10 research outputs found

    RAFDA: A Policy-Aware Middleware Supporting the Flexible Separation of Application Logic from Distribution

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    Middleware technologies often limit the way in which object classes may be used in distributed applications due to the fixed distribution policies that they impose. These policies permeate applications developed using existing middleware systems and force an unnatural encoding of application level semantics. For example, the application programmer has no direct control over inter-address-space parameter passing semantics. Semantics are fixed by the distribution topology of the application, which is dictated early in the design cycle. This creates applications that are brittle with respect to changes in distribution. This paper explores technology that provides control over the extent to which inter-address-space communication is exposed to programmers, in order to aid the creation, maintenance and evolution of distributed applications. The described system permits arbitrary objects in an application to be dynamically exposed for remote access, allowing applications to be written without concern for distribution. Programmers can conceal or expose the distributed nature of applications as required, permitting object placement and distribution boundaries to be decided late in the design cycle and even dynamically. Inter-address-space parameter passing semantics may also be decided independently of object implementation and at varying times in the design cycle, again possibly as late as run-time. Furthermore, transmission policy may be defined on a per-class, per-method or per-parameter basis, maximizing plasticity. This flexibility is of utility in the development of new distributed applications, and the creation of management and monitoring infrastructures for existing applications.Comment: Submitted to EuroSys 200

    A semi-automatic parallelization tool for Java based on fork-join synchronization patterns

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    Because of the increasing availability of multi-core machines, clusters, Grids, and combinations of these environments, there is now plenty of computational power available for executing compute intensive applications. However, because of the overwhelming and rapid advances in distributed and parallel hardware and environments, today?s programmers are not fully prepared to exploit distribution and parallelism. In this sense, the Java language has helped in handling the heterogeneity of such environments, but there is a lack of facilities and tools to easily distributing and parallelizing applications. One solution to mitigate this problem and make some progress towards producing general tools seems to be the synthesis of semi-automatic parallelism and Parallelism as a Concern (PaaC), which allows parallelizing applications along with as little modifications on sequential codes as possible. In this paper, we discuss a new approach that aims at overcoming the drawbacks of current Java-based parallel and distributed development tools, which precisely exploit these new conceptsFil: Hirsch, Matias. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingenieria del Software; Argentina;Fil: Zunino, Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Invest.cientif.y Tecnicas. Ctro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingenieria del Software;Fil: Mateos Diaz, Cristian Maximiliano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingenieria del Software

    A semi-automatic parallelization tool for Java based on fork-join synchronization patterns

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    Because of the increasing availability of multi-core machines, clusters, Grids, and combinations of these environments, there is now plenty of computational power available for executing compute intensive applications. However, because of the overwhelming and rapid advances in distributed and parallel hardware and environments, today’s programmers are not fully prepared to exploit distribution and parallelism. In this sense, the Java language has helped in handling the heterogeneity of such environments, but there is a lack of facilities and tools to easily distributing and parallelizing applications. One solution to mitigate this problem and make some progress towards producing general tools seems to be the synthesis of semi-automatic parallelism and Parallelism as a Concern (PaaC), which allows parallelizing applications along with as little modifications on sequential codes as possible. In this paper, we discuss a new approach that aims at overcoming the drawbacks of current Java-based parallel and distributed development tools, which precisely exploit these new concepts.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    EasyFJP: Providing Hybrid Parallelism as a Concern for Divide and Conquer Java Applications

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    Because of the increasing availability of multi-core machines, clus- ters, Grids, and combinations of these there is now plenty of computational power,but today's programmers are not fully prepared to exploit parallelism. In particular, Java has helped in handling the heterogeneity of such environments. However, there is a lot of ground to cover regarding facilities to easily and elegantly parallelizing applications. One path to this end seems to be the synthesis of semi- automatic parallelism and Parallelism as a Concern (PaaC). The former allows users to be mostly unaware of parallel exploitation problems and at the same time manually optimize parallelized applications whenever necessary, while the latter allows applications to be separated from parallel-related code. In this paper, we present EasyFJP, an approach that implicitly exploits parallelism in Java applications based on the concept of fork-join synchronization pattern, a simple but effective abstraction for creating and coordinating parallel tasks. In addition, EasyFJP lets users to explicitly optimize applications through policies, or user-provided rules to dynamically regulate task granularity. Finally, EasyFJP relies on PaaC by means of source code generation techniques to wire applications and parallel-specific code together. Experiments with real-world applications on an emulated Grid and a cluster evidence that EasyFJP delivers competitive performance compared to state-of-the-art Java parallel programming tools.Fil: Mateos Diaz, Cristian Maximiliano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingenieria del Software; Argentina;Fil: Zunino Suarez, Alejandro Octavio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingenieria del Software; Argentina;Fil: Hirsch Jofré, Matías Eberardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingenieria del Software; Argentina

    Transparent and adaptive application partitioning using mobile objects

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    The dynamic nature and heterogeneity of modern execution environments such as mobile, ubiquitous, and grid computing, present major challenges for the development and efficient execution of the applications targeted for these environments. In particular, applications tailored to run in a specific environment will show different and most likely sub-optimal behaviour when executed on a different and/or dynamic environment. Consequently, there has been growing interests in the area of application adaptation which aims to enable applications to cope with the varying execution environments. Adaptive application partitioning, a specific form of non-functional adaptation involving distribution of mobile objects across multiple host machines, is of particular interest to this thesis due to the diversity of its uses. In this approach, certain runtime information (known as context) is used to allow an object-oriented application to adaptively (re)adjust the placement of its objects during its execution, for purposes such as improving application performance and reliability as well as balancing resource utilisation across machines. Promoting the adoption of such adaptation requires a process that requires minimal human involvement in both the execution and the development of the relevant application. These challenges establish the main goals and contributions of this work, which include: 1) Proposing an effective application partitioning solution via the adoption of a decentralised adaptation strategy known as local adaptation. 2) Enabling adaptive application partitioning which does not require human intervention, through automatic collection of required information/context. 3) Proposing a solution for transparently injecting the required adaptation functionality into regular object-oriented applications allowing significant reduction of the associated development cost/effort. The proposed solutions have been implemented in a Java-based adaptation framework called MobJeX. This implementation, which was used as a test bed for the empirical experiments undertaken in this study, can be used to facilitate future research relevant to this particular study

    Plattformabhängige Umgebung für verteilt paralleles Rechnen mit Rechnerbündeln

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    Improving efficiency, scalability and efficacy of adaptive computation offloading in pervasive computing environments

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    As computing becomes more mobile and pervasive, there is a growing demand for increasingly rich, and therefore more computationally heavy, applications to run in mobile spaces. However, there exists a disparity between mobile platforms and the desktop environments upon which computationally heavy applications have traditionally run, which is likely to persist as both domains evolve at a competing pace. Consequently, an active research area is Adaptive Computation Offloading or cyber foraging that dynamically distributes application functionality to available peer devices according to resource availability and application behaviour. Integral to any offloading strategy is an adaptive decision making algorithm that computes the optimal placement of application components to remote devices based on changing environmental context. As this decision is typically computed by constrained devices and may occur frequently in dynamic environments, such algorithms should be both resource efficient and yield efficacious adaptation results. However, existing adaptive offloading approaches incur a number of overheads, which limit their applicability in mobile and pervasive spaces. This thesis is concerned with improving upon these limitations by specifically focusing on the efficiency, scalability and efficacy aspects of two major sub processes of adaptation: 1) Adaptive Candidate Device Selection and 2) Adaptive Object Topology Computation. To this end, three novel approaches are proposed. Firstly, a distributed approach to candidate device selection, which reduces the need to communicate collaboration metrics, and allows for the partial distribution of adaptation decision-making, is proposed. The approach is shown to reduce network consumption by over 90% and power consumption by as much as 96%, while maintaining linear memory complexity in contrast to the quadratic complexity of an existing approach. Hence, the approach presents a more efficient and scalable alternative for candidate device selection in mobile and pervasive environments. Secondly, with regards to the efficacy of adaptive object topology computation, a new type of adaptation granularity that combines the efficacy of fine-grained adaptation with the efficiency of coarse level approaches is proposed. The approach is shown to improve the efficacy of adaptation decisions by reducing network overheads by a minimum of 17% to as much 99%, while maintaining comparable decision making efficiency to coarse level adaptation. Thirdly, with regards to efficiency and scalability of object topology computation, a novel distributed approach to computing adaptation decisions is proposed, in which each device maintains a distributed local application sub-graph, consisting only of components in its own memory space. The approach is shown to reduce network cost by 100%, collaboration-wide memory cost by between 37% and 50%, battery usage by between 63% and 93%, and adaptation time by between 19% and 98%. Lastly, since improving the utility of adaptation in mobile and pervasive environments requires the simultaneous improvement of its sub processes, an adaptation engine, which consolidates the individual approaches presented above, is proposed. The consolidated adaptation engine is shown to improve the overall efficiency, scalability and efficacy of adaptation under a varying range of environmental conditions, which simulate dynamic and heterogeneous mobile environments

    Distributed code generation using object level analysis

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    On the Evaluation of JavaSymphony for Cluster Applications

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    In the past few years, increasing interest has been shown in using Java as a language for performance-oriented distributed and parallel computing. Most Java-based systems that support portable parallel and distributed computing either require the programmer to deal with intricate lowlevel details of Java which can be a tedious, time-consuming and error-prone task, or prevent the programmer from controlling locality of data. In contrast to most existing systems, JavaSymphony -- a class library written entirely in Java -- allows to control parallelism, load balancing, and locality at a high level. Objects can be explicitly distributed and migrated based on virtual architectures which impose a virtual hierarchy on a distributed/parallel system of physical computing nodes. The concept of blocking/nonblocking remote method invocation is used to exchange data among distributed objects and to process work by remote objects. In this paper we evaluate the JavaSymphony programming API for a variety of distributed/parallel algorithms which comprises backtracking, N-body, encryption /decryption algorithms and asynchronous nested optimization algorithms. Performance results are presented for both homogeneous and heterogeneous cluster architectures. Moreover, we compare JavaSymphony with an alternative well-known semi-automatic system