12 research outputs found

    An Investigation of Factors Influencing Algorithm Selection for High Dimensional Continuous Optimisation Problems

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    The problem of algorithm selection is of great importance to the optimisation community, with a number of publications present in the Body-of-Knowledge. This importance stems from the consequences of the No-Free-Lunch Theorem which states that there cannot exist a single algorithm capable of solving all possible problems. However, despite this importance, the algorithm selection problem has of yet failed to gain widespread attention . In particular, little to no work in this area has been carried out with a focus on large-scale optimisation; a field quickly gaining momentum in line with advancements and influence of big data processing. As such, it is not as yet clear as to what factors, if any, influence the selection of algorithms for very high-dimensional problems (> 1000) - and it is entirely possible that algorithms that may not work well in lower dimensions may in fact work well in much higher dimensional spaces and vice-versa. This work therefore aims to begin addressing this knowledge gap by investigating some of these influencing factors for some common metaheuristic variants. To this end, typical parameters native to several metaheuristic algorithms are firstly tuned using the state-of-the-art automatic parameter tuner, SMAC. Tuning produces separate parameter configurations of each metaheuristic for each of a set of continuous benchmark functions; specifically, for every algorithm-function pairing, configurations are found for each dimensionality of the function from a geometrically increasing scale (from 2 to 1500 dimensions). The nature of this tuning is therefore highly computationally expensive necessitating the use of SMAC. Using these sets of parameter configurations, a vast amount of performance data relating to the large-scale optimisation of our benchmark suite by each metaheuristic was subsequently generated. From the generated data and its analysis, several behaviours presented by the metaheuristics as applied to large-scale optimisation have been identified and discussed. Further, this thesis provides a concise review of the relevant literature for the consumption of other researchers looking to progress in this area in addition to the large volume of data produced, relevant to the large-scale optimisation of our benchmark suite by the applied set of common metaheuristics. All work presented in this thesis was funded by EPSRC grant: EP/J017515/1 through the DAASE project

    Learning to Control Differential Evolution Operators

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    Evolutionary algorithms are widely used for optimsation by researchers in academia and industry. These algorithms have parameters, which have proven to highly determine the performance of an algorithm. For many decades, researchers have focused on determining optimal parameter values for an algorithm. Each parameter configuration has a performance value attached to it that is used to determine a good configuration for an algorithm. Parameter values depend on the problem at hand and are known to be set in two ways, by means of offline and online selection. Offline tuning assumes that the performance value of a configuration remains same during all generations in a run whereas online tuning assumes that the performance value varies from one generation to another. This thesis presents various adaptive approaches each learning from a range of feedback received from the evolutionary algorithm. The contributions demonstrate the benefits of utilising online and offline learning together at different levels for a particular task. Offline selection has been utilised to tune the hyper-parameters of proposed adaptive methods that control the parameters of evolutionary algorithm on-the-fly. All the contributions have been presented to control the mutation strategies of the differential evolution. The first contribution demonstrates an adaptive method that is mapped as markov reward process. It aims to maximise the cumulative future reward. Next chapter unifies various adaptive methods from literature that can be utilised to replicate existing methods and test new ones. The hyper-parameters of methods in first two chapters are tuned by an offline configurator, irace. Last chapter proposes four methods utilising deep reinforcement learning model. To test the applicability of the adaptive approaches presented in the thesis, all methods are compared to various adaptive methods from literature, variants of differential evolution and other state-of-the-art algorithms on various single objective noiseless problems from benchmark set, BBOB

    Machine learning for quantum and complex systems

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    Machine learning now plays a pivotal role in our society, providing solutions to problems that were previously thought intractable. The meteoric rise of this technology can no doubt be attributed to the information age that we now live in. As data is continually amassed, more efficient and scalable methods are required to yield functional models and accurate inferences. Simultaneously we have also seen quantum technology come to the forefront of research and next generation systems. These technologies promise secure information transfer, efficient computation and high precision sensing, at levels unattainable by their classical counterparts. Although these technologies are powerful, they are necessarily more complicated and difficult to control. The combination of these two advances yields an opportunity for study, namely leveraging the power of machine learning to control and optimise quantum (and more generally complex) systems. The work presented in thesis explores these avenues of investigation and demonstrates the potential success of machine learning methods in the domain of quantum and complex systems. One of the most crucial potential quantum technologies is the quantum memory. If we are to one day harness the true power of quantum key distribution for secure transimission of information, and more general quantum computating tasks, it will almost certainly involve the use of quantum memorys. We start by presenting the operation of the cold atom workhorse: the magneto-optical trap (MOT). To use a cold atomic ensemble as a quantum memory we are required to prepare the atoms using a specialised cooling sequence. During this we observe a stable, coherent optical emission exiting each end of the elongated ensemble. We characterise this behaviour and compare it to similar observations in previous work. Following this, we use the ensemble to implement a backward Raman memory. Using this scheme we are able to demonstrate an increased efficiency over that of previous forward recall implementations. While we are limited by the optical depth of the system, we observe an efficiency more than double that of previous implementations. The MOT provides an easily accessible test bed for the optimisation via some machine learning technique. As we require an efficient search method, we implement a new type of algorithm based on deep learning. We design this technique such that the artificial neural networks are placed in control of the online optimisation, rather than simply being used as surrogate models. We experimentally optimise the optical depth of the MOT using this method, by parametrising the time varying compression sequence. We identify a new and unintuitive method for cooling the atomic ensemble which surpasses current methods. Following this initial implementation we make substantial improvements to the deep learning approach. This extends the approach to be applicable to a far wider range of complex problems, which may contain extensive local minima and structure. We benchmark this algorithm against many of the conventional optimisation techniques and demonstrate superior capability to optimise problems with high dimensionality. Finally we apply this technique to a series of preliminary problems, namely the tuning of a single electron transistor and second-order correlations from a quantum dot source

    Applied Metaheuristic Computing

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    For decades, Applied Metaheuristic Computing (AMC) has been a prevailing optimization technique for tackling perplexing engineering and business problems, such as scheduling, routing, ordering, bin packing, assignment, facility layout planning, among others. This is partly because the classic exact methods are constrained with prior assumptions, and partly due to the heuristics being problem-dependent and lacking generalization. AMC, on the contrary, guides the course of low-level heuristics to search beyond the local optimality, which impairs the capability of traditional computation methods. This topic series has collected quality papers proposing cutting-edge methodology and innovative applications which drive the advances of AMC

    Optical properties of metal nanoparticles and their influence on silicon solar cells

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    The optical properties of metal nanoparticles have been investigated by simulation and experimental techniques. The aim of this investigation was to identify how to use metal nanoparticles to improve light-trapping in silicon solar cells. To do this we require nanoparticles that exhibit a high scattering efficiency and low absorption (i.e. high radiative efficiency) at near-infrared wavelengths. The simulation results identified Ag, Au, Cu and Al as potential candidates for use with silicon solar cells. The optical properties of Ag, Au and Cu nanoparticles are very similar above 700 nm. Below this wavelength Ag was found to be the preferred choice due to a decreased effect from interband transitions in comparison with Au and Cu. Al nanoparticles were found to exhibit markedly different optical properties to identical noble metal nanoparticles, with broader, weaker resonances that can be excited further into the UV. However, Al nanoparticles were found to exhibit higher absorption than noble metals in the NIR due to a weak interband region centred at around 825 nm.Tuning of the resonance position into the NIR was demonstrated by many methods, and extinction peaks exceeding 1200 nm can be achieved by all of the metals studied. However, it is important that the method used to red-shift the extinction peak does not also decrease the radiative efficiency. Core-shell nanoparticles, triangular nanoparticles and platelet-type nanoparticles were found to be unsuitable for silicon solar cells applications due their low radiative efficiencies. Instead, we propose the use of large (> 150 nm) Ag spheroids with moderate aspect ratios. A maximum radiative efficiency of 0.98 was found for noble metal nanospheres when the diameter exceeded 150 nm.The optical properties of Au and Al nanoparticles fabricated by electron-beam lithography were found to be in good agreement with simulations, provided that the substrate and local dielectric environment were accounted for by inclusion of an effective medium in the model. Cr adhesion layers were found to substantially weaken the extinction peaks of Au nanoparticles, and also result in a strong decrease of radiative efficiency. Adhesion layers were not required for Al nanoparticles. The morphological and optical properties of Ag island films were found to be highly dependent on the layer thickness, deposition speed and anneal temperature. Dense arrays containing average particle sizes ranging from 25 nm to 250 nm were achieved using anneal temperatures lower than 200oC. The largest nanoparticles were found to exhibit high extinction from 400 nm to 800 nm.Depositing Ag nanoparticles onto a-Si:H solar cells was found two have two effects on the spectral response. At short wavelengths the QE was decreased due to absorption by small particles or back-scattering by larger particles. At longer wavelengths large maxima and minima are present in the QE spectra. This latter effect is not due to excitation of surface plasmons, but is instead related to modification of interference effects in the thin-film layer stack

    The application of multivariate correlation techniques to vehicle driveability analysis

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Applied Methuerstic computing

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    For decades, Applied Metaheuristic Computing (AMC) has been a prevailing optimization technique for tackling perplexing engineering and business problems, such as scheduling, routing, ordering, bin packing, assignment, facility layout planning, among others. This is partly because the classic exact methods are constrained with prior assumptions, and partly due to the heuristics being problem-dependent and lacking generalization. AMC, on the contrary, guides the course of low-level heuristics to search beyond the local optimality, which impairs the capability of traditional computation methods. This topic series has collected quality papers proposing cutting-edge methodology and innovative applications which drive the advances of AMC