
Degree-3 Treewidth Sparsifiers


We study treewidth sparsifiers. Informally, given a graph GG of treewidth kk, a treewidth sparsifier HH is a minor of GG, whose treewidth is close to kk, ∣V(H)∣|V(H)| is small, and the maximum vertex degree in HH is bounded. Treewidth sparsifiers of degree 33 are of particular interest, as routing on node-disjoint paths, and computing minors seems easier in sub-cubic graphs than in general graphs. In this paper we describe an algorithm that, given a graph GG of treewidth kk, computes a topological minor HH of GG such that (i) the treewidth of HH is Ξ©(k/polylog(k))\Omega(k/\text{polylog}(k)); (ii) ∣V(H)∣=O(k4)|V(H)| = O(k^4); and (iii) the maximum vertex degree in HH is 33. The running time of the algorithm is polynomial in ∣V(G)∣|V(G)| and kk. Our result is in contrast to the known fact that unless NPβŠ†coNP/polyNP \subseteq coNP/{\sf poly}, treewidth does not admit polynomial-size kernels. One of our key technical tools, which is of independent interest, is a construction of a small minor that preserves node-disjoint routability between two pairs of vertex subsets. This is closely related to the open question of computing small good-quality vertex-cut sparsifiers that are also minors of the original graph.Comment: Extended abstract to appear in Proceedings of ACM-SIAM SODA 201

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