. Therefore a formal semantics for calculating the performance of pipelined programs is devised. This is used to analyse the performance of a pipelined Quicksort. By treating the performance semantics as a set of transformation rules, the simulation of parallel programs may be achieved by transforming programs. Some parallel programs perform poorly due to programming errors. A pragmatic method of debugging such programming errors is illustrated by some examples

    Type systems for modular programs and specifications

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    A Theory of Program Refinement

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    We give a canonical program refinement calculus based on the lambda calculus and classical first-order predicate logic, and study its proof theory and semantics. The intention is to construct a metalanguage for refinement in which basic principles of program development can be studied. The idea is that it should be possible to induce a refinement calculus in a generic manner from a programming language and a program logic. For concreteness, we adopt the simply-typed lambda calculus augmented with primitive recursion as a paradigmatic typed functional programming language, and use classical first-order logic as a simple program logic. A key feature is the construction of the refinement calculus in a modular fashion, as the combination of two orthogonal extensions to the underlying programming language (in this case, the simply-typed lambda calculus). The crucial observation is that a refinement calculus is given by extending a programming language to allow indeterminate expressions (or 'stubs') involving the construction 'some program x such that P'. Factoring this into 'some x ...' and '... such that P', we first study extensions to the lambda calculus providing separate analyses of what we might call 'true' stubs, and structured specifications. The questions we are concerned with in these calculi are how do stubs interact with the programming language, and what is a suitable notion of structured specification for program development. The full refinement calculus is then constructed in a natural way as the combination of these two subcalculi. The claim that the subcalculi are orthogonal extensions to the lambda calculus is justified by a result that a refinement can actually be factored into simpler judgements in the subcalculi, that is, into logical reasoning and simple decomposition. The semantics for the calculi are given using Henkin models with additional structure. Both simply-typed lambda calculus and first-order logic are interpreted using Henkin models themselves. The two subcalculi require some extra structure and the full refinement calculus is modelled by Henkin models with a combination of these extra requirements. There are soundness and completeness results for each calculus, and by virtue of there being certain embeddings of models we can infer that the refinement calculus is a conservative extension of both of the subcalculi which, in turn, are conservative extensions of the lambda calculus

    PERs Generalise Projections for Strictness Analysis (Extended Abstract)

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    We show how Wadler and Hughes's use of Scott projections to describe properties of functions ("Projections for Strictness Analysis", FPCA 1987) can be generalised by the use of partial equivalence relations. We describe an analysis (in the form of an abstract interpretation) for identifying such properties for functions defined in the simply typed -calculus. Our analysis has a very simple proof of correctness, based on the use of logical relations. We go on to consider how to derive `best' correct interpretations for constants

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 20. Number 2.

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