8 research outputs found

    Ontology-Mediated Queries for NOSQL Databases

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    This paper is an extended abstract of the paper with the same title presented at AAAI 2016.International audienceOntology-Based Data Access has been studied so far for relational structures and deployed on top of relational databases. This paradigm enables a uniform access to heterogeneous data sources, also coping with incomplete information. Whether OBDA is suitable also for non-relational structures, like those shared by increasingly popular NOSQL languages, is still an open question. In this paper, we study the problem of answering ontology-mediated queries on top of key-value stores. We formalize the data model and core queries of these systems, and introduce a rule language to express lightweight ontologies on top of data. We study the decidability and data complexity of query answering in this setting

    Bridging the gap between the semantic web and big data: answering SPARQL queries over NoSQL databases

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    Nowadays, the database field has gotten much more diverse, and as a result, a variety of non-relational (NoSQL) databases have been created, including JSON-document databases and key-value stores, as well as extensible markup language (XML) and graph databases. Due to the emergence of a new generation of data services, some of the problems associated with big data have been resolved. In addition, in the haste to address the challenges of big data, NoSQL abandoned several core databases features that make them extremely efficient and functional, for instance the global view, which enables users to access data regardless of how it is logically structured or physically stored in its sources. In this article, we propose a method that allows us to query non-relational databases based on the ontology-based access data (OBDA) framework by delegating SPARQL protocol and resource description framework (RDF) query language (SPARQL) queries from ontology to the NoSQL database. We applied the method on a popular database called Couchbase and we discussed the result obtained

    Ontology-Based Data Access to Big Data

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    Recent approaches to ontology-based data access (OBDA) have extended the focus from relational database systems to other types of backends such as cluster frameworks in order to cope with the four Vs associated with big data: volume, veracity, variety and velocity (stream processing). The abstraction that an ontology provides is a benefit from the enduser point of view, but it represents a challenge for developers because high-level queries must be transformed into queries executable on the backend level. In this paper, we discuss and evaluate an OBDA system that uses STARQL (Streaming and Temporal ontology Access with a Reasoning-based Query Language), as a high-level query language to access data stored in a SPARK cluster framework. The development of the STARQL-SPARK engine show that there is a need to provide a homogeneous interface to access both static and temporal as well as streaming data because cluster frameworks usually lack such an interface. The experimental evaluation shows that building a scalable OBDA system that runs with SPARK is more than plug-and-play as one needs to know quite well the data formats and the data organisation in the cluster framework

    Optimising Sargable Conjunctive Predicate Queries in the Context of Big Data

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    With the continued increase in the volume of data, the volume dimension of big data has become a significant factor in estimating query time. When all other factors are held constant, query time increases as the volume of data increases and vice versa. To enhance query time, several techniques have come out of research efforts in this direction. One of such techniques is factorisation of query predicates. Factorisation has been used as a query optimization technique for the general class of predicates but has been found inapplicable to the subclass of sargable conjunctive equality predicates. Experiments performed exposed a peculiar nature of sargable conjunctive equality predicates based on which insight, the concatenated predicate model was formulated as capable of optimising sargable conjunctive equality predicates. Equations from research results were combined in a way that theorems describing the application and optimality of the concatenated predicate model were derived and proved

    Integration of Web APIs and Linked Data Using SPARQL Micro-Services - Application to Biodiversity Use Cases

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    International audienceIn recent years, Web APIs have become a de facto standard for exchanging machine-readable data on the Web. Despite this success, however, they often fail in making resource descriptions interoperable due to the fact that they rely on proprietary vocabularies that lack formal semantics.The Linked Data principles similarly seek the massive publication of data on the Web, yet with the specific goal of ensuring semantic interoperability.Given their complementary goals, it is commonly admitted that cross-fertilization could stem from the automatic combination of Linked Data and Web APIs. Towards this goal, in this paper we leverage the micro-service architectural principles to define a SPARQL Micro-Service architecture, aimed at querying Web APIs using SPARQL. A SPARQL micro-service is a lightweight SPARQL endpoint that provides access to a small, resource-centric, virtual graph. In this context, we argue that full SPARQL Query expressiveness can be supported efficiently without jeopardizing servers availability.Furthermore, we demonstrate how this architecture can be used to dynamically assign dereferenceable URIs to Web API resources that do not have URIs beforehand, thus literally “bringing” Web APIs into the Web of Data. We believe that the emergence of an ecosystem of SPARQL micro-services published by independent providers would enable Linked Data-based applications to easily glean pieces of data from a wealth of distributed, scalable, and reliable services. We describe a working prototype implementation and we finally illustrate the use of SPARQL micro-services in the context of two real-life use cases related to the biodiversity domain, developed in collaboration with the French National Museum of Natural History

    Bridging the Semantic Web and NoSQL Worlds: Generic SPARQL Query Translation and Application to MongoDB

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    International audienceRDF-based data integration is often hampered by the lack of methods to translate data locked in heterogeneous silos into RDF representations. In this paper, we tackle the challenge of bridging the gap between the Semantic Web and NoSQL worlds, by fostering the development of SPARQL interfaces to heterogeneous databases. To avoid defining yet another SPARQL translation method for each and every database, we propose a two-phase method. Firstly, a SPARQL query is translated into a pivot abstract query. This phase achieves as much of the translation process as possible regardless of the database. We show how optimizations at this abstract level can save subsequent work at the level of a target database query language. Secondly, the abstract query is translated into the query language of a target database, taking into account the specific database capabilities and constraints. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method with the MongoDB NoSQL document store, such that arbitrary MongoDB documents can be aligned on existing domain ontologies and accessed with SPARQL. Finally, we draw on a real-world use case to report experimental results with respect to the effectiveness and performance of our approach

    Ontology-Mediated Queries for NOSQL Databases

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    This paper is an extended abstract of the paper with the same title presented at AAAI 2016.International audienceOntology-Based Data Access has been studied so far for relational structures and deployed on top of relational databases. This paradigm enables a uniform access to heterogeneous data sources, also coping with incomplete information. Whether OBDA is suitable also for non-relational structures, like those shared by increasingly popular NOSQL languages, is still an open question. In this paper, we study the problem of answering ontology-mediated queries on top of key-value stores. We formalize the data model and core queries of these systems, and introduce a rule language to express lightweight ontologies on top of data. We study the decidability and data complexity of query answering in this setting

    Policy-Driven Governance in Cloud Service Ecosystems

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    Cloud application development platforms facilitate new models of software co-development and forge environments best characterised as cloud service ecosystems. The value of those ecosystems increases exponentially with the addition of more users and third-party services. Growth however breeds complexity and puts reliability at risk, requiring all stakeholders to exercise control over changes in the ecosystem that may affect them. This is a challenge of governance. From the viewpoint of the ecosystem coordinator, governance is about preventing negative ripple effects from new software added to the platform. From the viewpoint of third-party developers and end-users, governance is about ensuring that the cloud services they consume or deliver comply with requirements on a continuous basis. To facilitate different forms of governance in a cloud service ecosystem we need governance support systems that achieve separation of concerns between the roles of policy provider, governed resource provider and policy evaluator. This calls for better modularisation of the governance support system architecture, decoupling governance policies from policy evaluation engines and governed resources. It also calls for an improved approach to policy engineering with increased automation and efficient exchange of governance policies and related data between ecosystem partners. The thesis supported by this research is that governance support systems that satisfy such requirements are both feasible and useful to develop through a framework that integrates Semantic Web technologies and Linked Data principles. The PROBE framework presented in this dissertation comprises four components: (1) a governance ontology serving as shared ecosystem vocabulary for policies and resources; (2) a method for the definition of governance policies; (3) a method for sharing descriptions of governed resources between ecosystem partners; (4) a method for evaluating governance policies against descriptions of governed ecosystem resources. The feasibility and usefulness of PROBE are demonstrated with the help of an industrial case study on cloud service ecosystem governance