9,138 research outputs found

    Dimension Theory of Graphs and Networks

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    Starting from the working hypothesis that both physics and the corresponding mathematics have to be described by means of discrete concepts on the Planck-scale, one of the many problems one has to face in this enterprise is to find the discrete protoforms of the building blocks of continuum physics and mathematics. A core concept is the notion of dimension. In the following we develop such a notion for irregular structures like (large) graphs and networks and derive a number of its properties. Among other things we show its stability under a wide class of perturbations which is important if one has 'dimensional phase transitions' in mind. Furthermore we systematically construct graphs with almost arbitrary 'fractal dimension' which may be of some use in the context of 'dimensional renormalization' or statistical mechanics on irregular sets.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, LaTex2e, uses amsmath, amsfonts, amssymb, latexsym, epsfi

    Trigonometric series and self-similar sets

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    Let FF be a self-similar set on R\mathbb{R} associated to contractions fj(x)=rjx+bjf_j(x) = r_j x + b_j, jAj \in \mathcal{A}, for some finite A\mathcal{A}, such that FF is not a singleton. We prove that if logri/logrj\log r_i / \log r_j is irrational for some iji \neq j, then FF is a set of multiplicity, that is, trigonometric series are not in general unique in the complement of FF. No separation conditions are assumed on FF. We establish our result by showing that every self-similar measure μ\mu on FF is a Rajchman measure: the Fourier transform μ^(ξ)0\widehat{\mu}(\xi) \to 0 as ξ|\xi| \to \infty. The rate of μ^(ξ)0\widehat{\mu}(\xi) \to 0 is also shown to be logarithmic if logri/logrj\log r_i / \log r_j is diophantine for some iji \neq j. The proof is based on quantitative renewal theorems for random walks on R\mathbb{R}.Comment: 18 pages, v2: improved the main theore

    Wavelet analysis of the multivariate fractional Brownian motion

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    The work developed in the paper concerns the multivariate fractional Brownian motion (mfBm) viewed through the lens of the wavelet transform. After recalling some basic properties on the mfBm, we calculate the correlation structure of its wavelet transform. We particularly study the asymptotic behavior of the correlation, showing that if the analyzing wavelet has a sufficient number of null first order moments, the decomposition eliminates any possible long-range (inter)dependence. The cross-spectral density is also considered in a second part. Its existence is proved and its evaluation is performed using a von Bahr-Essen like representation of the function \sign(t) |t|^\alpha. The behavior of the cross-spectral density of the wavelet field at the zero frequency is also developed and confirms the results provided by the asymptotic analysis of the correlation

    Data-Adaptive Wavelets and Multi-Scale Singular Spectrum Analysis

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    Using multi-scale ideas from wavelet analysis, we extend singular-spectrum analysis (SSA) to the study of nonstationary time series of length NN whose intermittency can give rise to the divergence of their variance. SSA relies on the construction of the lag-covariance matrix C on M lagged copies of the time series over a fixed window width W to detect the regular part of the variability in that window in terms of the minimal number of oscillatory components; here W = M Dt, with Dt the time step. The proposed multi-scale SSA is a local SSA analysis within a moving window of width M <= W <= N. Multi-scale SSA varies W, while keeping a fixed W/M ratio, and uses the eigenvectors of the corresponding lag-covariance matrix C_M as a data-adaptive wavelets; successive eigenvectors of C_M correspond approximately to successive derivatives of the first mother wavelet in standard wavelet analysis. Multi-scale SSA thus solves objectively the delicate problem of optimizing the analyzing wavelet in the time-frequency domain, by a suitable localization of the signal's covariance matrix. We present several examples of application to synthetic signals with fractal or power-law behavior which mimic selected features of certain climatic and geophysical time series. A real application is to the Southern Oscillation index (SOI) monthly values for 1933-1996. Our methodology highlights an abrupt periodicity shift in the SOI near 1960. This abrupt shift between 4 and 3 years supports the Devil's staircase scenario for the El Nino/Southern Oscillation phenomenon.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figure

    Special issue: Fractal functions and applications

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    This volume gathers some important advances in the fields of fractional calculus and fractal curves and functions. Fractional derivatives and integrals play an increasingly important role in applied science, and these types of models are ubiquitous in the current scientific literature. The references [1, 2] are devoted to fractional calculus and an application of it to a coronavirus spreading model. The first one studies three procedures of inverse Laplace Transforms: A Sinc–Thiele approximation, a Sinc and a Sinc–Gaussian (SG) method. Both Sinc versions are exact methods of inverse Laplace Transforms. The author proves that SG-based transformations present some advantages over the pure Sinc version regarding stability and convergence properties. The convergence is of exponential type. All the methods presented are applied to Mittag-Leffler functions depending on one, two and three parameters, and the author proves that the representation of this kind of functions is very effective. The author concludes that even for variable-order fractional differential or integral equations, the Sinc–Gaussian method is a powerful procedure..

    Singularity and similarity detection for signals using the wavelet transform

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    The wavelet transform and related techniques are used to analyze singular and fractal signals. The normalized wavelet scalogram is introduced to detect singularities including jumps, cusps and other sharply changing points. The wavelet auto-covariance is applied to estimate the self-similarity exponent for statistical self-affine signals

    Dimensions, Maximal Growth Sites and Optimization in the Dielectric Breakdown Model

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    We study the growth of fractal clusters in the Dielectric Breakdown Model (DBM) by means of iterated conformal mappings. In particular we investigate the fractal dimension and the maximal growth site (measured by the Hoelder exponent αmin\alpha_{min}) as a function of the growth exponent η\eta of the DBM model. We do not find evidence for a phase transition from fractal to non-fractal growth for a finite η\eta-value. Simultaneously, we observe that the limit of non-fractal growth (D1D\to 1) is consistent with αmin1/2\alpha_{min} \to 1/2. Finally, using an optimization principle, we give a recipe on how to estimate the effective value of η\eta from temporal growth data of fractal aggregates.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures; v2: extra figures and new data adde