34,259 research outputs found

    On-chip laser Doppler vibrometer for arterial pulse wave velocity measurement

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    Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is an important marker for cardiovascular risk. The Laser Doppler vibrometry has been suggested as a potential technique to measure the local carotid PWV by measuring the transit time of the pulse wave between two locations along the common carotid artery (CCA) from skin surface vibrations. However, the present LDV setups are still bulky and difficult to handle. We present in this paper a more compact LDV system integrated on a CMOS-compatible silicon-on-insulator substrate. In this system, a chip with two homodyne LDVs is utilized to simultaneously measure the pulse wave at two different locations along the CCA. Measurement results show that the dual-LDV chip can successfully conduct the PWV measurement

    A study of composite material damage induced by laser shock waves

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    A laser shock wave technique has been used to study the damage tolerance of T800/M21 CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) composite material with different lay_ups. Different levels of damage have been created according to various laser irradiation conditions. Several characterization methods such as Optical Microscopy, X-ray Radiography, or Interferometric Confocal Microscopy have been used to quantify these defects. The nature of the defects induced by the shock wave propagation has been studied. The sensitivity of the composite material damage to the shock conditions has been shown and quantified. Moreover, the experimental results gathered with each technique have been compared to each other and it leads to a better understanding of the CFRP behavior under high dynamic loading. These original results have enabled the definition of a specific damage criterion for CFRP under dynamic loading

    Ultrasound localization microscopy to image and assess microvasculature in a rat kidney.

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    The recent development of ultrasound localization microscopy, where individual microbubbles (contrast agents) are detected and tracked within the vasculature, provides new opportunities for imaging the vasculature of entire organs with a spatial resolution below the diffraction limit. In stationary tissue, recent studies have demonstrated a theoretical resolution on the order of microns. In this work, single microbubbles were localized in vivo in a rat kidney using a dedicated high frame rate imaging sequence. Organ motion was tracked by assuming rigid motion (translation and rotation) and appropriate correction was applied. In contrast to previous work, coherence-based non-linear phase inversion processing was used to reject tissue echoes while maintaining echoes from very slowly moving microbubbles. Blood velocity in the small vessels was estimated by tracking microbubbles, demonstrating the potential of this technique to improve vascular characterization. Previous optical studies of microbubbles in vessels of approximately 20 microns have shown that expansion is constrained, suggesting that microbubble echoes would be difficult to detect in such regions. We therefore utilized the echoes from individual MBs as microscopic sensors of slow flow associated with such vessels and demonstrate that highly correlated, wideband echoes are detected from individual microbubbles in vessels with flow rates below 2 mm/s

    Laser induced surface acoustic wave combined with phase sensitive optical coherence tomography for superficial tissue characterization:a solution for practical application

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    Mechanical properties are important parameters that can be used to assess the physiologic conditions of biologic tissue. Measurements and mapping of tissue mechanical properties can aid in the diagnosis, characterisation and treatment of diseases. As a non-invasive, non-destructive and non-contact method, laser induced surface acoustic waves (SAWs) have potential to accurately characterise tissue elastic properties. However, challenge still exists when the laser is directly applied to the tissue because of potential heat generation due to laser energy deposition. This paper focuses on the thermal effect of the laser induced SAW on the tissue target and provides an alternate solution to facilitate its application in clinic environment. The solution proposed is to apply a thin agar membrane as surface shield to protect the tissue. Transient thermal analysis is developed and verified by experiments to study the effects of the high energy Nd:YAG laser pulse on the surface shield. The approach is then verified by measuring the mechanical property of skin in a Thiel mouse model. The results demonstrate a useful step toward the practical application of laser induced SAW method for measuring real elasticity of normal and diseased tissues in dermatology and other surface epithelia

    Transient Propagation and Scattering of Quasi-Rayleigh Waves in Plates: Quantitative comparison between Pulsed TV-Holography Measurements and FC(Gram) elastodynamic simulations

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    We study the scattering of transient, high-frequency, narrow-band quasi-Rayleigh elastic waves by through-thickness holes in aluminum plates, in the framework of ultrasonic nondestructive testing (NDT) based on full-field optical detection. Sequences of the instantaneous two-dimensional (2-D) out-of-plane displacement scattering maps are measured with a self-developed PTVH system. The corresponding simulated sequences are obtained by means of an FC(Gram) elastodynamic solver introduced recently, which implements a full three-dimensional (3D) vector formulation of the direct linear-elasticity scattering problem. A detailed quantitative comparison between these experimental and numerical sequences, which is presented here for the first time, shows very good agreement both in the amplitude and the phase of the acoustic field in the forward, lateral and backscattering areas. It is thus suggested that the combination of the PTVH system and the FC(Gram) elastodynamic solver provides an effective ultrasonic inspection tool for plate-like structures, with a significant potential for ultrasonic NDT applications.Comment: 46 pages, 16 figures, corresponding author Jos\'e Carlos L\'opez-V\'azquez, [email protected]. Changes: 1st, 4th, 5th paragraphs (intro), 3rd, 4th paragraphs (sec. 4); [59-60] cited only in appendixes; old ref. [52] removed; misprints corrected in the uncertainty of c_L (subsec. 3.1), citation to fig. 10 (sec. 4), size of images (caption fig.15); reference to Lam\'e constants removed in subsec. 3.

    Ultrarelativistic nanoplasmonics as a new route towards extreme intensity attosecond pulses

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    The generation of ultra-strong attosecond pulses through laser-plasma interactions offers the opportunity to surpass the intensity of any known laboratory radiation source, giving rise to new experimental possibilities, such as quantum electrodynamical tests and matter probing at extremely short scales. Here we demonstrate that a laser irradiated plasma surface can act as an efficient converter from the femto- to the attosecond range, giving a dramatic rise in pulse intensity. Although seemingly similar schemes have been presented in the literature, the present setup deviates significantly from previous attempts. We present a new model describing the nonlinear process of relativistic laser-plasma interaction. This model, which is applicable to a multitude of phenomena, is shown to be in excellent agreement with particle-in-cell simulations. We provide, through our model, the necessary details for an experiment to be performed. The possibility to reach intensities above 10^26 W/cm^2, using upcoming 10 petawatt laser sources, is demonstrated.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    A simultaneous planar laser-induced fluorescence, particle image velocimetry and particle tracking velocimetry technique for the investigation of thin liquid-film flows

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    AbstractA simultaneous measurement technique based on planar laser-induced fluorescence imaging (PLIF) and particle image/tracking velocimetry (PIV/PTV) is described for the investigation of the hydrodynamic characteristics of harmonically excited liquid thin-film flows. The technique is applied as part of an extensive experimental campaign that covers four different Kapitza (Ka) number liquids, Reynolds (Re) numbers spanning the range 2.3–320, and inlet-forced/wave frequencies in the range 1–10Hz. Film thicknesses (from PLIF) for flat (viscous and unforced) films are compared to micrometer stage measurements and analytical predictions (Nusselt solution), with a resulting mean deviation being lower than the nominal resolution of the imaging setup (around 20μm). Relative deviations are calculated between PTV-derived interfacial and bulk velocities and analytical results, with mean values amounting to no more than 3.2% for both test cases. In addition, flow rates recovered using LIF/PTV (film thickness and velocity profile) data are compared to direct flowmeter readings. The mean relative deviation is found to be 1.6% for a total of six flat and nine wavy flows. The practice of wave/phase-locked flow-field averaging is also implemented, allowing the generation of highly localized velocity profile, bulk velocity and flow rate data along the wave topology. Based on this data, velocity profiles are extracted from 20 locations along the wave topology and compared to analytically derived ones based on local film thickness measurements and the Nusselt solution. Increasing the waviness by modulating the forcing frequency is found to result in lower absolute deviations between experiments and theoretical predictions ahead of the wave crests, and higher deviations behind the wave crests. At the wave crests, experimentally derived interfacial velocities are overestimated by nearly 100%. Finally, locally non-parabolic velocity profiles are identified ahead of the wave crests; a phenomenon potentially linked to the cross-stream velocity field