42 research outputs found

    Optimal Regenerator Placement for Dedicated Path Protection in Impairment-Aware WDM Networks

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    Building resilient Wavelength Division Multiplexed (WDM) optical networks is an important area of research. This thesis deals with the design of reliable WDM networks where physical layer impairments are taken into account. This research addresses both the regenerator placement problem (RPP) and the routing with regenerator problem (RRP) in impairment-aware WDM networks, using dedicated path protection. Both the problems have been tackled using linear Integer formulations which can be implemented, using a solver such as the CPLEX. For solving RPP, two solutions have been proposed - i) a formulation that gives optimal solutions which works only for small networks, and ii) a highly effective heuristic which given an optimal solution in 97.5 to 99% of cases for networks having a size up to 60 nodes

    Optimization of WDM Optical Networks

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    Optical network, with its enormous data carrying capability, has become the obvious choice for today\u27s high speed communication networks. Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) technology and Traffic Grooming techniques enable us to efficiently exploit the huge bandwidth capacity of optical fibers. Wide area translucent networks use sparse placement of regenerators to overcome the physical impairments and wavelength constraints introduced by all optical (transparent) networks, and achieve a performance level close to fully switched (opaque) networks at a much lesser network cost. In this dissertation we discuss our research on several issues on the optimal design of optical networks, including optimal traffic grooming in WDM optical networks, optimal regenerator placement problem (RRP) in translucent networks, dynamic lightpath allocation and dynamic survivable lightpath allocation in translucent networks and static lightpath allocation in translucent networks. With extensive simulation experiments, we have established the effectiveness and efficiencies of our proposed algorithms

    Cross-layer modeling and optimization of next-generation internet networks

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    Scaling traditional telecommunication networks so that they are able to cope with the volume of future traffic demands and the stringent European Commission (EC) regulations on emissions would entail unaffordable investments. For this very reason, the design of an innovative ultra-high bandwidth power-efficient network architecture is nowadays a bold topic within the research community. So far, the independent evolution of network layers has resulted in isolated, and hence, far-from-optimal contributions, which have eventually led to the issues today's networks are facing such as inefficient energy strategy, limited network scalability and flexibility, reduced network manageability and increased overall network and customer services costs. Consequently, there is currently large consensus among network operators and the research community that cross-layer interaction and coordination is fundamental for the proper architectural design of next-generation Internet networks. This thesis actively contributes to the this goal by addressing the modeling, optimization and performance analysis of a set of potential technologies to be deployed in future cross-layer network architectures. By applying a transversal design approach (i.e., joint consideration of several network layers), we aim for achieving the maximization of the integration of the different network layers involved in each specific problem. To this end, Part I provides a comprehensive evaluation of optical transport networks (OTNs) based on layer 2 (L2) sub-wavelength switching (SWS) technologies, also taking into consideration the impact of physical layer impairments (PLIs) (L0 phenomena). Indeed, the recent and relevant advances in optical technologies have dramatically increased the impact that PLIs have on the optical signal quality, particularly in the context of SWS networks. Then, in Part II of the thesis, we present a set of case studies where it is shown that the application of operations research (OR) methodologies in the desing/planning stage of future cross-layer Internet network architectures leads to the successful joint optimization of key network performance indicators (KPIs) such as cost (i.e., CAPEX/OPEX), resources usage and energy consumption. OR can definitely play an important role by allowing network designers/architects to obtain good near-optimal solutions to real-sized problems within practical running times

    Regenerator Location Problem and survivable extensions: A hub covering location perspective

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In a telecommunications network the reach of an optical signal is the maximum distance it can traverse before its quality degrades. Regenerators are devices to extend the optical reach. The regenerator placement problem seeks to place the minimum number of regenerators in an optical network so as to facilitate the communication of a signal between any node pair. In this study, the Regenerator Location Problem is revisited from the hub location perspective directing our focus to applications arising in transportation settings. Two new dimensions involving the challenges of survivability are introduced to the problem. Under partial survivability, our designs hedge against failures in the regeneration equipment only, whereas under full survivability failures on any of the network nodes are accounted for by the utilization of extra regeneration equipment. All three variations of the problem are studied in a unifying framework involving the introduction of individual flow-based compact formulations as well as cut formulations and the implementation of branch and cut algorithms based on the cut formulations. Extensive computational experiments are conducted in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed solution methodologies and to gain insights from realistic instances. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Regenerator placement in optical networks

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Increase in the number of users and resources consumed by modern applications results in an explosive growth in the traffic on the Internet. Optical networks with higher bandwidths offer faster and more reliable transmission of data and allows transmission of more data. Fiber optical cables have these advantages over the traditional copper wires. So it is expected that optical networks will have a wide application area. However, there are some physical impairments and optical layer constraints in optical networks. One of these is signal degradation which limits the range of optical signals. Signals are degraded during transmission and below a threshold the signals become useless. In order to prevent this, regenerators which are capable of re-amplifying optical signals are used. Since regeneration is a costly process, it is important to decrease the number of regenerators used in an optical network. To increase the reliability of the network, two edge-disjoint paths between each terminal on the network are to be constructed. So the second path could be used in case of a failure in transmitting data on an edge of the first path. Considering these requirements, selecting the nodes on which regenerators are to be placed is an important decision. In this thesis, we discuss the problem of placing signal regenerators on optical networks with restoration. An integer linear program is formulated for this problem. Due to the huge size and other problems of the formulation, it is impractical to use it on large networks. For this reason, a fast heuristic algorithm is proposed to solve this problem. Three methods are proposed to check the feasibility when a fixed set of regenerators are placed on specific nodes. Additionally, a branch and bound algorithm which employs the proposed heuristic is developed to find the optimal solution of our problem. Performance of both the heuristics and the branch and bound method are evaluated in terms of number of regenerators placed and solution times of the algorithms.Özkök, OnurM.S

    Path Protection in Translucent WDM Optical Networks

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    Optical noise, chromatic dispersion, nonlinear effects, polarization mode dispersion (PMD) and cross-talk cause the quality of an optical signal to degrade as it propagates through the fibers in wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) optical networks. In a translucent network, regenerators are placed ay appropriate intervals to carry out 3R regeneration (re-amplify, re-shape and re-time). Translucent WDM networks are receiving attention as long-haul back bone networks. One important aspect of such networks that has not received attention is the possibility of cycles in the path of a translucent network. This research studies how we implement path protection in translucent networks, considering the possibility of cycles. We are developing a new scheme for dynamic lightpath allocation using the idea of shared path protection. We propose to study the performance of the scheme using a number of well known networks

    Routing, spectrum allocation and regenerator placement in flexible-grid optical networks

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    Ankara : The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2013.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2013.Includes bibliographical references leaves 57-61.Tremendous increase in the number of wireless devices has been resulting in huge growth in the Internet traffic. This growth necessitates efficient usage of resources in the optical networks, which form the backbone of the Internet. Recently proposed flexible optical networks can adjust the optical layer transmission parameters to take advantage of existing channel conditions thereby increasing the resource utilization efficiency. Therefore, flexible optical network is a promising solution to fulfill growing future demand of IP traffic. Apart from efficient usage of the optical spectrum, the degradation of the optical signal as it propagates over the fiber is another problem. In such cases, the optical signal must be regenerated when a lightpath travels longer than the maximum optical reach. However, regenerators are expensive devices with high operational costs. Therefore, they should be placed carefully to reduce the capital and operational network costs. In this dissertation, we deal with the joint routing, spectrum allocation and regenerator placement (RSA-RP) problem for flexible optical networks. Our aim is to find the route and allocate spectrum for each traffic demand by assigning minimum number of nodes as regenerator sites. Firstly, we introduce a novel mixed integer linear programming (MILP) formulation for the joint RSA-RP problem. Since this formulation is not practical for large networks, we propose a decoupled formulation where the RSA-RP problem is decomposed into two phases. In the first step, we find routes and locations of regenerators assuming a full wavelength converting network. Then, we allocate the spectrum to each demand in the second phase. The decoupled model can be used to solve the RSA-RP problem for reasonably sized optical networks. We show that the decoupled model can find optimum solutions for 92% of the all cases tested for the NSFNET topology and 99% of the all cases tested for the Deutsche Telecom topology. We also show that the locations of regenerator sites significantly depend on network parameters such as the node degree and lengths of the links adjacent to the node.Kahya, AlperM.S


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    Optical networks play a major role in supporting the traffic in backbone computer networks. Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) is the technique used to establish a light-path from a source node to a destination node in a Wavelength Division Multiplexed (WDM) optical network. As an optical signal propagates through the network, the quality of the signal degrades due to physical layer impairments. To address this problem, in translucent WDM networks, the signal is regenerated at intervals. The main objective of this research is to propose a fast heuristic for dynamic lightpath allocation in translucent WDM networks and to compare the heuristic with an optimal algorithm that was proposed recently

    Hub & regenerator location and survivable network design

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    Ankara : The Department of Industrial Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2010.Thesis (Ph. D.) -- Bilkent University, 2010.Includes bibliographical references leaves 180-184.With the vast development of the Internet, telecommunication networks are employed in numerous different outlets. In addition to voice transmission, which is a traditional utilization, telecommunication networks are now used for transmission of different types of data. As the amount of data transmitted through the network increases, issues such as the survivability and the capacity of the network become more imperative. In this dissertation, we deal with both design and routing problems in telecommunications networks. Our first problem is a two level survivable network design problem. The topmost layer of this network consists of a backbone component where the access equipments that enable the communication of the local access networks are interconnected. The second layer connects the users on the local access network to the access equipments, and consequently to the backbone network. To achieve a survivable network, one that stays operational even under minor breakdowns, the backbone network is assumed to be 2-edge connected while local access networks are to have the star connectivity. Within the literature, such a network is referred to as a 2-edge connected/star network. Since the survivability requirements of networks may change based on the purposes they are utilized for, a variation of this problem in which local access networks are also required to be survivable is also analyzed. The survivability of the local access networks is ensured by providing two connections for every component of the local access networks to the backbone network. This architecture is known as dual homing in the literature. In this dissertation, the polyhedral analysis of the two versions of the two level survivable network design problem is presented; separation problems are analyzed; and branch-and-cut algorithms are developed to find exact solutions. The increased traffic on the telecommunications networks requires the use of high capacity components. Optical networks, composed of fiber optical cables, offer solutions with their higher bandwidths and higher transmission speeds. This makes the optical networks a good alternative to handle the rapid increase in the data traffic. However, due to signal degradation which makes signal regeneration necessary introduces the regenerator placement problem as signal regeneration is a costly process in optical networks. In the regenerator placement problem, we study a location and routing problem together on the backbone component of a given telecommunications network. Survivability is also considered in this problem simultaneously. Exact solution methodologies are developed for this problem: mathematical models and some valid inequalities are proposed; separation problems for the valid inequalities are analyzed and a branch-and-cut algorithm is devised.Özkök, OnurPh.D

    Survivability aspects of future optical backbone networks

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    In huidige glasvezelnetwerken kan een enkele vezel een gigantische hoeveelheid data dragen, ruwweg het equivalent van 25 miljoen gelijktijdige telefoongesprekken. Hierdoor zullen netwerkstoringen, zoals breuken van een glasvezelkabel, de communicatie van een groot aantal eindgebruikers verstoren. Netwerkoperatoren kiezen er dan ook voor om hun netwerk zo te bouwen dat zulke grote storingen automatisch opgevangen worden. Dit proefschrift spitst zich toe op twee aspecten rond de overleefbaarheid in toekomstige optische netwerken. De eerste doelstelling die beoogd wordt is het tot stand brengen vanrobuuste dataverbindingen over meerdere netwerken. Door voldoende betrouwbare verbindingen tot stand te brengen over een infrastructuur die niet door een enkele entiteit wordt beheerd kan men bv. weredwijd Internettelevisie van hoge kwaliteit aanbieden. De bestudeerde oplossing heeft niet enkel tot doel om deze zeer betrouwbare verbinding te berekenen, maar ook om dit te bewerkstelligen met een minimum aan gebruikte netwerkcapaciteit. De tweede doelstelling was om een antwoord te formuleren om de vraag hoe het toepassen van optische schakelsystemen gebaseerd op herconfigureerbare optische multiplexers een impact heeft op de overleefbaarheid van een optisch netwerk. Bij lagere volumes hebben optisch geschakelde netwerken weinig voordeel van dergelijke gesofistikeerde methoden. Elektronisch geschakelde netwerken vertonen geen afhankelijkheid van het datavolume en hebben altijd baat bij optimalisatie