775 research outputs found

    Global Throughput Maximization of a Hybrid Unicast-Broadcast Network for Linear Services

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    International audienceAn exponential growth of the mobile data traffic is expected in future networks. The reason of this growth is related to the increasing popularity of linear services such as mobile TV, live and sports events, which may lead to the delivery of the same contents to a large audience. Recent studies have shown that network cooperation is a promising candidate to deal with such an issue. This paper investigates, from a planning perspective, the optimization of a hybrid unicast/broadcast network for linear services. We introduce an analytical approach with the aim of stating an optimization problem on the hybrid network configuration, namely in terms of the sharing between the unicast and broadcast modes to deliver a particular service. We show by simulation the existence of an optimal operation point which leads to the maximization of the overall throughput of the hybrid network under the constraint of a minimum service success rate

    Network Convergence in Multicarrier Hybrid Cellular Network

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    In a multicarrier communication system with known channel state information at transmitter (CSIT), it is well-known that the water-filling power allocation scheme is optimal in achieving the Shannon capacity. However, in a multicarrier broadcast network (e.g. over-the-air TV network) without CSIT, the optimal power allocation among subcarriers is still unknown, largely due to the heterogeneity of the channel conditions associated with different receivers. In the first part of the thesis, the performance of a generic multicarrier broadcast network is thoroughly studied by exploiting the frequency diversity over subcarriers. In particular, the performance metric is first defined based on the relationship among broadcast transmission rate, coverage area and outage probability. In order to maximize the network performance, closed form expressions of the instantaneous mutual information (IMI) and the optimal power allocation schemes are derived for both low SNR and high SNR cases; upper and lower bounds are also provided to estimate broadcast coverage area in general SNR regime. Also we extend our discussion to the broadcast network with multiple collaborative transmitters. Extensive simulation results are provided to validate our analysis. In the second part of the thesis, we discuss the optimal performance of a generic broadcast cellular hybrid network. It is well known that the Dirty Paper Coding (DPC) achieves the channel capacity for multiuser degraded channels. However, the optimality of DPC remains unknown for non-degraded channel. Specifically, we derive the optimal interference pre-cancellation order for a DPC based broadcast and unicast hybrid network. Different DPC cancellation schemes are studied to maximize the hybrid capacity region. The conditions for each scheme being optimal are analytically derived. Both ergodic and outage capacity are considered as our performance metric. Our results show that the optimal interference pre-cancellation order varies with SNR and broadcast and unicast channel conditions. Moreover, in low SNR condition, the optimal power allocation scheme is derived to reach the maximal sum rate

    Multicast Mobility in Mobile IP Version 6 (MIPv6) : Problem Statement and Brief Survey

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    Demonstrating Immersive Media Delivery on 5G Broadcast and Multicast Testing Networks

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    This work presents eight demonstrators and one showcase developed within the 5G-Xcast project. They experimentally demonstrate and validate key technical enablers for the future of media delivery, associated with multicast and broadcast communication capabilities in 5th Generation (5G). In 5G-Xcast, three existing testbeds: IRT in Munich (Germany), 5GIC in Surrey (UK), and TUAS in Turku (Finland), have been developed into 5G broadcast and multicast testing networks, which enables us to demonstrate our vision of a converged 5G infrastructure with fixed and mobile accesses and terrestrial broadcast, delivering immersive audio-visual media content. Built upon the improved testing networks, the demonstrators and showcase developed in 5G-Xcast show the impact of the technology developed in the project. Our demonstrations predominantly cover use cases belonging to two verticals: Media & Entertainment and Public Warning, which are future 5G scenarios relevant to multicast and broadcast delivery. In this paper, we present the development of these demonstrators, the showcase, and the testbeds. We also provide key findings from the experiments and demonstrations, which not only validate the technical solutions developed in the project, but also illustrate the potential technical impact of these solutions for broadcasters, content providers, operators, and other industries interested in the future immersive media delivery.Comment: 16 pages, 22 figures, IEEE Trans. Broadcastin

    5th Generation mobile networks: a new opportunity for the convergence of mobile broadband and broadcast services

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    © 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] This article analyzes the challenges and opportunities that the upcoming definition of future 5G mobile networks brings to the mobile broadband and broadcast industries to form a single converged network. It reviews the state-of-the-art in mobile and broadcast technologies and the current trends for convergence between both industries. This article describes the requirements and functionalities that the future 5G must address in order to make an efficient and flexible cellular-broadcasting convergence. Both industries would benefit from this convergence by exploiting synergies and enabling an optimum use of spectrum based on coordinated spectrum sharing.The authors would like to thank the funding received from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation within the Project number TEC2011-27723-C02-02.Calabuig Gaspar, J.; Monserrat Del Río, JF.; Gómez Barquero, D. (2015). 5th Generation mobile networks: a new opportunity for the convergence of mobile broadband and broadcast services. IEEE Communications Magazine. 53(2):198-205. https://doi.org/10.1109/MCOM.2015.7045409S19820553

    Capacity Behaviour using WSDV Scheme over WiMAX

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    The objective of this project is to create Mobile Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) for 4th generation mobile wireless networks in which it is foreseen that mobile Television (TV) services will reproduce rapidly. In television applications are bandwidth hogs that cause a challenging capacity problem in wireless networks. To address this challenge, a novel scheme for mobile Television services over WiMAX network, called the Wireless Switched Digital Video (WSDV) scheme, is proposed. Compared with the conventional broadcast or unicast schemes, the hybrid approach introduced in the proposed WSDV approach exploits the merits of two conventional schemes and mitigates their demerits, which enables it to increase wireless capacity for mobile Television services. The analytical model can capture the details of WiMAX resource allocation and take into consideration the popularity of the mobile Television contents being viewed by users enabling it to provide an accurate estimate of the amount of bandwidth required for WiMAX TV services and also enabling a designer to optimally select the number of channels via the WSDV service while meeting a desired level of blocking probability. The proposed optimized scheme outperforms the conventional schemes with respect to blocking probability. Finally, an end-to-end solution to the WSDV scheme is also presented

    Towards Broadcasting Linear Content over 5G Network

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    Today's society relies heavily on linear television systems with planned programs, which are also a crucial form of communication. Broadcast of liner content is evolving, driven particularly by the evolution of end users’ devices, it is has changed from a small number of linear radio and TV channels to a comprehensive and distinctive offer that is available across a variety of various distribution platforms. Broadcasting linear content over 5G networks involves delivering scheduled, real-time content such as live TV broadcasts, radio programs, or streaming events to a large number of users simultaneously. While 5G networks offer significant advantages in terms of capacity, speed, and latency, there are specific considerations when it comes to broadcasting linear content. hassle cellular networks offering the discontinues services, have been predominantly built on a unicast bidirectional communication paradigm for many years, offering its end customers a variety of services. In this paper, we examine the future 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) 5G Multicast and Broadcast Services (MBS) standards as well as some of its constraints. We also outline the most recent standardization efforts aimed at bringing non-3GPP broadcast networks into the 5G system, along with the suggestions we have made to standards bodies

    Towards Broadcasting Linear Content over 5G Network

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    Today's society relies heavily on linear television systems with planned programs, which are also a crucial form of communication. Broadcast of liner content is evolving, driven particularly by the evolution of end users’ devices, it is has changed from a small number of linear radio and TV channels to a comprehensive and distinctive offer that is available across a variety of various distribution platforms. Broadcasting linear content over 5G networks involves delivering scheduled, real-time content such as live TV broadcasts, radio programs, or streaming events to a large number of users simultaneously. While 5G networks offer significant advantages in terms of capacity, speed, and latency, there are specific considerations when it comes to broadcasting linear content. hassle cellular networks offering the discontinues services, have been predominantly built on a unicast bidirectional communication paradigm for many years, offering its end customers a variety of services. In this paper, we examine the future 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) 5G Multicast and Broadcast Services (MBS) standards as well as some of its constraints. We also outline the most recent standardization efforts aimed at bringing non-3GPP broadcast networks into the 5G system, along with the suggestions we have made to standards bodies

    Towards Broadcasting Linear Content Over 5G Network

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    Today's society heavily relies on linear television systems featuring planned programs, which serve as a vital means of communication. The evolution of broadcasting linear content is notably driven by advancements in end users' devices. This transition has expanded it from a limited range of linear radio and TV channels to a comprehensive and distinctive array. This selection is accessible across diverse distribution network types. Among these networks, the prominence of the 5G network stands out as a notable platform for media and transmissions. Transmitting linear content over 5G networks involves efficiently delivering scheduled, real-time content to a large number of users simultaneously. This content encompasses live TV broadcasts, radio programs, and streaming events. While 5G networks offer significant advantages in capacity, speed, and latency, it's essential to consider specific factors when it comes to broadcasting linear content. Traditionally, cellular networks, designed for continuous service, have predominantly followed a unicast bidirectional communication paradigm for numerous years, providing a range of services to customers. This paper employs a research methodology to examine the future 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) 5G Multicast and Broadcast Services (MBS) standards, along with their constraints. Our approach includes a comprehensive literature review, technical specification analysis, and comparison of different broadcasting technologies within the 5G framework. By employing this research methodology, we gain a holistic understanding of the evolving landscape of broadcasting linear content over 5G networks. This contributes to the body of knowledge in this field and informs future advancements in broadcast technologies within the 5G ecosystem