768 research outputs found

    Auction-based Bandwidth Allocation Mechanisms for Wireless Future Internet

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    An important aspect of the Future Internet is the efficient utilization of (wireless) network resources. In order for the - demanding in terms of QoS - Future Internet services to be provided, the current trend is evolving towards an "integrated" wireless network access model that enables users to enjoy mobility, seamless access and high quality of service in an all-IP network on an "Anytime, Anywhere" basis. The term "integrated" is used to denote that the Future Internet wireless "last mile" is expected to comprise multiple heterogeneous geographically coexisting wireless networks, each having different capacity and coverage radius. The efficient management of the wireless access network resources is crucial due to their scarcity that renders wireless access a potential bottleneck for the provision of high quality services. In this paper we propose an auction mechanism for allocating the bandwidth of such a network so that efficiency is attained, i.e. social welfare is maximized. In particular, we propose an incentive-compatible, efficient auction-based mechanism of low computational complexity. We define a repeated game to address user utilities and incentives issues. Subsequently, we extend this mechanism so that it can also accommodate multicast sessions. We also analyze the computational complexity and message overhead of the proposed mechanism. We then show how user bids can be replaced from weights generated by the network and transform the auction to a cooperative mechanism capable of prioritizing certain classes of services and emulating DiffServ and time-of-day pricing schemes. The theoretical analysis is complemented by simulations that assess the proposed mechanisms properties and performance. We finally provide some concluding remarks and directions for future research

    LTE network slicing and resource trading schemes for machine-to-machine communications

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is envisioned as the future of human-free communications. IoT relies on Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications rather than conventional Human-to-Human (H2H) communications. It is expected that billions of Machine Type Communication Devices (MTCDs) will be connected to the Internet in the near future. Consequently, the mobile data traffic is poised to increase dramatically. Long Term Evolution (LTE) and its subsequent technology LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) are the candidate carriers of M2M communications for the IoT purposes. Despite the significant increase of traffic due to IoT, the Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) revenues are not increasing at the same pace. Hence, many MNOs have resorted to sharing their radio resources and parts of their infrastructures, in what is known as Network Virtualization (NV). In the thesis, we focus on slicing in which an operator known as Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO), does not own a spectrum license or mobile infrastructure, and relies on a larger MNO to serve its users. The large licensed MNO divides its spectrum pool into slices. Each MVNO reserves one or more slice(s). There are 2 forms of slice scheduling: Resource-based in which the slices are assigned a portion of radio resources or Data rate-based in which the slices are assigned a certain bandwidth. In the first part of this thesis we present different approaches for adapting resource-based NV, Data rate-based NV to Machine Type Communication (MTC). This will be done in such a way that resources are allocated to each slice depending on the delay budget of the MTCDs deployed in the slice and their payloads. The adapted NV schemes are then simulated and compared to the Static Reservation (SR) of radio resources. They have all shown an improved performance over SR from deadline missing perspective. In the second part of the thesis, we introduce a novel resource trading scheme that allows sharing operators to trade their radio resources based on the varying needs of their clients with time. The Genetic Algorithm (GA) is used to optimize the resource trading among the virtual operators. The proposed trading scheme is simulated and compared to the adapted schemes from the first part of the thesis. The novel trading scheme has shown to achieve significantly better performance compared to the adapted schemes


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    This work deals with efficient power and rate assignment to mobile stations (MSs) involved in bursty data transmission in cellular CDMA networks. Power control in the current CDMA standards is based on a fixed target signal quality called signal to interference ratio (SIR). The target SIR represents a predefined frame error rate (FER). This approach is inefficient for data-MSs because a fixed target SIR can limit the MS's throughput. Power control should thus provide dynamic target SIRs instead of a fixed target SIR. In the research literature, the power control problem has been modeled using game theory. A limitation of the current literature is that in order to implement the algorithms, each MS needs to know information such as path gains and transmission rates of all other MSs. Fast rate control schemes in the evolving cellular data systems such as cdma2000-1x-EV assign transmission rates to MSs using a probabilistic approach. The limitation here is that the radio resources can be either under or over-utilized. Further, all MSs are not assigned the same rates. In the schemes proposed in the literature, only few MSs, which have the best channel conditions, obtain all radio resources. In this dissertation, we address the power control issue by moving the computation of the Nash equilibrium from each MS to the base station (BS). We also propose equal radio resource allocation for all MSs under the constraint that only the maximum allowable radio resources are used in a cell. This dissertation addresses the problem of how to efficiently assign power and rate to MSs based on dynamic target SIRs for bursty transmissions. The proposed schemes in this work maximize the throughput of each data-MS while still providing equal allocation of radio resources to all MSs and achieving full radio resource utilization in each cell. The proposed schemes result in power and rate control algorithms that however require some assistance from the BS. The performance evaluation and comparisons with cdma2000-1x-Evolution Data Only (1x-EV-DO) show that the proposed schemes can provide better effective rates (rates after error) than the existing schemes

    Microeconomics Inspired Mechanisms to Manage Dynamic Spectrum Access

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    Wireless telecommunications technology

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, System Design and Management Program, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 26-29).This thesis attempts to study the technological progress of wireless technology and the wireless industry throughout history, using high-level, non-device specific performance metrics. Such metrics are developed by following the broad functional category approach. The analysis performed is both qualitative and quantitative. Firstly, the quantitative study provides a general perspective of how the technology has evolved through history, looking for signs of constant evolution and/or signs of technological saturation or acceleration. Following this, the qualitative section aims to provide the basis of a strategic framework that could be of importance to organizations in the industry, in particular to those interested in making the right decisions regarding technology selection, new spectrum licensing, and new services pricing, by using a cost-benefit approach. It was found that, in concordance with the two previous analyses performed on the information and energy technology domains, a continuous progress in the metrics identified is observed in the three Functional Performance Metrics (FPM) determined for this study. Still, some weak signs of eventual saturation were observed in one of the metrics identified in the study for the first time in this kind of study. A rate of yearly progress of 15% was obtained from the spectral efficiency Functional Performance Metric (FPM), while significantly higher rates, close to 50%, were obtained for both the throughput and coverage density FPMs. The time series comprises over 100 years of data, from the late 1800's / early 1900's until the present.by Mario A. Amaya.S.M

    Quality of Service in bandwidth adapted hybrid UMTS/WLAN interworking network

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    Integration of Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) and Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) result in ubiquitous connection for end users. In the integrated network, ensuring the quality of service to users and enhancing capacity of network are prominent issues. Bandwidth adaptation technique is one of the solutions to overcome these issues. Bandwidth adaptation based on per flow and per class schemes were proposed for loosely coupled interworking network. In this paper, hybrid coupled UMTS and WLAN interworking network is analyzed with bandwidth adaptation based on per flow and per class schemes and the performances have been compared. Simulation result shows that the proposed hybrid coupled interworking network with bandwidth adaptation based on per class scheme performs better with enhanced quality of service and network capacity

    Intelligent adaptive bandwidth provisioning for quality of service in umts core networks

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    Contribution to resource management in cellular access networks with limited backhaul capacity

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    La interfaz radio de los sistemas de comunicaciones móviles es normalmente considerada como la única limitación de capacidad en la red de acceso radio. Sin embargo, a medida que se van desplegando nuevas y más eficientes interfaces radio, y de que el tráfico de datos y multimedia va en aumento, existe la creciente preocupación de que la infraestructura de transporte (backhaul) de la red celular pueda convertirse en el cuello de botella en algunos escenarios. En este contexto, la tesis se centra en el desarrollo de técnicas de gestión de recursos que consideran de manera conjunta la gestión de recursos en la interfaz radio y el backhaul. Esto conduce a un nuevo paradigma donde los recursos del backhaul se consideran no sólo en la etapa de dimensionamiento, sino que además son incluidos en la problemática de gestión de recursos. Sobre esta base, el primer objetivo de la tesis consiste en evaluar los requerimientos de capacidad en las redes de acceso radio que usan IP como tecnología de transporte, de acuerdo a las recientes tendencias de la arquitectura de red. En particular, se analiza el impacto que tiene una solución de transporte basada en IP sobre la capacidad de transporte necesaria para satisfacer los requisitos de calidad de servicio en la red de acceso. La evaluación se realiza en el contexto de la red de acceso radio de UMTS, donde se proporciona una caracterización detallada de la interfaz Iub. El análisis de requerimientos de capacidad se lleva a cabo para dos diferentes escenarios: canales dedicados y canales de alta velocidad. Posteriormente, con el objetivo de aprovechar totalmente los recursos disponibles en el acceso radio y el backhaul, esta tesis propone un marco de gestión conjunta de recursos donde la idea principal consiste en incorporar las métricas de la red de transporte dentro del problema de gestión de recursos. A fin de evaluar los beneficios del marco de gestión de recursos propuesto, esta tesis se centra en la evaluación del problema de asignación de base, como estrategia para distribuir el tráfico entre las estaciones base en función de los niveles de carga tanto en la interfaz radio como en el backhaul. Este problema se analiza inicialmente considerando una red de acceso radio genérica, mediante la definición de un modelo analítico basado en cadenas de Markov. Dicho modelo permite calcular la ganancia de capacidad que puede alcanzar la estrategia de asignación de base propuesta. Posteriormente, el análisis de la estrategia propuesta se extiende considerando tecnologías específicas de acceso radio. En particular, en el contexto de redes WCDMA se desarrolla un algoritmo de asignación de base basado en simulatedannealing cuyo objetivo es maximizar una función de utilidad que refleja el grado de satisfacción de las asignaciones respecto los recursos radio y transporte. Finalmente, esta tesis aborda el diseño y evaluación de un algoritmo de asignación de base para los futuros sistemas de banda ancha basados en OFDMA. En este caso, el problema de asignación de base se modela como un problema de optimización mediante el uso de un marco de funciones de utilidad y funciones de coste de recursos. El problema planteado, que considera que existen restricciones de recursos tanto en la interfaz radio como en el backhaul, es mapeado a un problema de optimización conocido como Multiple-Choice Multidimensional Knapsack Problem (MMKP). Posteriormente, se desarrolla un algoritmo de asignación de base heurístico, el cual es evaluado y comparado con esquemas de asignación basados exclusivamente en criterios radio. El algoritmo concebido se basa en el uso de los multiplicadores de Lagrange y está diseñado para aprovechar de manera simultánea el balanceo de carga en la intefaz radio y el backhaul.Postprint (published version

    Efficient joint call admission control and bandwidth management schemes for QoS provisioning in heterogeneous wireless networks

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 150-157).Next generation wireless network (NGWN) will be heterogeneous where different radio access technologies (RATs) coexist. This coexistence of different RATs necessitates joint radio resource management (JRRM) for enhanced QoS provisioning and efficient radio resource utilization. Joint call admission control (JCAC) algorithm is one of the joint radio resource management algorithms. The basic functions of a JCAC algorithm are to decide whether or not an incoming call can be accepted into a heterogeneous wireless network, and to determine which of the available RATs is most suitable to admit the incoming call. The objective of a JCAC algorithm is to guarantee the QoS requirements of all accepted calls and at the same time make the best use of the available radio resources. Traditional call admission control algorithms designed for homogeneous wireless networks do not provide a single solution to address the heterogeneous architecture, which characterizes NGWN. Consequently, there is need to develop JCAC algorithms for heterogeneous wireless networks. The thesis proposes three JCAC schemes for improving QoS and radio resource utilization, which are of primary concerns, in heterogeneous wireless networks. The first scheme combines adaptive bandwidth management and joint call admission control. The objectives of the first scheme are to enhance average system utilization, guarantee QoS requirements of all accepted calls, and reduce new call blocking probability and handoff call dropping probability in heterogeneous wireless networks. The scheme consists of three components namely: joint call admission controller, bandwidth reservation unit, and bandwidth adaptation unit. Using Markov decision process, an analytical model is developed to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme considering three performance metrics, which are new call blocking probability, handoff call dropping probability, and system utilization. Numerical results show that the proposed scheme improves system utilization and reduces both new call blocking probability and handoff call dropping probability. The second proposed JCAC scheme minimizes call blocking probability by determining the optimal call allocation policy among the available RATs. The scheme measures the arrival rates of different classes of calls into the heterogeneous wireless network. Using linear programming technique, the JCAC scheme determines the call allocation policy that minimizes call-blocking probability in the heterogeneous network. Numerical results show that the proposed scheme reduces call-blocking probability in the heterogeneous wireless network