355 research outputs found

    Geographic Information Systems: The Developer\u27s Perspective

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    Geographic information systems, which manage data describing the surface of the earth, are becoming increasingly popular. This research details the current state of the art of geographic data processing in terms of the needs of the geographic information system developer. The research focuses chiefly on the geographic data model--the basic building block of the geographic information system. The two most popular models, tessellation and vector, are studied in detail, as well as a number of hybrid data models. In addition, geographic database management is discussed in terms of geographic data access and query processing. Finally, a pragmatic discussion of geographic information system design is presented covering such topics as distributed database considerations and artificial intelligence considerations

    Task-based adaptive multiresolution for time-space multi-scale reaction-diffusion systems on multi-core architectures

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    A new solver featuring time-space adaptation and error control has been recently introduced to tackle the numerical solution of stiff reaction-diffusion systems. Based on operator splitting, finite volume adaptive multiresolution and high order time integrators with specific stability properties for each operator, this strategy yields high computational efficiency for large multidimensional computations on standard architectures such as powerful workstations. However, the data structure of the original implementation, based on trees of pointers, provides limited opportunities for efficiency enhancements, while posing serious challenges in terms of parallel programming and load balancing. The present contribution proposes a new implementation of the whole set of numerical methods including Radau5 and ROCK4, relying on a fully different data structure together with the use of a specific library, TBB, for shared-memory, task-based parallelism with work-stealing. The performance of our implementation is assessed in a series of test-cases of increasing difficulty in two and three dimensions on multi-core and many-core architectures, demonstrating high scalability

    On the Practice and Application of Context-Free Language Reachability

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    The Context-Free Language Reachability (CFL-R) formalism relates to some of the most important computational problems facing researchers and industry practitioners. CFL-R is a generalisation of graph reachability and language recognition, such that pairs in a labelled graph are reachable if and only if there is a path between them whose labels, joined together in the order they were encountered, spell a word in a given context-free language. The formalism finds particular use as a vehicle for phrasing and reasoning about program analysis, since complex relationships within the data, logic or structure of computer programs are easily expressed and discovered in CFL-R. Unfortunately, The potential of CFL-R can not be met by state of the art solvers. Current algorithms have scalability and expressibility issues that prevent them from being used on large graph instances or complex grammars. This work outlines our efforts in understanding the practical concerns surrounding CFL-R, and applying this knowledge to improve the performance of CFL-R applications. We examine the major difficulties with solving CFL-R-based analyses at-scale, via a case-study of points-to analysis as a CFL-R problem. Points-to analysis is fundamentally important to many modern research and industry efforts, and is relevant to optimisation, bug-checking and security technologies. Our understanding of the scalability challenge motivates work in developing practical CFL-R techniques. We present improved evaluation algorithms and declarative optimisation techniques for CFL-R, capitalising on the simplicity of CFL-R to creating fully automatic methodologies. The culmination of our work is a general-purpose and high-performance tool called Cauliflower, a solver-generator for CFL-R problems. We describe Cauliflower and evaluate its performance experimentally, showing significant improvement over alternative general techniques

    A Benchmark and analysis of spatial data structures for physical simulations

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    Collision detection is an issue in physical simulations; without it simulations are inaccurate. Unfortunately, effective collision detection can require a significant amount of computational power. To reduce the number of computations and make the problem more tractable, computer scientists have used date structures to partition the system. This removes the need to have every single partical check for possible collisions with every other particle in the system; however, generic data structures typically do not work as well as specialized data structures, so this has led to the creation of multiple spatial data structures. Some spatial data structures and algorithms were customized and created to optimize memory usage while others have been made to increase speed. This project seeks to compare spatial data structures in systems with uniformly and non-uniformly distributed particles, while varying the number of particles and the filling factor. The results of this project should provide useful information to those doing general collisional simulations, such as physicists and engineers

    Manycore processing of repeated range queries over massive moving objects observations

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    The ability to timely process significant amounts of continuously updated spatial data is mandatory for an increasing number of applications. Parallelism enables such applications to face this data-intensive challenge and allows the devised systems to feature low latency and high scalability. In this paper we focus on a specific data-intensive problem, concerning the repeated processing of huge amounts of range queries over massive sets of moving objects, where the spatial extents of queries and objects are continuously modified over time. To tackle this problem and significantly accelerate query processing we devise a hybrid CPU/GPU pipeline that compresses data output and save query processing work. The devised system relies on an ad-hoc spatial index leading to a problem decomposition that results in a set of independent data-parallel tasks. The index is based on a point-region quadtree space decomposition and allows to tackle effectively a broad range of spatial object distributions, even those very skewed. Also, to deal with the architectural peculiarities and limitations of the GPUs, we adopt non-trivial GPU data structures that avoid the need of locked memory accesses and favour coalesced memory accesses, thus enhancing the overall memory throughput. To the best of our knowledge this is the first work that exploits GPUs to efficiently solve repeated range queries over massive sets of continuously moving objects, characterized by highly skewed spatial distributions. In comparison with state-of-the-art CPU-based implementations, our method highlights significant speedups in the order of 14x-20x, depending on the datasets, even when considering very cheap GPUs

    Efficient query processing on large spatial databases A performance study

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    Processing of spatial queries has been studied extensively in the literature. In most cases, it is accomplished by indexing spatial data using spatial access methods. Spatial indexes, such as those based on the Quadtree, are important in spatial databases for efficient execution of queries involving spatial constraints and objects. In this paper, we study a recent balanced disk-based index structure for point data, called xBR + -tree, that belongs to the Quadtree family and hierarchically decomposes space in a regular manner. For the most common spatial queries, like Point Location, Window, Distance Range, Nearest Neighbor and Distance-based Join, the R-tree family is a very popular choice of spatial index, due to its excellent query performance. For this reason, we compare the performance of the xBR + -tree with respect to the R ∗ -tree and the R + -tree for tree building and processing the most studied spatial queries. To perform this comparison, we utilize existing algorithms and present new ones. We demonstrate through extensive experimental performance results (I/O efficiency and execution time), based on medium and large real and synthetic datasets, that the xBR + -tree is a big winner in execution time in all cases and a winner in I/O in most cases

    Reconstruction of tree branching structures from UAV-LiDAR data

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    The reconstruction of tree branching structures is a longstanding problem in Computer Graphics which has been studied over several data sources, from photogrammetry point clouds to Terrestrial and Aerial Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging technology. However, most data sources present acquisition errors that make the reconstruction more challenging. Among them, the main challenge is the partial or complete occlusion of branch segments, thus leading to disconnected components whether the reconstruction is resolved using graph-based approaches. In this work, we propose a hybrid method based on radius-based search and Minimum Spanning Tree for the tree branching reconstruction by handling occlusion and disconnected branches. Furthermore, we simplify previous work evaluating the similarity between ground-truth and reconstructed skeletons. Using this approach, our method is proved to be more effective than the baseline methods, regarding reconstruction results and response time. Our method yields better results on the complete explored radii interval, though the improvement is especially significant on the Ground Sampling Distance In terms of latency, an outstanding performance is achieved in comparison with the baseline method.Junta de Andalucia 1381202-GEU PYC20-RE-005-UJAEuropean Commission Spanish Government PID2021-126339OB-I00 FPU17/01902 FPU19/0010

    Towards Automatic and Adaptive Optimizations of MPI Collective Operations

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    Message passing is one of the most commonly used paradigms of parallel programming. Message Passing Interface, MPI, is a standard used in scientific and high-performance computing. Collective operations are a subset of MPI standard that deals with processes synchronization, data exchange and computation among a group of processes. The collective operations are commonly used and can be application performance bottleneck. The performance of collective operations depends on many factors, some of which are the input parameters (e.g., communicator and message size); system characteristics (e.g., interconnect type); the application computation and communication pattern; and internal algorithm parameters (e.g., internal segment size). We refer to an algorithm and its internal parameters as a method. The goal of this dissertation is a performance improvement of MPI collective operations and applications that use them. In our framework, during a collective call, a system-specific decision function is invoked to select the most appropriate method for the particular collective instance. This dissertation focuses on automatic techniques for system-specific decision function generation. Our approach takes the following steps: first, we collect method performance information on the system of interest; second, we analyze this information using parallel communication models, graphical encoding methods, and decision trees; third, based on the previous step, we automatically generate the system-specific decision function to be used at run-time. In situation when a detailed performance measurement is not feasible, method performance models can be used to supplement the measured method performance information. We build and evaluate parallel communication models of 35 different collective algorithms. These models are built on top of the three commonly used point-to-point communication models, Hockney, LogGP, and PLogP.We use the method performance information on a system to build quadtrees and C4.5 decision trees of variable sizes and accuracies. The collective method selection functions are then generated automatically from these trees. Our experiments show that quadtrees of three or four levels are often enough to approximate experimentally optimal decision with a small mean performance penalty (less than 10%). The C4.5 decision trees are even more accurate (with mean performance penalty of less than 5%). The size and accuracy of C4.5 decision trees can be further improved with use of appropriate composite attributes (such as “total message size”, or “even communicator size”.) Finally, we apply these techniques to tune the collective operations on the Grig cluster at the University of Tennessee and to improve an application performance on the Cray XT4 system at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The tuned collective is able to achieve more than 40% mean performance improvement over the native broadcast implementation. Using the platform-specific reduce on Cray XT4 lead to 10% improvement in the overall application performance. Our results show that the methods we explored are both applicable and effective for the system-specific optimizations of collective operations and are a right step toward automatically tunable, adaptive, MPI collectives