734 research outputs found

    Green Wave Traffic Optimization - A Survey

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    The objective of this survey is to cover the research in the area of adaptive traffic control with emphasis on the applied optimization methods. The problem of optimizing traffic signals can be viewed in various ways, depending on political, economic and ecological goals. The survey highlights some important conflicts, which support the notion that traffic signal optimization is a multi-objective problem, and relates this to the most common measures of effectiveness. A distinction can be made between classical systems, which operate with a common cycle time, and the more flexible, phase-based, approach, which is shown to be more suitable for adaptive traffic control. To support this claim three adaptive systems, which use alternatives to the classical optimization procedures, are described in detail.

    Land-Cover and Land-Use Study Using Genetic Algorithms, Petri Nets, and Cellular Automata

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    Recent research techniques, such as genetic algorithm (GA), Petri net (PN), and cellular automata (CA) have been applied in a number of studies. However, their capability and performance in land-cover land-use (LCLU) classification, change detection, and predictive modeling have not been well understood. This study seeks to address the following questions: 1) How do genetic parameters impact the accuracy of GA-based LCLU classification; 2) How do image parameters impact the accuracy of GA-based LCLU classification; 3) Is GA-based LCLU classification more accurate than the maximum likelihood classifier (MLC), iterative self-organizing data analysis technique (ISODATA), and the hybrid approach; 4) How do genetic parameters impact Petri Net-based LCLU change detection; and 5) How do cellular automata components impact the accuracy of LCLU predictive modeling. The study area, namely the Tickfaw River watershed (711mi²), is located in southeast Louisiana and southwest Mississippi. The major datasets include time-series Landsat TM / ETM images and Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangles (DOQQ’s). LCLU classification was conducted by using the GA, MLC, ISODATA, and Hybrid approach. The LCLU change was modeled by using genetic PN-based process mining technique. The process models were interpreted and input to a CA for predicting future LCLU. The major findings include: 1) GA-based LCLU classification is more accurate than the traditional approaches; 2) When genetic parameters, image parameters, or CA components are configured improperly, the accuracy of LCLU classification, the coverage of LCLU change process model, and/or the accuracy of LCLU predictive modeling will be low; 3) For GA-based LCLU classification, the recommended configuration of genetic / image parameters is generation 2000-5000, population 1000, crossover rate 69%-99%, mutation rate 0.1%-0.5%, generation gap 25%-50%, data layers 16-20, training / testing data size 10000-20000 / 5000-10000, and spatial resolution 30m-60m; 4) For genetic Petri nets-based LCLU change detection, the recommended configuration of genetic parameters is generation 500, population 300, crossover rate 59%, mutation rate 5%, and elitism rate 4%; and 5) For CA-based LCLU predictive modeling, the recommended configuration of CA components is space 6025 * 12993, state 2, von Neumann neighborhood 3 * 3, time step 2-3 years, and optimized transition rules

    Fuzzy Logic in Traffic Engineering: A Review on Signal Control

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    Since 1965 when the fuzzy logic and fuzzy algebra were introduced by Lotfi Zadeh, the fuzzy theory successfully found its applications in the wide range of subject fields. This is mainly due to its ability to process various data, including vague or uncertain data, and provide results that are suitable for the decision making. This paper aims to provide comprehensive overview of literature on fuzzy control systems used for the management of the road traffic flow at road junctions. Several theoretical approaches from basic fuzzy models from the late 1970s to most recent combinations of real-time data with fuzzy inference system and genetic algorithms are mentioned and discussed throughout the paper. In most cases, fuzzy logic controllers provide considerable improvements in the efficiency of traffic junctions' management

    Fuzzy Logic in Traffic Engineering: A Review on Signal Control

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    Since 1965 when the fuzzy logic and fuzzy algebra were introduced by Lotfi Zadeh, the fuzzy theory successfully found its applications in the wide range of subject fields. This is mainly due to its ability to process various data, including vague or uncertain data, and provide results that are suitable for the decision making. This paper aims to provide comprehensive overview of literature on fuzzy control systems used for the management of the road traffic flow at road junctions. Several theoretical approaches from basic fuzzy models from the late 1970s to most recent combinations of real-time data with fuzzy inference system and genetic algorithms are mentioned and discussed throughout the paper. In most cases, fuzzy logic controllers provide considerable improvements in the efficiency of traffic junctions’ management

    Use of Petri Nets to Manage Civil Engineering Infrastructures

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    Over the last years there has been a shift, in the most developed countries, in investment and efforts within the construction sector. On the one hand, these countries have built infrastructures able to respond to current needs over the last decades, reducing the need for investments in new infrastructures now and in the near future. On the other hand, most of the infrastructures present clear signs of deterioration, making it fundamental to invest correctly in their recovery. The ageing of infrastructure together with the scarce budgets available for maintenance and rehabilitation are the main reasons for the development of decision support tools, as a mean to maximize the impact of investments. The objective of the present work is to develop a methodology for optimizing maintenance strategies, considering the available information on infrastructure degradation and the impact of maintenance in economic terms and loss of functionality, making possible the implementation of a management system transversal to different types of civil engineering infrastructures. The methodology used in the deterioration model is based on the concept of timed Petri nets. The maintenance model was built from the deterioration model, including the inspection, maintenance and renewal processes. The optimization of maintenance is performed through genetic algorithms. The deterioration and maintenance model was applied to components of two types of infrastructure: bridges (pre-stressed concrete decks and bearings) and buildings (ceramic claddings). The complete management system was used to analyse a section of a road network. All examples are based on Portuguese data

    Metaheuristics for Traffic Control and Optimization: Current Challenges and Prospects

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    Intelligent traffic control at signalized intersections in urban areas is vital for mitigating congestion and ensuring sustainable traffic operations. Poor traffic management at road intersections may lead to numerous issues such as increased fuel consumption, high emissions, low travel speeds, excessive delays, and vehicular stops. The methods employed for traffic signal control play a crucial role in evaluating the quality of traffic operations. Existing literature is abundant, with studies focusing on applying regression and probability-based methods for traffic light control. However, these methods have several shortcomings and can not be relied on for heterogeneous traffic conditions in complex urban networks. With rapid advances in communication and information technologies in recent years, various metaheuristics-based techniques have emerged on the horizon of signal control optimization for real-time intelligent traffic management. This study critically reviews the latest advancements in swarm intelligence and evolutionary techniques applied to traffic control and optimization in urban networks. The surveyed literature is classified according to the nature of the metaheuristic used, considered optimization objectives, and signal control parameters. The pros and cons of each method are also highlighted. The study provides current challenges, prospects, and outlook for future research based on gaps identified through a comprehensive literature review

    Dispatching and Rescheduling Tasks and Their Interactions with Travel Demand and the Energy Domain: Models and Algorithms

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    Abstract The paper aims to provide an overview of the key factors to consider when performing reliable modelling of rail services. Given our underlying belief that to build a robust simulation environment a rail service cannot be considered an isolated system, also the connected systems, which influence and, in turn, are influenced by such services, must be properly modelled. For this purpose, an extensive overview of the rail simulation and optimisation models proposed in the literature is first provided. Rail simulation models are classified according to the level of detail implemented (microscopic, mesoscopic and macroscopic), the variables involved (deterministic and stochastic) and the processing techniques adopted (synchronous and asynchronous). By contrast, within rail optimisation models, both planning (timetabling) and management (rescheduling) phases are discussed. The main issues concerning the interaction of rail services with travel demand flows and the energy domain are also described. Finally, in an attempt to provide a comprehensive framework an overview of the main metaheuristic resolution techniques used in the planning and management phases is shown

    Mathematics in Software Reliability and Quality Assurance

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    This monograph concerns the mathematical aspects of software reliability and quality assurance and consists of 11 technical papers in this emerging area. Included are the latest research results related to formal methods and design, automatic software testing, software verification and validation, coalgebra theory, automata theory, hybrid system and software reliability modeling and assessment

    Topics in perturbation analysis for stochastic hybrid systems

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    Control and optimization of Stochastic Hybrid Systems (SHS) constitute increasingly active fields of research. However, the size and complexity of SHS frequently render the use of exhaustive verification techniques prohibitive. In this context, Perturbation Analysis techniques, and in particular Infinitesimal Perturbation Analysis (IPA), have proven to be particularly useful for this class of systems. This work focuses on applying IPA to two different problems: Traffic Light Control (TLC) and control of cancer progression, both of which are viewed as dynamic optimization problems in an SHS environment. The first part of this thesis addresses the TLC problem for a single intersection modeled as a SHS. A quasi-dynamic control policy is proposed based on partial state information defined by detecting whether vehicle backlogs are above or below certain controllable threshold values. At first, the threshold parameters are controlled while assuming fixed cycle lengths and online gradient estimates of a cost metric with respect to these controllable parameters are derived using IPA techniques. These estimators are subsequently used to iteratively adjust the threshold values so as to improve overall system performance. This quasi-dynamic analysis of the TLC\ problem is subsequently extended to parameterize the control policy by green and red cycle lengths as well as queue content thresholds. IPA estimators necessary to simultaneously control the light cycles and thresholds are rederived and thereafter incorporated into a standard gradient based scheme in order to further ameliorate system performance. In the second part of this thesis, the problem of controlling cancer progression is formulated within a Stochastic Hybrid Automaton (SHA) framework. Leveraging the fact that cell-biologic changes necessary for cancer development may be schematized as a series of discrete steps, an integrative closed-loop framework is proposed for describing the progressive development of cancer and determining optimal personalized therapies. First, the problem of cancer heterogeneity is addressed through a novel Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) formulation that integrates somatic mutation and gene expression data to infer the temporal sequence of events from cross-sectional data. This formulation is tested using both simulated data and real breast cancer data with matched somatic mutation and gene expression measurements from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). Second, the use of basic IPA techniques for optimal personalized cancer therapy design is introduced and a methodology applicable to stochastic models of cancer progression is developed. A case study of optimal therapy design for advanced prostate cancer is performed. Given the importance of accurate modeling in conjunction with optimal therapy design, an ensuing analysis is performed in which sensitivity estimates with respect to several model parameters are evaluated and critical parameters are identified. Finally, the tradeoff between system optimality and robustness (or, equivalently, fragility) is explored so as to generate valuable insights on modeling and control of cancer progression