412 research outputs found

    Open Source Hardware and Software Design for a Quadcopter

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    In the recent years quadcopter has attracted a great degree of attention both from researchers and users. Companies such as Amazon are planning to deliver goods using drones, even though applications of quadcopter might be very complex. Building and programming a drone is very easy and exciting engineering project. In this poster we describe and outline the steps for designing a quadcopter complete from scratch using components, with open source firmware. Hardware and Software is implemented in this poster

    Analysis of Wi-Fi traffic

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabýva zachytáváním a analýzou bezdrátového provozu Wi-Fi sítí. Cílém této práce je popsat možnosti zachytávání a analýzy provozu Wi-Fi sítí. Je zde popsán standard IEEE 802.11, jeho vlastnosti jako architektura a současné standardy. Je proveden výběr vhodného routeru, na kterém je zachytávání provozu a analýza realizována. Jsou porovnány některé open-source firmware určené pro routery a je vybrán nejvhodnější z nich. Porovnávány a popsány jsou nástroje určené pro zachytávání a analýzu provozu Wi-Fi sítí. Jsou popsány rozdíly mezi promiskuitním a monitorovacím režimem zachytávání a jejich možnostmi využití. V neposlední řadě jsou zde uvedeny možnosti analýzy zachycených rámců 802.11.This bachelor thesis deals with the capture and analysis of wireless traffic of Wi-Fi networks. The aim of this work is to describe the possibilities of capturing and analyzing the operation of Wi-Fi networks. It describes the IEEE 802.11 standard, its features such as architecture and current standards. A selection of a suitable router is performed on which traffic capture and analysis is performed. Some open-source firmware for routers is compared and the most suitable one is selected. Tools for capturing and analyzing Wi-Fi network traffic are compared and described. The differences between the promiscuous and monitoring capture mode and their possibilities of use are described. Finally, there are described options for analyzing captured 802.11 frames.

    OpenIPMC: a free and open source Intelligent Platform Management Controller

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    OpenIPMC is a free and open source firmware designed to operate as an Intelligent Platform Management Controller (IPMC). An IPMC is a fundamental component of electronic boards conformant to the Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture (ATCA) standard, currently being adopted by a number of high energy physics experiments, and is responsible for monitoring the health parameters of the board, managing its power states, and providing board control, debug and recovery functions to remote clients. OpenIPMC is based on the FreeRTOS real-time operating system and is designed to be architecture-independent, allowing it to be built for a variety of different Microcontrollers. Having a fully free and open source code is an innovative aspect for this kind of firmware, allowing full customization by the user. In this work we present the features and structure of OpenIPMC and its example implementations on Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ (ZynqUS+), Espressif ESP32, and ST Microelectronics STM32 architectures.Comment: 8 pages, double-column, 9 figures, 2 tables. Paper submitted as proceeding for the IEEE Real-Time 2020 conferenc

    OTD 360 Corsa Plate and PCB Recreation

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    Mechanical keyboards have a rich history alongside the development of personal computers with keyboards from leading manufacturers such as IBM and Apple, which are sought after by today’s enthusiast. As the hobby matured and hobbyist began straying from original equipment manufacturer, OEM, mechanical keyboards, enthusiasts sought to create their own keyboards.The custom mechanical keyboard hobby’s origins can be traced back to Korea on an online forum otd.kr. Custom mechanical keyboards has progressed far past the provided OEM solutions focusing on various aspects such as ergonomics, programmability, and portability. In today’s do it yourself, DIY, culture, hobbyists can play a role in the manufacturing process of each individual component from design to fabrication to testing. Cases or housings can be 3D printed, laser cut, and computer numerically controlled machined, CNC’d provided the correct machinery and design tools for fabrication. Printed circuit boards and components can be tailored to each specific use case and form factor and produced at a low cost at small and large scales. Mechanical switch production is no longer solely controlled by IBM and Apple, but companies such as Corsair and Razer have taken a large share of the market

    A City-Scale ITS-G5 Network for Next-Generation Intelligent Transportation Systems: Design Insights and Challenges

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    As we move towards autonomous vehicles, a reliable Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication framework becomes of paramount importance. In this paper we present the development and the performance evaluation of a real-world vehicular networking testbed. Our testbed, deployed in the heart of the City of Bristol, UK, is able to exchange sensor data in a V2X manner. We will describe the testbed architecture and its operational modes. Then, we will provide some insight pertaining the firmware operating on the network devices. The system performance has been evaluated under a series of large-scale field trials, which have proven how our solution represents a low-cost high-quality framework for V2X communications. Our system managed to achieve high packet delivery ratios under different scenarios (urban, rural, highway) and for different locations around the city. We have also identified the instability of the packet transmission rate while using single-core devices, and we present some future directions that will address that.Comment: Accepted for publication to AdHoc-Now 201


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    This article presents the operation of a CNC router controlled by a free open source firmware (GRBL) that runs on the Arduino Uno R3 card, thus describing and justifying the components that are part of the electrical-electronic system and the computer programs that constitute the software system for the machining of printed circuit boards. The tests performed recorded an estimated time of 21: 86 in minutes: seconds divided into the three processes of engraving (paths 13:12, holes 6:48 and contour 2:26 given in minutes: seconds), these values can vary depending on the dimensions of the required PCB, even so it turns out to be more efficient in quality and time compared to the conventional method of chemical attack

    Power Failure Detection System and Intimation over Internet

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    Electricity is a crucial and necessary aspect of modern life. Electricity is used to power appliances, computers, electronics, machinery, and public transportation systems, as well as for lighting, heating, cooling, and refrigeration.When the electricity goes out, understanding what caused it can help you predict when it will be restored. The weather is the primary cause of power outages. Human mistake, equipment failure, and scheduled maintenance could all be factors.As a result, we're using this project to detect power outages and notify users via a connected smartphone notification

    Design of a Dispensing CNC Device

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    This article deals with the design and practical realization of a CNC device designed for the application of viscous materials, such as a thermal conducting paste. Paste is used for effective heat transfer what is essential in switched mode power supplies. However, its application on surface can be an issue. Designed CNC device serves for easier and more accurate application in production process using standard tubes