62 research outputs found

    The Design and Implementation of an Over-the-top Cloud-based Vertical Handover Decision Service for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

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    The widespread availability of heterogeneous wireless networks (hetnets) presents a resource allocation challenge to network operators and administrators. Overlapping network coverage should be utilized to its fullest extent, providing users with a fair share of bandwidth while maximizing the efficient use of the operator\u27s resources. Currently, network selection occurs locally at the mobile device and does not take into account factors such as the state of other networks that might be available in the device\u27s location. The local decision made by the device can often result in underutilization of network resources and a degraded user experience. This type of selfish network selection might not result in optimal bandwidth allocation when compared to approaches that make use of a centralized resource controller \cite{gpf}. The decision making process behind the selection of these networks continues to be an open area of research, and a variety of algorithms have been proposed to solve this problem. An over-the-top handover decision service treats each wireless access network in a hetnet as a black box, assuming detailed network topology and state information is unavailable to the handover decision algorithm. The algorithm then uses network data gathered empirically from users to provide them with a network selection service that considers the current conditions of available networks in a given location. This is a departure from past designs of vertical handover decision algorithms, which tend to approach the problem from the perspective of individual network operators. The wide range of radio access technologies operated by different network operators that are available to a device within a hetnet, coupled with the mobile data offload effort, is the primary motivator behind our novel choice in direction. This thesis documents the design and implementation of such an over-the-top vertical handover decision service

    Improved planning and resource management in next generation green mobile communication networks

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    In upcoming years, mobile communication networks will experience a disruptive reinventing process through the deployment of post 5th Generation (5G) mobile networks. Profound impacts are expected on network planning processes, maintenance and operations, on mobile services, subscribers with major changes in their data consumption and generation behaviours, as well as on devices itself, with a myriad of different equipment communicating over such networks. Post 5G will be characterized by a profound transformation of several aspects: processes, technology, economic, social, but also environmental aspects, with energy efficiency and carbon neutrality playing an important role. It will represent a network of networks: where different types of access networks will coexist, an increasing diversity of devices of different nature, massive cloud computing utilization and subscribers with unprecedented data-consuming behaviours. All at greater throughput and quality of service, as unseen in previous generations. The present research work uses 5G new radio (NR) latest release as baseline for developing the research activities, with future networks post 5G NR in focus. Two approaches were followed: i) method re-engineering, to propose new mechanisms and overcome existing or predictably existing limitations and ii) concept design and innovation, to propose and present innovative methods or mechanisms to enhance and improve the design, planning, operation, maintenance and optimization of 5G networks. Four main research areas were addressed, focusing on optimization and enhancement of 5G NR future networks, the usage of edge virtualized functions, subscriber’s behavior towards the generation of data and a carbon sequestering model aiming to achieve carbon neutrality. Several contributions have been made and demonstrated, either through models of methodologies that will, on each of the research areas, provide significant improvements and enhancements from the planning phase to the operational phase, always focusing on optimizing resource management. All the contributions are retro compatible with 5G NR and can also be applied to what starts being foreseen as future mobile networks. From the subscriber’s perspective and the ultimate goal of providing the best quality of experience possible, still considering the mobile network operator’s (MNO) perspective, the different proposed or developed approaches resulted in optimization methods for the numerous problems identified throughout the work. Overall, all of such contributed individually but aggregately as a whole to improve and enhance globally future mobile networks. Therefore, an answer to the main question was provided: how to further optimize a next-generation network - developed with optimization in mind - making it even more efficient while, simultaneously, becoming neutral concerning carbon emissions. The developed model for MNOs which aimed to achieve carbon neutrality through CO2 sequestration together with the subscriber’s behaviour model - topics still not deeply focused nowadays – are two of the main contributions of this thesis and of utmost importance for post-5G networks.Nos próximos anos espera-se que as redes de comunicações móveis se reinventem para lá da 5ª Geração (5G), com impactos profundos ao nível da forma como são planeadas, mantidas e operacionalizadas, ao nível do comportamento dos subscritores de serviços móveis, e através de uma miríade de dispositivos a comunicar através das mesmas. Estas redes serão profundamente transformadoras em termos tecnológicos, económicos, sociais, mas também ambientais, sendo a eficiência energética e a neutralidade carbónica aspetos que sofrem uma profunda melhoria. Paradoxalmente, numa rede em que coexistirão diferentes tipos de redes de acesso, mais dispositivos, utilização massiva de sistema de computação em nuvem, e subscritores com comportamentos de consumo de serviços inéditos nas gerações anteriores. O trabalho desenvolvido utiliza como base a release mais recente das redes 5G NR (New Radio), sendo o principal focus as redes pós-5G. Foi adotada uma abordagem de "reengenharia de métodos” (com o objetivo de propor mecanismos para resolver limitações existentes ou previsíveis) e de “inovação e design de conceitos”, em que são apresentadas técnicas e metodologias inovadoras, com o principal objetivo de contribuir para um desenho e operação otimizadas desta geração de redes celulares. Quatro grandes áreas de investigação foram endereçadas, contribuindo individualmente para um todo: melhorias e otimização generalizada de redes pós-5G, a utilização de virtualização de funções de rede, a análise comportamental dos subscritores no respeitante à geração e consumo de tráfego e finalmente, um modelo de sequestro de carbono com o objetivo de compensar as emissões produzidas por esse tipo de redes que se prevê ser massiva, almejando atingir a neutralidade carbónica. Como resultado deste trabalho, foram feitas e demonstradas várias contribuições, através de modelos ou metodologias, representando em cada área de investigação melhorias e otimizações, que, todas contribuindo para o mesmo objetivo, tiveram em consideração a retro compatibilidade e aplicabilidade ao que se prevê que sejam as futuras redes pós 5G. Focando sempre na perspetiva do subscritor da melhor experiência possível, mas também no lado do operador de serviço móvel – que pretende otimizar as suas redes, reduzir custos e maximizar o nível de qualidade de serviço prestado - as diferentes abordagens que foram desenvolvidas ou propostas, tiveram como resultado a resolução ou otimização dos diferentes problemas identificados, contribuindo de forma agregada para a melhoria do sistema no seu todo, respondendo à questão principal de como otimizar ainda mais uma rede desenvolvida para ser extremamente eficiente, tornando-a, simultaneamente, neutra em termos de emissões de carbono. Das principais contribuições deste trabalho relevam-se precisamente o modelo de compensação das emissões de CO2, com vista à neutralidade carbónica e um modelo de análise comportamental dos subscritores, dois temas ainda pouco explorados e extremamente importantes em contexto de redes futuras pós-5G

    Advanced Technologies Enabling Unlicensed Spectrum Utilization in Cellular Networks

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    As the rapid progress and pleasant experience of Internet-based services, there is an increasing demand for high data rate in wireless communications systems. Unlicensed spectrum utilization in Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks is a promising technique to meet the massive traffic demand. There are two effective methods to use unlicensed bands for delivering LTE traffic. One is offloading LTE traffic toWi-Fi. An alternative method is LTE-unlicensed (LTE-U), which aims to directly use LTE protocols and infrastructures over the unlicensed spectrum. It has also been pointed out that addressing the above two methods simultaneously could further improve the system performance. However, how to avoid severe performance degradation of the Wi-Fi network is a challenging issue of utilizing unlicensed spectrum in LTE networks. Specifically, first, the inter-system spectrum sharing, or, more specifically, the coexistence of LTE andWi-Fi in the same unlicensed spectrum is the major challenge of implementing LTE-U. Second, to use the LTE and Wi-Fi integration approach, mobile operators have to manage two disparate networks in licensed and unlicensed spectrum. Third, optimization for joint data offloading to Wi-Fi and LTE-U in multi- cell scenarios poses more challenges because inter-cell interference must be addressed. This thesis focuses on solving problems related to these challenges. First, the effect of bursty traffic in an LTE and Wi-Fi aggregation (LWA)-enabled network has been investigated. To enhance resource efficiency, the Wi-Fi access point (AP) is designed to operate in both the native mode and the LWA mode simultaneously. Specifically, the LWA-modeWi-Fi AP cooperates with the LTE base station (BS) to transmit bearers to the LWA user, which aggregates packets from both LTE and Wi-Fi. The native-mode Wi-Fi AP transmits Wi-Fi packets to those native Wi-Fi users that are not with LWA capability. This thesis proposes a priority-based Wi-Fi transmission scheme with congestion control and studied the throughput of the native Wi-Fi network, as well as the LWA user delay when the native Wi-Fi user is under heavy traffic conditions. The results provide fundamental insights in the throughput and delay behavior of the considered network. Second, the above work has been extended to larger topologies. A stochastic geometry model has been used to model and analyze the performance of an MPTCP Proxy-based LWA network with intra-tier and cross-tier dependence. Under the considered network model and the activation conditions of LWA-mode Wi-Fi, this thesis has obtained three approximations for the density of active LWA-mode Wi-Fi APs through different approaches. Tractable analysis is provided for the downlink (DL) performance evaluation of large-scale LWA networks. The impact of different parameters on the network performance have been analyzed, validating the significant gain of using LWA in terms of boosted data rate and improved spectrum reuse. Third, this thesis also takes a significant step of analyzing joint multi-cell LTE-U and Wi-Fi network, while taking into account different LTE-U and Wi-Fi inter-working schemes. In particular, two technologies enabling data offloading from LTE to Wi-Fi are considered, including LWA and Wi-Fi offloading in the context of the power gain-based user offloading scheme. The LTE cells in this work are subject to load-coupling due to inter-cell interference. New system frameworks for maximizing the demand scaling factor for all users in both Wi-Fi and multi-cell LTE networks have been proposed. The potential of networks is explored in achieving optimal capacity with arbitrary topologies, accounting for both resource limits and inter-cell interference. Theoretical analyses have been proposed for the proposed optimization problems, resulting in algorithms that achieve global optimality. Numerical results show the algorithms’ effectiveness and benefits of joint use of data offloading and the direct use of LTE over the unlicensed band. All the derived results in this thesis have been validated by Monte Carlo simulations in Matlab, and the conclusions observed from the results can provide guidelines for the future unlicensed spectrum utilization in LTE networks

    Resources Optimization For Distributed Mobile Platforms In Smart Cities

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    This thesis is focused on the study and design of techniques able to optimize resources in distributed mobile platforms. It is related to a smart city environment, in order to enhance quality, performance and interactivity of urban services. The subject is the computation offloading, intended as the delegation of certain computing tasks to an external platform, such as a cloud or a cluster of devices. Offloading the computation tasks can effectively expand the usability of mobile devices beyond their physical limits and may be necessary due to limitations of a system handling a particular task on its own. The computation offloading within an ecosystem as a urban community, where a large amount of users are connected towards even multiple devices, is a challenging subject. In a very close future, smart cities will be peculiar sources of intensive computing tasks, since they are conceived as systems where e-governance will be not only transparent and fast, but also oriented to energy and water conservation, efficient waste disposal, city automation, seamless facilities to travel and affordable access to health management systems. Also traffic will need to be monitored intelligently, emergencies foreseen and resolved quickly, homes and citizens provided with a wide series of control and security devices. All these ambitious aspirations will require the deployment of infrastructures and systems where devices will generate massive data and should be orchestrated in a collective way. In this context, the computation offloading is an operation dealing with the optimization of urban services, in order to reduce costs and consumption of resources and to improve the connection between citizens and government. This dissertation is organized in three main parts, dealing with the optimization of the resources in a smart city from different points of view

    Planning Wireless Cellular Networks of Future: Outlook, Challenges and Opportunities

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    Cell planning (CP) is the most important phase in the life cycle of a cellular system as it determines the operational expenditure, capital expenditure, as well as the long-term performance of the system. Therefore, it is not surprising that CP problems have been studied extensively for the past three decades for all four generations of cellular systems. However, the fact that small cells, a major component of future networks, are anticipated to be deployed in an impromptu fashion makes CP for future networks vis-a-vis 5G a conundrum. Furthermore, in emerging cellular systems that incorporate a variety of different cell sizes and types, heterogeneous networks (HetNets), energy efficiency, self-organizing network features, control and data plane split architectures (CDSA), massive multiple input multiple out (MIMO), coordinated multipoint (CoMP), cloud radio access network, and millimetre-wave-based cells plus the need to support Internet of Things (IoT) and device-to-device (D2D) communication require a major paradigm shift in the way cellular networks have been planned in the past. The objective of this paper is to characterize this paradigm shift by concisely reviewing past developments, analyzing the state-of-the-art challenges, and identifying future trends, challenges, and opportunities in CP in the wake of 5G. More specifically, in this paper, we investigate the problem of planning future cellular networks in detail. To this end, we first provide a brief tutorial on the CP process to identify the peculiarities that make CP one of the most challenging problems in wireless communications. This tutorial is followed by a concise recap of past research in CP. We then review key findings from recent studies that have attempted to address the aforementioned challenges in planning emerging networks. Finally, we discuss the range of technical factors that need to be taken into account while planning future networks and the promising research directions that necessitates the paradigm shift to do so

    SDN-assisted efficient LTE-WiFi aggregation in next generation IoT networks

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    Currently, the increasing demands of user terminals has surged drastically and pulling up the global data traffic along. According to 3GPP, offloading is one of the most beneficial and advantageous options to handle this critical traffic bottleneck, however, both Long Term Evolution (LTE) and Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) are loosely coupled. To mitigate the User Equipment (UE) from latency issues during offloading and for tighter integration of LTE and WLAN radio networks, LTE-WLAN Aggregation (LWA) was introduced by 3GPP which is apparently suitable for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. However, LWA is not suitable for high mobility scenarios as UEs’ information need to be updated for every new environment because of the frequent aggregation triggers which are mostly non-optimal and demands for a high-level controller. To resolve the disadvantage of non-optimal aggregation triggers, in this paper, we proposed Software Defined Networking (SDN) based approach for LWA, named as LWA under SDN Assistance (LWA-SA). In this approach, SDN initiates aggregation appropriately between LTE and an optimal WLAN Access Point (AP) which avoids frequent reconnections and deprived services. As multiple parameters are required for selection of an optimal WLAN AP, so we use Genetic Algorithm (GA) that considers each parameter as fitness value for the selection of optimal WLAN AP. This maximizes the throughput of UE and reduces the traffic pressure over licensed spectrum. Further, mathematical model is formulated that uses Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) to find the maximum attainable throughput of a UE. Using NS-3, we compared our approach with offloading scenarios and LWA. The simulation results clearly depict that LWA-SA outperforms existing schemes and achieves higher throughput

    An intelligent path management in heterogeneous vehicular networks

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    Achieving reliable connectivity in heterogeneous vehicular networks is a challenging task, owing to rapid topological changes and unpredictable vehicle speeds. As vehicular communication demands continue to evolve, multipath connectivity is emerging as an important tool, which promises to enhance network interoperability and reliability. Given the limited coverage area of serving access technologies, frequent disconnections are to be expected as the vehicle moves. To ensure seamless communication in dynamic vehicular environments, an intelligent path management algorithm for Multipath TCP (MPTCP) has been proposed. The algorithm utilizes a network selection mechanism based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP), which dynamically assigns the most appropriate underlying network for each running application. The selection process takes into account multiple factors, such as path quality, vehicle mobility, and service characteristics. In contrast to existing solutions, our proposed method offers a dynamic and comprehensive approach to network selection that is tailored to the specific needs of each service to ensure that it is always paired with the optimal access technology. The results of the evaluation demonstrate that the proposed method is highly effective in maintaining service continuity during vertical handover. By tailoring the network selection to the specific needs of each application, our path manager is able to ensure optimal connectivity and performance, even in challenging vehicular environments, delivering a better user experience, with more reliable connections, and smoother data transfers.FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(PD/BDE/150506/2019