438 research outputs found

    On the Growth Rate of Non-Enzymatic Molecular Replicators

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    It is well known that non-enzymatic template directed molecular replicators X + nO ---> 2X exhibit parabolic growth d[X]/dt = k [X]^{1/2}. Here, we analyze the dependence of the effective replication rate constant k on hybridization energies, temperature, strand length, and sequence composition. First we derive analytical criteria for the replication rate k based on simple thermodynamic arguments. Second we present a Brownian dynamics model for oligonucleotides that allows us to simulate their diffusion and hybridization behavior. The simulation is used to generate and analyze the effect of strand length, temperature, and to some extent sequence composition, on the hybridization rates and the resulting optimal overall rate constant k. Combining the two approaches allows us to semi-analytically depict a fitness landscape for template directed replicators. The results indicate a clear replication advantage for longer strands at low temperatures.Comment: Submitted to: Entrop

    Unexpected evolutionary dynamics in a string based artificial chemistry

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    This work investigates closure in Cell Signaling Networks, which is one research area within the ESIGNET project. We employ a string-based Artificial Chemistry based on Holland’s broadcast language (Molecular Classifier System, Broadcast Language, or MCS.b). We present a series of experiments focusing on the emergence and evolution of self-maintaining molecular organizations. Such experiments naturally relate to similar studies conducted in artificial chemistries such as Tierra, Alchemy and Alpha-Universes. However, our results demonstrate some counter-intuitive outcomes, not indicated in previous literature. Each of these “unexpected” evolutionary dynamics (including an elongation catastrophe phenomenon) are examined and explained both informally and formally. We also demonstrate how the elongation catastrophe can be prevented using a multi-level selectional model of the MCS.b (which acts both at the molecular and cellular level). This work provides complementary insights into the understanding of evolutionary dynamics in minimal artificial chemistries

    A molecular approach to complex adaptive systems

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    Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) are dynamical networks of interacting agents which as a whole determine the behavior, adaptivity and cognitive ability of the system. CAS are ubiquitous and occur in a variety of natural and artificial systems (e.g., cells, societies, stock markets). To study CAS, Holland proposed to employ an agent-based system in which Learning Classifier Systems (LCS) were used to determine the agents behavior and adaptivity. We argue that LCS are limited for the study of CAS: the rule-discovery mechanism is pre-specified and may limit the evolvability of CAS. Secondly, LCS distinguish a demarcation between messages and rules, however operations are reflexive in CAS, e.g., in a cell, an agent (a molecule) may both act as a message (substrate) and as a catalyst (rule). To address these issues, we proposed the Molecular Classifier Systems (MCS.b), a string-based Artificial Chemistry based on Holland’s broadcast language. In the MCS.b, no explicit fitness function or rule discovery mechanism is specified, moreover no distinction is made between messages and rules. In the context of the ESIGNET project, we employ the MCS.b to study a subclass of CAS: Cell Signaling Networks (CSNs) which are complex biochemical networks responsible for coordinating cellular activities. As CSNs occur in cells, these networks must replicate themselves prior to cell division. In this paper we present a series of experiments focusing on the self-replication ability of these CAS. Results indicate counter intuitive outcomes as opposed to those inferred from the literature. This work highlights the current deficit of a theoretical framework for the study of Artificial Chemistries

    The origin of life: chemical evolution of a metabolic system in a mineral honeycomb?

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    For the RNA-world hypothesis to be ecologically feasible, selection mechanisms acting on replicator communities need to be invoked and the corresponding scenarios of molecular evolution specified. Complementing our previous models of chemical evolution on mineral surfaces, in which selection was the consequence of the limited mobility of macromolecules attached to the surface, here we offer an alternative realization of prebiotic group-level selection: the physical encapsulation of local replicator communities into the pores of the mineral substrate. Based on cellular automaton simulations we argue that the effect of group selection in a mineral honeycomb could have been efficient enough to keep prebiotic ribozymes of different specificities and replication rates coexistent, and their metabolic cooperation protected from extensive molecular parasitism. We suggest that mutants of the mild parasites persistent in the metabolic system can acquire useful functions such as replicase activity or the production of membrane components, thus opening the way for the evolution of the first autonomous protocells on Earth

    Escalation of error catastrophe for enzymatic self-replicators

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    It is a long-standing question in origin-of-life research whether the information content of replicating molecules can be maintained in the presence of replication errors. Extending standard quasispecies models of non-enzymatic replication, we analyze highly specific enzymatic self-replication mediated through an otherwise neutral recognition region, which leads to frequency-dependent replication rates. We find a significant reduction of the maximally tolerable error rate, because the replication rate of the fittest molecules decreases with the fraction of functional enzymes. Our analysis is extended to hypercyclic couplings as an example for catalytic networks.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; accepted at Europhys. Let

    Selfishness versus functional cooperation in a stochastic protocell model

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    How to design an "evolvable" artificial system capable to increase in complexity? Although Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection obviously offers a firm foundation, little hope of success seems to be expected from the explanatory adequacy of modern evolutionary theory, which does a good job at explaining what has already happened but remains practically helpless at predicting what will occur. However, the study of the major transitions in evolution clearly suggests that increases in complexity have occurred on those occasions when the conflicting interests between competing individuals were partly subjugated. This immediately raises the issue about "levels of selection" in evolutionary biology, and the idea that multi-level selection scenarios are required for complexity to emerge. After analyzing the dynamical behaviour of competing replicators within compartments, we show here that a proliferation of differentiated catalysts and/or improvement of catalytic efficiency of ribozymes can potentially evolve in properly designed artificial cells. Experimental evolution in these systems will likely stand as beautiful examples of artificial adaptive systems, and will provide new insights to understand possible evolutionary paths to the evolution of metabolic complexity

    The Evolution of Enzyme Specificity in the Metabolic Replicator Model of Prebiotic Evolution

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    The chemical machinery of life must have been catalytic from the outset. Models of the chemical origins have attempted to explain the ecological mechanisms maintaining a minimum necessary diversity of prebiotic replicator enzymes, but little attention has been paid so far to the evolutionary initiation of that diversity. We propose a possible first step in this direction: based on our previous model of a surface-bound metabolic replicator system we try to explain how the adaptive specialization of enzymatic replicator populations might have led to more diverse and more efficient communities of cooperating replicators with two different enzyme activities. The key assumptions of the model are that mutations in the replicator population can lead towards a) both of the two different enzyme specificities in separate replicators: efficient “specialists” or b) a “generalist” replicator type with both enzyme specificities working at less efficiency, or c) a fast-replicating, non-enzymatic “parasite”. We show that under realistic trade-off constraints on the phenotypic effects of these mutations the evolved replicator community will be usually composed of both types of specialists and of a limited abundance of parasites, provided that the replicators can slowly migrate on the mineral surface. It is only at very weak trade-offs that generalists take over in a phase-transition-like manner. The parasites do not seriously harm the system but can freely mutate, therefore they can be considered as pre-adaptations to later, useful functions that the metabolic system can adopt to increase its own fitness

    On the Origin of the Living State

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    abstract: The origin of Life on Earth is the greatest unsolved mystery in the history of science. In spite of progress in almost every scientific endeavor, we still have no clear theory, model, or framework to understand the processes that led to the emergence of life on Earth. Understanding such a processes would provide key insights into astrobiology, planetary science, geochemistry, evolutionary biology, physics, and philosophy. To date, most research on the origin of life has focused on characterizing and synthesizing the molecular building blocks of living systems. This bottom-up approach assumes that living systems are characterized by their component parts, however many of the essential features of life are system level properties which only manifest in the collective behavior of many components. In order to make progress towards solving the origin of life new modeling techniques are needed. In this dissertation I review historical approaches to modeling the origin of life. I proceed to elaborate on new approaches to understanding biology that are derived from statistical physics and prioritize the collective properties of living systems rather than the component parts. In order to study these collective properties of living systems, I develop computational models of chemical systems. Using these computational models I characterize several system level processes which have important implications for understanding the origin of life on Earth. First, I investigate a model of molecular replicators and demonstrate the existence of a phase transition which occurs dynamically in replicating systems. I characterize the properties of the phase transition and argue that living systems can be understood as a non-equilibrium state of matter with unique dynamical properties. Then I develop a model of molecular assembly based on a ribonucleic acid (RNA) system, which has been characterized in laboratory experiments. Using this model I demonstrate how the energetic properties of hydrogen bonding dictate the population level dynamics of that RNA system. Finally I return to a model of replication in which replicators are strongly coupled to their environment. I demonstrate that this dynamic coupling results in qualitatively different evolutionary dynamics than those expected in static environments. A key difference is that when environmental coupling is included, evolutionary processes do not select a single replicating species but rather a dynamically stable community which consists of many species. Finally, I conclude with a discussion of how these computational models can inform future research on the origins of life.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Physics 201