12 research outputs found

    Organizational structure and knowledge-practice diffusion in the MNC

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    Purpose This study aims to examine the interaction of formal and informal cross-border knowledge-sharing practices of four large multinational corporations (MNCs) in aerospace, software, IT services and telecommunications industries. The goal was to determine the manner in which coordination and control mechanisms facilitated knowledge transfer. Design/methodology/approach Case studies comprised secondary data and semi-structured interviews with corporate headquarters and subsidiary managers in large MNCs conducted in the USA, Canada, Mexico, China, India and Eastern Europe. Findings The primary finding of this study is that knowledge transfer mechanisms arise as a result of both formal and informal structures of the MNC. Formal structures which create either mutual dependencies or occasions for knowledge exchange facilitate transfer. Formal structure which inhibits knowledge transfer can be overcome by knowledge brokers and evaluation metrics. Research limitations/implications These findings suggest that knowledge transfer is more informal than formal, but that MNC headquarters does play a role, intended or not, through shaping the interdependencies among geographically distributed units. Managers should be mindful of both the manner in which tasks and the organization are structured, as these have an indirect impact on the development of knowledge channels. Originality/value This paper investigates the role of organizational structure and its effect, both intended and unintended, on the transfer of knowledge-based practices. While knowledge transfer has been heavily researched, this study examines the phenomenon at a finer-grained level of analysis

    Caracterización del Centro Corporativo de LEONISA

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo caracterizar el centro corporativo de Leonisa para entender cuáles han sido los propósitos para la conformación de las diferentes empresas del grupo, cuáles son las principales funciones empresariales y administrativas del centro corporativo y cuál ha sido la estructura adaptada por la compañía con el transcurrir de los años para alcanzar la estrategia como empresa multinegocios a partir de dos frentes, el comercial y el industrial -- Se hizo una breve reseña sobre los conceptos de estructura organizacional desde diferentes perspectivas y un análisis del mismo en artículos de revistas especializadas (journals) del área de business and management del Scimago journal and country Rank -- Por último, los hallazgos de la investigación le permitirán al lector entender la estructura adoptada por Leonisa, en la que no existe un centro corporativo reconocido con una estructura fija, una nómina constituida y una sede física; sin embargo, se volvió una empresa multinegocios con una integración vertical hacia adelante y atrás, administrada a través de una estructura multidivisional en la que el centro corporativo se conforma en momentos específicos, de acuerdo con la necesidad de la organizació

    Pengaruh kepimpinan strategik dan kesediaan perubahan organisasi terhadap amalan penambahbaikan kualiti berterusan di sekolah agama

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    Malaysia Education Blueprint (PPPM, 2013-2025) was launched as a commitment to improving the quality of the education system hence to uphold the quality of education at all levels. However, blending approach to continuous improvement strategy occurs at slow pace and requires serious attention on the aspects of strategic leadership and readiness to implement change. This study was aimed to identify the influence of strategic leadership and organizational change readiness on continuous quality improvement practices in religious schools. In addition, the influence of organizational change readiness variables as mediator in the relationship between strategic leadership and continuous quality improvement practices was also examined. The cross-sectional survey method was applied in the data collection process. The instruments used consists of three parts namely Strategic Leadership Questionnaire, Organizational Readiness for Implementing Change and Continuous Quality Improvement Climate. A total of 478 respondents involving teacher leaders from secondary religious school in Kelantan took part in this study. Quantitative data were analyzed by statistical analysis of t-test, Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA), correlation and multiple regression analysis using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The findings indicated that strategic leadership and organizational change readiness affects the practice of continuous quality improvement in religious schools. The findings also revealed that organizational change readiness functioned as a mediator in the relationship between strategic leadership and continuous quality improvement practices. In conclusion, this study indicated that high level of strategic leadership and organizational change readiness impact the continuous quality improvement practices towards improving the quality of education. Accordingly, approaches to strategic leadership practices, organizational change readiness and continuous quality improvement practices warrant due attention by the stakeholders in every stage of educational managemen

    The role of organization-level factors on informal learning process

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    This study discusses the nature of informal learning process in business organizations, and the importance of different organization-level factors in this process. The purpose of this study is to understand the role of organization-level factors on informal learning process with three subquestions: how informal learning process takes place in business organizations, what organization-level factors affects informal learning process, and how informal learning process is affected by organizational-level factors. The theoretical background of this study includes literatures on the concept of informal learning, its process, and organization-level factors that can affect informal learning process. The empirical research has been conducted in this study by face-to-face interviews. The interviews were conducted between June and August 2015 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Thirteen interviews were made with the employees from different hierarchical levels from four freight forwarding MNCs in Bangladesh. Constant comparative analysis has been used to process the collected data until reaching a level of saturation. The empirical research found that all the phases in an informal learning process are not linear and sequential, and the role of organization-level factors on each phase varies with the degree and nature of each factor. In addition, the results also revealed that all the organization-level factors do not interact with each other while playing their role on informal learning process. The findings of this study considerably extend our understanding of the important role of HRD, manager, colleague, culture, and work structure on informal learning process in the workplace. However, future research in different organizational contexts is required to generalize the findings of this study.siirretty Doriast

    International HRM. Developing HR practices in an italian pocket multinational: Sirmax case study.

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    International operations of multinational enterprises (MNES) are subject to different institutional and cultural environments. Firms need to formalize HR practices and policies to manage adequately the arising complexity. Moreover, international organizations during their growth experience different phases, in particular it is introduced the category of pocket multinationals and it is analysed one case study.ope

    Enhancing Cross-Border Knowledge Transfer Between MNC Subsidiaries : A Multi-level Model of Subsidiary Power in Transferring Solution Knowledge

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    Multinational Corporations (MNC) are enormous knowledge powerhouses that constantly create, store, share and apply their knowledge into actions. As MNCs possess knowledge assets globally, they struggle in smooth cross-unit distributing of knowledge to always have the newest and best knowledge available inside the entire MNC. As local units have become the backbone of MNC knowledge creation, the problem arises with the ways to distribute it effectively. Furthermore, as the HQ is sometimes far and subsidiaries, in some instances, having a lot of power inside the MNC, it is important to study what the subsidiaries can do by themselves to better the knowledge transfer environment and not have to wait for the headquarters decision to change the status quo. This study aims to answer the question: How can subsidiaries enhance effective knowledge transfer between them? Conducted as a qualitative single case study with several cross-unit in-depth interviews, this study aims to build a highly context-bound model for intra-MNC knowledge transfer between subsidiaries. Theory is used to build the initial model and then interviews are conducted to validate the model. Finally, a new configuration of the model is presented to represent the results of the study. The study takes place in three layers: MNC, subsidiary and individual, with the focus being on subsidiaries and individuals inside them and the MNC level representing the context and possible elements the subsidiaries could influence in. This study found that the effective intra-MNC is a multi-level joint effort that all starts with the value propositions for the sending and receiving units. Once value is established the participants must create relationships and trust within them to execute effective knowledge transfer. MNC-level processes can enable or impede the KT processes but the subsidiary power of influence towards them are limited and dependent of aggressive intrapreneurial action taking and pro-activeness from the subsidiaries and individuals

    Information Technology Management Strategies to Implement Knowledge Management Systems

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    More than 38% of the U.S. public workforce will likely retire by 2030, which may result in a labor shortage. Business leaders may adopt strategies to mitigate knowledge loss within their organizations by capturing knowledge in a knowledge management system (KMS). The purpose of this single case study was to explore strategies that information technology (IT) managers use to develop and implement a KMS. The target population consisted of IT managers in a small-sized organization located in northwestern Florida who had implemented a KMS successfully. The conceptual framework for this study was organizational knowledge creation theory. The collection of public documents, execution of semistructured interviews with 5 qualified participants, literature on the topic, and member checking formed the determination of the findings of the study. Using triangulation and coding the data for emergent themes, 6 themes emerged from the data analysis: (a) training, (b) customer focus, (c) policy and governance, (d) leadership and management support, (e) communication and marketing, and (f) business process management. The application of the findings may contribute to social change by identifying strategies that leaders and IT managers from communities and government agencies use in implementing a KMS that may facilitate transparency and open flow of information to citizens, and allow access to timely, civic, and potentially life-enhancing information

    Knowledge management and its effectiveness for organisational transformation through knowledge sharing and transfer

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    Knowledge Management aims to improve organisational performance and it marks the beginning of organisational transformation. The two types of knowledge managed are respectively categorised “tacit” and “explicit.” This research investigated the effectiveness of Knowledge Management for organisational transformation in Namibia. It was necessitated by the lack of knowledge sharing among employees and also lack of appropriate tools for effective Knowledge Management. Moreover, some organisations engage in Knowledge Management practices without a full understanding of the processes involved. This was determined by a through literature review which indicated that there were very few studies conducted on Knowledge Management in Namibia as shown on Table 1.1 on page 6. The study therefore provided a nuanced understanding of Knowledge Management. The study additionally established that the use of appropriate tools and technologies to better manage the knowledge ultimately improves organisational performance. The research objectives sought to explore the initiatives deployed to enable knowledge sharing, identify barriers to effective Knowledge Management, analyse the role of social media for knowledge sharing and also measure the effectiveness of the knowledge transfer activities. A mixed method research methodology was used to conduct this investigation. Participants were selected through purposive sampling. Out of 130 questionnaires distributed, 112 were fully completed and returned. This represented an 86.1% response rate. The results of the study revealed that organisational transformation is dependent on effective Knowledge Management. In addition to that, the study found that there is a correlation of 0.6 between Information Technology and Knowledge Management. The study further revealed that initiatives to enable knowledge sharing start with executive support and the employees should be motivated to share knowledge. More so, it was also found that lack of funds for Knowledge Management projects is the greatest barrier in organisations. Effective Knowledge Management is facilitated by social media. Finally, it was found that the most effective knowledge transfer activity is a collaborative virtual workspace followed by Communities of Practice.School of ComputingM.Sc. (Computing