549 research outputs found

    Advances in Control of Power Electronic Converters

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    This book proposes a list of contributions in the field of control of power electronics converters for different topologies: DC-DC, DC-AC and AC-DC. It particularly focuses on the use of different advanced control techniques with the aim of improving the performances, flexibility and efficiency in the context of several operation conditions. Sliding mode control, fuzzy logic based control, dead time compensation and optimal linear control are among the techniques developed in the special issue. Simulation and experimental results are provided by the authors to validate the proposed control strategies

    Fuzzy control system review

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    Overall intelligent control system which runs on fuzzy, genetic and neural algorithm is a promising engine for large –scale development of control systems . Its development relies on creating environments where anthropomorphic tasks can be performed autonomously or proactively with a human operator. Certainly, the ability to control processes with a degree of autonomy is depended on the quality of an intelligent control system envisioned. In this paper, a summary of published techniques for intelligent fuzzy control system is presented to enable a design engineer choose architecture for his particular purpose. Published concepts are grouped according to their functionality. Their respective performances are compared. The various fuzzy techniques are analyzed in terms of their complexity, efficiency, flexibility, start-up behavior and utilization of the controller with reference to an optimum control system condition

    Nonlinear constrained and saturated control of power electronics and electromechanical systems

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    Power electronic converters are extensively adopted for the solution of timely issues, such as power quality improvement in industrial plants, energy management in hybrid electrical systems, and control of electrical generators for renewables. Beside nonlinearity, this systems are typically characterized by hard constraints on the control inputs, and sometimes the state variables. In this respect, control laws able to handle input saturation are crucial to formally characterize the systems stability and performance properties. From a practical viewpoint, a proper saturation management allows to extend the systems transient and steady-state operating ranges, improving their reliability and availability. The main topic of this thesis concern saturated control methodologies, based on modern approaches, applied to power electronics and electromechanical systems. The pursued objective is to provide formal results under any saturation scenario, overcoming the drawbacks of the classic solution commonly applied to cope with saturation of power converters, and enhancing performance. For this purpose two main approaches are exploited and extended to deal with power electronic applications: modern anti-windup strategies, providing formal results and systematic design rules for the anti-windup compensator, devoted to handle control saturation, and “one step” saturated feedback design techniques, relying on a suitable characterization of the saturation nonlinearity and less conservative extensions of standard absolute stability theory results. The first part of the thesis is devoted to present and develop a novel general anti-windup scheme, which is then specifically applied to a class of power converters adopted for power quality enhancement in industrial plants. In the second part a polytopic differential inclusion representation of saturation nonlinearity is presented and extended to deal with a class of multiple input power converters, used to manage hybrid electrical energy sources. The third part regards adaptive observers design for robust estimation of the parameters required for high performance control of power systems

    Galerkin method and approximate tracking in a non-minimum phase bilinear system

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    The tracking control of non-minimum phase systems is nowadays an open and challenging field, because a general theory is still not available. This article proposes an indirect control strategy in which a key role is played by the inverse problem that arises and their approximate solutions. These are obtained with the Galerkin method, a standard functional analysis tool. A detailed study of the effect on the output caused by the use of an approximate input is performed. Error bounds are also provided. The technique is motivated through its implementation in basic, DC-to-DC nonlinear power converters that are intended to be used as DC-to-AC voltage sources.Peer Reviewe

    Passivity - Based Control and Stability Analysis for Hydro-Solar Power Systems

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    Los sistemas de energía modernos se están transformando debido a la inclusión de renovables no convencionales fuentes de energía como la generación eólica y fotovoltaica. A pesar de que estas fuentes de energía son buenas alternativas para el aprovechamiento sostenible de la energía, afectan el funcionamiento y la estabilidad del sistema de energía, debido a su naturaleza inherentemente estocástica y dependencia de las condiciones climáticas. Además, los parques solares y eólicos tienen una capacidad de inercia reducida que debe ser compensada por grandes generadores síncronos en sistemas hidro térmicos convencionales, o por almacenamiento de energía dispositivos. En este contexto, la interacción dinámica entre fuentes convencionales y renovables debe ser estudiado en detalle. Para 2030, el Gobierno de Colombia proyecta que el poder colombiano El sistema integrará en su matriz energética al menos 1,2 GW de generación solar fotovoltaica. Por esta razón, es necesario diseñar controladores robustos que mejoren la estabilidad en los sistemas de energía. Con alta penetración de generación fotovoltaica e hidroeléctrica. Esta disertación estudia nuevas alternativas para mejorar el sistema de potencia de respuesta dinámica durante y después de grandes perturbaciones usando pasividad control basado. Esto se debe a que los componentes del sistema de alimentación son inherentemente pasivos y permiten formulaciones hamiltonianas, explotando así las propiedades de pasividad de sistemas eléctricos. Las principales contribuciones de esta disertación son: una pasividad descentralizada basada control de los sistemas de control de turbinas hidráulicas para sistemas de energía de múltiples máquinas para estabilizar el rotor acelerar y regular el voltaje terminal de cada sistema de control de turbinas hidráulicas en el sistema como, así como un control basado en PI pasividad para las plantas solares fotovoltaicas

    Contributions à la stabilisation des systèmes à commutation affine

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    Cette thèse porte sur la stabilisation des systèmes à commutation dont la commande, le signal de commutation, est échantillonné de manière périodique. Les difficultés liées à cette classe de systèmes non linéaires sont d'abord dues au fait que l'action de contrôle est effectuée aux instants de calcul en sélectionnant le mode de commutation à activer et, ensuite, au problème de fournir une caractérisation précise de l'ensemble vers lequel convergent les solutions du système, c'est-à-dire l'attracteur. Dans cette thèse, les contributions ont pour fil conducteur la réduction du conservatisme fait pendant la définition d'attracteurs, ce qui a mené à garantir la stabilisation du système à un cycle limite. Après une introduction générale où sont présentés le contexte et les principaux résultats de la littérature, le premier chapitre contributif introduit une nouvelle méthode basée sur une nouvelle classe de fonctions de Lyapunov contrôlées qui fournit une caractérisation plus précise des ensembles invariants pour les systèmes en boucle fermée. La contribution présentée comme un problème d'optimisation non convexe et faisant référence à une condition de Lyapunov-Metzler apparaît comme un résultat préliminaire et une étape clé pour les chapitres à suivre. La deuxième partie traite de la stabilisation des systèmes affines commutés vers des cycles limites. Après avoir présenté quelques préliminaires sur les cycles limites hybrides et les notions dérivées telles que les cycles au Chapitre 3, les lois de commutation stabilisantes sont introduites dans le Chapitre 4. Une approche par fonctions de Lyapunov contrôlées et une stratégie de min-switching sont utilisées pour garantir que les solutions du système nominal en boucle fermée convergent vers un cycle limite. Les conditions du théorème sont exprimées en termes d'Inégalités Matricielles Linéaires (dont l'abréviation anglaise est LMI) simples, dont les conditions nécessaires sous-jacentes relâchent les conditions habituelles dans cette littérature. Cette méthode est étendue au cas des systèmes incertains dans le Chapitre 5, pour lesquels la notion de cycles limites doit être adaptée. Enfin, le cas des systèmes dynamiques hybrides est exploré au Chapitre 6 et les attracteurs ne sont plus caractérisés par des régions éventuellement disjointes mais par des trajectoires fermées et isolées en temps continu. Tout au long de la thèse, les résultats théoriques sont évalués sur des exemples académiques et démontrent le potentiel de la méthode par rapport à la littérature récente sur le sujet.This thesis deals with the stabilization of switched affine systems with a periodic sampled-data switching control. The particularities of this class of nonlinear systems are first related to the fact that the control action is performed at the computation times by selecting the switching mode to be activated and, second, to the problem of providing an accurate characterization of the set where the solutions to the system converge to, i.e. the attractors. The contributions reported in this thesis have as common thread to reduce the conservatism made in the characterization of attractors, leading to guarantee the stabilization of the system at a limit cycle. After a brief introduction presenting the context and some main results, the first contributive chapter introduced a new method based on a new class of control Lyapunov functions that provides a more accurate characterization of the invariant set for a closed-loop system. The contribution presented as a nonconvex optimization problem and referring to a Lyapunov-Metzler condition appears to be a preliminary result and the milestone of the forthcoming chapters. The second part deals with the stabilization of switched affine systems to limit cycles. After presenting some preliminaries on hybrid limit cycles and derived notions such as cycles in Chapter 3, stabilizing switching control laws are developed in Chapter 4. A control Lyapunov approach and a min-switching strategy are used to guarantee that the solutions to a nominal closed-loop system converge to a limit cycle. The conditions of the theorem are expressed in terms of simple linear matrix inequalities (LMI), whose underlying necessary conditions relax the usual one in this literature. This method is then extended to the case of uncertain systems in Chapter 5, for which the notion of limit cycle needs to be adapted. Finally, the hybrid dynamical system framework is explored in Chapter 6 and the attractors are no longer characterized by possibly disjoint regions but as continuous-time closed and isolated trajectory. All along the dissertation, the theoretical results are evaluated on academic examples and demonstrate the potential of the method over the recent literature on this subject