4,552 research outputs found

    A New Monte Carlo Method for Time-Dependent Neutrino Radiation Transport

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    Monte Carlo approaches to radiation transport have several attractive properties compared to deterministic methods. These include simplicity of implementation, high accuracy, and good parallel scaling. Moreover, Monte Carlo methods can handle complicated geometries and are relatively easy to extend to multiple spatial dimensions, which makes them particularly interesting in modeling complex multi-dimensional astrophysical phenomena such as core-collapse supernovae. The aim of this paper is to explore Monte Carlo methods for modeling neutrino transport in core-collapse supernovae. We generalize the implicit Monte Carlo photon transport scheme of Fleck & Cummings and gray discrete-diffusion scheme of Densmore et al. to energy-, time-, and velocity-dependent neutrino transport. Using our 1D spherically-symmetric implementation, we show that, similar to the photon transport case, the implicit scheme enables significantly larger timesteps compared with explicit time discretization, without sacrificing accuracy, while the discrete-diffusion method leads to significant speed-ups at high optical depth. Our results suggest that a combination of spectral, velocity-dependent, implicit Monte Carlo and discrete-diffusion Monte Carlo methods represents an attractive approach for use in neutrino radiation-hydrodynamics simulations of core-collapse supernovae. Our velocity-dependent scheme can easily be adapted to photon transport

    Optimal air and fuel-path control of a diesel engine

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    The work reported in this thesis explores innovative control structures and controller design for a heavy duty Caterpillar C6.6 diesel engine. The aim of the work is not only to demonstrate the optimisation of engine performance in terms of fuel consumption, NOx and soot emissions, but also to explore ways to reduce lengthy calibration time and its associated high costs. The test engine is equipped with high pressure exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and a variable geometry turbocharger (VGT). Consequently, there are two principal inputs in the air-path: EGR valve position and VGT vane position. The fuel injection system is common rail, with injectors electrically actuated and includes a multi-pulse injection mode. With two-pulse injection mode, there are as many as five control variables in the fuel-path needing to be adjusted for different engine operating conditions. [Continues.

    Optimal Control for Automotive Powertrain Applications

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    Optimal Control (OC) is essentially a mathematical extremal problem. The procedure consists on the definition of a criterion to minimize (or maximize), some constraints that must be fulfilled and boundary conditions or disturbances affecting to the system behavior. The OC theory supplies methods to derive a control trajectory that minimizes (or maximizes) that criterion. This dissertation addresses the application of OC to automotive control problems at the powertrain level, with emphasis on the internal combustion engine. The necessary tools are an optimization method and a mathematical representation of the powertrain. Thus, the OC theory is reviewed with a quantitative analysis of the advantages and drawbacks of the three optimization methods available in literature: dynamic programming, Pontryagin minimum principle and direct methods. Implementation algorithms for these three methods are developed and described in detail. In addition to that, an experimentally validated dynamic powertrain model is developed, comprising longitudinal vehicle dynamics, electrical motor and battery models, and a mean value engine model. OC can be utilized for three different purposes: 1. Applied control, when all boundaries can be accurately defined. The engine control is addressed with this approach assuming that a the driving cycle is known in advance, translating into a large mathematical problem. Two specific cases are studied: the management of a dual-loop EGR system, and the full control of engine actuators, namely fueling rate, SOI, EGR and VGT settings. 2. Derivation of near-optimal control rules, to be used if some disturbances are unknown. In this context, cycle-specific engine calibrations calculation, and a stochastic feedback control for power-split management in hybrid vehicles are analyzed. 3. Use of OC trajectories as a benchmark or base line to improve the system design and efficiency with an objective criterion. OC is used to optimize the heat release law of a diesel engine and to size a hybrid powertrain with a further cost analysis. OC strategies have been applied experimentally in the works related to the internal combustion engine, showing significant improvements but non-negligible difficulties, which are analyzed and discussed. The methods developed in this dissertation are general and can be extended to other criteria if appropriate models are available.El Control Óptimo (CO) es esencialmente un problema matemático de búsqueda de extremos, consistente en la definición de un criterio a minimizar (o maximizar), restricciones que deben satisfacerse y condiciones de contorno que afectan al sistema. La teoría de CO ofrece métodos para derivar una trayectoria de control que minimiza (o maximiza) ese criterio. Esta Tesis trata la aplicación del CO en automoción, y especialmente en el motor de combustión interna. Las herramientas necesarias son un método de optimización y una representación matemática de la planta motriz. Para ello, se realiza un análisis cuantitativo de las ventajas e inconvenientes de los tres métodos de optimización existentes en la literatura: programación dinámica, principio mínimo de Pontryagin y métodos directos. Se desarrollan y describen los algoritmos para implementar estos métodos así como un modelo de planta motriz, validado experimentalmente, que incluye la dinámica longitudinal del vehículo, modelos para el motor eléctrico y las baterías, y un modelo de motor de combustión de valores medios. El CO puede utilizarse para tres objetivos distintos: 1. Control aplicado, en caso de que las condiciones de contorno estén definidas. Puede aplicarse al control del motor de combustión para un ciclo de conducción dado, traduciéndose en un problema matemático de grandes dimensiones. Se estudian dos casos particulares: la gestión de un sistema de EGR de doble lazo, y el control completo del motor, en particular de las consignas de inyección, SOI, EGR y VGT. 2. Obtención de reglas de control cuasi-óptimas, aplicables en casos en los que no todas las perturbaciones se conocen. A este respecto, se analizan el cálculo de calibraciones de motor específicas para un ciclo, y la gestión energética de un vehículo híbrido mediante un control estocástico en bucle cerrado. 3. Empleo de trayectorias de CO como comparativa o referencia para tareas de diseño y mejora, ofreciendo un criterio objetivo. La ley de combustión así como el dimensionado de una planta motriz híbrida se optimizan mediante el uso de CO. Las estrategias de CO han sido aplicadas experimentalmente en los trabajos referentes al motor de combustión, poniendo de manifiesto sus ventajas sustanciales, pero también analizando dificultades y líneas de actuación para superarlas. Los métodos desarrollados en esta Tesis Doctoral son generales y aplicables a otros criterios si se dispone de los modelos adecuados.El Control Òptim (CO) és essencialment un problema matemàtic de cerca d'extrems, que consisteix en la definició d'un criteri a minimitzar (o maximitzar), restriccions que es deuen satisfer i condicions de contorn que afecten el sistema. La teoria de CO ofereix mètodes per a derivar una trajectòria de control que minimitza (o maximitza) aquest criteri. Aquesta Tesi tracta l'aplicació del CO en automoció i especialment al motor de combustió interna. Les ferramentes necessàries són un mètode d'optimització i una representació matemàtica de la planta motriu. Per a això, es realitza una anàlisi quantitatiu dels avantatges i inconvenients dels tres mètodes d'optimització existents a la literatura: programació dinàmica, principi mínim de Pontryagin i mètodes directes. Es desenvolupen i descriuen els algoritmes per a implementar aquests mètodes així com un model de planta motriu, validat experimentalment, que inclou la dinàmica longitudinal del vehicle, models per al motor elèctric i les bateries, i un model de motor de combustió de valors mitjans. El CO es pot utilitzar per a tres objectius diferents: 1. Control aplicat, en cas que les condicions de contorn estiguen definides. Es pot aplicar al control del motor de combustió per a un cicle de conducció particular, traduint-se en un problema matemàtic de grans dimensions. S'estudien dos casos particulars: la gestió d'un sistema d'EGR de doble llaç, i el control complet del motor, particularment de les consignes d'injecció, SOI, EGR i VGT. 2. Obtenció de regles de control quasi-òptimes, aplicables als casos on no totes les pertorbacions són conegudes. A aquest respecte, s'analitzen el càlcul de calibratges específics de motor per a un cicle, i la gestió energètica d'un vehicle híbrid mitjançant un control estocàstic en bucle tancat. 3. Utilització de trajectòries de CO com comparativa o referència per a tasques de disseny i millora, oferint un criteri objectiu. La llei de combustió així com el dimensionament d'una planta motriu híbrida s'optimitzen mitjançant l'ús de CO. Les estratègies de CO han sigut aplicades experimentalment als treballs referents al motor de combustió, manifestant els seus substancials avantatges, però també analitzant dificultats i línies d'actuació per superar-les. Els mètodes desenvolupats a aquesta Tesi Doctoral són generals i aplicables a uns altres criteris si es disposen dels models adequats.Reig Bernad, A. (2017). Optimal Control for Automotive Powertrain Applications [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90624TESI

    Enhanced performance and functionality of titanium dioxide papermaking pigments with controlled morphology and surface coating

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    Novel, tailored titanium dioxide pigments with controllable nanoscale morphological features were shown to significantly enhance the optical and strength properties of paper. The opacifying power of synthesized polycrystalline TiO2 particles in a cellulose matrix was found experimentally to be superior to that of a commercial rutile pigment, depending on the crystal structure of the synthesized particles. High aspect ratio polycrystalline rutile pigments composed of a linear linkage of several individual rutile crystals gave 6% more opacity than the commercial rutile pigment. Theoretical light scattering calculations using the T-Matrix Method showed the light scattering efficiency of linearly arranged polycrystalline rutile particles to depend on number and size of crystals composing the particle and confirmed the higher efficiency of the synthesized polycrystalline rutile pigments over commercial rutile. The opacifying power of hollow polycrystalline rutile particles was found experimentally to be superior to that of a commercial rutile pigment in a highly pressed bleached fiber matrix, depending on cavity size, while the opacifying power of silica-rutile titania core-shell particles was found comparable to commercial rutile at constant titania loading. The light scattering efficiency of titania core-shell particles was shown to be dependant on the light scattering efficiency of the core material. The overall particle shape and aspect ratio of titania core-shell and hollow nanoparticles were shown to be tunable by choosing an appropriate template and coating thickness in layer-by-layer or sol-gel templating synthesis. Inorganic-cellulose core-shell and hollow cellulose nanoparticles were prepared by self-encapsulation with regenerated cellulose via precipitation of cellulose in a polyacrylic acid hydrogel layer surrounding inorganic particle templates in 4-Methylmorpholine N-oxide (NMMO) monohydrate solution. This discrete encapsulation of inorganic pigments with a thin, uniform cellulose shell was found to increase the bondability improvement between the particles and a polysaccharide substrate. The crystallinity of several carbohydrate polymers was shown to significantly affect the bondability of encapsulated core-shell particles.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Yulin Deng; Committee Member: Arthur Ragauskas; Committee Member: Jeff Empie; Committee Member: Jeffery Hsieh; Committee Member: Preet Sing

    An Empirical Analysis of Transparency-Related Characteristics of European and US Sovereign Bond Markets

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    We examine transparency-related characteristics of European and US sovereign bond markets and relate these to differences in primary issuance approaches and the design of the different trading platforms. We highlight the existence of a winner’s curse problem in the interaction between B2C and B2B segments of the market, and we provide evidence to analyze its prevalence. We examine the problems that can arise as the result of increasing the transparency of the B2B segment of the market and use the experience of the eSpeed platform in the US to obtain insights into these effects. Our analysis is directly relevant to the policy debate about whether to apply MiFID transparency requirements to the EU sovereign bond markets: our results suggest great caution in creating an extremely homogenous and transparent trading environment for sovereign bonds.

    Composition and synchronization of real-time components upon one processor

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    Many industrial systems have various hardware and software functions for controlling mechanics. If these functions act independently, as they do in legacy situations, their overall performance is not optimal. There is a trend towards optimizing the overall system performance and creating a synergy between the different functions in a system, which is achieved by replacing more and more dedicated, single-function hardware by software components running on programmable platforms. This increases the re-usability of the functions, but their synergy requires also that (parts of) the multiple software functions share the same embedded platform. In this work, we look at the composition of inter-dependent software functions on a shared platform from a timing perspective. We consider platforms comprised of one preemptive processor resource and, optionally, multiple non-preemptive resources. Each function is implemented by a set of tasks; the group of tasks of a function that executes on the same processor, along with its scheduler, is called a component. The tasks of a component typically have hard timing constraints. Fulfilling these timing constraints of a component requires analysis. Looking at a single function, co-operative scheduling of the tasks within a component has already proven to be a powerful tool to make the implementation of a function more predictable. For example, co-operative scheduling can accelerate the execution of a task (making it easier to satisfy timing constraints), it can reduce the cost of arbitrary preemptions (leading to more realistic execution-time estimates) and it can guarantee access to other resources without the need for arbitration by other protocols. Since timeliness is an important functional requirement, (re-)use of a component for composition and integration on a platform must deal with timing. To enable us to analyze and specify the timing requirements of a particular component in isolation from other components, we reserve and enforce the availability of all its specified resources during run-time. The real-time systems community has proposed hierarchical scheduling frameworks (HSFs) to implement this isolation between components. After admitting a component on a shared platform, a component in an HSF keeps meeting its timing constraints as long as it behaves as specified. If it violates its specification, it may be penalized, but other components are temporally isolated from the malignant effects. A component in an HSF is said to execute on a virtual platform with a dedicated processor at a speed proportional to its reserved processor supply. Three effects disturb this point of view. Firstly, processor time is supplied discontinuously. Secondly, the actual processor is faster. Thirdly, the HSF no longer guarantees the isolation of an individual component when two arbitrary components violate their specification during access to non-preemptive resources, even when access is arbitrated via well-defined real-time protocols. The scientific contributions of this work focus on these three issues. Our solutions to these issues cover the system design from component requirements to run-time allocation. Firstly, we present a novel scheduling method that enables us to integrate the component into an HSF. It guarantees that each integrated component executes its tasks exactly in the same order regardless of a continuous or a discontinuous supply of processor time. Using our method, the component executes on a virtual platform and it only experiences that the processor speed is different from the actual processor speed. As a result, we can focus on the traditional scheduling problem of meeting deadline constraints of tasks on a uni-processor platform. For such platforms, we show how scheduling tasks co-operatively within a component helps to meet the deadlines of this component. We compare the strength of these cooperative scheduling techniques to theoretically optimal schedulers. Secondly, we standardize the way of computing the resource requirements of a component, even in the presence of non-preemptive resources. We can therefore apply the same timing analysis to the components in an HSF as to the tasks inside, regardless of their scheduling or their protocol being used for non-preemptive resources. This increases the re-usability of the timing analysis of components. We also make non-preemptive resources transparent during the development cycle of a component, i.e., the developer of a component can be unaware of the actual protocol being used in an HSF. Components can therefore be unaware that access to non-preemptive resources requires arbitration. Finally, we complement the existing real-time protocols for arbitrating access to non-preemptive resources with mechanisms to confine temporal faults to those components in the HSF that share the same non-preemptive resources. We compare the overheads of sharing non-preemptive resources between components with and without mechanisms for confinement of temporal faults. We do this by means of experiments within an HSF-enabled real-time operating system

    Solar science with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array - A new view of our Sun

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    The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is a new powerful tool for observing the Sun at high spatial, temporal, and spectral resolution. These capabilities can address a broad range of fundamental scientific questions in solar physics. The radiation observed by ALMA originates mostly from the chromosphere - a complex and dynamic region between the photosphere and corona, which plays a crucial role in the transport of energy and matter and, ultimately, the heating of the outer layers of the solar atmosphere. Based on first solar test observations, strategies for regular solar campaigns are currently being developed. State-of-the-art numerical simulations of the solar atmosphere and modeling of instrumental effects can help constrain and optimize future observing modes for ALMA. Here we present a short technical description of ALMA and an overview of past efforts and future possibilities for solar observations at submillimeter and millimeter wavelengths. In addition, selected numerical simulations and observations at other wavelengths demonstrate ALMA's scientific potential for studying the Sun for a large range of science cases.Comment: 73 pages, 21 figures ; Space Science Reviews (accepted December 10th, 2015); accepted versio

    Augmented reality device for first response scenarios

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    A prototype of a wearable computer system is proposed and implemented using commercial off-shelf components. The system is designed to allow the user to access location-specific information about an environment, and to provide capability for user tracking. Areas of applicability include primarily first response scenarios, with possible applications in maintenance or construction of buildings and other structures. Necessary preparation of the target environment prior to system\u27s deployment is limited to noninvasive labeling using optical fiducial markers. The system relies on computational vision methods for registration of labels and user position. With the system the user has access to on-demand information relevant to a particular real-world location. Team collaboration is assisted by user tracking and real-time visualizations of team member positions within the environment. The user interface and display methods are inspired by Augmented Reality1 (AR) techniques, incorporating a video-see-through Head Mounted Display (HMD) and fingerbending sensor glove.*. 1Augmented reality (AR) is a field of computer research which deals with the combination of real world and computer generated data. At present, most AR research is concerned with the use of live video imagery which is digitally processed and augmented by the addition of computer generated graphics. Advanced research includes the use of motion tracking data, fiducial marker recognition using machine vision, and the construction of controlled environments containing any number of sensors and actuators. (Source: Wikipedia) *This dissertation is a compound document (contains both a paper copy and a CD as part of the dissertation). The CD requires the following system requirements: Adobe Acrobat; Microsoft Office; Windows MediaPlayer or RealPlayer