4,779 research outputs found

    Handwritten Music Recognition for Mensural notation with convolutional recurrent neural networks

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    [EN] Optical Music Recognition is the technology that allows computers to read music notation, which is also referred to as Handwritten Music Recognition when it is applied over handwritten notation. This technology aims at efficiently transcribing written music into a representation that can be further processed by a computer. This is of special interest to transcribe the large amount of music written in early notations, such as the Mensural notation, since they represent largely unexplored heritage for the musicological community. Traditional approaches to this problem are based on complex strategies with many explicit rules that only work for one particular type of manuscript. Machine learning approaches offer the promise of generalizable solutions, based on learning from just labelled examples. However, previous research has not achieved sufficiently acceptable results for handwritten Mensural notation. In this work we propose the use of deep neural networks, namely convolutional recurrent neural networks, which have proved effective in other similar domains such as handwritten text recognition. Our experimental results achieve, for the first time, recognition results that can be considered effective for transcribing handwritten Mensural notation, decreasing the symbol-level error rate of previous approaches from 25.7% to 7.0%. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.First author thanks the support from the Spanish Ministry "HISPAMUS" project (TIN2017-86576-R), partially funded by the EU. The other authors were supported by the European Union's H2020 grant "Recognition and Enrichment of Archival Documents" (Ref. 674943), by the BBVA Foundacion through the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 Digital Humanities research grants "Carabela" and "HistWeather - Dos Siglos de Datos Cilmaticos", and by EU JPICH project "HOME - History Of Medieval Europe"(Spanish PEICTI Ref. PCI2018-093122).Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Toselli, AH.; Vidal, E. (2019). Handwritten Music Recognition for Mensural notation with convolutional recurrent neural networks. Pattern Recognition Letters. 128:115-121. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patrec.2019.08.021S11512112

    End-to-End Neural Optical Music Recognition of Monophonic Scores

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    [EN] Optical Music Recognition is a field of research that investigates how to computationally decode music notation from images. Despite the efforts made so far, there are hardly any complete solutions to the problem. In this work, we study the use of neural networks that work in an end-to-end manner. This is achieved by using a neural model that combines the capabilities of convolutional neural networks, which work on the input image, and recurrent neural networks, which deal with the sequential nature of the problem. Thanks to the use of the the so-called Connectionist Temporal Classification loss function, these models can be directly trained from input images accompanied by their corresponding transcripts into music symbol sequences. We also present the Printed Images of Music Staves (PrIMuS) dataset, containing more than 80,000 monodic single-staff real scores in common western notation, that is used to train and evaluate the neural approach. In our experiments, it is demonstrated that this formulation can be carried out successfully. Additionally, we study several considerations about the codification of the output musical sequences, the convergence and scalability of the neural models, as well as the ability of this approach to locate symbols in the input score.This work was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad through Project HISPAMUS Ref. No. TIN2017-86576-R (supported by UE FEDER funds).Calvo-Zaragoza, J.; Rizo, D. (2018). End-to-End Neural Optical Music Recognition of Monophonic Scores. Applied Sciences. 8(4). https://doi.org/10.3390/app8040606S8

    Transcribing Content from Structural Images with Spotlight Mechanism

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    Transcribing content from structural images, e.g., writing notes from music scores, is a challenging task as not only the content objects should be recognized, but the internal structure should also be preserved. Existing image recognition methods mainly work on images with simple content (e.g., text lines with characters), but are not capable to identify ones with more complex content (e.g., structured symbols), which often follow a fine-grained grammar. To this end, in this paper, we propose a hierarchical Spotlight Transcribing Network (STN) framework followed by a two-stage "where-to-what" solution. Specifically, we first decide "where-to-look" through a novel spotlight mechanism to focus on different areas of the original image following its structure. Then, we decide "what-to-write" by developing a GRU based network with the spotlight areas for transcribing the content accordingly. Moreover, we propose two implementations on the basis of STN, i.e., STNM and STNR, where the spotlight movement follows the Markov property and Recurrent modeling, respectively. We also design a reinforcement method to refine the framework by self-improving the spotlight mechanism. We conduct extensive experiments on many structural image datasets, where the results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of STN framework.Comment: Accepted by KDD2018 Research Track. In proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD'18

    Optical Music Recognition with Convolutional Sequence-to-Sequence Models

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    Optical Music Recognition (OMR) is an important technology within Music Information Retrieval. Deep learning models show promising results on OMR tasks, but symbol-level annotated data sets of sufficient size to train such models are not available and difficult to develop. We present a deep learning architecture called a Convolutional Sequence-to-Sequence model to both move towards an end-to-end trainable OMR pipeline, and apply a learning process that trains on full sentences of sheet music instead of individually labeled symbols. The model is trained and evaluated on a human generated data set, with various image augmentations based on real-world scenarios. This data set is the first publicly available set in OMR research with sufficient size to train and evaluate deep learning models. With the introduced augmentations a pitch recognition accuracy of 81% and a duration accuracy of 94% is achieved, resulting in a note level accuracy of 80%. Finally, the model is compared to commercially available methods, showing a large improvements over these applications.Comment: ISMIR 201

    Visual to Sound: Generating Natural Sound for Videos in the Wild

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    As two of the five traditional human senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch), vision and sound are basic sources through which humans understand the world. Often correlated during natural events, these two modalities combine to jointly affect human perception. In this paper, we pose the task of generating sound given visual input. Such capabilities could help enable applications in virtual reality (generating sound for virtual scenes automatically) or provide additional accessibility to images or videos for people with visual impairments. As a first step in this direction, we apply learning-based methods to generate raw waveform samples given input video frames. We evaluate our models on a dataset of videos containing a variety of sounds (such as ambient sounds and sounds from people/animals). Our experiments show that the generated sounds are fairly realistic and have good temporal synchronization with the visual inputs.Comment: Project page: http://bvision11.cs.unc.edu/bigpen/yipin/visual2sound_webpage/visual2sound.htm