43,540 research outputs found

    Extending the Nested Parallel Model to the Nested Dataflow Model with Provably Efficient Schedulers

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    The nested parallel (a.k.a. fork-join) model is widely used for writing parallel programs. However, the two composition constructs, i.e. "∄\parallel" (parallel) and ";;" (serial), are insufficient in expressing "partial dependencies" or "partial parallelism" in a program. We propose a new dataflow composition construct "⇝\leadsto" to express partial dependencies in algorithms in a processor- and cache-oblivious way, thus extending the Nested Parallel (NP) model to the \emph{Nested Dataflow} (ND) model. We redesign several divide-and-conquer algorithms ranging from dense linear algebra to dynamic-programming in the ND model and prove that they all have optimal span while retaining optimal cache complexity. We propose the design of runtime schedulers that map ND programs to multicore processors with multiple levels of possibly shared caches (i.e, Parallel Memory Hierarchies) and provide theoretical guarantees on their ability to preserve locality and load balance. For this, we adapt space-bounded (SB) schedulers for the ND model. We show that our algorithms have increased "parallelizability" in the ND model, and that SB schedulers can use the extra parallelizability to achieve asymptotically optimal bounds on cache misses and running time on a greater number of processors than in the NP model. The running time for the algorithms in this paper is O(∑i=0h−1Q∗(t;σ⋅Mi)⋅Cip)O\left(\frac{\sum_{i=0}^{h-1} Q^{*}({\mathsf t};\sigma\cdot M_i)\cdot C_i}{p}\right), where Q∗Q^{*} is the cache complexity of task t{\mathsf t}, CiC_i is the cost of cache miss at level-ii cache which is of size MiM_i, σ∈(0,1)\sigma\in(0,1) is a constant, and pp is the number of processors in an hh-level cache hierarchy

    Enumeration Complexity of Conjunctive Queries with Functional Dependencies

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    We study the complexity of enumerating the answers of Conjunctive Queries (CQs) in the presence of Functional Dependencies (FDs). Our focus is on the ability to list output tuples with a constant delay in between, following a linear-time preprocessing. A known dichotomy classifies the acyclic self-join-free CQs into those that admit such enumeration, and those that do not. However, this classification no longer holds in the common case where the database exhibits dependencies among attributes. That is, some queries that are classified as hard are in fact tractable if dependencies are accounted for. We establish a generalization of the dichotomy to accommodate FDs; hence, our classification determines which combination of a CQ and a set of FDs admits constant-delay enumeration with a linear-time preprocessing. In addition, we generalize a hardness result for cyclic CQs to accommodate a common type of FDs. Further conclusions of our development include a dichotomy for enumeration with linear delay, and a dichotomy for CQs with disequalities. Finally, we show that all our results apply to the known class of "cardinality dependencies" that generalize FDs (e.g., by stating an upper bound on the number of genres per movies, or friends per person)

    Enumeration Complexity of Conjunctive Queries with Functional Dependencies

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    We study the complexity of enumerating the answers of Conjunctive Queries (CQs) in the presence of Functional Dependencies (FDs). Our focus is on the ability to list output tuples with a constant delay in between, following a linear-time preprocessing. A known dichotomy classifies the acyclic self-join-free CQs into those that admit such enumeration, and those that do not. However, this classification no longer holds in the common case where the database exhibits dependencies among attributes. That is, some queries that are classified as hard are in fact tractable if dependencies are accounted for. We establish a generalization of the dichotomy to accommodate FDs; hence, our classification determines which combination of a CQ and a set of FDs admits constant-delay enumeration with a linear-time preprocessing. In addition, we generalize a hardness result for cyclic CQs to accommodate a common type of FDs. Further conclusions of our development include a dichotomy for enumeration with linear delay, and a dichotomy for CQs with disequalities. Finally, we show that all our results apply to the known class of "cardinality dependencies" that generalize FDs (e.g., by stating an upper bound on the number of genres per movies, or friends per person)

    Consistent Query Answers in the Presence of Universal Constraints

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    The framework of consistent query answers and repairs has been introduced to alleviate the impact of inconsistent data on the answers to a query. A repair is a minimally different consistent instance and an answer is consistent if it is present in every repair. In this article we study the complexity of consistent query answers and repair checking in the presence of universal constraints. We propose an extended version of the conflict hypergraph which allows to capture all repairs w.r.t. a set of universal constraints. We show that repair checking is in PTIME for the class of full tuple-generating dependencies and denial constraints, and we present a polynomial repair algorithm. This algorithm is sound, i.e. always produces a repair, but also complete, i.e. every repair can be constructed. Next, we present a polynomial-time algorithm computing consistent answers to ground quantifier-free queries in the presence of denial constraints, join dependencies, and acyclic full-tuple generating dependencies. Finally, we show that extending the class of constraints leads to intractability. For arbitrary full tuple-generating dependencies consistent query answering becomes coNP-complete. For arbitrary universal constraints consistent query answering is \Pi_2^p-complete and repair checking coNP-complete.Comment: Submitted to Information System

    Efficient Groundness Analysis in Prolog

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    Boolean functions can be used to express the groundness of, and trace grounding dependencies between, program variables in (constraint) logic programs. In this paper, a variety of issues pertaining to the efficient Prolog implementation of groundness analysis are investigated, focusing on the domain of definite Boolean functions, Def. The systematic design of the representation of an abstract domain is discussed in relation to its impact on the algorithmic complexity of the domain operations; the most frequently called operations should be the most lightweight. This methodology is applied to Def, resulting in a new representation, together with new algorithms for its domain operations utilising previously unexploited properties of Def -- for instance, quadratic-time entailment checking. The iteration strategy driving the analysis is also discussed and a simple, but very effective, optimisation of induced magic is described. The analysis can be implemented straightforwardly in Prolog and the use of a non-ground representation results in an efficient, scalable tool which does not require widening to be invoked, even on the largest benchmarks. An extensive experimental evaluation is givenComment: 31 pages To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programmin

    Implementing Groundness Analysis with Definite Boolean Functions

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    The domain of definite Boolean functions, Def, can be used to express the groundness of, and trace grounding dependencies between, program variables in (constraint) logic programs. In this paper, previously unexploited computational properties of Def are utilised to develop an efficient and succinct groundness analyser that can be coded in Prolog. In particular, entailment checking is used to prevent unnecessary least upper bound calculations. It is also demonstrated that join can be defined in terms of other operations, thereby eliminating code and removing the need for preprocessing formulae to a normal form. This saves space and time. Furthermore, the join can be adapted to straightforwardly implement the downward closure operator that arises in set sharing analyses. Experimental results indicate that the new Def implementation gives favourable results in comparison with BDD-based groundness analyses

    Distribution Constraints: The Chase for Distributed Data

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    This paper introduces a declarative framework to specify and reason about distributions of data over computing nodes in a distributed setting. More specifically, it proposes distribution constraints which are tuple and equality generating dependencies (tgds and egds) extended with node variables ranging over computing nodes. In particular, they can express co-partitioning constraints and constraints about range-based data distributions by using comparison atoms. The main technical contribution is the study of the implication problem of distribution constraints. While implication is undecidable in general, relevant fragments of so-called data-full constraints are exhibited for which the corresponding implication problems are complete for EXPTIME, PSPACE and NP. These results yield bounds on deciding parallel-correctness for conjunctive queries in the presence of distribution constraints
