8,234 research outputs found

    Dynamic safety assessment of a nonlinear pumped-storage generating system in a transient process

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    This paper focuses on a pumped-storage generating system with a reversible Francis turbine and presents an innovative framework for safety assessment in an attempt to overcome their limitations. Thus the aim is to analyze the dynamic safety process and risk probability of the above nonlinear generating system. This study is carried out based on an existing pumped-storage power station. In this paper we show the dynamic safety evaluation process and risk probability of the nonlinear generating system using Fisher discriminant method. A comparison analysis for the safety assessment is performed between two different closing laws, namely the separate mode only to include a guide vane and the linkage mode that includes a guide vane and a ball valve. We find that the most unfavorable condition of the generating system occurs in the final stage of the load rejection transient process. It is also demonstrated that there is no risk to the generating system with the linkage mode but the risk probability of the separate mode is 6 percent. The results obtained are in good agreement with the actual operation of hydropower stations. The developed framework may not only be adopted for the applications of the pumped-storage generating system with a reversible Francis turbine but serves as the basis for the safety assessment of various engineering applications.National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaFundamental Research Funds for the Central UniversitiesScientific research funds of Northwest A&F UniversityScience Fund for Excellent Young Scholars from Northwest A&F University and Shaanxi Nova progra

    Optimal Operation of Pipeline Transportation Systems

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    11th Triennial World Congress. Tallinn. Estonia. USSR. 1990This paper presents a simulator of an oil pipeline for scheduling purposes. The simulator includes an algorithm for optimizing the energy operating costs. The optimization algorithm works in two steps. The first one consists of the computation of a function that measures the estimated mininltun cost to the goal node. This computation involves the use of Bellman's optimality principle and of some heuristic rules in order to avoid the combinatorial explosion. During the second step the optinltmum trajectory is obtained with the help of the function mentioned above and using an accurate simulation of the transportation system. The simulation considers those aspects which are relevant t.o the optimization problem and takes into account the following factors: topology and topography of the network. non-linear characteristics of pumps and pipelines, variable demands of consumers, time changing prices of electrical energy and hydraulic equations throughout the system. The simulator is being used by CAMPSA (the major oil distribution company in Spain) Some results obtained with an oil pipeline system in Northern Spain are presented in the paper

    Optimal pump scheduling for urban drainage under variable flow conditions

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    The paper is focused on the optimal scheduling of a drainage pumping station, complying with variations in the pump rotational speed and a recurrent pattern for the inflow discharge. The paper is structured in several consecutive steps. In the first step, the experimental set-up is described and results of calibration tests on different pumping machines are presented to obtain equations linking significant variables (discharge, head, power, efficiency). Then, those equations are utilized to build a mixed-integer optimization model able to find the scheduling solution that minimizes required pumping energy. The model is solved with respect to a case study referred to a urban drainage system in Naples (Italy) and optimization results are analysed to provide insights on the algorithm computational performance and on the influence of pumping machine characteristics on the overall efficiency savings. With reference to the simulated scenarios, an average value of 32% energy can be saved with an optimized control. Its actual value depends on the hydraulic characteristics of the system

    Pump Scheduling for Optimised Energy Cost and Water Quality in Water Distribution Networks

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    Delivering water to customers in sufficient quantity and quality and at low cost is the main driver for many water utilities around the world. One way of working toward this goal is to optimize the operation of a water distribution system. This means scheduling the operation of pumps in a way that results in minimal cost of energy used. It is not an easy process due to nonlinearity of hydraulic system response to different schedules and complexity of water networks in general. This thesis reviewed over 250 papers about pump scheduling published in the last 5 decades. The review revealed that, despite a lot of good work done in the past, the existing pump scheduling methods have several drawbacks revolving mainly around the ability to find globally optimal pump schedules and in a computationally efficient manner whilst dealing with water quality and other complexities of large pipe networks. A new pump scheduling method, entitled iterative Extended Lexicographic Goal Programming (iELGP) method, is developed and presented in this thesis with aim to overcome above drawbacks. The pump scheduling problem is formulated and solved as an optimisation problem with objectives being the electricity cost and the water age (used as a surrogate for water quality). The developed pump scheduling method is general and can be applied to any water distribution network configuration. Moreover, the new method can optimize the operation of fixed and variable speed pumps. The new method was tested on three different case studies. Each case study has different topography, demand patterns, number of pumps and number of tanks. The objective in the first and second case studies is to minimise energy cost only, whereas in the third case study, energy cost and water age are minimized simultaneously. The results obtained by using the new method are compared with results obtained from other pump scheduling methods that were applied to the same case studies. The results obtained demonstrate that the iELGP method is capable of determining optimal, low cost pump schedules whilst trading-off energy costs and water quality. The optimal schedules can be generated in a computationally very efficient manner. Given this, the iELGP method has potential to be applied in real-time scheduling of pumps in larger water distribution networks and without the need to simplify the respective hydraulic models or replace these with surrogate models

    Methodology for Pumping Station Design Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)

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    [EN] Pumping station (PS) designs in water networks basically contemplate technical and economic aspects. Technical aspects could be related to the number of pumps in PS and the operational modes of PS. Meanwhile, economic aspects could be related to all the costs that intervene in a PS design, such as investment, operational and maintenance costs. In general, water network designs are usually focused on optimizing operational costs or investment costs, However, some subjective technical aspects have not been approached, such as determining the most suitable pump model, the most suitable number of pumps and the complexity of control system operation in a PS design. Therefore, the present work aims to select the most suitable pump model and determine the prior-ities that technical and economic factors could have in a PS design by a multi-criteria analysis, such as an analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The proposed work will contemplate two main criteria, and every criterion will be integrated by sub-criteria to design a PS. In this way, technical factors (number of pumps and complexity of the operating system) and economic factors (investment, operational and maintenance costs) will be considered for a PS design. The proposed methodology consists of realizing surveys to a different group of experts that determines the importance of one criterion over each other criterion in a PS design through pairwise comparisons. Finally, this methodology will provide importance weight for the criteria and sub-criteria on the PS. Besides, this work will perform a rating of the considered alternatives of pump models in every case study, evaluating quantitatively every alternative with every criterion in the PS design. The main objective of this work will select the most adequate pump model according to the obtained rating, considering technical and economic aspects in every case study.This research was funded by the Program Fondecyt Regular, grant number 1210410.Briceño-León, CX.; Sanchez-Ferrer, DS.; Iglesias Rey, PL.; Martínez-Solano, FJ.; Mora-Melia, D. (2021). Methodology for Pumping Station Design Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Water. 13(20):1-35. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13202886S135132

    A systematic mixed-integer differential evolution approach for water network operational optimization

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    The operational management of potable water distribution networks presents a great challenge to water utilities, as reflected by the complex interplay of a wide range of multidimensional and nonlinear factors across the water value chain including the network physical structure and characteristics, operational requirements, water consumption profiles and the structure of energy tariffs. Nevertheless, both continuous and discrete actuation variables can be involved in governing the water network, which makes optimizing such networks a mixed-integer and highly constrained decision-making problem. As such, there is a need to situate the problem holistically, factoring in multidimensional considerations, with a goal of minimizing water operational costs. This paper, therefore, proposes a systematic optimization methodology for (near) real-time operation of water networks, where the operational strategy can be dynamically updated using a model-based predictive control scheme with little human intervention. The hydraulic model of the network of interest is thereby integrated and successively simulated with different trial strategies as part of the optimization process. A novel adapted mixed-integer differential evolution (DE) algorithm is particularly designed to deal with the discrete-continuous actuation variables involved in the network. Simulation results on a pilot water network confirm the effectiveness of the proposed methodology and the superiority of the proposed mixed-integer DE in comparison with genetic algorithms. It also suggests that 23.69% cost savings can be achieved compared with the water utility's current operational strategy, if adaptive pricing is adopted for all the pumping stations