871 research outputs found

    Oscillation criteria of second order neutral delay dynamic equations with distributed deviating arguments

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    In this paper we establish some oscillation theorems for second order neutral dynamic equations with distributed deviating arguments. We use the Riccati transformation technique to obtain sufficient conditions for the oscillation of all solutions. Further, some examples are provided to illustrate the results

    Oscillation behavior of higher order functional differential equations with distributed deviating arguments

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    In this thesis we consider oscillatory and nonoscillatory behavior of functional differential equations and study third and n-th order functional differential equations qualitatively. Usually a qualitative approach is concerned with the behavior of solutions of a given differential equation and does not seek explicit solutions.;This dissertation is divided into five chapters. The first chapter consists of preliminary material which introduce well-known basic concepts. The second chapter deals with the oscillatory behavior of solutions of third order differential equations and functional differential equations with discrete and continuous delay of the form (bt(a t(x\u27 t)a)\u27 )\u27+qt fxt =rt, (bt(a t(x\u27 t)a)\u27 )\u27+qt fxgt =rt , (bt(( atx\u27 t)g)\u27 )\u27+(q1 txt) \u27+q2t x\u27t=h t, (bt(a tx\u27t )\u27)\u27+ i=1mqit f(x(sit ))=ht and (bt(a tx\u27t )\u27)\u27+ cdqt,x fxst,x dx=0. In chapter three we present sufficient conditions for oscillatory behavior of n-th order homogeneous neutral differential equation with continuous deviating arguments of the form at&sqbl0; xt+pt xtt &sqbr0;n-1 \u27+dcd qt,xf xst,x dx=0. Chapter four is devoted to n-th order neutral differential equation with forcing term of the form &sqbl0;xt+ i=1mpit x(tit )&sqbr0;n +l1a bq1t,x f1(x(s1 t,x))dx +l2ab q2t,xf 2(x(s2t,x ))dx=ht . Lastly, in chapter five we present sufficient conditions involving the coefficients and arguments only for n-th order neutral functional differential equation with constant coefficient of the form &sqbl0; xt+lax t+ah+mbxt+b g&sqbr0;n =pcdx t-xdx+qc dxt+x dx

    New oscillation criteria for third-order differential equations with bounded and unbounded neutral coefficients

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    This paper examines the oscillatory behavior of solutions to a class of thirdorder differential equations with bounded and unbounded neutral coefficients. Sufficient conditions for all solutions to be oscillatory are given. Some examples are considered to illustrate the main results and suggestions for future research are also included

    Oscillation of solutions to a higher-order neutral PDE with distributed deviating arguments

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    This article presents conditions for the oscillation of solutions to neutral partial differential equations. The order of these equations can be even or odd, and the deviating arguments can be distributed over an interval. We also extend our results to a nonlinear equation and to a system of equations

    Oscillation and asymptotic behavior for a class of delay parabolic differential

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    AbstractSome comparative theorems are given for the oscillation and asymptotic behavior for a class of high order delay parabolic differential equations of the form ∂n(u(x,t)−p(t)u(x,t−τ))∂tn−a(t)△u+c(x,t,u)+∫abq(x,t,ξ)f(u(x,g1(t,ξ)),…,u(x,gl(t,ξ)))dσ(ξ)=0,(x,t)∈Ω×R+≡G, where n is an odd integer, Ω is a bounded domain in Rm with a smooth boundary ∂Ω, and △ is the Laplacian operation with three boundary value conditions. Our results extend some of those of [P. Wang, Oscillatory criteria of nonlinear hyperbolic equations with continuous deviating arguments, Appl. Math. Comput. 106 (1999), 163–169] substantially

    Differential/Difference Equations

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    The study of oscillatory phenomena is an important part of the theory of differential equations. Oscillations naturally occur in virtually every area of applied science including, e.g., mechanics, electrical, radio engineering, and vibrotechnics. This Special Issue includes 19 high-quality papers with original research results in theoretical research, and recent progress in the study of applied problems in science and technology. This Special Issue brought together mathematicians with physicists, engineers, as well as other scientists. Topics covered in this issue: Oscillation theory; Differential/difference equations; Partial differential equations; Dynamical systems; Fractional calculus; Delays; Mathematical modeling and oscillations

    Existence of non-oscillatory solutions of a kind of first-order neutral differential equation

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    This paper deals with the existence of non-oscillatory solutions to a kind of first-order neutral equations having both delay and advance terms. The new results are established using the Banach contraction principle

    On the stability, boundedness, and square integrability of solutions of third order neutral delay differential equations

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    In this paper, sufficient conditions are established for the stability, boundedness and square integrability of solutions for some non-linear neutral delay differential equations of third order. Lyapunov’s direct method is used to obtain the results