66 research outputs found

    Degree-3 Treewidth Sparsifiers

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    We study treewidth sparsifiers. Informally, given a graph GG of treewidth kk, a treewidth sparsifier HH is a minor of GG, whose treewidth is close to kk, V(H)|V(H)| is small, and the maximum vertex degree in HH is bounded. Treewidth sparsifiers of degree 33 are of particular interest, as routing on node-disjoint paths, and computing minors seems easier in sub-cubic graphs than in general graphs. In this paper we describe an algorithm that, given a graph GG of treewidth kk, computes a topological minor HH of GG such that (i) the treewidth of HH is Ω(k/polylog(k))\Omega(k/\text{polylog}(k)); (ii) V(H)=O(k4)|V(H)| = O(k^4); and (iii) the maximum vertex degree in HH is 33. The running time of the algorithm is polynomial in V(G)|V(G)| and kk. Our result is in contrast to the known fact that unless NPcoNP/polyNP \subseteq coNP/{\sf poly}, treewidth does not admit polynomial-size kernels. One of our key technical tools, which is of independent interest, is a construction of a small minor that preserves node-disjoint routability between two pairs of vertex subsets. This is closely related to the open question of computing small good-quality vertex-cut sparsifiers that are also minors of the original graph.Comment: Extended abstract to appear in Proceedings of ACM-SIAM SODA 201

    Efficient parameterized algorithms on structured graphs

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    In der klassischen Komplexitätstheorie werden worst-case Laufzeiten von Algorithmen typischerweise einzig abhängig von der Eingabegröße angegeben. In dem Kontext der parametrisierten Komplexitätstheorie versucht man die Analyse der Laufzeit dahingehend zu verfeinern, dass man zusätzlich zu der Eingabengröße noch einen Parameter berücksichtigt, welcher angibt, wie strukturiert die Eingabe bezüglich einer gewissen Eigenschaft ist. Ein parametrisierter Algorithmus nutzt dann diese beschriebene Struktur aus und erreicht so eine Laufzeit, welche schneller ist als die eines besten unparametrisierten Algorithmus, falls der Parameter klein ist. Der erste Hauptteil dieser Arbeit führt die Forschung in diese Richtung weiter aus und untersucht den Einfluss von verschieden Parametern auf die Laufzeit von bekannten effizient lösbaren Problemen. Einige vorgestellte Algorithmen sind dabei adaptive Algorithmen, was bedeutet, dass die Laufzeit von diesen Algorithmen mit der Laufzeit des besten unparametrisierten Algorithm für den größtmöglichen Parameterwert übereinstimmt und damit theoretisch niemals schlechter als die besten unparametrisierten Algorithmen und übertreffen diese bereits für leicht nichttriviale Parameterwerte. Motiviert durch den allgemeinen Erfolg und der Vielzahl solcher parametrisierten Algorithmen, welche eine vielzahl verschiedener Strukturen ausnutzen, untersuchen wir im zweiten Hauptteil dieser Arbeit, wie man solche unterschiedliche homogene Strukturen zu mehr heterogenen Strukturen vereinen kann. Ausgehend von algebraischen Ausdrücken, welche benutzt werden können, um von Parametern beschriebene Strukturen zu definieren, charakterisieren wir klar und robust heterogene Strukturen und zeigen exemplarisch, wie sich die Parameter tree-depth und modular-width heterogen verbinden lassen. Wir beschreiben dazu effiziente Algorithmen auf heterogenen Strukturen mit Laufzeiten, welche im Spezialfall mit den homogenen Algorithmen übereinstimmen.In classical complexity theory, the worst-case running times of algorithms depend solely on the size of the input. In parameterized complexity the goal is to refine the analysis of the running time of an algorithm by additionally considering a parameter that measures some kind of structure in the input. A parameterized algorithm then utilizes the structure described by the parameter and achieves a running time that is faster than the best general (unparameterized) algorithm for instances of low parameter value. In the first part of this thesis, we carry forward in this direction and investigate the influence of several parameters on the running times of well-known tractable problems. Several presented algorithms are adaptive algorithms, meaning that they match the running time of a best unparameterized algorithm for worst-case parameter values. Thus, an adaptive parameterized algorithm is asymptotically never worse than the best unparameterized algorithm, while it outperforms the best general algorithm already for slightly non-trivial parameter values. As illustrated in the first part of this thesis, for many problems there exist efficient parameterized algorithms regarding multiple parameters, each describing a different kind of structure. In the second part of this thesis, we explore how to combine such homogeneous structures to more general and heterogeneous structures. Using algebraic expressions, we define new combined graph classes of heterogeneous structure in a clean and robust way, and we showcase this for the heterogeneous merge of the parameters tree-depth and modular-width, by presenting parameterized algorithms on such heterogeneous graph classes and getting running times that match the homogeneous cases throughout

    The bidimensionality theory and its algorithmic applications

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mathematics, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (p. 201-219).Our newly developing theory of bidimensional graph problems provides general techniques for designing efficient fixed-parameter algorithms and approximation algorithms for NP- hard graph problems in broad classes of graphs. This theory applies to graph problems that are bidimensional in the sense that (1) the solution value for the k x k grid graph (and similar graphs) grows with k, typically as Q(k²), and (2) the solution value goes down when contracting edges and optionally when deleting edges. Examples of such problems include feedback vertex set, vertex cover, minimum maximal matching, face cover, a series of vertex- removal parameters, dominating set, edge dominating set, r-dominating set, connected dominating set, connected edge dominating set, connected r-dominating set, and unweighted TSP tour (a walk in the graph visiting all vertices). Bidimensional problems have many structural properties; for example, any graph embeddable in a surface of bounded genus has treewidth bounded above by the square root of the problem's solution value. These properties lead to efficient-often subexponential-fixed-parameter algorithms, as well as polynomial-time approximation schemes, for many minor-closed graph classes. One type of minor-closed graph class of particular relevance has bounded local treewidth, in the sense that the treewidth of a graph is bounded above in terms of the diameter; indeed, we show that such a bound is always at most linear. The bidimensionality theory unifies and improves several previous results.(cont.) The theory is based on algorithmic and combinatorial extensions to parts of the Robertson-Seymour Graph Minor Theory, in particular initiating a parallel theory of graph contractions. The foundation of this work is the topological theory of drawings of graphs on surfaces and our results regarding the relation (the linearity) of the size of the largest grid minor in terms of treewidth in bounded-genus graphs and more generally in graphs excluding a fixed graph H as a minor. In this thesis, we also develop the algorithmic theory of vertex separators, and its relation to the embeddings of certain metric spaces. Unlike in the edge case, we show that embeddings into L₁ (and even Euclidean embeddings) are insufficient, but that the additional structure provided by many embedding theorems does suffice for our purposes. We obtain an O[sq. root( log n)] approximation for min-ratio vertex cuts in general graphs, based on a new semidefinite relaxation of the problem, and a tight analysis of the integrality gap which is shown to be [theta][sq. root(log n)]. We also prove various approximate max-flow/min-vertex- cut theorems, which in particular give a constant-factor approximation for min-ratio vertex cuts in any excluded-minor family of graphs. Previously, this was known only for planar graphs, and for general excluded-minor families the best-known ratio was O(log n). These results have a number of applications. We exhibit an O[sq. root (log n)] pseudo-approximation for finding balanced vertex separators in general graphs.(cont.) Furthermore, we obtain improved approximation ratios for treewidth: In any graph of treewidth k, we show how to find a tree decomposition of width at most O(k[sq. root(log k)]), whereas previous algorithms yielded O(k log k). For graphs excluding a fixed graph as a minor, we give a constant-factor approximation for the treewidth; this via the bidimensionality theory can be used to obtain the first polynomial-time approximation schemes for problems like minimum feedback vertex set and minimum connected dominating set in such graphs.by MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi.Ph.D

    Algoritmy pro grafy malé highway dimension

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    V této práci navrhneme algoritmy pro problém k-Supplier with Outliers. V síti dostaneme zadanou množinu dodavatelů a množinu klientů. Cílem je vybrat k doda- vatelů tak, aby vzdálenost mezi každým obslouženým klientem a nejbližším vybraným dodavatelem byla co nejmenší. Je dovoleno ponechat některé klienty neobsloužené. Max- imální počet klientů, které nemusíme obsloužit, je dán na vstupu. Jelikož k-Supplier with Outliers má mnoho využití v logistice, soustředíme se na parametry, které jsou vhodné pro dopravní sítě. Zabýváme se grafy s malou highway dimension, která byla zavedena Abrahamem et al. [SODA 2010] a grafy s malou doubling dimension. Je známo, že za předpokladu P ̸= NP nelze pro žádné kladné ε problém k-Sup- plier with Outliers (3 − ε)-aproximovat. Problém k-Supplier with Outliers je W[1]-těžký pro grafy s konstantní doubling dimension a highway dimension. Oba tyto těžkostní výsledky překonáme pomocí paradigmatu parametrizovaných aproximačních algoritmů. V případě highway dimension navrhneme (1 + ε)-aproximační algoritmus pro jakéko- liv kladné ε pracující v čase f(k, p, h, ε) · nO(1) , kde p je povolený počet klientů, které nemusíme obsloužit, h je highway dimension grafu na vstupu a f je nějaká vyčíslitelná funkce. V případě doubling dimension navrhneme (1 + ε)-aproximační algoritmus pro...In this work we develop algorithms for the k-Supplier with Outliers problem. In a network, we are given a set of suppliers and a set of clients. The goal is to choose k suppliers so that the distance between every served client and its nearest supplier is minimized. Clients that are not served are called outliers and the number of allowed outliers is given on input. As k-Supplier with Outliers has numerous applications in logistics, we focus on parameters which are suitable for transportation networks. We study graphs with low highway dimension, which was proposed by Abraham et al. [SODA 2010], and low doubling dimension. It is known that unless P = NP, k-Supplier with Outliers does not admit a (3 − ε)-approximation algorithm for any constant ε > 0. The k-Supplier with Outliers problem is W[1]-hard on graphs of constant doubling dimension for parame- ters k and highway dimension. We overcome both of these barriers through the paradigm of parameterized approximation algorithms. In the case of highway dimension, we develop a (1 + ε)-approximation algorithm for any ε > 0 with running time f(k, p, h, ε) · nO(1) where p is the number of allowed outliers, h is the highway dimension of the input graph, and f is some computable function. In the case of doubling dimension, we develop a (1 + ε)-approximation...Department of Applied MathematicsKatedra aplikované matematikyMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    LIPIcs, Volume 258, SoCG 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 258, SoCG 2023, Complete Volum

    Proceedings of the 8th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization

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    International audienceThe Cologne-Twente Workshop (CTW) on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization started off as a series of workshops organized bi-annually by either Köln University or Twente University. As its importance grew over time, it re-centered its geographical focus by including northern Italy (CTW04 in Menaggio, on the lake Como and CTW08 in Gargnano, on the Garda lake). This year, CTW (in its eighth edition) will be staged in France for the first time: more precisely in the heart of Paris, at the Conservatoire National d’Arts et Métiers (CNAM), between 2nd and 4th June 2009, by a mixed organizing committee with members from LIX, Ecole Polytechnique and CEDRIC, CNAM